Get_Translation() public method

Generic method requests translation from the appropriate translation dictionary
public Get_Translation ( string English, Web_Language_Enum Language ) : string
English string Term in english
Language Web_Language_Enum Current language of the web interface
return string
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all simple text box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, bool instance_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");

            // Get the label to show
            string label_to_show = Title.Replace(":", "");

            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(label_to_show, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(label_to_show, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            if (!instance_value)
                Output.WriteLine("            <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + html_element_name + "\" id=\"" + html_element_name + "\"><label for=\"" + html_element_name + "\">" + checkBoxText + "</label>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" + html_element_name + "\" id=\"" + html_element_name + "\" checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"" + html_element_name + "\">" + checkBoxText + "</label>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Returns the HTML for one element within tab which appears over the search box in the collection view </summary>
        /// <param name="ThisView"> Collection view type for this tab </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request, to see if the tab is currently selected or not and determine current skin language </param>
        /// <param name="Translations"> Language support object for writing the name of the view in the appropriate interface language </param>
        /// <returns> HTML to display the tab, including the link if it is not currently selected </returns>
        public static string Menu_Get_Nav_Bar_HTML(Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum ThisView, Navigation_Object Current_Mode, Language_Support_Info Translations )
            string skinCode = Current_Mode.Base_Skin_Or_Skin;

            switch (ThisView)
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Advanced_Search:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Advanced_Search_YearRange:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Advanced_Search_MimeType:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Advanced, Translations.Get_Translation("Advanced Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Basic_Search:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Basic_Search_YearRange:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Basic_Search_MimeType:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Basic, Translations.Get_Translation("Basic Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Map_Search:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Map, Translations.Get_Translation("Map Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Map_Search_Beta:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Map_Beta, Translations.Get_Translation("Map Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Newspaper_Search:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Newspaper, Translations.Get_Translation("Newspaper Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Admin_View:
                    return String.Empty; // HTML_Helper(Skin_Code, SobekCM.Library.Navigation.Search_Type_Enum.Admin_View, Translations.Get_Translation("ADMIN", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.DLOC_FullText_Search:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.dLOC_Full_Text, Translations.Get_Translation("Text Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.FullText_Search:
                    return Menu_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Full_Text, Translations.Get_Translation("Text Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode);

            return String.Empty;
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter information about any related items here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            // Make sure there is at least one related item
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.RelatedItems_Count == 0)
                Bib.Bib_Info.Add_Related_Item(new Related_Item_Info());

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.Write("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            int item_index = 1;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.RelatedItems_Count > 0)
                foreach (Related_Item_Info thisItem in Bib.Bib_Info.RelatedItems)
                    // Add this related item links
                    if ((thisItem.hasMainTitle) && (thisItem.Main_Title.Title.Length > 0))
                        Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this related item\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_related_item_" + item_index + "', 'form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_related_item_" + item_index + "', 'form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_related_item_line\" id=\"form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "\">");

                        if (thisItem.URL_Display_Label.Length > 0)
                            Output.Write("( <i>" + thisItem.URL_Display_Label + "</i> ) " + thisItem.Main_Title.Title);
                            string relation = String.Empty;
                            switch (thisItem.Relationship)
                                case Related_Item_Type_Enum.Succeeding:
                                    relation = "( <i>Succeeded by</i> ) ";

                                case Related_Item_Type_Enum.OtherVersion:
                                    relation = "( <i>Other Version</i> ) ";

                                case Related_Item_Type_Enum.OtherFormat:
                                    relation = "( <i>Other Format</i> ) ";

                                case Related_Item_Type_Enum.Preceding:
                                    relation = "( <i>Preceded by</i> ) ";

                                case Related_Item_Type_Enum.Host:
                                    relation = "( <i>Host</i> ) ";
                            Output.Write(relation + thisItem.Main_Title.Title);
                        Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this related item\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_related_item_" + item_index + "', 'form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_related_item_" + item_index + "', 'form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_related_item_line\" id=\"form_related_item_term_" + item_index + "\">");

                        Output.Write("<i>Empty Related Item</i>");


                    // Add the popup form
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Related Item Form " + item_index + " -->");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"related_item_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_related_item_" + item_index + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Related Items</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_related_item_form('form_related_item_" + item_index + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                    // Add the relation and display label
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">Relation:</td><td><select class=\"form_relateditem_select\" name=\"form_relateditem_relation_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_relation_" + item_index + "\" >");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.UNKNOWN
                                                  ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" >&nbsp;</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.Host
                                                  ? "<option value=\"host\" selected=\"selected\" >Host</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"host\">Host</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.OtherFormat
                                                  ? "<option value=\"other_format\" selected=\"selected\" >Other Format</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"other_format\">Other Format</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.OtherVersion
                                                  ? "<option value=\"other_version\" selected=\"selected\" >Other Version</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"other_version\">Other Version</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.Preceding
                                                  ? "<option value=\"preceding\" selected=\"selected\" >Preceding</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"preceding\">Preceding</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisItem.Relationship == Related_Item_Type_Enum.Succeeding
                                                  ? "<option value=\"succeeding\" selected=\"selected\" >Succeeding</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"succeeding\">Succeeding</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td style=\"width:255px\">Display Label: &nbsp; <input class=\"form_relateditem_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_display_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_display_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisItem.URL_Display_Label) + "\" /></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");

                    string issn = String.Empty;
                    string oclc = String.Empty;
                    string lccn = String.Empty;
                    if (thisItem.Identifiers_Count > 0)
                        foreach (Identifier_Info thisIdentifier in thisItem.Identifiers)
                            switch (thisIdentifier.Type.ToUpper())
                                case "ISSN":
                                    issn = thisIdentifier.Identifier;

                                case "OCLC":
                                    oclc = thisIdentifier.Identifier;

                                case "LCCN":
                                    lccn = thisIdentifier.Identifier;

                    // Add the title and URL rows
                    string related_title = String.Empty;
                    if (thisItem.hasMainTitle)
                        related_title = thisItem.Main_Title.Title;

                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"form_relateditem_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_title_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(related_title) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>URL:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"form_relateditem_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_url_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_url_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisItem.URL) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                    // Add the system ID and ISSN row
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>System ID:</td><td><input class=\"form_relateditem_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_sobekid_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_sobekid_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisItem.SobekCM_ID) + "\" /></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <td>ISSN: &nbsp; <input class=\"form_relateditem_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_issn_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_issn_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(issn) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                    // Add the OCLC and LCCN row
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>OCLC:</td><td><input class=\"form_relateditem_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_oclc_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_oclc_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(oclc) + "\" /></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <td>LCCN: &nbsp; <input class=\"form_relateditem_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_relateditem_lccn_" + item_index + "\" id=\"form_relateditem_lccn_" + item_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(lccn) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                    // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\return close_related_item_form('form_related_item_" + item_index + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new related item and close the main element
            Output.WriteLine("\n            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new related item", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"new_relateditem_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');\" />");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter serial hierarchy information which explains how this volume related to the larger body of work.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;padding-left:55px;\">Display Text</span></td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;\"> &nbsp; Display Order</span></td></tr>");

            // Add the rows of enumeration data
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:100px\">Level 1:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[0].Display) + "\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[0].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>Level 2:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 1)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[1].Display) + "\"  /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[1].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>Level 3:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 2)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[2].Display) + "\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[2].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            //// Determine which is primary, the enumeration or chronology.
            //bool enum_primary = true;
            //if (Bib.Serial_Info.Count > 0)
            //    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year == Bib.Serial_Info[0].Display)
            //    {
            //        enum_primary = false;
            //    }
            //    // If no default, set it by type
            //    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Type.Type.ToUpper().IndexOf("NEWSPAPER") >= 0)
            //    {
            //        enum_primary = false;
            //    }
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all multiple text box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="HTML_ID_Name"> ID name used for these elements.  This is usually provided when there are multiple fixed-roles or fixed-type elements </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, string HTML_ID_Name)
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");

            // Get the label to show
            string label_to_show = Title.Replace(":", "");
            if (label_from_template_file.Length > 0)
                label_to_show = label_from_template_file;

            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(label_to_show, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(label_to_show, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td><div class=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "_div\">" + instance_value + "</div></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img border=\"0px\" class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "_div\">");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "1\" id=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(instance_value.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")) + "\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

                if (view_choices_string.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("            " + view_choices_string.Replace("<%INTERFACE%>", Skin_Code) + "&nbsp; ");

                if (Repeatable)
                    Output.WriteLine("          <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_new_element_adv('" + HTML_ID_Name + "', '" + html_element_name + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Select the view types for this material when viewed online.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Get the list of viewers in the system available
            List<string> systemViewers = new List<string>();
            foreach (var viewer in UI_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Configuration.UI.WriterViewers.Items.Viewers)
                if ((viewer.Enabled) && (!viewer.ManagementViewer))

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Get collection of all items
            List<View_Object> views = new List<View_Object>();
            if (( Bib.Behaviors.Views != null ) && ( Bib.Behaviors.Views_Count > 0))
                views.AddRange(Bib.Behaviors.Views.Where(ThisView => !ThisView.Exclude));

            if (views.Count == 0 )
                const int i = 1;

                // Add the view types select
                Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" >");
                Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");

                foreach (string systemViewer in systemViewers)
                    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + systemViewer + "\">" + systemViewer.Replace("_", " ") + "</option>");


                //// Add the file sublabel
                //Output.Write("<span id=\"" + id_name + "_details" + i + "\" style=\"display:none\">");

                //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">File:</span>");

                //// Add the file select
                //Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_file" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_file" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_file\">");
                //Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");

                //// Add the label sublabel
                //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">Label:</span>");

                //// Add the label input
                //Output.WriteLine("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_label" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_label" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_label_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" /></span>");

                Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
                int viewCount = 1;
                foreach (View_Object thisView in views)
                    // Add the view types select
                    Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" >");
                    Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");

                    foreach (string systemViewer in systemViewers)
                        if (String.Compare(thisView.View_Type, systemViewer, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            Output.Write("<option value=\"" + systemViewer + "\" selected=\"selected\" >" + systemViewer.Replace("_", " ") + "</option>");
                            Output.Write("<option value=\"" + systemViewer + "\">" + systemViewer.Replace("_", " ") + "</option>");

                    //// Add the file sublabel
                    //Output.Write("<span id=\"" + id_name + "_details" + viewCount + "\" style=\"display:none\">");
                    //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">File:</span>");

                    //// Add the file select
                    //Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_file" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_file" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_file\">");

                    //if (thisView.Attributes.Length > 0)
                    //    Output.Write("<option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option>");
                    //    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + thisView.Attributes + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisView.Attributes + "</option>");
                    //    Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");

                    //// Add the label sublabel
                    //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">Label:</span>");

                    //// Add the label input
                    //Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_label" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_label" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_label_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisView.Label) + "\" /></span>");

                    Output.WriteLine("<br />");


                // Add an empty viewer line as well
                // Add the view types select
                Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" >");
                Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");

                foreach (string systemViewer in systemViewers)
                    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + systemViewer + "\">" + systemViewer.Replace("_", " ") + "</option>");

                //// Add the file sublabel
                //Output.Write("<span id=\"" + id_name + "_details" + viewCount + "\" style=\"display:none\">");
                //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">File:</span>");

                //// Add the file select
                //Output.Write("<select name=\"" + id_name + "_file" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_file" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_file\">");

                //Output.Write("<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;</option>");


                //// Add the label sublabel
                //Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">Label:</span>");

                //// Add the label input
                //Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_label" + viewCount + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_label" + viewCount + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_label_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" /></span>");


            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new type of viewer", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_viewer_element();\"><img border=\"0px\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter spatial information about this material hierarchically.  This can either be the source or the subject of the material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.Write("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Ensure there is at least one spatial subject
            bool found_spatial = false;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects_Count > 0)
                if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects.Any(ThisSubject => ThisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Hierarchical_Spatial))
                    found_spatial = true;
            if (!found_spatial)

            int subject_index = 1;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects_Count > 0)
                foreach (Subject_Info thisSubject in Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects)

                    if (thisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Hierarchical_Spatial)
                        Subject_Info_HierarchicalGeographic hieroSubject = (Subject_Info_HierarchicalGeographic)thisSubject;

                        // Add this subject linke
                        if (hieroSubject.hasData)
                            Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this hierarchical spatial information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "', 'formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\"  onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "', 'formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_spatial_line\" id=\"form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "\">" + hieroSubject + "</div></a>");
                            Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this hierarchical spatial information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "', 'formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\"  onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "', 'formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_spatial_line\" id=\"form_spatial_term_" + subject_index + "\"><i>Empty Spatial Coverage</i></div></a>");

                        // Add the popup form
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Hierarchical Spatial Form " + subject_index + " -->");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"spatial_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_spatial_" + subject_index + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Hierarchical Spatial</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_spatial_form('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                        // Add the rows of data
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:100px;\">Continent:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialcontinent_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Continent) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Country:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialcountry_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialcountry_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Country) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Province:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialprovince_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialprovince_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Province) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Region:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialregion_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialregion_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Region) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>State:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialstate_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialstate_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.State) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Territory:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialterritory_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialterritory_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Territory) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>County:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialcounty_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialcounty_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.County) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>City:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialcity_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialcity_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.City) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>City Section:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialsectioncity_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialsectioncity_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.CitySection) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Island:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialisland_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialisland_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Island) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Area:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formspatial_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialarea_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialarea_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Area) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                        // Add the authority and language text boxes
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Authority:</td><td>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formspatial_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatialauthority_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialauthority_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Authority) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("</td><td style=\"width:255px\" > &nbsp; Language: &nbsp; ");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formspatial_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formspatiallanguage_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatiallanguage_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(hieroSubject.Language) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:30px; vertical-align:bottom\"><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"text-align:center\">");

                        if (hieroSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ752") >= 0)
                            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"formspatialtype_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialtype_subj_" + subject_index + "\" value=\"subject\" /><label for=\"formspatialtype_subj_" + subject_index + "\">Hierarchical Subject</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
                            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"formspatialtype_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialtype_added_" + subject_index + "\" value=\"addedentry\" checked=\"checked\" /><label for=\"formspatialtype_added_" + subject_index + "\">Added Hierarchical Entry</label>");
                            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"formspatialtype_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialtype_subj_" + subject_index + "\" value=\"subject\" checked=\"checked\" /><label for=\"formspatialtype_subj_" + subject_index + "\">Hierarchical Subject</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
                            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"formspatialtype_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formspatialtype_added_" + subject_index + "\" value=\"addedentry\" /><label for=\"formspatialtype_added_" + subject_index + "\">Added Hierarchical Entry</label>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </td></tr>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_spatial_form('form_spatial_" + subject_index + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new other subject and close the main element
            Output.WriteLine("\n            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new spatial coverage object", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return new_spatial_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all simple text area based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_values"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the browser is Mozilla Firefox</param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, List<string> instance_values, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            List<string> allValues = new List<string>();

            if (allValues.Count == 0)
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, isMozilla, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);

            if (allValues.Count == 1)
                render_helper(Output, allValues[0], Skin_Code, isMozilla, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);

            // Determine the columns for this text area, based on browser
            int actual_cols = cols;
            if (isMozilla)
                actual_cols = cols_mozilla;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            for (int i = 0; i < allValues.Count; i++)
                if (i == allValues.Count - 1)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(allValues[i]) + "</textarea></div>");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(allValues[i]) + "</textarea><br />");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter your abstract here. If your material does not have an abstract, you may include a summary of your document here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Determine the columns for this text area, based on browser
            int actual_cols = cols;
            if (IsMozilla)
                actual_cols = colsMozilla;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr style=\"text-align:left;\">");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Abstracts_Count == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv1\">");
                Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Type", CurrentLanguage) +":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"\"></option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"abstract\">Abstract</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"content\">Content Advice</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"review\">Review</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"scope\">Scope and Content</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"subject\">Subject</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"summary\">Summary</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                </select>");

                Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Language", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("                <input name=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_language sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" ></textarea>");
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Abstract_Info thisAbstract in Bib.Bib_Info.Abstracts)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv" + i + "\">");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">Type:</span>");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"\"></option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "abstract"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"abstract\">Abstract</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"abstract\" selected=\"selected\">Abstract</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "content advice"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"content\">Content Advice</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"content\" selected=\"selected\">Content Advice</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "review"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"review\">Review</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"review\" selected=\"selected\">Review</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "scope and content"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"scope\">Scope and Content</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"scope\" selected=\"selected\">Scope and Content</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "subject"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"subject\">Subject</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"subject\" selected=\"selected\">Subject</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "summary"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"summary\">Summary</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"summary\" selected=\"selected\">Summary</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine("                </select>");

                    Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">Language:</span>");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <input name=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_language sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisAbstract.Language) + "\" />");
                    Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
                    Output.Write("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisAbstract.Abstract_Text) + "</textarea>");

                    if ( i < Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count )
                        Output.WriteLine("<br />");


            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\">");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new abstract", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_complex_abstract('" + Rows + "','" + actual_cols + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render the html for all elements based on textBox_TextBox_Element class </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generate html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_values_text1"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display in the first text box</param>
        /// <param name="instance_values_text2" >Value(s) for the current digital resource to display in the second text box</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, List<string> instance_values_text1, List<string> instance_values_text2, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            if ((instance_values_text1.Count == 0) && ( instance_values_text2.Count == 0 ))
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);

            if ((instance_values_text1.Count == 1) && (instance_values_text2.Count == 1))
                render_helper(Output, instance_values_text1[0], instance_values_text2[0], Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title.Replace(":","") + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Title.IndexOf(":") < 0)
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + "</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + "</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

                for (int i = 1; i <= instance_values_text1.Count; i++)
                    // Write the first text
                    if (first_label.Length > 0)
                        Output.Write("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(first_label, CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                        Output.Write("              ");

                    // Write the first text box
                    Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_first" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_first" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_first_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(instance_values_text1[i - 1]) + "\" />");

                    // Write the second text
                    if (second_label.Length > 0)
                        Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(second_label, CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");

                    // Write the second text box
                    Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_second" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_second" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_second_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(instance_values_text2[i - 1]) + "\"  />");
                    Output.WriteLine(i < instance_values_text1.Count ? "<br />" : "</div>");

                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
                if (Repeatable)
                    Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_two_text_box_element('" + html_element_name + "','" + first_label + "','" + second_label + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>"); Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter any other titles which relate to this material";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            // Render this in HTML
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <div class=\"form_title_div\">");

            int title_count = 1;
            if (( Bib.Bib_Info.hasSeriesTitle ) && ( Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.Title.Length > 0))
                Title_Info thisTitle = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle;

                // Add the link for the series title
                Output.Write("        <a title=\"Click to edit this other title\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_title_main_line\" id=\"form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "\">" + thisTitle.NonSort + thisTitle.Title);
                if (thisTitle.Subtitle.Length > 0)
                    Output.Write(" : " + thisTitle.Subtitle);

                Output.WriteLine(" ( <i>Series Title</i> )</div></a>");

                // Add the popup form
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Other Title Form " + title_count + " -->");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"title_other_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_othertitle_" + title_count + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Other Title</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_othertitle_form('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                // Add the title type (and optionally display label)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">Title Type:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><select class=\"formtitle_type_select\" name=\"formothertitletype_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitletype_" + title_count + "\" onchange=\"other_title_type_change(" + title_count + ")\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"abbreviated\">Abbreviated Title</option>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"alternate\">Alternative Title</option>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"series\"  selected=\"selected\" >Series Title</option>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"translated\">Translated Title</option>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"uniform\">Uniform Title</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <span id=\"formothertitlesubtype_" + title_count + "\" style=\"display:none;\">Display Label: ");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("        <select class=\"formtitle_display_select\" name=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" >");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"added\">Added title page title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"alternate\" selected=\"selected\" >Alternate title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"caption\">Caption title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"cover\">Cover title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"distinctive\">Distinctive title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"other\">Other title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"portion\">Portion of title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"parallel\">Parallel title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"running\">Running title</option>");
                //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"spine\">Spine title</option>");

                // Add the nonsort and language text boxes
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Non Sort:</td><td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlenonsort_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlenonsort_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.NonSort) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("</td><td width=\"255px\" >Language: &nbsp; ");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlelanguage_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlelanguage_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Language) + "\" />");

                // Add the title and subtitle
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Title) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Sub Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlesubtitle_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlesubtitle_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Subtitle) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the part numbers
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Numbers:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Numbers_Count > 0)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Numbers[0]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Numbers_Count > 1)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Numbers[1]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                // Add the part names and authority
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Names:</td><td>");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Names_Count > 0)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Names[0]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Names_Count > 1)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Names[1]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td>Authority: &nbsp; <input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitleauthority_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitleauthority_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Authority) + "\" />");

                // Finish the popup form and add the close button
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"close_othertitle_form('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Always have one empty other title
            if ((title_count == 1) && (Bib.Bib_Info.Other_Titles_Count == 0))
                Bib.Bib_Info.Add_Other_Title(String.Empty, Title_Type_Enum.Alternative);

            foreach (Title_Info thisTitle in Bib.Bib_Info.Other_Titles)
                // Add the link for the other title
                if ((thisTitle.Title.Trim().Length > 0) || ( thisTitle.NonSort.Trim().Length > 0 ))
                    Output.Write("        <a title=\"Click to edit this other title\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_title_main_line\" id=\"form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "\">" + thisTitle.NonSort + thisTitle.Title);
                    if (thisTitle.Subtitle.Length > 0)
                        Output.Write(" : " + thisTitle.Subtitle);
                    switch (thisTitle.Title_Type)
                        case Title_Type_Enum.Abbreviated:
                            Output.Write(" ( <i>Abbreviated Title</i> )");

                        case Title_Type_Enum.Translated:
                            Output.Write(" ( <i>Translated Title</i> )");

                        case Title_Type_Enum.Uniform:
                            Output.Write(" ( <i>Uniform Title</i> )");

                            Output.Write(" ( <i>Alternative Title</i> )");
                    Output.Write("        <a title=\"Click to edit this other title\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "', 'formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_title_main_line\" id=\"form_othertitle_line_" + title_count + "\"><i>Empty Other Title</i>");


                // Add the popup form
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Other Title Form " + title_count + " -->");

                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"title_other_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_othertitle_" + title_count + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Other Title</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_othertitle_form('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                // Add the title type (and optionally display label)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">Title Type:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><select class=\"formtitle_type_select\" name=\"formothertitletype_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitletype_" + title_count + "\" onchange=\"other_title_type_change(" + title_count + ")\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Abbreviated
                                              ? "<option value=\"abbreviated\" selected=\"selected\" >Abbreviated Title</option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"abbreviated\">Abbreviated Title</option>");

                if ((thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Alternative) || ( thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.UNSPECIFIED ))
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"alternate\" selected=\"selected\" >Alternative Title</option>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"alternate\">Alternative Title</option>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"series\">Series Title</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Translated
                                              ? "<option value=\"translated\" selected=\"selected\" >Translated Title</option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"translated\">Translated Title</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Uniform
                                              ? "<option value=\"uniform\" selected=\"selected\" >Uniform Title</option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"uniform\">Uniform Title</option>");


                // Should the SELECT options be pre-established?
                if ((thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Alternative) || (thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Uniform))

                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <span id=\"formothertitlesubtype_" + title_count + "\">Display Label: ");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(" <select class=\"formtitle_display_select\" name=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" >");

                    if (thisTitle.Title_Type == Title_Type_Enum.Alternative)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Added title page title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"added\" selected=\"selected\" >Added title page title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"added\">Added title page title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Alternate title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"alternate\" selected=\"selected\">Alternate title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"alternate\">Alternate title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Caption title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"caption\" selected=\"selected\">Caption title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"caption\">Caption title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Cover title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"cover\" selected=\"selected\">Cover title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"cover\">Cover title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Distinctive title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"distinctive\" selected=\"selected\">Distinctive title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"distinctive\">Distinctive title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Other title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"other\" selected=\"selected\">Other title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"other\">Other title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Portion of title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"portion\" selected=\"selected\">Portion of title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"portion\">Portion of title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Parallel title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"parallel\" selected=\"selected\">Parallel title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"parallel\">Parallel title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Running title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"running\" selected=\"selected\">Running title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"running\">Running title</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Spine title"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"spine\" selected=\"selected\">Spine title</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"spine\">Spine title</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Main Entry"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"main\" selected=\"selected\">Main Entry</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"main\">Main Entry</option>");

                        PopupFormBuilder.Append(thisTitle.Display_Label == "Uncontrolled Added Entry"
                                                      ? "<option value=\"uncontrolled\" selected=\"selected\">Uncontrolled Added Entry</option>"
                                                      : "<option value=\"uncontrolled\">Uncontrolled Added Entry</option>");

                        if ((thisTitle.Display_Label != "Main Entry") && (thisTitle.Display_Label != "Uncontrolled Added Entry"))
                            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"uniform\" selected=\"selected\">Uniform Title</option>");
                            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"uniform\">Uniform Title</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <span id=\"formothertitlesubtype_" + title_count + "\" style=\"display:none;\">Display Label: ");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("        <select class=\"formtitle_display_select\" name=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitledisplay_" + title_count + "\" >");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"added\">Added title page title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"alternate\">Alternate title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"caption\">Caption title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"cover\">Cover title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"distinctive\">Distinctive title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"other\">Other title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"portion\">Portion of title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"parallel\">Parallel title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"running\">Running title</option>");
                    //popup_form_builder.Append("<option value=\"spine\">Spine title</option>");

                // Add the nonsort and language text boxes
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Non Sort:</td><td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlenonsort_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlenonsort_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.NonSort) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("</td><td width=\"255px\" >Language: &nbsp; ");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlelanguage_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlelanguage_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Language) + "\" />");

                // Add the title and subtitle
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitletitle_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Title) + "\"  /></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Sub Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlesubtitle_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlesubtitle_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Subtitle) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the part numbers
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Numbers:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Numbers_Count > 0)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Numbers[0]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Numbers_Count > 1)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Numbers[1]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartnum2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                // Add the part names and authority
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Names:</td><td>");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Names_Count > 0)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Names[0]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname1_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                if (thisTitle.Part_Names_Count > 1)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Part_Names[1]) + "\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitlepartname2_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td>Authority: &nbsp; <input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formothertitleauthority_" + title_count + "\" id=\"formothertitleauthority_" + title_count + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisTitle.Authority) + "\" />");

                // Finish the popup form and add the close button
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"close_othertitle_form('form_othertitle_" + title_count + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new other title
            Output.WriteLine("      </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new other title", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"new_title_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');return false;\" />");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter information for any electronic finding guide to which this material belongs.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Write the EAD popup link
            if (( !Bib.Bib_Info.hasLocationInformation ) || ((Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name.Length == 0) && (Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL.Length == 0 )))
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the related EAD information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_ead_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_ead_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_ead_line\" id=\"form_ead_term\">");
                Output.Write("<i>Empty Related EAD</i>");
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the related EAD information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_ead_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_ead_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_ead_line\" id=\"form_ead_term\">");
                Output.Write(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name.Length > 0
                                 ? HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name)
                                 : HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL));
            Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Related EAD Form -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"ead_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_ead\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Related EAD / Finding Guide</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_ead_form()\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the rows of data
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">EAD Name:</td><td><input class=\"formead_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formead_name\" id=\"formead_name\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>EAD URL:</td><td><input class=\"formead_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formead_url\" id=\"formead_url\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL) + "\" /></td></tr>");

            // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"2\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_ead_form();\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");
        /// <summary> Returns the HTML for one tab which appears over the search box in the collection view </summary>
        /// <param name="ThisView"> Collection view type for this tab </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request, to see if the tab is currently selected or not and determine current skin language </param>
        /// <param name="Translations"> Language support object for writing the name of the view in the appropriate interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Downward_Tabs"> Flag indicates if this tab faces downward, rather than the default upward </param>
        /// <returns> HTML to display the tab, including the link if it is not currently selected </returns>
        public static string Tabs2_Get_Nav_Bar_HTML( Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum ThisView, Navigation_Object Current_Mode, Language_Support_Info Translations, bool Downward_Tabs )
            string skinCode = Current_Mode.Base_Skin_Or_Skin;

            switch (ThisView)
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Advanced_Search:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Advanced_Search_YearRange:
                    if (Current_Mode.Is_Robot)
                        return "<img src=\"" + Current_Mode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + skinCode + "/tabs/cL.gif\" border=\"0\" class=\"tab_image\" alt=\"\" /><span class=\"tab\"> ADVANCED SEARCH </span><img src=\"" + Current_Mode.Base_URL + "design/skins/" + skinCode + "/tabs/cR.gif\" border=\"0\" class=\"tab_image\" alt=\"\" />" + Environment.NewLine ;
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Advanced, Translations.Get_Translation("ADVANCED SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Basic_Search:
                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Basic_Search_YearRange:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Basic, Translations.Get_Translation("BASIC SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Map_Search:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Map, Translations.Get_Translation("MAP SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Map_Search_Beta:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Map_Beta, Translations.Get_Translation("MAP SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Newspaper_Search:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Newspaper, Translations.Get_Translation("NEWSPAPER SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.Admin_View:
                    return String.Empty; // HTML_Helper(Skin_Code, SobekCM.Library.Navigation.Search_Type_Enum.Admin_View, Translations.Get_Translation("ADMIN", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.DLOC_FullText_Search:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.dLOC_Full_Text, Translations.Get_Translation("TEXT SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

                case Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum.FullText_Search:
                    return Tabs_HTML_Helper(skinCode, Search_Type_Enum.Full_Text, Translations.Get_Translation("TEXT SEARCH", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode, Downward_Tabs);

            return String.Empty;
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all multiple combo box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display</param>
        /// <param name="possible_values"> Possible vlaues for this combo boxes </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, List<string> possible_values, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.Write("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

                const int i = 1;

                string value = instance_value;
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select name=\"" + id_name + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input\" type=\"text\" >");
                    bool found = false;
                    if (value.Length == 0)
                        found = true;
                        Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" >&nbsp;</option>");
                        Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option>");
                    foreach (string item in possible_values)
                        if (item.ToUpper() == value.ToUpper())
                            found = true;
                            Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + item + "\" selected=\"selected\" >" + item + "</option>");
                            Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + item + "\">" + item + "</option>");
                    if (!found)
                        Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + value + "\" selected=\"selected\" >" + value + "</option>");
                    Output.WriteLine("              </select>");


                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

                if (view_choices_string.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("            " + view_choices_string.Replace("<%WEBSKIN%>", Skin_Code).Replace("<%?URLOPTS%>","") + "&nbsp; ");

                if (Repeatable)
                    Output.WriteLine("          <span id=\"" + html_element_name + "_repeaticon\" name=\"" + html_element_name + "_repeaticon\"><img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"add_new_multi_combo_element('" + html_element_name + "', 1," + max_boxes + "," + boxes_per_line + "); return false;\" /></span>");

                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            string onChange = "javascript:__doPostBack('newpagebutton1','')";

            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Select the resource type information which best describes this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

             // Determine the material type
            string instance_value = "Select Material Type";
            bool initial_value = true;
            string thisType = Bib.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type_String;
            if (thisType.Length > 0)
                if (thisType.ToUpper() != "PROJECT")
                    instance_value = thisType;
                    initial_value = false;
                    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count > 0)
                        foreach (Note_Info thisNote in Bib.Bib_Info.Notes)
                            if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.DefaultType)
                                instance_value = thisNote.Note;
                                initial_value = false;

            if ((instance_value.Length == 0) && (default_values.Count > 0))
                instance_value = default_values[0];

            // Render the title
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Start the select combo box
            if (onChange.Length > 0)
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"form_typeformat_type\" id=\"form_typeformat_type\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_type\" id=\"form_typeformat_type\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"form_typeformat_type\" id=\"form_typeformat_type\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_type\" id=\"form_typeformat_type\" >");

            // Correction for aerials
            if (instance_value == "Aerial Photography")
                instance_value = "Aerial";

            bool found_option = false;
            foreach (string thisOption in items)
                if (thisOption == instance_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
            if ((instance_value.Length > 0) && (!found_option))
                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + instance_value + "\">" + instance_value + "</option>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");

            #region Determine the values to display for this bib id

            // Collect the data to show
            bool festschrift = false;
            bool indexPresent = false;
            bool conferencePublication = false;
            string targetAudience1 = String.Empty;
            string frequency1 = String.Empty;
            string frequency2 = String.Empty;
            string regularity1 = String.Empty;
            string regularity2 = String.Empty;

            string nature1 = String.Empty;
            string nature2 = String.Empty;
            string nature3 = String.Empty;
            string nature4 = String.Empty;
            string govt = String.Empty;
            string literaryform1 = String.Empty;
            string literaryform2 = String.Empty;
            string biography = String.Empty;
            string subtype = String.Empty;
            string projection = String.Empty;
            string scale = String.Empty;
            string place_code = String.Empty;
            string language_code = String.Empty;
            string computerfileform = String.Empty;

            // Determine which form will be used and set several values
            Type_Format_Type_Enum formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.None;
            string class_name = "typeformat_popup_div";
            string form_title = "Edit Material Details";
            int windowheight = 270;
            switch (instance_value.ToUpper())
                case "BOOK":
                    formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.Book;
                    class_name = "typeformat_book_popup_div";
                    form_title = "Edit Book Material Details";
                    windowheight = 515 - 100; // Fudge to move the form down a bit

                case "AERIAL":
                case "ARTIFACT":
                case "PHOTOGRAPH":
                case "VIDEO":
                    formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.Visual_Materials;
                    class_name = "typeformat_visual_popup_div";
                    form_title = "Edit Visual Material Details";
                    windowheight = 390;

                case "SERIAL":
                case "NEWSPAPER":
                    formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.Continuing_Resource;
                    class_name = "typeformat_serial_popup_div";
                    form_title = "Edit Continuing Resources Material Details";
                    windowheight = 430;

                case "MAP":
                    formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.Map;
                    class_name = "typeformat_map_popup_div";
                    form_title = "Edit Map Materials Details";
                    windowheight = 430;

                case "DATASET":
                    formType = Type_Format_Type_Enum.Computer_Files;
                    class_name = "typeformat_computer_popup_div";
                    form_title = "Edit Computer File Details";
                    windowheight = 430;


            // List of possible audiences (marcgt)
            List<string> audiences_list = new List<string>(8)

            // List of possible nature of contents
            List<string> nature_contents_list = new List<string>(26)
                                                        "abstract or summary",
                                                        "comic/graphic novel",
                                                        "law report or digest",
                                                        "legal article",
                                                        "legal case and case notes",
                                                        "programmed text",
                                                        "survey of literature",
                                                        "technical report",

            // List of government genres
            List<string> government_list = new List<string>(8)
                                                   "federal government publication",
                                                   "international intergovernmental publication",
                                                   "local government publication",
                                                   "government publication",
                                                   "government publication (autonomous or semiautonomous component)",
                                                   "government publication (state, provincial, territorial, dependent)",
                                                   "multilocal government publication",
                                                   "multistate government publication"

            // Get list of literary forms
            List<string> literary_form_list = new List<string>(11)
                                                      "comic strip",
                                                      "humor, satire",
                                                      "short story",

            // Get list of literary forms
            List<string> computer_file_form_list = new List<string>(12)
                                                      "numeric data",
                                                      "computer program",
                                                      "bibliographic data",
                                                      "interactive multimedia",
                                                      "online system or service",
                                                      "other computer file"

            // Get list of biography type information
            List<string> biography_list = new List<string>(3)
                                              {"autobiography", "individual biography", "collective biography"};

            // Get list of map subtypes
            List<string> map_subtypes = new List<string>(5) {"atlas", "globe", "map serial", "map series", "single map"};

            // Get the list of visual materials subtypes
            List<string> visual_subtypes = new List<string>(17)
                                                   "art original",
                                                   "art reproduction",
                                                   "flash card",
                                                   "microscope slide",
                                                   "motion picture",
                                                   "technical drawing",

            // Get the list of continuing materials subtypes
            List<string> continuing_subtypes = new List<string>(6)
                                                       "web site"

            // Get the list of frequency
            List<string> frequency_list = new List<string>(17)
                                                  "continuously updated",
                                                  "three times a month",
                                                  "three times a week",
                                                  "three times a year",

            // Get the list of regularities
            List<string> regularity_list = new List<string>(3)
                                               {"completely irregular", "normalized irregular", "regular"};

            // Get the place code
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Places_Count > 0)
                foreach (Origin_Info_Place thisPlace in Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Places.Where(thisPlace => thisPlace.Place_MarcCountry.Length > 0))
                    place_code = thisPlace.Place_MarcCountry;

            // Get the language code
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Languages_Count > 0)
                foreach (Language_Info thisLanguage in Bib.Bib_Info.Languages.Where(thisLanguage => thisLanguage.Language_ISO_Code.Length > 0))
                    language_code = thisLanguage.Language_ISO_Code;

            // Set the target audience
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Target_Audiences_Count > 0)
                foreach (TargetAudience_Info audience in Bib.Bib_Info.Target_Audiences.Where(audience => audiences_list.Contains(audience.Audience.ToLower())))
                    if (targetAudience1.Length == 0)
                        targetAudience1 = audience.Audience.ToLower();

            // Set the frequencies and regularities
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Frequencies_Count > 0)
                foreach (Origin_Info_Frequency thisFrequency in Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Frequencies)
                    // Check for frequency information
                    if (frequency_list.Contains(thisFrequency.Term.ToLower()))
                        if (frequency1.Length == 0)
                            frequency1 = thisFrequency.Term.ToLower();
                            if (frequency2.Length == 0)
                                frequency2 = thisFrequency.Term.ToLower();

                    // Check for regularity information
                    if (regularity_list.Contains(thisFrequency.Term.ToLower()))
                        if (regularity1.Length == 0)
                            regularity1 = thisFrequency.Term.ToLower();
                            if (regularity2.Length == 0)
                                regularity2 = thisFrequency.Term.ToLower();

            // Step through each genre
            int nature_index = 1;
            int literary_form_index = 1;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Genres_Count > 0)
                foreach (Genre_Info thisGenre in Bib.Bib_Info.Genres)
                    if ((thisGenre.Genre_Term == "conference publication") || (thisGenre.Genre_Term == "festschrift") || (thisGenre.Genre_Term == "indexed"))
                        if (thisGenre.Genre_Term == "conference publication")
                            conferencePublication = true;

                        if (thisGenre.Genre_Term == "festschrift")
                            festschrift = true;

                        if (thisGenre.Genre_Term == "indexed")
                            indexPresent = true;
                        string genre_term_lower = thisGenre.Genre_Term.ToLower();

                        if (biography_list.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                            biography = genre_term_lower;

                        if (government_list.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                            govt = genre_term_lower;

                        if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Continuing_Resource)
                            if (continuing_subtypes.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                                subtype = genre_term_lower;

                        if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Visual_Materials)
                            if (visual_subtypes.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                                subtype = genre_term_lower;

                        if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Map)
                            if (map_subtypes.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                                subtype = genre_term_lower;

                        if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Computer_Files)
                            if (computer_file_form_list.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                                computerfileform = genre_term_lower;

                        if (nature_contents_list.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                            switch (nature_index)
                                case 1:
                                    nature1 = genre_term_lower;

                                case 2:
                                    nature2 = genre_term_lower;

                                case 3:
                                    nature3 = genre_term_lower;

                                case 4:
                                    nature4 = genre_term_lower;


                        if (literary_form_list.Contains(genre_term_lower))
                            switch (literary_form_index)
                                case 1:
                                    literaryform1 = genre_term_lower;

                                case 2:
                                    literaryform2 = genre_term_lower;


            // If this is map, get the projection and scale
            if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Map)
                // Step through each cartographic
                string scale_034 = String.Empty;
                string scale_255 = String.Empty;
                if ( Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects_Count > 0 )
                    foreach (Subject_Info thisSubject in Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects)
                        if (thisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Cartographics)
                            Subject_Info_Cartographics carto = (Subject_Info_Cartographics)thisSubject;
                            if (carto.Scale.Length > 0)
                                if (carto.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ034") >= 0)
                                    scale_034 = carto.Scale;
                                    if (carto.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ255") >= 0)
                                        scale_255 = carto.Scale;
                                        scale = carto.Scale;

                if (scale_255.Length > 0)
                    scale = scale_255.Replace("Scale", "").Replace("ca.", "").Trim();

                if (scale_034.Length > 0)
                    scale = "1:" + scale_034;


            #region Render the link in the template form

            // Render the label with additional information
            string additional_info = show_material_type_details(Bib);
            string style = "form_linkline";
            if (additional_info.Length == 0)
                additional_info = "<i>no additional type information<i>";
                style = "form_linkline_empty";
            if (additional_info.Length > 60)
                additional_info = additional_info.Substring(0, 60) + "...";
            Output.WriteLine("        &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
            Output.WriteLine("              <a title=\"Click to edit the material details\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_typeformat_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_typeformat_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_typeformat', 'form_typeformat_term', 'form_typeformat_extent', " + windowheight + ", 675, '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_typeformat', 'form_typeformat_term', 'form_typeformat_extent', " + windowheight + ", 675 );\"><span class=\"" + style + " form_typeformat_line\" id=\"form_typeformat_term\">" + additional_info + "</span></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");


            #region Create the pop-up form for the All Materials section

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Type Format Form -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"" + class_name + " sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_typeformat\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">" + form_title + "</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_typeformat_form()\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the all materials title
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle_first\" >All Materials</td></tr>");

            // Add the extent information
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Physical Desc:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtype_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_extent\" id=\"form_typeformat_extent\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent) + "\" />");

            // Add the date range info
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Year Range:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">Start Year:</span><input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_datestart\" id=\"form_typeformat_datestart\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.MARC_DateIssued_Start) + "\" />");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">End Year:</span><input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_dateend\" id=\"form_typeformat_dateend\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.MARC_DateIssued_End) + "\" />");

            // Add the place code info
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Place Code:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_placecode\" id=\"form_typeformat_placecode\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(place_code) + "\" />");

            // Add the language code info
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Language Code:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_langcode\" id=\"form_typeformat_langcode\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(language_code) + "\" />");


            #region Render the 'Book Details' section if this is a book

            if (formType ==  Type_Format_Type_Enum.Book)
                // Add the book details title
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\" >Book Details</td></tr>");

                // Add the target audience
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Target Audience:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_small_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_audience\" id=\"form_typeformat_audience\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(targetAudience1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisAudience in audiences_list)
                    if ( targetAudience1 == thisAudience )
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisAudience +"</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\">" + thisAudience + "</option>");

                // Add the nature of contents
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Nature of contents:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature1\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature1\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature1 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature2\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature2\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature2.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature2 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature3\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature3\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature3.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature3 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature4\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature4\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature4.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature4 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                // Add the government publication
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Government:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_large_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_govt\" id=\"form_typeformat_govt\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(govt.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in government_list)
                    if (govt.Replace("terriorial", "territorial") == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                // Add the checkboxes
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\"> &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
                                              ? "Conference Publication: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_conference\" checked=\"checked\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "
                                              : "Conference Publication: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_conference\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ");

                                              ? "Festschrift: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_festschrift\" checked=\"checked\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "
                                              : "Festschrift: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_festschrift\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ");

                                              ? "Index Present: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_index\" checked=\"checked\" />"
                                              : "Index Present: <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_index\" />");


                // Add the literary form
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Literary Form:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_literary1\" id=\"form_typeformat_literary1\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(literaryform1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in literary_form_list)
                    if (literaryform1 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_literary2\" id=\"form_typeformat_literary2\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(literaryform2.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in literary_form_list)
                    if (literaryform2 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the bibliography info
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Biography:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_biography\" id=\"form_typeformat_biography\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(biography.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in biography_list)
                    if (biography == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


            #region Render the 'Visual Materials' section if necessary

            if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Visual_Materials)
                // Add the book details title
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\">Visual Materials Details</td></tr>");

                // Add the target audience
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Target Audience:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_small_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_audience\" id=\"form_typeformat_audience\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(targetAudience1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisAudience in audiences_list)
                    if (targetAudience1 == thisAudience)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisAudience + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\">" + thisAudience + "</option>");

                // Add the subtype
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Sub-type:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" id=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(subtype.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in visual_subtypes)
                    if (subtype == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the government publication
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Government:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_large_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_govt\" id=\"form_typeformat_govt\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(govt.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in government_list)
                    if (govt.Replace("terriorial", "territorial") == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");



            #region Render the 'Map Materials' section if necessary

            if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Map)
                // Add the book details title
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\">Map Details</td></tr>");

                // Add the projection code and scale
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Projection Code:</td><td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_projcode\" id=\"form_typeformat_projcode\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(projection) + "\" /></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td width=\"250px\">Scale: &nbsp; &nbsp; <input class=\"formtype_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"form_typeformat_scale\" id=\"form_typeformat_scale\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(scale) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the subtype
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Sub-type:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" id=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(subtype.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in map_subtypes)
                    if (subtype == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the government publication
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Government:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_large_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_govt\" id=\"form_typeformat_govt\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(govt.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in government_list)
                    if (govt.Replace("terriorial", "territorial") == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the checkboxes
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Index Present:</td>");
                                              ? "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_index\" checked=\"checked\" />"
                                              : "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_index\" />");



            #region Render the 'Continuing Resources' section if necessary

            if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Continuing_Resource)
                // Add the book details title
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\" >Continuing Resources Details</td></tr>");

                // Add the frequency
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Frequency:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_frequency1\" id=\"form_typeformat_frequency1\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(frequency1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in frequency_list)
                    if (frequency1 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_frequency2\" id=\"form_typeformat_frequency2\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(frequency2.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in frequency_list)
                    if (frequency2 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the regularity
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Regularity:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_regularity1\" id=\"form_typeformat_regularity1\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(regularity1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in regularity_list)
                    if (regularity1 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_regularity2\" id=\"form_typeformat_regularity2\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(regularity2.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in regularity_list)
                    if (regularity2 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the subtype
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Sub-type:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" id=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(subtype.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in continuing_subtypes)
                    if (subtype == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the nature of contents
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Nature of contents:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature1\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature1\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature1 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature2\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature2\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature2.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature2 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature3\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature3\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature3.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature3 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_nature4\" id=\"form_typeformat_nature4\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(nature4.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in nature_contents_list)
                    if (nature4 == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                // Add the government publication
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Government:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_large_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_govt\" id=\"form_typeformat_govt\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(govt.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in government_list)
                    if (govt.Replace("terriorial", "territorial") == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");


                // Add the checkboxes
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Conference Production:");
                                              ? "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_conference\" checked=\"checked\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; "
                                              : "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"form_typeformat_conference\" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ");


            #region Render the 'Computer Files' section if necessary

            if (formType == Type_Format_Type_Enum.Computer_Files)
                // Add the book details title
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle\" >Computer Files Details</td></tr>");

                // Add the target audience
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Target Audience:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_small_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_audience\" id=\"form_typeformat_audience\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(targetAudience1.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisAudience in audiences_list)
                    if (targetAudience1 == thisAudience)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisAudience + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisAudience + "\">" + thisAudience + "</option>");

                // Add the form
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; File Type:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_medium_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" id=\"form_typeformat_subtype\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(subtype.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in computer_file_form_list)
                    if (computerfileform == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");

                // Add the government publication
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td> &nbsp; &nbsp; Government:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<select class=\"formtype_large_select\" name=\"form_typeformat_govt\" id=\"form_typeformat_govt\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(govt.Length == 0
                                              ? "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" ></option>"
                                              : "<option value=\"\"></option>");
                foreach (string thisString in government_list)
                    if (govt.Replace("terriorial", "territorial") == thisString)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\" selected=\"selected\">" + thisString + "</option>");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"" + thisString + "\">" + thisString + "</option>");



            #region Finish the pop-up form

            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_typeformat_form();\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");

        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter serial hierarchy information which explains how this volume related to the larger body of work.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            string serial_hierarchy_string = show_hierarchy_value(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info);
            if (serial_hierarchy_string.Length == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <a title=\"Click to edit the serial hierarchy\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_serial_hierarchy_term')\" onblur=\"return link_blurred2('form_serial_hierarchy_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_serial_hierarchy', 'form_serialhierarchy_enum1text', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_serial_hierarchy', 'form_serialhierarchy_enum1text' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_serial_hierarchy_line\" id=\"form_serial_hierarchy_term\"><i>Empty Serial Hierarchy</i></div></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <a title=\"Click to edit the serial hierarchy\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_serial_hierarchy_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_serial_hierarchy_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_serial_hierarchy', 'form_serialhierarchy_enum1text', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_serial_hierarchy', 'form_serialhierarchy_enum1text' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_serial_hierarchy_line\" id=\"form_serial_hierarchy_term\">" + serial_hierarchy_string + "</div></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            // Determine which is primary, the enumeration or chronology.
            bool enum_primary = true;
            if ( Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 0)
                if ( Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year == Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[0].Display)
                    enum_primary = false;
                // If no default, set it by type
                if (Bib.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type == TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Newspaper )
                    enum_primary = false;

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Serial Hierarchy Form -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"serial_hierarchy_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_serial_hierarchy\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Serial Hierarchy</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_serial_hierarchy()\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the Enumeration Information title
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle_first\" >Enumeration Information</td></tr>");

            // Add the enumeration as primary radio button
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td colspan=\"2\"> &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type=\"radio\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary_enum\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary\" value=\"enum\"");
            if (enum_primary)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(" checked=\"checked\"");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine(" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_serialhierarchy_enum1text');\" /> <label for=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary_enum\">Primary</label> </td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;padding-left:55px;\">Display Text</span></td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;\"> &nbsp; Display Order</span></td></tr>");

            // determine the first enumeration data
            string enum1 = Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum1;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum1.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", "") == Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", ""))
                enum1 = "[TITLE]";

            // Add the rows of enumeration data
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">&nbsp;</td><td style=\"width:100px\">(Volume):</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(enum1) + "\" ></td>");
            if ( Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum1_Index >= 0 )
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum1_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>(Issue):</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum2) + "\" ></td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum2_Index >= 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum2_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>(Part):</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum3) + "\" ></td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum3_Index >= 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Enum3_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            // Add the Chronological Information title
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"SobekEditItemSectionTitle sbk_Focusable\" >Chronological Information</td></tr>");

            // Add the chronology as primary radio button
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td colspan=\"2\"> &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type=\"radio\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary_chrono\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary\" value=\"chrono\"");
            if (!enum_primary)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append(" checked=\"checked\"");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine(" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_serialhierarchy_chrono1text');\" /> <label for=\"form_serialhierarchy_primary_chrono\">Primary</label> </td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;padding-left:55px;\">Display Text</span></td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;\"> &nbsp; Display Order</span></td></tr>");

            // Add the rows of chronological data
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Year:</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year) + "\" ></td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year_Index >= 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono1order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>(Month):</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Month) + "\" ></td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Month_Index >= 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Month_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono2order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>(Day):</td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Day) + "\" ></td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Day_Index >= 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Day_Index.ToString()) + "\" ></td></tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_chrono3order\" value=\"\" ></td></tr>");

            // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_serial_hierarchy();\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Select the type which best categorizes this material and provide information about the larger body of work on the next line.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Determine the material type
            string material_type;
            string sobekcm_type = Bib.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type_String;
            if (sobekcm_type.Length == 0)
                material_type = "Select Material Type";
                material_type = sobekcm_type == "Archival" ? Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent : sobekcm_type;

            // Determine the text for the larger body of work
            string larger_text;
            string larger_value = String.Empty;
            bool other_value = false;
            switch (material_type)
                case "Book Chapter":
                    larger_text = "Book Title:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                case "Conference Papers":
                case "Conference Proceedings":
                    larger_text = "Conference Name:";
                    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Names_Count > 0)
                        foreach (Name_Info thisName in Bib.Bib_Info.Names)
                            if ((thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.Conference) && (thisName.Full_Name.Length > 0))
                                larger_value = thisName.ToString();

                case "Course Material":
                    larger_text = "Course Name:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                case "Journal Article":
                    larger_text = "Journal Citation:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                case "Technical Reports":
                    larger_text = "Series Title:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                case "Select Material Type":
                    larger_text = "Larger Body of Work:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                    material_type = "Other";
                    larger_text = "Larger Body of Work:";
                    larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();
                    other_value = true;

            string id_name ="irtype";
            string html_element_name_irtype = "ir_type";
            string title = "Material Type";

            if ((material_type.Length == 0) && (default_values.Count > 0))
                material_type = default_values[0];

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- Institutional Repository Material Type Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_div\">");
            if (material_type.IndexOf("Select") == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" onchange=\"javascript:ir_type_change()\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input\" name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" onchange=\"javascript:ir_type_change()\" >");

            bool found_option = false;
            foreach (string thisOption in items)
                if (thisOption == material_type)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
            if ((material_type.Length > 0) && (!restrict_values) && (!found_option))
                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + material_type + "\">" + material_type + "</option>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");
            if (other_value)
                Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\" id=\"irtype_othertext\" name=\"irtype_othertext\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Specify Type", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input type=\"text\" class=\"irtype_other_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"irtype_otherinput\" name=\"irtype_otherinput\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent) + "\" />");

            Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td valign=\"bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            id_name = "largerbody";
            html_element_name_irtype = "larger_body";
            title = larger_text;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- Institutional Repository Larger Body of Work (IR_Type_Element) -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + "</td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\"><span id=\"larger_body_label\">" + title + "</span></acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><span id=\"larger_body_label\">" + title + "</span></a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.Write("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table><tr><td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_div\">");
                Output.WriteLine("      <input name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(larger_value.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")) + "\" /></div>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("         <td vstyle=\"vertical-align=:bottom\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </tr></table>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all single combo box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="initial_value"> Flag indicates if the value in the instance_value param is actually instructional text, and not a true value</param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, bool initial_value)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            if (( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instance_value)) && (default_values.Count > 0))
                instance_value = default_values[0];

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            if (onChange.Length > 0)
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" >");

            bool found_option = false;
            foreach (string thisOption in items)
                if (thisOption == instance_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
            if (( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instance_value)) && (!restrict_values) && (!found_option))
                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + instance_value + "\">" + instance_value + "</option>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all simple text area based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the browser is Mozilla Firefox</param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            int actual_cols = cols;
            if (isMozilla)
                actual_cols = cols_mozilla;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            const int i = 1;

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(instance_value) + "</textarea></div>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td valign=\"bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter any subject keyword to describe your material here, along with the vocabulary from which this subject term was pulled.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            // Ensure there is at least one standard subject
            bool found_standard = false;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects_Count > 0)
                if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects.Any(ThisSubject => ThisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Standard))
                    found_standard = true;
            if (!found_standard)

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.Write("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            int subject_index = 1;

            foreach( Subject_Info thisSubject in Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects )

                if ( thisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Standard )
                    Subject_Info_Standard standSubject = ( Subject_Info_Standard ) thisSubject;

                    // Add this subject linke
                    if ( standSubject.hasData )
                        Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this subject information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_subject_" + subject_index + "', 'formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_subject_" + subject_index + "', 'formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_subject_line\" id=\"form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "\">" + standSubject + "</div></a>");
                        Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this subject information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_subject_" + subject_index + "', 'formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_subject_" + subject_index + "', 'formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_subject_line\" id=\"form_subject_term_" + subject_index + "\"><i>Empty Subject Keyword</i></div></a>");

                    // Add the popup form
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Subject Keyword Form " + subject_index + " -->");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"subject_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_subject_" + subject_index + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Subject</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_subject_form('form_subject_" + subject_index + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                    // Add the options for this subject ( standard, name, or title)
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Subject Type:</td><td><select class=\"formsubject_type\" name=\"formsubjecttype_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttype_" + subject_index + "\" >");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("<option value=\"standard\" selected=\"selected\">Standard</option>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("        <td>MARC: &nbsp; <select class=\"formsubject_map\" name=\"formsubjectmap_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectmap_" + subject_index + "\" >");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ") < 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"none\" selected=\"selected\" >&nbsp;</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"none\" >&nbsp;</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ648") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"648\" selected=\"selected\" >648 - Chronological Term</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"648\" >648 - Chronological Term</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ650") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"650\" selected=\"selected\" >650 - Topical Term</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"650\" >650 - Topical Term</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ651") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"651\" selected=\"selected\" >651 - Geographic Name</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"651\" >651 - Geographic Name</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ653") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"653\" selected=\"selected\" >653 - Uncontrolled Index</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"653\" >653 - Uncontrolled Index</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ654") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"654\" selected=\"selected\" >654 - Faceted Topical</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"654\" >654 - Faceted Topical</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ655") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"655\" selected=\"selected\" >655 - Genre / Form</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"655\" >655 - Genre / Form</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ656") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"656\" selected=\"selected\" >656 - Occupation</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"656\" >656 - Occupation</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ657") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"657\" selected=\"selected\" >657 - Function</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"657\" >657 - Function</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ690") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"690\" selected=\"selected\" >690 - Local Topical</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"690\" >690 - Local Topical</option>");

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append(standSubject.ID.IndexOf("SUBJ691") == 0
                                                  ? "<option value=\"691\" selected=\"selected\" >691 - Local Geographic</option>"
                                                  : "<option value=\"691\" >691 - Local Geographic</option>");


                    // Add the first row of topical term boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Topical Term(s):</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Topics_Count >= 1)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Topics[0]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (standSubject.Topics_Count >= 2)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Topics[1]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the second row of topical term boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Topics_Count >= 3)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic3_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic3_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Topics[2]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic3_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic3_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (standSubject.Topics_Count >= 4)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic4_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic4_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Topics[3]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttopic4_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttopic4_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the two chronological term boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Chronological Term(s):</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Temporals_Count >= 1)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttemporal1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttemporal1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Temporals[0]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttemporal1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttemporal1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (standSubject.Temporals_Count >= 2)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttemporal2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttemporal2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Temporals[1]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjecttemporal2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjecttemporal2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the two geographic term boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Geographic Term(s):</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Geographics_Count >= 1)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgeo1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgeo1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Geographics[0]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgeo1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgeo1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (standSubject.Geographics_Count >= 2)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgeo2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgeo2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Geographics[1]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgeo2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgeo2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the two genre term boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Form / Genre Term(s):</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Genres_Count >= 1)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgenre1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgenre1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Genres[0]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgenre1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgenre1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (standSubject.Genres_Count >= 2)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgenre2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgenre2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Genres[1]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectgenre2_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectgenre2_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the occupational term box
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Occupation:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                    if (standSubject.Occupations_Count >= 1)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectoccup1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectoccup1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Occupations[0]) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectoccup1_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectoccup1_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    // Add the authority and language text boxes
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Authority:</td><td>");
                    if (standSubject.Authority.Length > 0 )
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectauthority_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectauthority_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Authority) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectauthority_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectauthority_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("</td><td width=\"255px\" > &nbsp; Language: &nbsp; ");
                    if (standSubject.Language.Length > 0)
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectlanguage_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectlanguage_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(standSubject.Language) + "\" />");
                        PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formsubject_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formsubjectlanguage_" + subject_index + "\" id=\"formsubjectlanguage_" + subject_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </td></tr>");

                    // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_subject_form('form_subject_" + subject_index + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new other subject and close the main element
            Output.WriteLine("\n            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new named subject", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"new_subject_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');\" />");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter the title of this material here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Determine the statement of responsibility
            string statement_responsibility = String.Empty;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count > 0)
                foreach (Note_Info thisNote in Bib.Bib_Info.Notes)
                    if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.StatementOfResponsibility)
                        statement_responsibility = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisNote.Note);

            // Render this in HTML
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div class=\"form_title_div\">");

            // Add the link for the main title
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title.Length == 0)
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the main title\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_maintitle_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_maintitle_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_maintitle', 'formmaintitletitle', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "');\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_maintitle', 'formmaintitletitle');\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_title_main_line\" id=\"form_maintitle_term\"><i>Empty Main Title</i>");
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the main title\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_maintitle_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_maintitle_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_maintitle', 'formmaintitletitle', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "');\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_maintitle', 'formmaintitletitle');\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_title_main_line\" id=\"form_maintitle_term\">" + Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.NonSort + Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title);
                if (Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Subtitle.Length > 0)
                    Output.Write(" : " + Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Subtitle);
            Output.WriteLine( "</div></a> ");

            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Main Title Form -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"title_main_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_maintitle\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Main Title</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_maintitle_form('form_maintitle')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the title type (and optionally display label)
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">Title Type:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><span style=\"color: Blue; padding-bottom: 7px;\" >Main Title</span></td></tr>");

            // Add the nonsort and language text boxes
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Non Sort:</td><td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlenonsort\" id=\"formmainttitlenonsort\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.NonSort) + "\" />");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("</td><td style=\"width:255px\" >Language: &nbsp; ");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlelanguage\" id=\"formmainttitlelanguage\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Language) + "\" />");

            // Add the title, subtitle, and statement of responsibility
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitletitle\" id=\"formmaintitletitle\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Title) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Sub Title:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formtitle_large_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlesubtitle\" id=\"formmaintitlesubtitle\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Subtitle) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td colspan=\"3\">Statement of Responsibility: &nbsp; &nbsp; <input class=\"formtitle_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlestatement\" id=\"formmaintitlestatement\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + statement_responsibility + "\" /></td></tr>");

            // Add the part numbers
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Numbers:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
            if ( Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Numbers_Count > 0 )
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartnum1\" id=\"formmaintitlepartnum1\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Numbers[0]) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartnum1\" id=\"formmaintitlepartnum1\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Numbers_Count > 1)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartnum2\" id=\"formmaintitlepartnum2\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Numbers[1]) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartnum2\" id=\"formmaintitlepartnum2\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

            // Add the part names and authority
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Part Names:</td><td>");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Names_Count > 0)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartname1\" id=\"formmaintitlepartname1\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Names[0]) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartname1\" id=\"formmaintitlepartname1\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Names_Count > 1)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartname2\" id=\"formmaintitlepartname2\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Part_Names[1]) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitlepartname2\" id=\"formmaintitlepartname2\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
            PopupFormBuilder.Append("<td>Authority: &nbsp; <input class=\"formtitle_small_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formmaintitleauthority\" id=\"formmaintitleauthority\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.Authority) + "\" />");

            // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_maintitle_form('form_maintitle');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the information about the manufacturer of the original item.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Manufacturers_Count == 0)
                const int i = 1;
                Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Name", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_name" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_name" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_name_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" /><br />");
                Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Location(s)", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.Write("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                ReadOnlyCollection<Publisher_Info> manufacturers = Bib.Bib_Info.Manufacturers;
                for (int i = 1; i <= manufacturers.Count; i++)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Name", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_name" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_name" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_name_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(manufacturers[i - 1].Name) + "\" /><br />");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Location(s)", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                    ReadOnlyCollection<Origin_Info_Place> places = manufacturers[i - 1].Places;
                    if ((places.Count > 0) && (places[0].Place_Text.Length > 0))
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(places[0].Place_Text) + "\" />");
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_firstloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                    if ((places.Count > 1) && (places[1].Place_Text.Length > 0))
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(places[1].Place_Text) + "\" />");
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_secondloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                    if ((places.Count > 2) && (places[2].Place_Text.Length > 0))
                        Output.Write("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(places[2].Place_Text) + "\" />");
                        Output.Write("              <input name=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_thirdloc" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_location_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");

                    if (i < manufacturers.Count)
                        Output.WriteLine("<br />");
                        Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new manufacturer", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_publisher_element('" + html_element_name + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter each person or group which created this material. Personal names should be entered as [Family Name], [Given Name].";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Render this in HTML
            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div class=\"form_name_div\">");

            // Collect all the names
            int name_count = 1;
            bool first_is_main = false;
            List<Name_Info> names = new List<Name_Info>();
            if (( Bib.Bib_Info.hasMainEntityName ) && ( Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Entity_Name.hasData))
                first_is_main = true;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Names_Count > 0)

            // There should always be one name at least
            if (names.Count == 0)
                names.Add(new Name_Info());

            // Step through and create the popup forms and inks
            foreach (Name_Info thisName in names)
                // Add the link for the other title
                string thisNameText = thisName.ToString();
                if (!thisName.hasData)
                    thisNameText = "<i>Empty Name</i>";
                    Output.WriteLine("              <a title=\"Click to edit this named entity\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_name_line_" + name_count + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_name_line_" + name_count + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_name_" + name_count + "', 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_name_" + name_count + "', 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_name_line\" id=\"form_name_line_" + name_count + "\">" + thisNameText + "</div></a>");

                    Output.WriteLine("              <a title=\"Click to edit this named entity\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_name_line_" + name_count + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_name_line_" + name_count + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_name_" + name_count + "', 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_name_" + name_count + "', 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_name_line\" id=\"form_name_line_" + name_count + "\">" + thisNameText + "</div></a>");

                // Determine if this is a personal name
                string personal_values_display = "none";
                string description_location_display = "Location";
                string form_class = "name_popup_div";
                if ((thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.Personal) || ( thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.UNKNOWN ))
                    personal_values_display = "inline";
                    description_location_display = "Description";
                    form_class = "name_popup_div_personal";

                // Add the popup form
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Name Form " + name_count + " -->");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"" + form_class + " sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_name_" + name_count + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Named Entity</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_name_form('form_name_" + name_count + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

                // Add the name type combo box and radio buttons
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td>Name Type:</td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        <select class=\"form_name_select\" id=\"form_name_type_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_type_" + name_count + "\" onChange=\"name_type_changed('" + name_count + "');\" >");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine(thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.Conference
                                                  ? "          <option value=\"conference\" selected=\"selected\" >Conference</option>"
                                                  : "          <option value=\"conference\">Conference</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine(thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.Corporate
                                                  ? "          <option value=\"corporate\" selected=\"selected\" >Corporate</option>"
                                                  : "          <option value=\"corporate\">Corporate</option>");

                if (( thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.Personal ) || ( thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.UNKNOWN ))
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("          <option value=\"personal\" selected=\"selected\" >Personal</option>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("          <option value=\"personal\">Personal</option>");

                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("        </select>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      </td>");
                if (( name_count == 1 ) && ( first_is_main ))

                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("      <td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"form_name_main_" + name_count + "\" id=\"form_name_main_main_" + name_count + "\" value=\"main\" checked=\"checked\" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "');\" /><label for=\"form_name_main_main_" + name_count + "\">Principal Author</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"form_name_main_" + name_count + "\" id=\"form_name_main_added_" + name_count + "\" value=\"added\" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "');\" /><label for=\"form_name_main_added_" + name_count + "\">Other Author</label></td>");
                    PopupFormBuilder.Append("      <td><input type=\"radio\" name=\"form_name_main_" + name_count + "\" id=\"form_name_main_main_" + name_count + "\" value=\"main\" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "');\" /><label for=\"form_name_main_main_" + name_count + "\">Main Entry</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ");
                    PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"form_name_main_" + name_count + "\" id=\"form_name_main_added_" + name_count + "\" value=\"added\" checked=\"checked\" onclick=\"focus_element( 'form_name_full_" + name_count + "');\" /><label for=\"form_name_main_added_" + name_count + "\">Added Entry</label></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");

                // Add the full name box
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Full Name:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_large_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_full_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_full_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Full_Name) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the given name and family name(s)
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td><span  id=\"name_personallabel1_" + name_count + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" >Given Names:</span></td><td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_given_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_given_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Given_Name) + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" /></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><span  id=\"name_personallabel2_" + name_count + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" >Family Name:</span><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_family_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_family_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Family_Name) + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the display form and terms of address
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td><span  id=\"name_personallabel3_" + name_count + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" >Display Form:</span></td><td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_display_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_display_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Display_Form) + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" /></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<td><span  id=\"name_personallabel4_" + name_count + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" >Terms of Address:</span><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_small_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_terms_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_terms_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Terms_Of_Address) + "\" style=\"display:" + personal_values_display + ";\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the dates
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Dates:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_medium_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_dates_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_dates_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Dates) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the description
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td><span id=\"name_desc_location_span_" + name_count + "\">" + description_location_display + ":</span></td><td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_large_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_desc_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_desc_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Description) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Add the affiliation
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Affiliation:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_large_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_affiliation_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_affiliation_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisName.Affiliation) + "\" /></td></tr>");

                // Determine the roles to display
                string role1 = String.Empty;
                string role2 = String.Empty;
                string role3 = String.Empty;
                int role_index = 1;
                foreach (Name_Info_Role thisRole in thisName.Roles)
                    if ((thisRole.Role.Length > 0) && (thisRole.Role_Type == Name_Info_Role_Type_Enum.Text))
                        switch (role_index)
                            case 1:
                                role1 = thisRole.Role;

                            case 2:
                                role2 = thisRole.Role;

                            case 3:
                                role3 = thisRole.Role;

                // Add the roles
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("    <tr><td>Roles:</td><td colspan=\"2\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_small_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_role1_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_role1_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(role1) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_small_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_role2_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_role2_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(role2) + "\" />");
                PopupFormBuilder.Append("<input type=\"text\" class=\"form_name_small_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_name_role3_" + name_count + "\" name=\"form_name_role3_" + name_count + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(role3) + "\" />");

                // Close the form and add the button
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_name_form('form_name_" + name_count + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
                PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new name
            //<span class=\"add_new_link\"><a href=\"#template\" onclick=\"new_creator_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "')\">Add New Creator</a></span>");

            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new named object to this resource", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"return new_creator_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');return false;\" />");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the period of time which is the subject of this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects_Count == 0)
                const int  i = 1;
                Output.Write("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Start Year", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_start" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_start" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_year_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("End Year", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_end" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_end" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_year_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Period", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_period" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_period" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_period_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" /></div>");
                Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
                ReadOnlyCollection<Temporal_Info> temporalSubjects = Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects;
                for (int i = 1; i <= temporalSubjects.Count; i++)
                    Output.Write("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Start Year", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                    Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_start" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_start" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_year_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + temporalSubjects[i - 1].Start_Year.ToString().Replace("-1", "") + "\" />");
                    Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("End Year", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                    Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_end" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_end" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_year_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + temporalSubjects[i - 1].End_Year.ToString().Replace("-1", "") + "\" />");
                    Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Period", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                    Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_period" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_period" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_period_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(temporalSubjects[i - 1].TimePeriod) + "\" />");

                    Output.WriteLine(i < temporalSubjects.Count ? "<br />" : "\n            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new temporal coverage field", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_temporal_element();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all simple text box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_values"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="HTML_ID_Name"> ID name used for these elements.  This is usually provided when there are multiple fixed-roles or fixed-type elements </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, ReadOnlyCollection<string> instance_values, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, string HTML_ID_Name)
            List<string> allValues = new List<string>();

            if (allValues.Count == 0)
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, HTML_ID_Name);

            if (allValues.Count == 1)
                render_helper(Output, allValues[0], Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, HTML_ID_Name);

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Title.IndexOf(":") < 0)
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + "</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + "</a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.Write("          <td><div class=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "_div\">");
                for (int i = 0; i < instance_values.Count; i++)
                    if (i < (instance_values.Count - 1))
                        Output.Write("<br />");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + "_div\">");

                for (int i = 1; i <= allValues.Count; i++)
                    if (i == allValues.Count)
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + i + "\" id=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(allValues[i - 1].Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")) + "\" />");
                        Output.WriteLine("              <input name=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + i + "\" id=\"" + HTML_ID_Name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(allValues[i - 1].Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")) + "\" /><br />");

                Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

                if (view_choices_string.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("            " + view_choices_string.Replace("<%INTERFACE%>", Skin_Code) + "&nbsp; ");

                if (Repeatable)
                    Output.WriteLine("          <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_new_element_adv('" + HTML_ID_Name + "', '" + html_element_name + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Method helps to render the html for all elements based on textBox_ComboBox_Element class </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generate html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="text_values"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display in the text box </param>
        /// <param name="select_values"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display in the combo box</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, List<string> text_values, List<string> select_values, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            if (text_values.Count == 0)

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table><tr><td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            for (int i = 1; i <= text_values.Count; i++)
                // Write the text box
                Output.Write("        <input name=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text_values[i - 1]) + "\" />");

                // If there is a second label, draw that
                if (second_label.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(second_label, CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");

                // Write the combo box
                Output.WriteLine("        <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" >");

                bool found_option = false;
                for ( int j = 0 ; j < possible_select_items_text.Count ; j++ )
                    if ((i < possible_select_items_text.Count) && (possible_select_items_text[j] == select_values[i - 1]))
                        if (possible_select_items_value.Count > j)
                            Output.WriteLine("          <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + possible_select_items_value[j] + "\">" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "</option>");
                            Output.WriteLine("          <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "\">" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "</option>");
                        found_option = true;
                        if (possible_select_items_value.Count > j)
                            Output.WriteLine("          <option value=\"" + possible_select_items_value[j] + "\">" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "</option>");
                            Output.WriteLine("          <option value=\"" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "\">" + possible_select_items_text[j] + "</option>");

                if (( i <= select_values.Count ) && ( select_values[i-1].Length > 0  ) && ( !Restrict_Values ) && ( !found_option ))
                    Output.WriteLine("          <option value=\"" + select_values[i-1] + "\" selected=\"selected=\">" + select_values[i-1] + "</option>");
                Output.Write("        </select>");

                if (i == text_values.Count )
                    Output.WriteLine("      </div>");
                    Output.WriteLine("<br />");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_text_box_select_element('" + html_element_name + "', '" + second_label + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr></table></td></tr>");

        /// <summary> Method helps to render the html for all elements based on comboBox_TextBox_Element class </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generate html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="select_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the combo box</param>
        /// <param name="userdefined_possible"> List of possible select values, set by the user </param>
        /// <param name="text_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the text box</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="initial_value"> Flag indicates if the value in the select_value param is actually instructional text, and not a true value</param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string select_value, List<string> userdefined_possible, string text_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, bool initial_value)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            const int i = 1;

            // Determine if the code --> statement linking should be present
            bool codeStatementMappingPresent = !((code_to_statement_dictionary == null) || (code_to_statement_dictionary.Count == 0));

                // Write the combo box
            // Write the combo box

            // Determine the javascript to append
            string javascript = String.Empty;
            if (clear_textbox_on_combobox_change)
                if (codeStatementMappingPresent)
                    javascript = "onchange=\"combo_text_element_onchange('" + id_name + "_select" + i + "', '" + id_name + "_text" + i + "',true)\"";
                    javascript = "onchange=\"clear_textbox('" + id_name + "_text" + i + "')\"";
            else if (codeStatementMappingPresent)
                javascript = "onchange=\"combo_text_element_onchange('" + id_name + "_select" + i + "', '" + id_name + "_text" + i + "',false)\"";

            // Start the select box
            Output.Write("            <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "_select" + i + "','" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\"" + javascript + " >");

                bool found_option = false;
                foreach (string thisOption in possible_select_items)
                    // Determine the value
                    string value = thisOption;
                    if ((codeStatementMappingPresent) && (code_to_statement_dictionary.ContainsKey(thisOption)))
                        value = thisOption + "|" + code_to_statement_dictionary[thisOption];

                    if ((i < possible_select_items.Count) && (thisOption == select_value))
                        Output.Write("<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value) + "\" selected=\"selected=\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                        found_option = true;
                        Output.Write("<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value) + "\" >" + thisOption + "</option>");

                if ((select_value.Length > 0) && (!Restrict_Values) && (!found_option))
                    // Get this option
                    string option = select_value;

                    // Determine the value
                    string value = option;
                    if ((codeStatementMappingPresent) && (code_to_statement_dictionary.ContainsKey(option)))
                        value = option + "|" + code_to_statement_dictionary[option];

                    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value) + "\" selected=\"selected=\">" + option + "</option>");

                // Write the second text
                if (second_label.Length > 0)
                    Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + second_label + ":</span>");

                // Write the text box
                Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text_value) + "\" />");


            Output.WriteLine("        </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("          <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter zoological taxonomic information about living organisms related to this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.Write("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Get the zoological taxonomy
            Zoological_Taxonomy_Info zooInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.ZOOLOGICAL_TAXONOMY_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Zoological_Taxonomy_Info;
            if (zooInfo == null)
                zooInfo = new Zoological_Taxonomy_Info();

            int zoo_index = 1;

            // Add this subject linke
            string zoo_as_string = zooInfo.ToString();
            if (zoo_as_string.Length > 0)
                Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this zoological taxonomic information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "', 'formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\"  onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "', 'formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_zootaxon_line\" id=\"form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "\">" + zoo_as_string + "</div></a>");
                Output.Write("\n        <a title=\"Click to edit this hierarchical zootaxon information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "', 'formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\"  onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "', 'formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_zootaxon_line\" id=\"form_zootaxon_term_" + zoo_index + "\"><i>No taxonomic information</i></div></a>");

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Zoological Taxonomy Form " + zoo_index + " -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"zootaxon_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Zoological Taxonomy</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"return close_zootaxon_form('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "')\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the rows of data
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:100px;\">Kingdom:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonkingdom_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Kingdom) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Phylum:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonphylum_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonphylum_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Phylum) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Class:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonclass_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonclass_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Class) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Order:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonorder_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonorder_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Order) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Family:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonfamily_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonfamily_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Family) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Genus:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxongenus_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxongenus_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Genus) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Species:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxonspecies_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxonspecies_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Specific_Epithet) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>Common Name:</td><td colspan=\"2\"><input class=\"formzootaxon_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formzootaxoncommon_" + zoo_index + "\" id=\"formzootaxoncommon_" + zoo_index + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(zooInfo.Common_Name) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"3\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_zootaxon_form('form_zootaxon_" + zoo_index + "');\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");

            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");


            // Add the link to add a new other subject and close the main element
            Output.WriteLine("\n            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new zoological taxonomy object", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return new_zoo_link_clicked('" + Template_Page + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Get the navigation bar html for a view, given information about the current request </summary>
        /// <param name="Item_View"> View for which to generate the html </param>
        /// <param name="Resource_Type"> Current resource type, which determines the text in several viewer's tabs</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current web sking, which determines which tab images to use </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Mode"> Mode / navigation information for the current request</param>
        /// <param name="Page_Sequence"> Current page sequence </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object provides support for translating common user interface elements, like the names of these tabs </param>
        /// <param name="Show_Zoomable"> Flag indicates if the zoomable server is online and should be displayable </param>
        /// <param name="Current_Item"> Current digital resource, with the viewers that should be displayed </param>
        /// <returns> Collection of the html for the navigation bar (one view could have multiple tabs)</returns>
        public static List<string> Get_Nav_Bar_HTML(View_Object Item_View, string Resource_Type, 
            string Skin_Code, Navigation_Object Current_Mode, int Page_Sequence,
            Language_Support_Info Translator, bool Show_Zoomable, SobekCM_Item Current_Item )
            List<string> returnVal = new List<string>();

            switch (Item_View.View_Type)
                case View_Enum.ALL_VOLUMES:
                    string allVolumeCode = "allvolumes";
                    string resource_type_upper = Resource_Type.ToUpper();
                    if (Current_Mode.ViewerCode.IndexOf("allvolumes") == 0)
                        allVolumeCode = Current_Mode.ViewerCode;
                    if (resource_type_upper.IndexOf("NEWSPAPER") >= 0)
                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper(allVolumeCode, Translator.Get_Translation("All Issues", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                        if (resource_type_upper.IndexOf("MAP") >= 0)
                            returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper(allVolumeCode, Translator.Get_Translation("Related Maps", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                            returnVal.Add(resource_type_upper.IndexOf("AERIAL") >= 0
                                              ? HTML_Helper(allVolumeCode, Translator.Get_Translation("Related Flights", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode)
                                              : HTML_Helper(allVolumeCode, Translator.Get_Translation("All Volumes", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.CITATION:
                    if ((Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "citation") || ( Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "marc" ) || ( Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "metadata" ) || ( Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "usage" ))
                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper(Current_Mode.ViewerCode, Translator.Get_Translation("Citation", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("citation", Translator.Get_Translation("Citation", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.DATASET_CODEBOOK:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("dscodebook", Translator.Get_Translation("Data Structure", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.DATASET_REPORTS:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("dsreports", Translator.Get_Translation("Reports", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.DATASET_VIEWDATA:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("dsview", Translator.Get_Translation("Explore Data", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.DOWNLOADS:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("downloads", Translator.Get_Translation("Downloads", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.FEATURES:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("features", Translator.Get_Translation("Features", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.FLASH:
                    returnVal.Add( String.IsNullOrEmpty(Item_View.Label)
                                      ? HTML_Helper("flash", Translator.Get_Translation("Flash View", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode)
                                      : HTML_Helper("flash", Translator.Get_Translation(Item_View.Label.ToUpper(), Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.GOOGLE_MAP:
                    if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Current_Mode.Coordinates))
                        if (Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "mapsearch")
                            returnVal.Add( HTML_Helper("mapsearch", Translator.Get_Translation("Map Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                            if (( Current_Item.Web.Static_PageCount > 1 ) || ( Current_Item.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type != TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Map ))
                                returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("map", Translator.Get_Translation("Search Results", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                                returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("map", Translator.Get_Translation("Map Coverage", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("map", Translator.Get_Translation("Map It!", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.GOOGLE_MAP_BETA:
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Current_Mode.Coordinates))
                        if (Current_Mode.ViewerCode == "mapsearchbeta")
                            returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("mapsearchbeta", Translator.Get_Translation("Map Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                            if ((Current_Item.Web.Static_PageCount > 1) || (Current_Item.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type != TypeOfResource_SobekCM_Enum.Map_Beta))
                                returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("mapbeta", Translator.Get_Translation("Search Results", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));
                                returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("mapbeta", Translator.Get_Translation("Map Coverage", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("map", Translator.Get_Translation("Map It!", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.HTML:
                                      ? HTML_Helper("html", Item_View.Label.ToUpper(), Current_Mode)
                                      : HTML_Helper("html", "HTML LINK", Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.JPEG:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper_PageView(Page_Sequence.ToString() + "j", Translator.Get_Translation("Standard", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.JPEG_TEXT_TWO_UP:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper_PageView(Page_Sequence.ToString() + "u", Translator.Get_Translation("Page Image with Text", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.JPEG2000:
                    if (Show_Zoomable)
                        returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper_PageView(Page_Sequence.ToString() + "x", Translator.Get_Translation("Zoomable", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.PDF:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("pdf", Translator.Get_Translation("PDF Viewer", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.RELATED_IMAGES:
                    returnVal.Add(Current_Mode.ViewerCode.IndexOf("thumbs") >= 0
                                      ? HTML_Helper(Current_Mode.ViewerCode, Translator.Get_Translation("Thumbnails", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode)
                                      : HTML_Helper("thumbs", Translator.Get_Translation("Thumbnails", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.SEARCH:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("search", Translator.Get_Translation("Search", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.SIMPLE_HTML_LINK:
                    returnVal.Add("<li> <a href=\"" + Item_View.Attributes + "\" target=\"_blank\" alt=\"Link to '" + Item_View.Label + "'\"> " + Translator.Get_Translation(Item_View.Label.ToUpper(), Current_Mode.Language) + " </a></li>");

                case View_Enum.STREETS:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("streets", Translator.Get_Translation("Streets", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.TEXT:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper_PageView(Page_Sequence.ToString() + "t", Translator.Get_Translation("Page Text", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.TOC:
                     // returnVal.Add(base.HTML_Helper(Skin_Code, "TC", "Table of Contents", Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.RESTRICTED:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("restricted", Translator.Get_Translation("Restricted", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.EAD_CONTAINER_LIST:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("container", Translator.Get_Translation("Container List", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.EAD_DESCRIPTION:
                    // Return nothing, this is currently written when writing the CITATION, for
                    // all EAD type items.
                    //returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper(Skin_Code, "description", Translator.Get_Translation("DESCRIPTION", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.PAGE_TURNER:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("pageturner#page/1/mode/2up", Translator.Get_Translation("Page Turner", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.YOUTUBE_VIDEO:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("youtube", Translator.Get_Translation("Video", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.EMBEDDED_VIDEO:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("videoem", Translator.Get_Translation("Video", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.VIDEO:
                    returnVal.Add(HTML_Helper("video", Translator.Get_Translation("Video", Current_Mode.Language), Current_Mode));

                case View_Enum.TRACKING:
                    // DO nothing in this case.. do not write any tab

                case View_Enum.TRACKING_SHEET:
                    //DO nothing in this case.. do not write any tab

                case View_Enum.QUALITY_CONTROL:
                    // DO nothing in this case.. do not write any tab

            return returnVal;
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter any notes about this digital manifestation or the original material";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Determine the columns for this text area, based on browser
            int actual_cols = cols;
            if (IsMozilla)
                actual_cols = colsMozilla;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td width=\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr style=\text-align:left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            int notes_count = 0;
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count > 0)
                notes_count += Bib.Bib_Info.Notes.Count(ThisNote => ((ThisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.StatementOfResponsibility) || (Include_Statement_Responsibility)) && (ThisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.DefaultType));

            if (notes_count == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv1\">");
                Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Type", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" onchange=\"complexnote_type_change('1');\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"500\"></option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"541\">Acquisition</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"530\">Additional Physical Form</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"504\">Bibliography</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"545\">Biographical</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"510\">Citation/Reference</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"508\">Creation/Production Credits</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"362\">Dates/Sequential Designation</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"donation\">Donation</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"585\">Exhibitions</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"536\">Funding</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"internal\">Internal Comments</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"550\">Issuing Body</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"546\">Language</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"515\">Numbering Peculiarities</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"535\">Original Location</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"534\">Original Version</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"561\">Ownership</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"511\">Performers</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"524\">Preferred Citation</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"581\">Publications</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"pubstatus\">Publication Status</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"506\">Restriction</option>");
                if (Include_Statement_Responsibility)
                    Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"245\">Statement of Responsibility</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"538\">System Details</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"502\">Thesis</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"518\">Venue</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"562\">Version Identification</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                </select>");
                Output.WriteLine("              </div>");

                Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" ></textarea>");
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Note_Info thisNote in Bib.Bib_Info.Notes)
                    if (((thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.StatementOfResponsibility) || (Include_Statement_Responsibility)) &&
                        ( thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.DefaultType ))
                        string note_display_label = String.Empty;
                        string display_label_prompt = "Materials Selected";

                        Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv" + i + "\">");
                        Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">Type:</span>");
                        Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" onchange=\"complexnote_type_change('" + i + "');\" >");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.NONE)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"500\" selected=\"selected\"></option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            display_label_prompt = "Display Label";
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"500\"></option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Acquisition
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"541\" selected=\"selected\">Acquisition</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"541\">Acquisition</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.AdditionalPhysicalForm
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"530\" selected=\"selected\">Additional Physical Form</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"530\">Additional Physical Form</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Bibliography
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"504\" selected=\"selected\">Bibliography</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"504\">Bibliography</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Biographical
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"545\" selected=\"selected\">Biographical</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"545\">Biographical</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.CitationReference
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"510\" selected=\"selected\">Citation/Reference</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"510\">Citation/Reference</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.CreationCredits
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"508\" selected=\"selected\">Creation/Production Credits</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"508\">Creation/Production Credits</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.DatesSequentialDesignation)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"362\" selected=\"selected\">Dates/Sequential Designation</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            display_label_prompt = "Source";
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"362\">Dates/Sequential Designation</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Donation
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"donation\" selected=\"selected\">Donation</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"donation\">Donation</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Exhibitions)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"585\" selected=\"selected\">Exhibitions</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"585\">Exhibitions</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Funding
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"536\" selected=\"selected\">Funding</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"536\">Funding</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.InternalComments
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"internal\" selected=\"selected\">Internal Comments</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"internal\">Internal Comments</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.IssuingBody
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"550\" selected=\"selected\">Issuing Body</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"550\">Issuing Body</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Language)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"546\" selected=\"selected\">Language</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"546\">Language</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.NumberingPeculiarities
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"515\" selected=\"selected\">Numbering Peculiarities</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"515\">Numbering Peculiarities</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.OriginalLocation
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"535\" selected=\"selected\">Original Location</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"535\">Original Location</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.OriginalVersion
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"534\" selected=\"selected\">Original Version</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"534\">Original Version</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Ownership)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"561\" selected=\"selected\">Ownership</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"561\">Ownership</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Performers)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"511\" selected=\"selected\">Performers</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            display_label_prompt = "Display Label";
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"511\">Performers</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.PreferredCitation)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"524\" selected=\"selected\">Preferred Citation</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"524\">Preferred Citation</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Publications)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"581\" selected=\"selected\">Publications</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"581\">Publications</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.PublicationStatus
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"pubstatus\" selected=\"selected\">Publication Status</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"pubstatus\">Publication Status</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Restriction
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"506\" selected=\"selected\">Restriction</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"506\">Restriction</option>");

                        if (Include_Statement_Responsibility)
                            Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.StatementOfResponsibility
                                                 ? "                  <option value=\"245\" selected=\"selected\">Statement of Responsibility</option>"
                                                 : "                  <option value=\"245\">Statement of Responsibility</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.SystemDetails
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"538\" selected=\"selected\">System Details</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"538\">System Details</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.Thesis
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"502\" selected=\"selected\">Thesis</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"502\">Thesis</option>");

                        if (thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.DateVenue)
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"518\" selected=\"selected\">Venue</option>");
                            note_display_label = thisNote.Display_Label;
                            Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"518\">Venue</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine(thisNote.Note_Type == Note_Type_Enum.VersionIdentification
                                             ? "                  <option value=\"562\" selected=\"selected\">Version Identification</option>"
                                             : "                  <option value=\"562\">Version Identification</option>");

                        Output.WriteLine("                </select>");

                        if (note_display_label.Length > 0)
                            Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\" id=\"complexnote_inputtext" + i + "\" name=\"complexnote_inputtext" + i + "\">" + display_label_prompt + ":</span>");
                            Output.WriteLine("<input class=\"complexnote_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"complexnote_inputtext" + i + "\" name=\"complexnote_input" + i + "\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(note_display_label) + "\" />");

                        Output.WriteLine("              </div>");

                        Output.Write("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisNote.Note) + "</textarea>");

                        if (i < Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count)
                            Output.WriteLine("<br />");

                Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");

            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new note", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_complex_note('" + Rows + "','" + actual_cols + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");