//method that figures out if the snake hit anything. //public void makeRewardAppear() //{ // int x, y; // //choose random x and y cordinate and place a object // //the object will be either a person, mouse, or grasshopper // x = randFood.Next(0, 42) * 10;//creates a random x location // y = randFood.Next(3, 33) * 10;//creates a random y location // //after position is found the we need to get the object. // //rewardImage.Show(); //} public void collision() { Score highScores = new Score(); //this loop is testing to see if the snake hits itself or the boarder for (int i = 1; i < snake.SnakeRectangle.Length; i++) { if (snake.SnakeRectangle[0].IntersectsWith(snake.SnakeRectangle[i])) { highScores.HighestScore = score; // highScores.writeToList(); restart();// if the snake did eat itself then restart the game. } } if (snake.SnakeRectangle[0].X < 0 || snake.SnakeRectangle[0].X >= 430 || snake.SnakeRectangle[0].Y < 24 || snake.SnakeRectangle[0].Y > 330) { //if the snake went out of the boarder of the screen for the x axis //then restart highScores.HighestScore = score; // highScores.writeToList(); restart(); } //if game over is true then set }
private void highScoresToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //When the highscores button is click in the menu it will open a new //window and display them. Score highScores = new Score(); highScores.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SnakeGame.GameplayController"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="difficulty">The difficulty level to play at.</param> public GameplayController(Difficulty difficulty) { _score = new Score(difficulty); _playArea = new Grid(32, 32); _player = new Snake(_playArea, _playArea[16, 16], 5, Direction.Right); _objective = new Fruit(_playArea, _player.OccupiedCells, 3); _handler = new FruitEatenHandler(_objective, _player, _score); _mover = new SnakeMovementControlHandler(_player, (int)difficulty); _mover.OutOfBounds += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { string finalScore = "Final score: " + _score.Value; Color textColor = CellDrawing.GetColor("#e00707"); EventHandler gameOverText = delegate(object sender2, EventArgs e2) { SwinGame.DrawText("GAME OVER", textColor, 96, 128); SwinGame.DrawText(finalScore, textColor, 96, 140); }; var gameOverTimeout = new System.Timers.Timer(2048); gameOverTimeout.Elapsed += (object sender2, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e2) => { gameOverTimeout.Stop(); gameOverTimeout.Dispose(); RenderEvents.RenderTick -= gameOverText; OnDone(new ScoreInputController(_score)); }; gameOverTimeout.Start(); RenderEvents.RenderTick += gameOverText; }; _mover.AfterMove += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _handler.EvaluateState(); }; _up = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_w) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_UP)); }); _up.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Up); }; _left = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_a) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_LEFT)); }); _left.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Left); }; _down = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_s) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_DOWN)); }); _down.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Down); }; _right = new BooleanControlsFlag(delegate() { return(SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_d) || SwinGame.KeyDown(KeyCode.vk_RIGHT)); }); _right.StateSetTrue += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { _mover.Enqueue(Direction.Right); }; Color scoreColor = CellDrawing.GetColor("#008282"); _renderer = delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { int offset = 1; int x; int y; for (y = -1, x = -1; x <= _playArea.Width; x++) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, y)); CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, _playArea.Height)); } for (y = 0, x = -1; y < _playArea.Height; y++) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, x, y)); CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, new Cell(_playArea, _playArea.Width, y)); } foreach (MovementNode node in _player) { CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, node.Cell); } CellDrawing.Draw(offset, offset, _objective.OccupiedCell); SwinGame.DrawText("Score: " + _score.Value, scoreColor, 12, 2); }; RenderEvents.RenderTick += _renderer; }