private void RenderTexture(BFRES.Mesh m = null, BRTI tex = null, FTEX ftex = null) { Texture = tex; FTEXTexture = ftex; mesh = m; mat = mesh.material; foreach (BFRES.MatTexture te in mat.textures) { if (tex != null) { if (te.Name == tex.Text) { Mattex = te; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = te.wrapModeS; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = te.wrapModeT; } } if (ftex != null) { if (te.Name == ftex.Text) { Mattex = te; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = te.wrapModeS; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = te.wrapModeT; } } } }
public Dictionary <string, SFTex.Texture> glTexByName = new Dictionary <string, SFTex.Texture>(); //Rendering public void RefreshGlTexturesByName() { glTexByName.Clear(); foreach (FTEX tex in FTEXtextures.Values) { SFTex.Texture2D texture2d = FTEX.CreateTexture2D(tex.texture); glTexByName.Add(tex.Text, texture2d); tex.texture.display = texture2d.Id; tex.display = tex.texture.display; } }
public void LoadTexture(BFRES.Mesh m = null, BRTI tex = null, FTEX ftex = null) { RenderTexture(m, tex, ftex); }
public void Read(ResFile TargetWiiUBFRES) { Nodes.Add(TModels); Nodes.Add(TTextures); Nodes.Add(TShaderparam); Nodes.Add(TColoranim); Nodes.Add(TTextureSRT); Nodes.Add(TTexturePat); Nodes.Add(TBonevisabilty); Nodes.Add(TVisualAnim); Nodes.Add(TShapeAnim); Nodes.Add(TSceneAnim); Nodes.Add(TEmbedded); ImageKey = "bfres"; SelectedImageKey = "bfres"; FSKACount = TargetWiiUBFRES.SkeletalAnims.Count; FTXPCount = TargetWiiUBFRES.TexPatternAnims.Count; FSHUCount = TargetWiiUBFRES.ColorAnims.Count + TargetWiiUBFRES.TexSrtAnims.Count + TargetWiiUBFRES.ShaderParamAnims.Count; AnimationCountTotal = FSKACount + FTXPCount + FSHUCount; FTEXContainer = new FTEXContainer(); foreach (Texture tex in TargetWiiUBFRES.Textures.Values) { string TextureName = tex.Name; FTEX texture = new FTEX(); texture.ReadFTEX(tex); TTextures.Nodes.Add(texture); FTEXContainer.FTEXtextures.Add(texture.Text, texture); Runtime.FTEXContainerList.Add(FTEXContainer); } int ModelCur = 0; //FMDLs -Models- foreach (Model mdl in TargetWiiUBFRES.Models.Values) { FMDL_Model model = new FMDL_Model(); //This will store VBN data and stuff model.Text = mdl.Name; TModels.Nodes.Add(model); model.Node_Array = new int[mdl.Skeleton.MatrixToBoneList.Count]; int nodes = 0; foreach (ushort node in mdl.Skeleton.MatrixToBoneList) { model.Node_Array[nodes] = node; nodes++; } foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.Bone bn in mdl.Skeleton.Bones.Values) { Bone bone = new Bone(model.skeleton); bone.Text = bn.Name; bone.boneId = bn.BillboardIndex; bone.parentIndex = bn.ParentIndex; bone.scale = new float[3]; bone.rotation = new float[4]; bone.position = new float[3]; if (bn.FlagsRotation == BoneFlagsRotation.Quaternion) { bone.boneRotationType = 1; } else { bone.boneRotationType = 0; } bone.scale[0] = bn.Scale.X; bone.scale[1] = bn.Scale.Y; bone.scale[2] = bn.Scale.Z; bone.rotation[0] = bn.Rotation.X; bone.rotation[1] = bn.Rotation.Y; bone.rotation[2] = bn.Rotation.Z; bone.rotation[3] = bn.Rotation.W; bone.position[0] = bn.Position.X; bone.position[1] = bn.Position.Y; bone.position[2] = bn.Position.Z; model.skeleton.bones.Add(bone); } model.skeleton.reset(); model.skeleton.update(); //MeshTime!! int ShapeCur = 0; foreach (Shape shp in mdl.Shapes.Values) { Mesh poly = new Mesh(); poly.Text = shp.Name; poly.MaterialIndex = shp.MaterialIndex; poly.VertexSkinCount = shp.VertexSkinCount; poly.boneIndx = shp.BoneIndex; poly.fmdlIndx = ModelCur; foreach (int bn in shp.SkinBoneIndices) { if (!poly.BoneIndexList.ContainsKey(model.skeleton.bones[bn].Text)) { poly.BoneIndexList.Add(model.skeleton.bones[bn].Text, bn); } } TModels.Nodes[ModelCur].Nodes.Add(poly); //Create a buffer instance which stores all the buffer data VertexBufferHelper helper = new VertexBufferHelper(mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex], TargetWiiUBFRES.ByteOrder); //Set each array first from the lib if exist. Then add the data all in one loop Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Normals = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv1 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv2 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4c0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4t0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4b0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4w0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4i0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; foreach (VertexAttrib att in mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex].Attributes.Values) { Mesh.VertexAttribute attr = new Mesh.VertexAttribute(); attr.Name = att.Name; // attr.Format = att.Format; if (att.Name == "_p0") { vec4Positions = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_p0"); } if (att.Name == "_n0") { vec4Normals = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_n0"); } if (att.Name == "_u0") { vec4uv0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u0"); } if (att.Name == "_u1") { vec4uv1 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u1"); } if (att.Name == "_u2") { vec4uv2 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_u2"); } if (att.Name == "_c0") { vec4c0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_c0"); } if (att.Name == "_t0") { vec4t0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_t0"); } if (att.Name == "_b0") { vec4b0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_b0"); } if (att.Name == "_w0") { vec4w0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_w0"); } if (att.Name == "_i0") { vec4i0 = WiiUAttributeData(att, helper, "_i0"); } poly.vertexAttributes.Add(attr); } for (int i = 0; i < vec4Positions.Length; i++) { Vertex v = new Vertex(); if (vec4Positions.Length > 0) { v.pos = new Vector3(vec4Positions[i].X, vec4Positions[i].Y, vec4Positions[i].Z); } if (vec4Normals.Length > 0) { v.nrm = new Vector3(vec4Normals[i].X, vec4Normals[i].Y, vec4Normals[i].Z); } if (vec4uv0.Length > 0) { v.uv0 = new Vector2(vec4uv0[i].X, vec4uv0[i].Y); } if (vec4uv1.Length > 0) { v.uv1 = new Vector2(vec4uv1[i].X, vec4uv1[i].Y); } if (vec4uv2.Length > 0) { v.uv2 = new Vector2(vec4uv2[i].X, vec4uv2[i].Y); } if (vec4w0.Length > 0) { v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].X); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Y); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Z); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].W); } if (vec4i0.Length > 0) { v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].X); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Y); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Z); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].W); } if (vec4t0.Length > 0) { v.tan = new Vector4(vec4t0[i].X, vec4t0[i].Y, vec4t0[i].Z, vec4t0[i].W); } if (vec4b0.Length > 0) { v.bitan = new Vector4(vec4b0[i].X, vec4b0[i].Y, vec4b0[i].Z, vec4b0[i].W); } if (vec4c0.Length > 0) { v.col = new Vector4(vec4c0[i].X, vec4c0[i].Y, vec4c0[i].Z, vec4c0[i].W); } if (poly.VertexSkinCount == 1) { Matrix4 sb = model.skeleton.bones[model.Node_Array[v.boneIds[0]]].transform; // Console.WriteLine(model.skeleton.bones[model.Node_Array[v.boneIds[0]]].Text); v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, sb); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, sb); } if (poly.VertexSkinCount == 0) { Matrix4 NoBindFix = model.skeleton.bones[poly.boneIndx].transform; v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, NoBindFix); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, NoBindFix); } poly.vertices.Add(v); } //shp.Meshes.Count - 1 //For going to the lowest poly LOD mesh poly.BoundingCount = shp.SubMeshBoundings.Count; int CurLOD = 0; foreach (var lod in shp.Meshes) { Mesh.LOD_Mesh lodmsh = new Mesh.LOD_Mesh(); lodmsh.index = CurLOD++; uint FaceCount = lod.IndexCount; uint[] indicesArray = lod.GetIndices().ToArray(); for (int face = 0; face < FaceCount; face++) { lodmsh.faces.Add((int)indicesArray[face] + (int)lod.FirstVertex); } poly.lodMeshes.Add(lodmsh); } foreach (Bounding bnd in shp.SubMeshBoundings) { Mesh.BoundingBox box = new Mesh.BoundingBox(); box.Center = new Vector3(bnd.Center.X, bnd.Center.Y, bnd.Center.Z); box.Extent = new Vector3(bnd.Extent.X, bnd.Extent.Y, bnd.Extent.Z); poly.boundingBoxes.Add(box); //Each box is by LOD mesh. This will be in a seperate class later so only one will be added } foreach (float r in shp.RadiusArray) { poly.radius.Add(r); } // Read materials Material mat = mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex]; int SampIndex = 0; foreach (var smp in mat.Samplers) { poly.material.Samplers.Add(smp.Key, SampIndex); SampIndex++; } int AlbedoCount = 0; string TextureName = ""; MaterialData.ShaderAssign shaderassign = new MaterialData.ShaderAssign(); if (mat.ShaderAssign != null) //Some special cases (env models) have none { shaderassign.ShaderModel = mat.ShaderAssign.ShadingModelName; shaderassign.ShaderArchive = mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderArchiveName; int o = 0; foreach (var op in mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions) { shaderassign.options.Add(op.Key, mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions[o]); o++; } int sa = 0; foreach (var smp in mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns) { shaderassign.samplers.Add(smp.Key, mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns[sa]); sa++; } int va = 0; foreach (var att in mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns) { shaderassign.attributes.Add(att.Key, mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns[va]); va++; } } poly.material.shaderassign = shaderassign; int id = 0; foreach (TextureRef tex in mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].TextureRefs) { TextureName = tex.Name; MatTexture texture = new MatTexture(); texture.wrapModeS = (int)mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].TexSampler.ClampX; texture.wrapModeT = (int)mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].TexSampler.ClampY; bool IsAlbedo = HackyTextureList.Any(TextureName.Contains); if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_a0") { poly.material.HasDiffuseMap = true; texture.hash = 0; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_a1") { poly.material.HasDiffuseLayer = true; texture.hash = 19; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.DiffuseLayer2; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_n0") { texture.hash = 1; poly.material.HasNormalMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Normal; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_s0") { texture.hash = 4; poly.material.HasSpecularMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Specular; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_b0") { texture.hash = 2; poly.material.HasShadowMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Shadow; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_b1") { texture.hash = 3; poly.material.HasLightMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Light; } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_e0") { texture.hash = 8; poly.material.HasEmissionMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Emission; } texture.Name = TextureName; poly.material.textures.Add(texture); id++; } foreach (Sampler smp in mat.Samplers.Values) { SamplerInfo s = new SamplerInfo(); s.WrapModeU = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampX; s.WrapModeV = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampY; s.WrapModeW = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampZ; poly.material.samplerinfo.Add(s); } poly.material.Name = mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Name; if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].ShaderParamData != null) //Some special cases (env models) have none { using (Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryDataReader reader = new Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryDataReader(new MemoryStream(mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].ShaderParamData))) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.ShaderParam param in mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].ShaderParams.Values) { ShaderParam prm = new ShaderParam(); prm.Type = param.Type; prm.Name = param.Name; switch (param.Type) { case ShaderParamType.Float: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float = reader.ReadSingle(); break; case ShaderParamType.Float2: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float2 = new Vector2( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; case ShaderParamType.Float3: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float3 = new Vector3( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; case ShaderParamType.Float4: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float4 = new Vector4( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; case ShaderParamType.TexSrt: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); ShaderParam.TextureSRT texSRT = new ShaderParam.TextureSRT(); texSRT.Mode = reader.ReadSingle(); //Scale mode, Maya, max ect texSRT.scale = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); texSRT.rotate = reader.ReadSingle(); texSRT.translate = new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); prm.Value_TexSrt = texSRT; break; } poly.material.matparam.Add(param.Name, prm); } reader.Close(); } } model.poly.Add(poly); ShapeCur++; } models.Add(model); ModelCur++; } }
public void Read(ResFile TargetWiiUBFRES) { Nodes.Add(TModels); Nodes.Add(TTextures); Nodes.Add(TShaderparam); Nodes.Add(TColoranim); Nodes.Add(TTextureSRT); Nodes.Add(TTexturePat); Nodes.Add(TBonevisabilty); Nodes.Add(TVisualAnim); Nodes.Add(TShapeAnim); Nodes.Add(TSceneAnim); Nodes.Add(TEmbedded); ImageKey = "bfres"; SelectedImageKey = "bfres"; FSKACount = TargetWiiUBFRES.SkeletalAnims.Count; textures.Clear(); foreach (Texture tex in TargetWiiUBFRES.Textures.Values) { string TextureName = tex.Name; FTEX texture = new FTEX(); texture.ReadFTEX(tex); textures.Add(TextureName, texture); TTextures.Nodes.Add(texture); } int ModelCur = 0; //FMDLs -Models- foreach (Model mdl in TargetWiiUBFRES.Models.Values) { FMDL_Model model = new FMDL_Model(); //This will store VBN data and stuff model.Text = mdl.Name; TModels.Nodes.Add(model); model.Node_Array = new int[mdl.Skeleton.MatrixToBoneList.Count]; int nodes = 0; foreach (ushort node in mdl.Skeleton.MatrixToBoneList) { model.Node_Array[nodes] = node; nodes++; } foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.Bone bn in mdl.Skeleton.Bones.Values) { Bone bone = new Bone(model.skeleton); bone.Text = bn.Name; bone.boneId = bn.BillboardIndex; bone.parentIndex = bn.ParentIndex; bone.scale = new float[3]; bone.rotation = new float[4]; bone.position = new float[3]; if (bn.FlagsRotation == BoneFlagsRotation.Quaternion) { bone.boneRotationType = 1; } else { bone.boneRotationType = 0; } bone.scale[0] = bn.Scale.X; bone.scale[1] = bn.Scale.Y; bone.scale[2] = bn.Scale.Z; bone.rotation[0] = bn.Rotation.X; bone.rotation[1] = bn.Rotation.Y; bone.rotation[2] = bn.Rotation.Z; bone.rotation[3] = bn.Rotation.W; bone.position[0] = bn.Position.X; bone.position[1] = bn.Position.Y; bone.position[2] = bn.Position.Z; model.skeleton.bones.Add(bone); } model.skeleton.reset(); model.skeleton.update(); //MeshTime!! int ShapeCur = 0; foreach (Shape shp in mdl.Shapes.Values) { Mesh poly = new Mesh(); poly.Text = shp.Name; poly.MaterialIndex = shp.MaterialIndex; poly.matrFlag = shp.VertexSkinCount; poly.fsklindx = shp.BoneIndex; TModels.Nodes[ModelCur].Nodes.Add(poly); //Create a buffer instance which stores all the buffer data VertexBufferHelper helper = new VertexBufferHelper(mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex], TargetWiiUBFRES.ByteOrder); // VertexBufferHelperAttrib uv1 = helper["_u1"]; Vertex v = new Vertex(); foreach (VertexAttrib att in mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex].Attributes.Values) { if (att.Name == "_p0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib position = helper["_p0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions = position.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F p in vec4Positions) { v.pos.Add(new Vector3 { X = p.X, Y = p.Y, Z = p.Z }); } } if (att.Name == "_n0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib normal = helper["_n0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Normals = normal.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F n in vec4Normals) { v.nrm.Add(new Vector3 { X = n.X, Y = n.Y, Z = n.Z }); } } if (att.Name == "_u0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib uv0 = helper["_u0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv0 = uv0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F u in vec4uv0) { v.uv0.Add(new Vector2 { X = u.X, Y = u.Y }); } } if (att.Name == "_u1") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib uv1 = helper["_u1"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv1 = uv1.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F u in vec4uv1) { v.uv1.Add(new Vector2 { X = u.X, Y = u.Y }); } } if (att.Name == "_u2") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib uv2 = helper["_u2"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv2 = uv2.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F u in vec4uv2) { v.uv2.Add(new Vector2 { X = u.X, Y = u.Y }); } } if (att.Name == "_c0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib c0 = helper["_c0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4c0 = c0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F c in vec4c0) { v.col.Add(new Vector4 { X = c.X, Y = c.Y, Z = c.Z, W = c.W }); } } if (att.Name == "_t0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib t0 = helper["_t0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4t0 = t0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F u in vec4t0) { v.tans.Add(new Vector4 { X = u.X, Y = u.Y, Z = u.Z, W = u.W }); } } if (att.Name == "_b0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib b0 = helper["_b0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4b0 = b0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F u in vec4b0) { v.bitans.Add(new Vector4 { X = u.X, Y = u.Y, Z = u.Z, W = u.W }); } } if (att.Name == "_w0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib w0 = helper["_w0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4w0 = w0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F w in vec4w0) { v.weights.Add(new Vector4 { X = w.X, Y = w.Y, Z = w.Z, W = w.W }); } } if (att.Name == "_i0") { Console.WriteLine(att.Name); VertexBufferHelperAttrib i0 = helper["_i0"]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4i0 = i0.Data; foreach (Syroot.Maths.Vector4F i in vec4i0) { v.nodes.Add(new Vector4 { X = i.X, Y = i.Y, Z = i.Z, W = i.W }); } } } poly.vertices = v; //shp.Meshes.Count - 1 //For going to the lowest poly LOD mesh int LODCount = 0; uint FaceCount = FaceCount = shp.Meshes[LODCount].IndexCount; uint[] indicesArray = shp.Meshes[LODCount].GetIndices().ToArray(); poly.BoundingCount = shp.SubMeshBoundings.Count; for (int face = 0; face < FaceCount; face++) { poly.faces.Add((int)indicesArray[face] + (int)shp.Meshes[LODCount].FirstVertex); } int AlbedoCount = 0; string TextureName = ""; int id = 0; foreach (TextureRef tex in mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].TextureRefs) { TextureName = tex.Name; MatTexture texture = new MatTexture(); poly.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode { Text = TextureName }); if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_a0") { if (AlbedoCount == 0) { try { poly.texHashs.Add(textures[TextureName].texture.display); AlbedoCount++; } catch { poly.texHashs.Add(0); } poly.TextureMapTypes.Add("Diffuse"); } } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_a1") { try { poly.texHashs.Add(textures[TextureName].texture.display); AlbedoCount++; } catch { poly.texHashs.Add(0); } poly.TextureMapTypes.Add("Diffuse_Layer"); } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_n0") { try { poly.texHashs.Add(textures[TextureName].texture.display); } catch { poly.texHashs.Add(1); } poly.material.HasNormalMap = true; poly.TextureMapTypes.Add("Normal"); } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_b0") { try { poly.texHashs.Add(textures[TextureName].texture.display); } catch { poly.texHashs.Add(2); } poly.TextureMapTypes.Add("Bake1"); } if (mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers[id].Name == "_b1") { try { poly.texHashs.Add(textures[TextureName].texture.display); } catch { poly.texHashs.Add(3); } poly.TextureMapTypes.Add("Bake2"); } id++; texture.Name = TextureName; } poly.material.Name = mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Name; foreach (Sampler smp in mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].Samplers.Values) { SamplerInfo s = new SamplerInfo(); s.WrapModeU = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampX; s.WrapModeV = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampY; s.WrapModeW = (int)smp.TexSampler.ClampZ; poly.material.samplerinfo.Add(s); } using (Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryDataReader reader = new Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryDataReader(new MemoryStream(mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].ShaderParamData))) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; foreach (Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.ShaderParam param in mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex].ShaderParams.Values) { ShaderParam prm = new ShaderParam(); prm.Type = param.Type; switch (param.Type) { case ShaderParamType.Float: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float = reader.ReadSingle(); break; case ShaderParamType.Float2: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float2 = new Vector2( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; case ShaderParamType.Float3: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float3 = new Vector3( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; case ShaderParamType.Float4: reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); prm.Value_float4 = new Vector4( reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); break; } poly.material.matparam.Add(param.Name, prm); } reader.Close(); } model.poly.Add(poly); ShapeCur++; } models.Add(model); ModelCur++; } }