        private void ConnectNodesWithRoadNetwork(Carpooler Pooler, List <RNode> Nodes)
            Nodes = Nodes.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            CNode src = null, dst = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count - 1; ++i)
                src = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i].Point);
                dst = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i + 1].Point);

                if (i == 0)

                Dictionary <string, string> tags = this.RoadNetwork.GetConnectionTags(src, dst);

                int srcArrivalTime = Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime();
                int travelTime     = (int)RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1]).GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Car);
                int dstArrivalTime = srcArrivalTime + travelTime;

                CConnection C = RoadNetwork.AddConnection(src, dst, srcArrivalTime, dstArrivalTime, ref Pooler, tags);

                Pooler.AddConnection(ref C);


        private void ConnectNodesWithRoadNetworkTNode(Carpooler Pooler, List <TNodeCarpooling> Nodes)
            Nodes = Nodes.Where(x => x != null).ToList();
            CNode src = null, dst = null;
            int   totDuration = 0;

            //long elapsed_time_GetNode = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_Other = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_AddConnection = 0;
            //long elapsed_time_AddConnection2 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count - 1; ++i)
                //var stopwatch_GetNode = new Stopwatch();
                src = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i].Point, Nodes[i].StopName);
                dst = RoadNetwork.GetNode(Nodes[i + 1].Point, Nodes[i + 1].StopName);
                //elapsed_time_GetNode += stopwatch_GetNode.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                if (i == 0)

                Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // this.RoadNetwork.GetConnectionTags(src, dst);

                /* BAD: the conversion is already done in HTTPRequest.cs getCarpoolingDataFromBackend*/
                /* Convert time from seconds to HH:MM:SS */
                //TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Pooler.TripStartTime);
                //DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Today.Add(time);
                //string str = dateTime.ToString("hh:mm:ss");
                //DateTime srcArrivalDateTime = Globals.ConvertDateAndTimeToLocalSiteDateTime(Pooler.TripDate, str);
                //Seconds since midnight of the http request
                //int srcArrivalTime = (srcArrivalDateTime.Hour * 3600) + (srcArrivalDateTime.Minute * 60) + srcArrivalDateTime.Second;

                int srcArrivalTime = Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime();

                //var stopwatch_Other = new Stopwatch();
                //double travelTime = RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1]).GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Car);
                int travelTime = (int)RoadNetwork.AreConnected(Nodes[i], Nodes[i + 1], "carpoolingride").GetTravelTime(string.Empty, Pooler.GetLastArrivalTime(), TravelMode.Carpool);
                //elapsed_time_Other += stopwatch_Other.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                int dstArrivalTime = srcArrivalTime + travelTime;

                //var stopwatch_AddConnection = new Stopwatch();
                CConnection C        = RoadNetwork.AddConnection(src, dst, srcArrivalTime, dstArrivalTime, ref Pooler, tags);
                int         duration = C.DstArrivalTime - C.DepartureTime;
                log.Info("Connection " + (i + 1) + "/" + Nodes.Count + " - Src:\"" + C.Source.StopName + "\" - Dst:\"" + C.Destination.StopName + "\" - Duration:" + duration);
                //elapsed_time_AddConnection += stopwatch_AddConnection.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                //var stopwatch_AddConnection2 = new Stopwatch();
                Pooler.AddConnection(ref C);
                //elapsed_time_AddConnection2 += stopwatch_AddConnection2.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                totDuration += duration;

            log.Info("Total carpooling trip duration: " + totDuration);

            //log.Info("elapsed_time_GetNode:" + elapsed_time_GetNode);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_Other:" + elapsed_time_Other);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_AddConnection:" + elapsed_time_AddConnection);
            //log.Info("elapsed_time_AddConnection2:" + elapsed_time_AddConnection2);