/// <summary> Gets the simple CMS/info object and text to display </summary>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="Base_Directory"> Base directory location under which the the CMS/info source file will be found</param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <param name="Simple_Web_Content"> [OUT] Built browse object which contains information like title, banner, etc.. and the entire text to be displayed </param>
        /// <param name="Site_Map"> [OUT] Optional navigational site map object related to this page </param>
        /// <returns>TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE </returns>
        /// <remarks> This always pulls the data directly from disk; this text is not cached. </remarks>
        public bool Get_Simple_Web_Content_Text(SobekCM_Navigation_Object Current_Mode, string Base_Directory, Custom_Tracer Tracer, out HTML_Based_Content Simple_Web_Content, out SobekCM_SiteMap Site_Map )
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Simple_Web_Content_Text", String.Empty);

            Site_Map = null;

            string source = Current_Mode.Page_By_FileName;
            Simple_Web_Content = HTML_Based_Content_Reader.Read_HTML_File(source, true, Tracer);

            if (Simple_Web_Content == null)
                Current_Mode.Error_Message = "Unable to retrieve simple text item '" + Current_Mode.Info_Browse_Mode.Replace("_","\\") + "'";
                return false;

            if ( Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.Length == 0 )
                Current_Mode.Error_Message = "Unable to read the file for display";
                return false;

            // Now, check for any "server-side include" directorives in the source text
            int include_index = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.IndexOf("<%INCLUDE");
            while(( include_index > 0 ) && ( Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.IndexOf("%>", include_index ) > 0 ))
                int include_finish_index = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.IndexOf("%>", include_index) + 2;
                string include_statement = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.Substring(include_index, include_finish_index - include_index);
                string include_statement_upper = include_statement.ToUpper();
                int file_index = include_statement_upper.IndexOf("FILE");
                string filename_to_include = String.Empty;
                if (file_index > 0)
                    // Pull out the possible file name
                    string possible_file_name = include_statement.Substring(file_index + 4);
                    int file_start = -1;
                    int file_end = -1;
                    int char_index = 0;

                    // Find the start of the file information
                    while ((file_start < 0) && (char_index < possible_file_name.Length))
                        if ((possible_file_name[char_index] != '"') && (possible_file_name[char_index] != '=') && (possible_file_name[char_index] != ' '))
                            file_start = char_index;

                    // Find the end of the file information
                    if (file_start >= 0)
                        while ((file_end < 0) && (char_index < possible_file_name.Length))
                            if ((possible_file_name[char_index] == '"') || (possible_file_name[char_index] == ' ') || (possible_file_name[char_index] == '%'))
                                file_end = char_index;

                    // Get the filename
                    if ((file_start > 0) && (file_end > 0))
                        filename_to_include = possible_file_name.Substring(file_start, file_end - file_start);

                // Remove the include and either place in the text from the indicated file,
                // or just remove
                if ((filename_to_include.Length > 0 ) && (File.Exists(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Directory + "design\\webcontent\\" + filename_to_include)))
                    // Define the value for the include text
                    string include_text;

                    // Look in the cache for this
                    object returnValue = HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("INCLUDE_" + filename_to_include );
                    if (returnValue != null)
                        include_text = returnValue.ToString();
                            // Pull from the file
                            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Directory + "design\\webcontent\\" + filename_to_include);
                            include_text = reader.ReadToEnd();

                            // Store on the cache for two minutes, if no indication not to
                            if ( include_statement_upper.IndexOf("NOCACHE") < 0 )
                                HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("INCLUDE_" + filename_to_include, include_text, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
                            include_text = "Unable to read the soruce file ( " + filename_to_include + " )";

                    // Replace the text with the include file
                    Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.Replace(include_statement, include_text);
                    include_index = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.IndexOf("<%INCLUDE", include_index + include_text.Length - 1 );
                    // No suitable name was found, or it doesn't exist so just remove the INCLUDE completely
                    Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.Replace(include_statement, "");
                    include_index = Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text.IndexOf("<%INCLUDE", include_index );

            // Look for a site map
            if (Simple_Web_Content.SiteMap.Length > 0)
                // Look in the cache first
                Site_Map = Cached_Data_Manager.Retrieve_Site_Map(Simple_Web_Content.SiteMap, Tracer);

                // If this was NULL, pull it
                if (Site_Map == null)
                    // Only continue if the file exists
                    if (File.Exists(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Directory + "design\\webcontent\\" + Simple_Web_Content.SiteMap))
                        if (Tracer != null)
                            Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekCM_Assistant.Get_Simple_Web_Content_Text", "Reading site map file");

                        // Try to read this sitemap file
                        Site_Map = SobekCM_SiteMap_Reader.Read_SiteMap_File(SobekCM_Library_Settings.Base_Directory + "design\\webcontent\\" + Simple_Web_Content.SiteMap);

                        // If the sitemap file was succesfully read, cache it
                        if (Site_Map != null)
                            Cached_Data_Manager.Store_Site_Map(Site_Map, Simple_Web_Content.SiteMap, Tracer);

            // Since this is not cached, we can apply the individual user settings to the static text which was read right here
            Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text = Simple_Web_Content.Apply_Settings_To_Static_Text(Simple_Web_Content.Static_Text, null, Current_Mode.Skin, Current_Mode.Base_Skin, Current_Mode.Base_URL, Current_Mode.URL_Options(), Tracer);

            return true;
        /// <summary> Adds the banner to the response stream from either the html web skin
        /// or from the current item aggreagtion object, depending on flags in the web skin object </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Stream to which to write the HTML for the banner </param>
        /// <param name="Banner_Division_Name"> Name for the wrapper division around the banner </param>
        /// <param name="Hierarchy_Object"> Current item aggregation object to display </param>
        /// <param name="HTML_Skin"> HTML Web skin which controls the overall appearance of this digital library </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentMode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request</param>
        /// <remarks> This is called by several html subwriters that otherwise tell this class to suppress writing the banner </remarks>
        public static void Add_Banner(TextWriter Output, string Banner_Division_Name, SobekCM_Navigation_Object CurrentMode, SobekCM_Skin_Object HTML_Skin, Item_Aggregation Hierarchy_Object)
            Output.WriteLine("<!-- Write the main collection, interface, or institution banner -->");
            if ((HTML_Skin != null) && (HTML_Skin.Override_Banner))
                string url_options = CurrentMode.URL_Options();
                if (url_options.Length > 0)
                    url_options = "?" + url_options;

                if ((Hierarchy_Object != null) && (Hierarchy_Object.Code != "all"))
                    Output.WriteLine("<div id=\"sbkAhs_BannerDiv\"><a alt=\"" + Hierarchy_Object.ShortName + "\" href=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + Hierarchy_Object.Code + url_options + "\"><img id=\"mainBanner\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + Hierarchy_Object.Banner_Image(CurrentMode.Language, HTML_Skin) + "\" alt=\"\" /></a></div>");
                    if ((Hierarchy_Object != null) && (Hierarchy_Object.Banner_Image(CurrentMode.Language, HTML_Skin).Length > 0))
                        Output.WriteLine("<div id=\"sbkAhs_BannerDiv\"><a href=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + url_options + "\"><img id=\"mainBanner\" src=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + Hierarchy_Object.Banner_Image(CurrentMode.Language, HTML_Skin) + "\" alt=\"\" /></a></div>");
                        string skin_url = CurrentMode.Base_Design_URL + "skins/" + CurrentMode.Skin + "/";
                        Output.WriteLine("<div id=\"sbkAhs_BannerDiv\"><a href=\"" + CurrentMode.Base_URL + url_options + "\"><img id=\"mainBanner\" src=\"" + skin_url + "default.jpg\" alt=\"\" /></a></div>");