 JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //Initializing the JSON serializer.
 public EmailWindow(string messageidstring)
     stringdata    = new EmailDataJSON();
     messageidinfo = new MessageID();
     messageidinfo.messageidstring = messageidstring; //Parsing the MessageID into the Email window.
     this.subjectTextBox.MaxLength = 20;              //Setting the max length of the Subject text box.
     this.messageTextBox.MaxLength = 1028;            //Setting the max length of the Message text box.
        private void saveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Storing the Text box information into the Email class file.
            stringdata.sender   = senderTextBox.Text;
            stringdata.subject  = subjectTextBox.Text;
            stringdata.bodytext = messageTextBox.Text;
            string input      = stringdata.bodytext;                                                                       //Creates a variable to store the body text information.
            var    linkParser = new Regex(@"\b(?:https?://|www\.)\S+\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //Creates a new custom regular expression to catch the URL.

            if (messageTextBox.Text.Contains("www."))                                   //If the textbox contains a URL -
                foreach (Match matchurl in linkParser.Matches(input))                   //Parse the Input from the text box into the custom Regex variable.
                    Debug.WriteLine(matchurl.Value);                                    //Debug the URL first.
                    string url = matchurl.Value;                                        //store the parsed URL into a variable
                    quarURLbox.Text = url;                                              //Display the removed URL into the text box.
                    string RemovedURL = stringdata.bodytext.Replace(url, string.Empty); //Remove the parsed URL from the text box.
                    messageTextBox.Text = RemovedURL;                                   //re-insert the adjusted message back into the text box.
                string quar = "URL Quarantined";
                stringdata.bodytext = Regex.Replace(messageTextBox.Text, "www.", string.Empty);
                stringdata.url      = quar;
                EmailDataJSON stringPass = new EmailDataJSON()
                    sender = senderTextBox.Text, subject = subjectTextBox.Text, bodytext = messageTextBox.Text, url = quar
                };                                                                      //Store the data into the JSON.
                string outputJSON = ser.Serialize(stringPass);                          //Serialize the JSON
                File.WriteAllText(messageidinfo.messageidstring + ".json", outputJSON); //Output the JSON
            else //Otherwise output the JSON with no quarantined URL.
                string quar2 = "No URL Quarantined";
                stringdata.url = quar2;
                EmailDataJSON stringPass = new EmailDataJSON()
                    sender = senderTextBox.Text, subject = subjectTextBox.Text, bodytext = messageTextBox.Text, url = quar2
                string outputJSON = ser.Serialize(stringPass);
                File.WriteAllText(messageidinfo.messageidstring + ".json", outputJSON);
        private void loadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)                                //When the load button is clicked.
            String        EmailJSONString = File.ReadAllText(messageidinfo.messageidstring + ".json"); //Read from the JSON file
            EmailDataJSON stringLoad      = ser.Deserialize <EmailDataJSON>(EmailJSONString);          //Deserialize the URL

            //Display the de-serialized info into the text boxes.
            senderTextBox.Text  = stringLoad.sender;
            subjectTextBox.Text = stringLoad.subject;
            messageTextBox.Text = stringLoad.bodytext;
            var    linkParser = new Regex(@"\b(?:https?://|www\.)\S+\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); //Parse the Removed link
            string input      = stringLoad.bodytext;

            foreach (Match matchurl in linkParser.Matches(input))
                string url = matchurl.Value;
                quarURLbox.Text = url;
                string RemovedURL = stringdata.bodytext.Replace(url, string.Empty);
                messageTextBox.Text = RemovedURL;