public void Can_save_and_load_shoppingCartItem()
            var sci = new ShoppingCartItem
                ShoppingCartType = ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart,
                AttributesXml = "AttributesXml 1",
                CustomerEnteredPrice = 1.1M,
                Quantity= 2,
                CreatedOnUtc = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01),
                UpdatedOnUtc = new DateTime(2010, 01, 02),
                Customer = GetTestCustomer(),
				Product = GetTestProduct()

            var fromDb = SaveAndLoadEntity(sci);

            fromDb.AttributesXml.ShouldEqual("AttributesXml 1");
            fromDb.CreatedOnUtc.ShouldEqual(new DateTime(2010, 01, 01));
            fromDb.UpdatedOnUtc.ShouldEqual(new DateTime(2010, 01, 02));

        public void Can_get_shoppingCart_totalWeight_without_attributes()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

		public OrganizedShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartItem item)
			if (item == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("item");

			Item = item;	// must not be null
			ChildItems = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
			BundleItemData = new ProductBundleItemData(item.BundleItem);
        public void Can_get_shoppingCartItem_totalWeight_without_attributes()
            var sci = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M

            var item = new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci);

        public void Can_get_shopping_cart_subTotal_including_tax()
            Customer customer = new Customer();

            //shopping cart
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Product name 1",
                Price = 12.34M,
                CustomerEntersPrice = false,
                Published = true,
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product1,
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Quantity = 2,
            var product2 = new Product
                Id = 2,
                Name = "Product name 2",
                Price = 21.57M,
                CustomerEntersPrice = false,
                Published = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product2,
                ProductId = product2.Id,
                Quantity = 3

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToCategories)).Return(new List<Discount>());

            decimal discountAmount;
            Discount appliedDiscount;
            decimal subTotalWithoutDiscount;
            decimal subTotalWithDiscount;
            SortedDictionary<decimal, decimal> taxRates;

            _orderTotalCalcService.GetShoppingCartSubTotal(cart, true,
                out discountAmount, out appliedDiscount,
                out subTotalWithoutDiscount, out subTotalWithDiscount, out taxRates);
        public void Can_get_shopping_cart_subTotal_discount_including_tax()
            Customer customer = new Customer();

            //shopping cart
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Product name 1",
                Price = 12.34M,
                CustomerEntersPrice = false,
                Published = true,
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product1,
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Quantity = 2,
            var product2 = new Product
                Id = 2,
                Name = "Product name 2",
                Price = 21.57M,
                CustomerEntersPrice = false,
                Published = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product2,
                ProductId = product2.Id,
                Quantity = 3

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            var discount1 = new Discount()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Discount 1",
                DiscountType = DiscountType.AssignedToOrderSubTotal,
                DiscountAmount = 3,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.IsDiscountValid(discount1, customer)).Return(true);
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToOrderSubTotal)).Return(new List<Discount>() { discount1 });
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToCategories)).Return(new List<Discount>());

            decimal discountAmount;
            Discount appliedDiscount;
            decimal subTotalWithoutDiscount;
            decimal subTotalWithDiscount;
            SortedDictionary<decimal, decimal> taxRates;
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetShoppingCartSubTotal(cart, true,
                out discountAmount, out appliedDiscount,
                out subTotalWithoutDiscount, out subTotalWithDiscount, out taxRates);

            //TODO strange. Why does the commented test fail? discountAmount.ShouldEqual(3.3);
            appliedDiscount.Name.ShouldEqual("Discount 1");
        public void Can_get_shoppingCartItem_additional_shippingCharge()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 5.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 6.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,

            //sci3 is not shippable
            var sci3 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 5,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 7.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = false,

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci3));

        public void Can_get_shipping_total_with_fixed_shipping_rate_including_tax()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 1,
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 5.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 2,
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 6.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,

            //sci3 is not shippable
            var sci3 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 5,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 3,
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 7.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = false,

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci3));

            var customer = new Customer();
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            decimal taxRate = decimal.Zero;
            Discount appliedDiscount = null;
            decimal? shipping = null;

            shipping = _orderTotalCalcService.GetShoppingCartShippingTotal(cart, true, out taxRate, out appliedDiscount);
            //10 - default fixed shipping rate, 42.5 - additional shipping change
            //10 - default fixed tax rate
        public void Shipping_should_not_be_free_when_some_of_shoppingCartItems_are_not_marked_as_freeShipping()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M,
                    IsFreeShipping = true,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    IsFreeShipping = false,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            var customer = new Customer();
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

        public void Shipping_should_be_free_when_customer_is_in_role_with_free_shipping()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M,
                    IsFreeShipping = false,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    IsFreeShipping = false,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            var customer = new Customer();
            var customerRole1 = new CustomerRole()
                Active = true,
                FreeShipping = true,
            var customerRole2 = new CustomerRole()
                Active = true,
                FreeShipping = false,
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

        /// <summary>
		/// Add a product to shopping cart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customer">Customer</param>
		/// <param name="product">Product</param>
        /// <param name="shoppingCartType">Shopping cart type</param>
		/// <param name="storeId">Store identifier</param>
        /// <param name="selectedAttributes">Selected attributes</param>
        /// <param name="customerEnteredPrice">The price enter by a customer</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">Quantity</param>
		/// <param name="automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled">Automatically add required products if enabled</param>
		/// <param name="shoppingCartItemId">Identifier fo the new shopping cart item</param>
		/// <param name="parentItemId">Identifier of the parent shopping cart item</param>
		/// <param name="bundleItem">Product bundle item</param>
        /// <returns>Warnings</returns>
        public virtual IList<string> AddToCart(Customer customer, Product product,
			ShoppingCartType shoppingCartType, int storeId, string selectedAttributes,
			decimal customerEnteredPrice, int quantity, bool automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled,
			out int shoppingCartItemId, int? parentItemId = null, ProductBundleItem bundleItem = null)
			shoppingCartItemId = 0;

            if (customer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("customer");

            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");

            var warnings = new List<string>();
            if (shoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart && !_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.EnableShoppingCart, customer))
                warnings.Add("Shopping cart is disabled");
                return warnings;
            if (shoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.Wishlist && !_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.EnableWishlist, customer))
                warnings.Add("Wishlist is disabled");
                return warnings;

            if (quantity <= 0)
                return warnings;

			if (parentItemId.HasValue && (parentItemId.Value == 0 || bundleItem == null || bundleItem.Id == 0))
				return warnings;

            //reset checkout info
			_customerService.ResetCheckoutData(customer, storeId);

			var cart = customer.GetCartItems(shoppingCartType, storeId);
			OrganizedShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem = null;

			if (bundleItem == null)
				shoppingCartItem = FindShoppingCartItemInTheCart(cart, shoppingCartType, product, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice);

            if (shoppingCartItem != null)
                //update existing shopping cart item
                int newQuantity = shoppingCartItem.Item.Quantity + quantity;

					GetShoppingCartItemWarnings(customer, shoppingCartType, product, storeId, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice, newQuantity, 
						automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled, bundleItem: bundleItem)

                if (warnings.Count == 0)
                    shoppingCartItem.Item.AttributesXml = selectedAttributes;
                    shoppingCartItem.Item.Quantity = newQuantity;
                    shoppingCartItem.Item.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    //event notification
                //new shopping cart item
					GetShoppingCartItemWarnings(customer, shoppingCartType, product, storeId, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice, quantity,
						automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled, bundleItem: bundleItem)

                if (warnings.Count == 0)
                    //maximum items validation
                    switch (shoppingCartType)
                        case ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart:
                            if (cart.Count >= _shoppingCartSettings.MaximumShoppingCartItems)
                                return warnings;
                        case ShoppingCartType.Wishlist:
                            if (cart.Count >= _shoppingCartSettings.MaximumWishlistItems)
                                return warnings;

                    DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    var cartItem = new ShoppingCartItem()
                        ShoppingCartType = shoppingCartType,
						StoreId = storeId,
                        Product = product,
                        AttributesXml = selectedAttributes,
                        CustomerEnteredPrice = customerEnteredPrice,
                        Quantity = quantity,
                        CreatedOnUtc = now,
                        UpdatedOnUtc = now,
						ParentItemId = parentItemId

					if (bundleItem != null)
						cartItem.BundleItemId = bundleItem.Id;


					shoppingCartItemId = cartItem.Id;

                    //event notification

            return warnings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete shopping cart item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shoppingCartItem">Shopping cart item</param>
        /// <param name="resetCheckoutData">A value indicating whether to reset checkout data</param>
        /// <param name="ensureOnlyActiveCheckoutAttributes">A value indicating whether to ensure that only active checkout attributes are attached to the current customer</param>
		/// <param name="deleteChildCartItems">A value indicating whether to delete child cart items</param>
        public virtual void DeleteShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem, bool resetCheckoutData = true, 
            bool ensureOnlyActiveCheckoutAttributes = false, bool deleteChildCartItems = true)
            if (shoppingCartItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shoppingCartItem");

            var customer = shoppingCartItem.Customer;
			var storeId = shoppingCartItem.StoreId;
			int cartItemId = shoppingCartItem.Id;

            //reset checkout data
            if (resetCheckoutData)
				_customerService.ResetCheckoutData(shoppingCartItem.Customer, shoppingCartItem.StoreId);

            //delete item

            //validate checkout attributes
            if (ensureOnlyActiveCheckoutAttributes &&
                //only for shopping cart items (ignore wishlist)
                shoppingCartItem.ShoppingCartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart)
				var cart = customer.GetCartItems(ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart, storeId);

				var checkoutAttributesXml = customer.GetAttribute<string>(SystemCustomerAttributeNames.CheckoutAttributes, _genericAttributeService);
				checkoutAttributesXml = _checkoutAttributeParser.EnsureOnlyActiveAttributes(checkoutAttributesXml, cart);
				_genericAttributeService.SaveAttribute(customer, SystemCustomerAttributeNames.CheckoutAttributes, checkoutAttributesXml);

            //event notification

			// delete child items
			if (deleteChildCartItems)
				var childCartItems = _sciRepository.Table
					.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customer.Id && x.ParentItemId != null && x.ParentItemId.Value == cartItemId && x.Id != cartItemId)

				foreach (var cartItem in childCartItems)
					DeleteShoppingCartItem(cartItem, resetCheckoutData, ensureOnlyActiveCheckoutAttributes, false);
        public void Can_get_shopping_cart_item_unitPrice()
            var customer = new Customer();

            //shopping cart
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Product name 1",
                Price = 12.34M,
                CustomerEntersPrice = false,
                Published = true,
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Customer = customer,
                CustomerId = customer.Id,
                Product = product1,
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Quantity = 2,

            var item = new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1);

            _priceCalcService.GetUnitPrice(item, false).ShouldEqual(12.34);
		/// <summary>
		/// Add product to cart
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="customer">The customer</param>
		/// <param name="product">The product</param>
		/// <param name="cartType">Cart type</param>
		/// <param name="storeId">Store identifier</param>
		/// <param name="selectedAttributes">Selected attributes</param>
		/// <param name="customerEnteredPrice">Price entered by customer</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">Quantity</param>
		/// <param name="automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled">Whether to add required products</param>
		/// <param name="ctx">Add to cart context</param>
		/// <returns>List with warnings</returns>
		public virtual List<string> AddToCart(Customer customer, Product product, ShoppingCartType cartType, int storeId, string selectedAttributes,
			decimal customerEnteredPrice, int quantity, bool automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled,	AddToCartContext ctx = null)
			if (customer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("customer");

			if (product == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("product");

			var warnings = new List<string>();
			var bundleItem = (ctx == null ? null : ctx.BundleItem);

			if (ctx != null && bundleItem != null && ctx.Warnings.Count > 0)
				return ctx.Warnings;	// warnings while adding bundle items to cart -> no need for further processing

			if (cartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart && !_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.EnableShoppingCart, customer))
				warnings.Add("Shopping cart is disabled");
				return warnings;
			if (cartType == ShoppingCartType.Wishlist && !_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.EnableWishlist, customer))
				warnings.Add("Wishlist is disabled");
				return warnings;

			if (quantity <= 0)
				return warnings;

			//if (parentItemId.HasValue && (parentItemId.Value == 0 || bundleItem == null || bundleItem.Id == 0))
			//	warnings.Add(_localizationService.GetResource("ShoppingCart.Bundle.BundleItemNotFound").FormatWith(bundleItem.GetLocalizedName()));
			//	return warnings;

			//reset checkout info
			_customerService.ResetCheckoutData(customer, storeId);

			var cart = customer.GetCartItems(cartType, storeId);
			OrganizedShoppingCartItem existingCartItem = null;

			if (bundleItem == null)
				existingCartItem = FindShoppingCartItemInTheCart(cart, cartType, product, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice);

			if (existingCartItem != null)
				//update existing shopping cart item
				int newQuantity = existingCartItem.Item.Quantity + quantity;

					GetShoppingCartItemWarnings(customer, cartType, product, storeId, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice, newQuantity,
						automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled, bundleItem: bundleItem)

				if (warnings.Count == 0)
					existingCartItem.Item.AttributesXml = selectedAttributes;
					existingCartItem.Item.Quantity = newQuantity;
					existingCartItem.Item.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

					//event notification
				//new shopping cart item
					GetShoppingCartItemWarnings(customer, cartType, product, storeId, selectedAttributes, customerEnteredPrice, quantity,
						automaticallyAddRequiredProductsIfEnabled, bundleItem: bundleItem)

				if (warnings.Count == 0)
					//maximum items validation
					if (cartType == ShoppingCartType.ShoppingCart && cart.Count >= _shoppingCartSettings.MaximumShoppingCartItems)
						return warnings;
					else if (cartType == ShoppingCartType.Wishlist && cart.Count >= _shoppingCartSettings.MaximumWishlistItems)
						return warnings;

					var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
					var cartItem = new ShoppingCartItem()
						ShoppingCartType = cartType,
						StoreId = storeId,
						Product = product,
						AttributesXml = selectedAttributes,
						CustomerEnteredPrice = customerEnteredPrice,
						Quantity = quantity,
						CreatedOnUtc = now,
						UpdatedOnUtc = now,
						ParentItemId = null	//parentItemId

					if (bundleItem != null)
						cartItem.BundleItemId = bundleItem.Id;

					if (ctx == null)
						if (bundleItem == null)
							Debug.Assert(ctx.Item == null, "Add to cart item already specified");
							ctx.Item = cartItem;

			return warnings;
        public void Can_get_shipping_total_discount_excluding_tax()
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 3,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 1,
                    Weight = 1.5M,
                    Height = 2.5M,
                    Length = 3.5M,
                    Width = 4.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 5.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 4,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 2,
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 6.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = true,

            //sci3 is not shippable
            var sci3 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                AttributesXml = "",
                Quantity = 5,
                Product = new Product()
                    Id = 3,
                    Weight = 11.5M,
                    Height = 12.5M,
                    Length = 13.5M,
                    Width = 14.5M,
                    AdditionalShippingCharge = 7.5M,
                    IsShipEnabled = false,

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci3));

            var customer = new Customer();
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            var discount1 = new Discount()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Discount 1",
                DiscountType = DiscountType.AssignedToShipping,
                DiscountAmount = 3,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.IsDiscountValid(discount1, customer)).Return(true);
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToShipping)).Return(new List<Discount>() { discount1 });

            decimal taxRate = decimal.Zero;
            Discount appliedDiscount = null;
            decimal? shipping = null;

            shipping = _orderTotalCalcService.GetShoppingCartShippingTotal(cart, false, out taxRate, out appliedDiscount);
            appliedDiscount.Name.ShouldEqual("Discount 1");
            //10 - default fixed shipping rate, 42.5 - additional shipping change, -3 - discount
            //10 - default fixed tax rate
        public void Can_get_shopping_cart_total_discount()
            var customer = new Customer()
                Id = 10,

            //shopping cart
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Product name 1",
                Price = 10M,
                Published = true,
                IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product1,
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Quantity = 2,
            var product2 = new Product
                Id = 2,
                Name = "Product name 2",
                Price = 12M,
                Published = true,
                IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product2,
                ProductId = product2.Id,
                Quantity = 3

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            var discount1 = new Discount()
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Discount 1",
                DiscountType = DiscountType.AssignedToOrderTotal,
                DiscountAmount = 3,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.IsDiscountValid(discount1, customer)).Return(true);
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToOrderTotal)).Return(new List<Discount>() { discount1 });
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToCategories)).Return(new List<Discount>());

            _genericAttributeService.Expect(x => x.GetAttributesForEntity(customer.Id, "Customer"))
                .Return(new List<GenericAttribute>()
                                new GenericAttribute()
                                        StoreId = _store.Id,
                                        EntityId = customer.Id,
                                        Key = SystemCustomerAttributeNames.SelectedPaymentMethod,
                                        KeyGroup = "Customer",
                                        Value = "test1"
            _paymentService.Expect(ps => ps.GetAdditionalHandlingFee(cart, "test1")).Return(20);

            decimal discountAmount;
            Discount appliedDiscount;
            List<AppliedGiftCard> appliedGiftCards;
            int redeemedRewardPoints;
            decimal redeemedRewardPointsAmount;

            //shipping is taxable, payment fee is taxable
            _taxSettings.ShippingIsTaxable = true;
            _taxSettings.PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = true;

            //56 - items, 10 - shipping (fixed), 20 - payment fee, 8.6 - tax, [-3] - discount
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetShoppingCartTotal(cart, out discountAmount, out appliedDiscount,
                out appliedGiftCards, out redeemedRewardPoints, out redeemedRewardPointsAmount)
            appliedDiscount.Name.ShouldEqual("Discount 1");
        public void Can_get_tax_total()
            var customer = new Customer()
                Id = 10,

            //shopping cart
            var product1 = new Product
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Product name 1",
                Price = 10M,
                Published = true,
                IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci1 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product1,
                ProductId = product1.Id,
                Quantity = 2,
            var product2 = new Product
                Id = 2,
                Name = "Product name 2",
                Price = 12M,
                Published = true,
                IsShipEnabled = true,
            var sci2 = new ShoppingCartItem()
                Product = product2,
                ProductId = product2.Id,
                Quantity = 3

            var cart = new List<OrganizedShoppingCartItem>();
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci1));
            cart.Add(new OrganizedShoppingCartItem(sci2));

            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.Customer = customer);
            cart.ForEach(sci => sci.Item.CustomerId = customer.Id);

            _genericAttributeService.Expect(x => x.GetAttributesForEntity(customer.Id, "Customer"))
                .Return(new List<GenericAttribute>()
                                new GenericAttribute()
                                        StoreId = _store.Id,
                                        EntityId = customer.Id,
                                        Key = SystemCustomerAttributeNames.SelectedPaymentMethod,
                                        KeyGroup = "Customer",
                                        Value = "test1"
            _paymentService.Expect(ps => ps.GetAdditionalHandlingFee(cart, "test1")).Return(20);
            _discountService.Expect(ds => ds.GetAllDiscounts(DiscountType.AssignedToCategories)).Return(new List<Discount>());

            //56 - items, 10 - shipping (fixed), 20 - payment fee

            //1. shipping is taxable, payment fee is taxable
            _taxSettings.ShippingIsTaxable = true;
            _taxSettings.PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = true;
            SortedDictionary<decimal, decimal> taxRates;
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetTaxTotal(cart, out taxRates).ShouldEqual(8.6);

            //2. shipping is taxable, payment fee is not taxable
            _taxSettings.ShippingIsTaxable = true;
            _taxSettings.PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = false;
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetTaxTotal(cart, out taxRates).ShouldEqual(6.6);

            //3. shipping is not taxable, payment fee is taxable
            _taxSettings.ShippingIsTaxable = false;
            _taxSettings.PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = true;
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetTaxTotal(cart, out taxRates).ShouldEqual(7.6);

            //3. shipping is not taxable, payment fee is not taxable
            _taxSettings.ShippingIsTaxable = false;
            _taxSettings.PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = false;
            _orderTotalCalcService.GetTaxTotal(cart, out taxRates).ShouldEqual(5.6);