public void Refresh() {; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ( System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Loaded, (DispatcherOperationCallback)delegate { try { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; foreach (IntPtr windowHandle in NativeMethods.ToplevelWindows) { WindowInfo window = new WindowInfo(windowHandle); if (window.IsValidProcess && !this.HasProcess(window.OwningProcess)) { new AttachFailedHandler(window, this);; } } if ( > 0) this.windowsView.MoveCurrentTo([0]); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } return null; }, null ); }
static string Suffix(IntPtr windowHandle) { var window = new WindowInfo(windowHandle); string bitness = IntPtr.Size == 8 ? "64" : "32"; string clr = "3.5"; foreach (var module in window.Modules) { // a process is valid to snoop if it contains a dependency on PresentationFramework, PresentationCore, or milcore (wpfgfx). // this includes the files: // PresentationFramework.dll, // PresentationCore.dll, // wpfgfx_v0300.dll (WPF 3.0/3.5) // wpfgrx_v0400.dll (WPF 4.0) // note: sometimes PresentationFramework.dll doesn't show up in the list of modules. // so, it makes sense to also check for the unmanaged milcore component (wpfgfx_vxxxx.dll). // see for more info: // sometimes the module names aren't always the same case. compare case insensitive. // see for more info: if ( module.szModule.StartsWith("PresentationFramework", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || module.szModule.StartsWith("PresentationCore", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || module.szModule.StartsWith("wpfgfx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) { if (FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(module.szExePath).FileMajorPart > 3) { clr = "4.0"; } } if (module.szModule.Contains("wow64.dll")) { if (FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(module.szExePath).FileMajorPart > 3) { bitness = "32"; } } } return bitness + "-" + clr; }
public AttachFailedHandler(WindowInfo window, AppChooser appChooser = null) { window.AttachFailed += OnSnoopAttachFailed; _appChooser = appChooser; }
private void HandleRefreshCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { // clear out cached process info to make the force refresh do the process check over again. WindowInfo.ClearCachedWindowHandleInfo(); this.Refresh(); }
private void WindowFinderMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!IsDragging) return; if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released) { StopSnoopTargetsSearch(); return; } var windowUnderCursor = NativeMethods.GetWindowUnderMouse(); if (_windowUnderCursor == null) { _windowUnderCursor = new WindowInfo(windowUnderCursor); } if (IsVisualFeedbackWindow(windowUnderCursor)) { // if the window under the cursor is the feedback window, just ignore it. return; } if (windowUnderCursor != _windowUnderCursor.HWnd) { // the window under the cursor has changed RemoveVisualFeedback(); _windowUnderCursor = new WindowInfo(windowUnderCursor); if (_windowUnderCursor.IsValidProcess) { ShowVisualFeedback(); } } UpdateFeedbackWindowPosition(); }
private void StartSnoopTargetsSearch() { CaptureMouse(); IsDragging = true; Cursor = _crosshairsCursor; snoopCrosshairsImage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; _windowUnderCursor = null; }