        private void level2()
            //fill the grid with blank squares
            for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                    drawContents("Images\\path.bmp", x, y);

            Levels populateGrid = new Levels(Window);

            //placing mario in row 0 , colum 0 initially
            Window.box    = new Box();
            Window.wullie = new Wullie();

            //initialise coordinates
            Window.winLocation = new Coordinate(9, 9);

            Window.wullie.WullieLocation = new Coordinate(0, 0);
            Window.wullie.TargetLocation = new Coordinate();

            Window.box.BoxLocation = new Coordinate(1, 1);

            //draw contents on grid

            drawContents("Images\\Wullie.bmp", Window.wullie.WullieLocation);
            drawContents("Images\\bin1.BMP", 10, 10);

            drawContents("Images\\union.bmp", Window.box.BoxLocation.Row, Window.box.BoxLocation.Column);

            //create obstacles.
            for (int i = 7; i < 10; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, 3));

            for (int i = 7; i < 10; i++)
                for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++)
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, o));

            for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                for (int o = 6; o < 10; o++)
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, o));

            for (int i = 7; i < 10; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(8, i));

            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(6, 0));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(4, 5));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(2, 4));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, 2));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, 6));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, 7));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(1, 3));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(2, 3));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(1, 8));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(3, 4));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(7, 5));

            foreach (Coordinate coord in Window.obstacles)
                this.drawContents("Images\\wall.Bmp", coord);

            //removing an obstacle and placing new one.
            Window.obstacles.RemoveAll(x => x.Row == 6 && x.Column == 8);
            drawContents("images\\path.bmp", 6, 8);
        private void level3()
            for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
                    drawContents("Images\\path.bmp", x, y);

            Levels populateGrid = new Levels(Window);

            //placing mario in row 0 , colum 0 initially
            Window.box    = new Box();
            Window.wullie = new Wullie();

            //sets the win location
            Window.winLocation = new Coordinate(0, 9);
            //initialises coordinates
            Window.wullie.WullieLocation = new Coordinate(9, 9);
            Window.wullie.TargetLocation = new Coordinate();

            Window.box.BoxLocation = new Coordinate(2, 2);

            Window.box.BoxLocation.Row    = 8;
            Window.box.BoxLocation.Column = 1;
            //draw starting positions
            drawContents("Images\\Wullie.bmp", Window.wullie.WullieLocation);
            drawContents("Images\\bin1.BMP", 0, 9);

            drawContents("Images\\union.bmp", Window.box.BoxLocation.Row, Window.box.BoxLocation.Column);

            //create obstacles
            for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, 9));
            for (int i = 8; i < 10; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, 6));
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, 7));
            for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(7, i));
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int o = 2; o < 5; o++)
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(o, i));

            for (int i = 5; i < 9; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(1, i));
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(2, i));

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int o = 0; o < 2; o++)
                    Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, o));

            for (int i = 8; i < 10; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(i, 5));

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(6, i));
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(9, i));

            for (int i = 5; i < 7; i++)
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, i));
                Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(4, i));

            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, 3));
            Window.obstacles.Add(new Coordinate(5, 8));

            foreach (Coordinate coord in Window.obstacles)
                this.drawContents("Images\\wall.Bmp", coord);
        public void move(string direction)
            int i = 0, j = 0;

            switch (direction)
            case "left":
                i = 0; j = -1;

            case "up":
                i = -1; j = 0;

            case "right":
                i = 0; j = 1;

            case "down":
                i = 1; j = 0;


            // if mario is within the boundary
            if (boundaryCheckWullie(i, j) == true)

                //assign mario a grid coordinate
                Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Row    = targetCellRow;
                Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Column = targetCellColumn;
                Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Row    = targetCellRow + i;
                Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Column = targetCellColumn + j;

                //checks to see if Player has won before allowing move

                if (!Window.box.BoxLocation.Equals(Window.winLocation))
                    //checks to see if the target Location contains an obstacle AND that the target location is not a box location

                    if (Window.obstacles.Exists(x => x.Row == Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Row && x.Column == Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Column) == false && !Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Equals(Window.box.BoxLocation))
                        PopulateGrid = new Levels(Window);
                        //draw mario in new position
                        PopulateGrid.drawContents("Images\\Wullie.bmp", Window.wullie.TargetLocation);

                        //update the original cell where the mario was to be a blank cell
                        PopulateGrid.drawContents("Images\\path.bmp", Window.wullie.WullieLocation);
                        //redraws the winlocation each time wullie moves
                        PopulateGrid.drawContents("images\\bin1.bmp", Window.winLocation);

                        //update the location of mario to these new co-ordinates

                        MoveCount += 1;

                        Window.MoveCount.Text = Convert.ToString(MoveCount);
                    //checks to see if the target location is a box location
                    else if (Window.wullie.TargetLocation.Equals(Window.box.BoxLocation))
                        //checks if the obstacle list contains the box's target location.
                        if (Window.obstacles.Exists(x => x.Row == Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Row && x.Column == Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Column) == false)
                            if (Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Row < 10 && Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Column < 10 && Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Row >= 0 && Window.box.boxTargetLocation.Column >= 0)
                                PopulateGrid = new Levels(Window);
                                //draw mario in new position
                                PopulateGrid.drawContents("Images\\Wullie.bmp", Window.wullie.TargetLocation);
                                PopulateGrid.drawContents("images\\path.bmp", Window.wullie.WullieLocation);

                                PopulateGrid.drawContents("images\\union.bmp", Window.box.boxTargetLocation);

                                //uses polymorphism to update the location for each object
                                foreach (Coordinate x in Window.moveables)

                                //update move count
                                MoveCount            += 1;
                                Window.MoveCount.Text = Convert.ToString(MoveCount);
                                //check if level is complete