private Vector CalculateRefractionRadiance(Ray ray, int depth, Point x, Vector n, Vector nl, Sphere obj, Color f) { var reflRay = new Ray(x, ray.Direction - n * 2 * n.Dot(ray.Direction)); // Ideal dielectric REFRACTION var into = n.Dot(nl) > 0; // Ray from outside going in? const int Nc = 1; const double Nt = 1.5; var nnt = @into ? Nc / Nt : Nt / Nc; var ddn = ray.Direction.Dot(nl); double cos2T; if((cos2T = 1 - nnt * nnt * (1 - ddn * ddn)) < 0) { // Total internal reflection return obj.Emission + f.Multiply(Radiance(reflRay, depth)); } var tdir = (ray.Direction * nnt - n * ((@into ? 1 : -1) * (ddn * nnt + Math.Sqrt(cos2T)))).Normalize(); const double A = Nt - Nc; const double B = Nt + Nc; const double R0 = A * A / (B * B); var c = 1 - (@into ? -ddn : tdir.Dot(n)); var re = R0 + (1 - R0) * c * c * c * c * c; var tr = 1 - re; var pp = .25 + .5 * re; var rp = re / pp; var tp = tr / (1 - pp); return obj.Emission + f.Multiply(depth > 2 ? (random.NextDouble() < pp ? // Russian roulette Radiance(reflRay, depth) * rp : Radiance(new Ray(x, tdir), depth) * tp) : Radiance(reflRay, depth) * re + Radiance(new Ray(x, tdir), depth) * tr); }
// --- Public Methods --- public Intersection Intersect(Ray ray) { var op = Position - ray.Origin; // Solve t^2*Direction.Direction + 2*t*(Origin-Position).Direction + (Origin-Position).(Origin-Position)-R^2 = 0 double t; const double Epsilon = 1e-4; var b = op.Dot(ray.Direction); var det = b * b - op.Dot(op) + radius * radius; if(det < 0) { return Intersection.Miss; } det = Math.Sqrt(det); return (t = b - det) > Epsilon ? new Intersection(ray, this, t) : ((t = b + det) > Epsilon ? new Intersection(ray, this, t) : Intersection.Miss); }
private Vector Radiance(Ray ray, int depth) { var intersection = scene.Intersect(ray); if(intersection.IsMiss) { return Vector.Zero; // if miss, return black } var sphere = intersection.Sphere; // the hit object if(depth > 100) { // *** Added to prevent stack overflow return sphere.Emission; } var x = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * intersection.Distance; var n = (x - sphere.Position).Normalize(); var nl = n.Dot(ray.Direction) < 0 ? n : n * -1; var color = sphere.Color; var p = color.Red > color.Green && color.Red > color.Blue ? color.Red : color.Green > color.Blue ? color.Green : color.Blue; // max ReflectionType if(++depth > 5) { if(random.NextDouble() < p) { color = color * (1 / p); } else { return sphere.Emission; //R.R. } } if(sphere.ReflectionType == ReflectionType.Diffuse) { // Ideal DIFFUSE reflection return CalculateDiffuseRadiance(depth, nl, sphere, color, x); } if(sphere.ReflectionType == ReflectionType.Specular) { // Ideal SPECULAR reflection return CalculateSpecularRadiance(ray, depth, sphere, color, x, n); } return CalculateRefractionRadiance(ray, depth, x, n, nl, sphere, color); }
private Vector CalculateSpecularRadiance(Ray ray, int depth, Sphere obj, Color f, Point x, Vector n) { return obj.Emission + f.Multiply(Radiance(new Ray(x, ray.Direction - n * 2 * n.Dot(ray.Direction)), depth)); }