Process() public method

Processes a single package
public Process ( string Package_Directory, string BibID, string VID, string TifFiles, long ParentLogId ) : bool
Package_Directory string Directory for the package
BibID string Bibliographic id for the item to derive images for
VID string Volume id for the item to derive images for
TifFiles string List of TIFF files
ParentLogId long Primary key to the parent log entery if this is performed by the builder
return bool
        /// <summary> Creates all the image derivative files from original jpeg and tiff files </summary>
        /// <param name="Resource"> Incoming digital resource object </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if processing can continue, FALSE if a critical error occurred which should stop all processing </returns>
        public override bool DoWork(Incoming_Digital_Resource Resource)
            returnValue = true;

            string resourceFolder = Resource.Resource_Folder;
            string bibID = Resource.BibID;
            string vid = Resource.VID;
            string imagemagick_executable = MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.ImageMagick_Executable;

            // Are there images that need to be processed here?
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imagemagick_executable))
                // Get the list of jpeg and tiff files
                string[] jpeg_files = Directory.GetFiles(resourceFolder, "*.jpg");
                string[] tiff_files = Directory.GetFiles(resourceFolder, "*.tif");

                // Only continue if some exist
                if ((jpeg_files.Length > 0) || (tiff_files.Length > 0))
                    string startupPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location);
                    if (startupPath == null)
                        OnError("Unable to find the startup path in CreateImageDerivativesModule!", String.Empty, String.Empty, -1);
                        return false;

                    string kakadu_path = Path.Combine(startupPath, "Kakadu");

                    // Create the image process object for creating
                    Image_Derivative_Creation_Processor imageProcessor = new Image_Derivative_Creation_Processor(imagemagick_executable, kakadu_path, true, true, Settings.Resources.JPEG_Width, Settings.Resources.JPEG_Height, false, Settings.Resources.Thumbnail_Width, Settings.Resources.Thumbnail_Height, null);
                    imageProcessor.New_Task_String += imageProcessor_New_Task_String;
                    imageProcessor.Error_Encountered += imageProcessor_Error_Encountered;

                    // Step through the JPEGS and ensure they have thumbnails (TIFF generation below makes them as well)
                    if (jpeg_files.Length > 0)
                        foreach (string jpegFile in jpeg_files)
                            FileInfo jpegFileInfo = new FileInfo(jpegFile);
                            string name = jpegFileInfo.Name.ToUpper();
                            if ((name.IndexOf("THM.JPG") < 0) && (name.IndexOf(".QC.JPG") < 0))
                                string name_sans_extension = jpegFileInfo.Name.Replace(jpegFileInfo.Extension, "");
                                if (!File.Exists(resourceFolder + "\\" + name_sans_extension + "thm.jpg"))
                                    imageProcessor.ImageMagick_Create_JPEG(jpegFile, resourceFolder + "\\" + name_sans_extension + "thm.jpg", Settings.Resources.Thumbnail_Width, Settings.Resources.Thumbnail_Height, Resource.BuilderLogId, Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID);

                    // Step through any TIFFs as well
                    if (tiff_files.Length > 0)
                        // Do a complete image derivative creation process on these TIFF files
                        imageProcessor.Process(resourceFolder, bibID, vid, tiff_files, Resource.BuilderLogId);

                        // Since we are actually creating page images here (most likely) try to add
                        // them to the package as well
                        foreach (string thisTiffFile in tiff_files)
                            // Get the name of the tiff file
                            FileInfo thisTiffFileInfo = new FileInfo(thisTiffFile);
                            string tiffFileName = thisTiffFileInfo.Name.Replace(thisTiffFileInfo.Extension, "");

                            // Get matching files
                            string[] matching_files = Directory.GetFiles(resourceFolder, tiffFileName + ".*");

                            // Now, step through all these files
                            foreach (string derivativeFile in matching_files)
                                // If this is a page image type file, add it
                                FileInfo derivativeFileInfo = new FileInfo(derivativeFile);
                                if (Settings.Page_Image_Extensions.Contains(derivativeFileInfo.Extension.ToUpper().Replace(".", "")))

            return returnValue;