private void DetachVolume(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.DetachVolume(Device, InstanceId, VolumeId, Force); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Detached volume"); } }
private void DeleteSnapShot(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.DeleteSnapShot(SnapShotId); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Deleted SnapShot {0}", SnapShotId); } }
private void CreateVolume(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { VolumeId = helper.CreateNewVolume(AvailabilityZone, Size); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Created volume of size {0}MiB with VolumeId {1}", Size, VolumeId); } }
private void RebootInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.RebootInstance(InstanceIds); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Stopped Instances {0}", Join(InstanceIds)); } }
private void StartInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.StartInstances(InstanceIds); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Started Instances {0}", Join(InstanceIds)); } }
private void DeleteVolume(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.DeleteVolume(VolumeId); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Deleted Volume {0}", VolumeId); } }
private void DisassociateIpAddress(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.DisassociateIpAddress(IpAddress); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Disassiociated IPAddress {0}", IpAddress); } }
private void AssociateIpAddress(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.AssociateIpAddress(InstanceId, IpAddress); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Associated IP Address {0} with InstanceId {1}", IpAddress, InstanceId); } }
private void CreateVolume(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { VolumeId = helper.CreateVolumeFromSnapshot(AvailabilityZone, SnapShotId); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Created volume {0} from SnapShot {1}", VolumeId, SnapShotId); } }
private void TerminateInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.TerminateInstance(InstanceIds); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Terminiated Instances {0}", Join(InstanceIds)); } }
private void CreateSnapShot(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { SnapShotId = helper.CreateSnapShot(VolumeId, Description); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Snapshot {0} created of volume {1} ", SnapShotId, VolumeId); } }
private void WaitForInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.WaitForInstances(InstanceIds, DesiredState.ToLower(), TimeOutSeconds, PollIntervalSeconds); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "All Instances {0} in the state {1}", Join(InstanceIds), DesiredState); } }
public void AssociateIpAddressWithInstance_Should_Succeed() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); ec2Helper.AssociateIpAddress(DefaultInstanceId, DefaultIpAddress); }
private void RunInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { // Run up the instances and return the InstanceId's InstanceIds = helper.RunInstance(ImageId, NumberOfInstances, KeyName, UserData, SecurityGroups, AvailabilityZone).ToArray(); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Run {0} Instances", NumberOfInstances); } }
private void StartInstances(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { RunningInstance instance = helper.DescribeInstance(InstanceId); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Got Instance {0} details", InstanceId); SetOutputProperties(instance); } }
public void CreateNewVolume_Should_CreateNewVolume() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); // Create a 2Gb volumne. string volumeId = ec2Helper.CreateNewVolume("us-east-1b", "2"); // "us-east-1b" Assert.IsNotEmpty(volumeId, "Expected VolumeId"); }
public void AttachVolumeToInstance_Should_AttachVolume() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); const string device = "xvdf"; const string volumeId = "vol-6bd56a02"; const string instanceId = "i-6de0a406"; ec2Helper.AttachVolume(device, instanceId, volumeId); }
public void CreateSnapShotFromVolume_Should_CreateSnapShot() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); const string volumeId = "vol-d1e15eb8"; const string description = "Test SnapShot"; // Create a 2Gb volumne. string snapShotId = ec2Helper.CreateSnapShot(volumeId, description); Assert.IsNotEmpty(snapShotId, "Expected SnapShot Id"); }
private void GetPublicDNS(AwsClientDetails clientDetails) { if (Region != null) { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails, Region)) { helper.GetPublicDNS(InstanceName); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Public DNS and IP address for instance {0} retrived ", InstanceName); PublicDNS = helper.publicDNS; PublicIP = helper.publicIP; } } else { using (var helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails)) { helper.GetPublicDNS(InstanceName); Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Public DNS and IP address for instance {0} retrived ", InstanceName); PublicDNS = helper.publicDNS; PublicIP = helper.publicIP; } } }
public void TerminateInstnace_Should_TerminateInstance() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); // TODO: this instanceId will change based on the Run Instance test. ec2Helper.TerminateInstance(new string[] { "i-6503450e" }); }
public void DeleteSnapShot_Should_DeleteSnapShot() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); const string snapShotId = "snap-422c832a"; ec2Helper.DeleteSnapShot(snapShotId); }
public void DeleteVolume_Should_DeleteVolume() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); const string volumeId = "vol-d1e15eb8"; // Delete the volume ec2Helper.DeleteVolume(volumeId); }
public void DescribeInstance_Should_ReturnInstanceDetails() { // NB: This test requires an EC2 Instance to succeed. const string instanceId = "i-6de0a406"; var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); Amazon.EC2.Model.RunningInstance instance = ec2Helper.DescribeInstance(instanceId); Assert.IsNotNull(instance, "No instance"); }
public void Reboot_Should_RebootInstance() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); // TODO: this instanceId will change based on the Run Instance test. ec2Helper.RebootInstance(new string[] { "i-4501472e" }); }
public void RunInstance_Should_RunInstance() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); // Modify these to match your own AWS settings. const string ami = "ami-bfab42d6"; const string keyPair = "BookSwapPair1"; const string securityGroup = "Basic"; const string userData = ""; const string availabilityZone = "us-east-1a"; List<string> instances = ec2Helper.RunInstance(ami, 1, keyPair, userData, new string[] { securityGroup }, availabilityZone); Assert.IsNotEmpty(instances); }
public void StartInstances_Should_Start_Instance() { // Get the client details from the stored client details (rather than embed secret keys in the test). // Ensure that your AWS/Secret keys have been stored before running. var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); ec2Helper.StartInstances(new string[] { DefaultInstanceId }); }
public void StopInstances_Should_Stop_Instance() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); ec2Helper.StopInstances(new string[] { DefaultInstanceId }); }
public void CreateVolumeFromSnapShot_Should_CreateNewVolume() { var store = new ClientDetailsStore(); AwsClientDetails clientDetails = store.Load(Container); EC2Helper ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(clientDetails); const string availabilityZone = "us-east-1b"; const string snapShotId = "snap-422c832a"; // Create a 2Gb volumne. string volumeId = ec2Helper.CreateVolumeFromSnapshot(availabilityZone, snapShotId); Assert.IsNotEmpty(volumeId, "Expected VolumeId"); }