/// <summary>
        /// Use Enterprise API to create new SFDC records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId"></param>
        /// <param name="serverUrl"></param>
        private static void CreateEnterpriseRecords()
             Console.WriteLine("Creating an account record with the Enterprise API ...");

            //set query endpoint to value returned by login request
            EndpointAddress apiAddr = new EndpointAddress(serverUrl);

            //instantiate session header object and set session id
            enterprise.SessionHeader header = new enterprise.SessionHeader();
            header.sessionId = sessionId;

            //create service client to call API endpoint
            using (enterprise.SoapClient createClient = new enterprise.SoapClient("Soap", apiAddr))
                enterprise.Account newAcct = new enterprise.Account();
                newAcct.Name = "DevForce02";
                newAcct.AccountNumber = "10043332";
                //all non-string fields must have their corresponding <name>Specified property set
                newAcct.AnnualRevenue = 4000000f;
                //newAcct.AnnualRevenueSpecified = true;

                enterprise.Opportunity o = new enterprise.Opportunity();
                o.Name = "Opp2";
                o.StageName = "Prospecting";
                o.CloseDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-03-22");
                o.CloseDateSpecified = true;

                enterprise.SaveResult[] results;

                    header, //sessionheader
                    null, //assignmentruleheader
                    null, //mruheader
                    null, //allowfieldtruncationheader
                    null, //disablefeedtrackingheader
                    null, //streamingenabledheader
                    null, //allornoneheader
                    null, //debuggingheader
                    null, //packageversionheader
                    null, //emailheader
                    new enterprise.sObject[] { o }, //objects to add
                    out results //results of the creation operation

                //only added one item, so looking at first index of results object
                if (results[0].success)
                    Console.WriteLine("Account successfully created.");
