void OnGUI() { if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { if (!isInitialized) { Initialize(); } if (createListContextMenu == null || createListAdaptor == null || settingsContextMenu == null || settingsAdaptor == null || languageListAdaptor == null || languageListContextMenu == null) { InitializeCultureCollections(true); } undoManager.CheckUndo(); //Show settings ReorderableListGUI.Title("Smart Localization"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); ShowCreateAndSettingsActions(); ShowCreatedLanguages(); undoManager.CheckDirty(); } }
void OnGUI() { if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { if (chosenCulture == null) { this.Close(); } GUILayout.Label("Import Language", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("Language to Import: " + chosenCulture.englishName + " - " + chosenCulture.languageCode); chosenFileFormat = EditorGUILayout.Popup("File Format", chosenFileFormat, availableFileFormats); if (availableFileFormats[chosenFileFormat] == csvFileEnding) { delimiter = (CSVParser.Delimiter)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Delimiter", delimiter); } if (GUILayout.Button("Import")) { OnImportClicked(); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (localizedObjectContextMenu == null || localizedObjectAdaptor == null || settingsContextMenu == null || settingsAdaptor == null) { Initialize(); } if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { ReorderableListGUI.Title("Edit Root Values"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); settingsContextMenu.Draw(settingsAdaptor); bool shouldRepaint = listColumns.DrawColumns(); scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); localizedObjectContextMenu.Draw(localizedObjectAdaptor); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (guiChanged) { GUILayout.Label("- You have unsaved changes", EditorStyles.miniLabel); } //If any changes to the gui is made if (GUI.changed) { guiChanged = true; } GUILayout.Label("Save Changes", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("Remember to always press save when you have changed values", EditorStyles.miniLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("Save Root Language File")) { SaveRootLanguageFile(); guiChanged = false; GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } if (shouldRepaint) { Repaint(); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { GUILayout.Label("Update Language from file", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("Language to Update: " + chosenCulture.englishName + " - " + chosenCulture.languageCode); chosenFileFormat = EditorGUILayout.Popup("File Format", chosenFileFormat, availableFileFormats); if (availableFileFormats[chosenFileFormat] == csvFileEnding) { delimiter = (CSVParser.Delimiter)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Delimiter", delimiter); } if (GUILayout.Button("Update")) { OnUpdateClicked(); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (this.parentWindow == null) { this.Close(); } if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { if (updateMedhod == BulkUpdateMethod.Import) { GUILayout.Label("Import all languages from single file", EditorStyles.boldLabel); ShowCommonGUI(); ShowImportGUI(); } else { GUILayout.Label("Export all languages to single file", EditorStyles.boldLabel); ShowCommonGUI(); ShowExportGUI(); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow()) { GUILayout.Label("Create a new culture info", EditorStyles.boldLabel); languageCode = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Language Code", languageCode); if (languageCode != null) { languageCode = languageCode.RemoveWhitespace(); } englishName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("English Name", englishName); nativeName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Native Name", nativeName); isRightToLeft = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Right To Left", isRightToLeft); if (GUILayout.Button("Create")) { SmartCultureInfo newInfo = new SmartCultureInfo(); newInfo.languageCode = languageCode; newInfo.englishName = englishName.Trim(); newInfo.nativeName = nativeName.Trim(); newInfo.isRightToLeft = isRightToLeft; SmartCultureInfoCollection allCultures = SmartCultureInfoEx.Deserialize(LocalizationWorkspace.CultureInfoCollectionFilePath()); if (!allCultures.IsCultureInCollection(newInfo)) { allCultures.AddCultureInfo(newInfo); allCultures.Serialize(LocalizationWorkspace.CultureInfoCollectionFilePath()); LanguageHandlerEditor.CheckAndSaveAvailableLanguages(allCultures); showHelpMessage = true; helpMessageType = MessageType.Info; helpMessage = string.Format("Successfully created language!\n Language Code: {0}\n English Name:{1}\n Native Name:{2}\n IsRightToLeft:{3}", newInfo.languageCode, newInfo.englishName, newInfo.nativeName, newInfo.isRightToLeft); if (parentWindow != null) { parentWindow.InitializeCultureCollections(true); } this.Close(); } else { SmartCultureInfo conflictingCulture = allCultures.FindCulture(newInfo); string conflictingVariable = null; if (conflictingCulture.languageCode.ToLower() == newInfo.languageCode.ToLower()) { conflictingVariable = "Language Code:" + newInfo.languageCode; } else if (conflictingCulture.englishName.ToLower() == newInfo.englishName.ToLower()) { conflictingVariable = "English Name:" + newInfo.englishName; } showHelpMessage = true; helpMessageType = MessageType.Error; helpMessage = string.Format("Failed to create language!\n Conflicting variable - {0}\n\n", conflictingVariable); helpMessage += string.Format("Conflicting Culture \n Language Code: {0}\n English Name:{1}\n Native Name:{2}", conflictingCulture.languageCode, conflictingCulture.englishName, conflictingCulture.nativeName); } } if (showHelpMessage) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(helpMessage, helpMessageType); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (LocalizationWindowUtility.ShouldShowWindow(true)) { if (Application.isPlaying) { if (currentCultureInfo == null || (LanguageManager.HasInstance && currentCultureInfo.languageCode != LanguageManager.Instance.CurrentlyLoadedCulture.languageCode)) { if (LanguageManager.HasInstance) { SmartCultureInfo currentLanguage = LanguageManager.Instance.GetCultureInfo(LanguageManager.Instance.CurrentlyLoadedCulture.languageCode); if (currentLanguage == null) { return; } Initialize(currentLanguage); } else { GUILayout.Label("There is no LanguageManager in the scene. Smart Localization Translation Window cannot be used at runtime without it.", EditorStyles.boldLabel); return; } } else if (rootValues == null && currentCultureInfo != null) { Initialize(currentCultureInfo); } } else if (rootValues == null) { if (currentCultureInfo != null) { Initialize(currentCultureInfo, true); } else { this.Close(); return; } } if (!rootFileChanged) { DrawMainTranslationView(); } else { //The root file did change, which means that you have to reload. A key might have changed //We can't have language files with different keys GUILayout.Label("The root file might have changed", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("The root file did save, which means that you have to reload. A key might have changed.", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUILayout.Label("You can't have language files with different keys", EditorStyles.miniLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("Reload Language File")) { ReloadLanguage(); } } } }