public string UpdateCustomer(string random, int type, string Id, EntityCustomer entity) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; string personId = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); personId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.PERSON_ID]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return _message; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(認証処理)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string _Id = ""; #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DbOpen)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(BeginTransaction)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Get Max Master ID if (type == 1 && (Id == "" || Id == "0")) { try { DataMasterId.GetMaxMasterId(companyId, "", db, DataMasterId.geMasterMaxIdKbn.Customer, out _Id); if (_Id == "") { return "ID取得に失敗しました。"; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(GetMaxMasterId)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(GetMaxMasterId) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } else { _Id = Id; } #endregion #region Insert if (type == 1) { try { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM M_CUSTOMER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Insert SQL string _invoice_id = entity.invoice_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(_invoice_id)) _invoice_id = ExCast.zCDbl(_invoice_id).ToString(); sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_CUSTOMER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , KANA" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ABOUT_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ZIP_CODE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PREFECTURE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CITY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TOWN_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ADRESS_CITY" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ADRESS_TOWN" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ADRESS1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ADRESS2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , STATION_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , POST_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PERSON_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TITLE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TITLE_NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TEL" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , FAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAIL_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MOBILE_TEL" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MOBILE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , URL" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVOICE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_KIND_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREDIT_RATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_CHANGE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAX_FRACTION_PROC_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREDIT_LIMIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_CREDIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , RECEIPT_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COLLECT_CYCLE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COLLECT_DAY" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , BILL_SITE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP1_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP2_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP3_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zIdForNumIndex(_Id) + Environment.NewLine); // ID2 sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); // NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.kana) + Environment.NewLine); // KANA sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.about_name) + Environment.NewLine); // ABOUT_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zNullToZero(entity.zip_code_from + entity.zip_code_to) + Environment.NewLine); // ZIP_CODE sb.Append(" ," + entity.prefecture_id + Environment.NewLine); // PREFECTURE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.city_id + Environment.NewLine); // CITY_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.town_id + Environment.NewLine); // TOWN_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress_city) + Environment.NewLine); // ADRESS_CITY sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress_town) + Environment.NewLine); // ADRESS_TOWN sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress1) + Environment.NewLine); // ADRESS1 sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress2) + Environment.NewLine); // ADRESS2 sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.station_name) + Environment.NewLine); // STATION_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.post_name) + Environment.NewLine); // POST_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.person_name) + Environment.NewLine); // PERSON_NAME sb.Append(" ," + entity.title_id + Environment.NewLine); // TITLE_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.title_name) + Environment.NewLine); // TITLE_NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); // TEL sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.fax) + Environment.NewLine); // FAX sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mail_adress) + Environment.NewLine); // MAIL_ADRESS sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mobile_tel) + Environment.NewLine); // MOBILE_TEL sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mobile_adress) + Environment.NewLine); // MOBILE_ADRESS sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.url) + Environment.NewLine); // URL sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // INVOICE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.business_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.unit_kind_id + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_KIND_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.credit_rate + Environment.NewLine); // CREDIT_RATE sb.Append(" ," + entity.tax_change_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_CHANGE_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.summing_up_group_id) + Environment.NewLine); // SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.price_fraction_proc_id + Environment.NewLine); // PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.tax_fraction_proc_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAX_FRACTION_PROC_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.credit_limit_price + Environment.NewLine); // CREDIT_LIMIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + entity.sales_credit_price + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_CREDIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.receipt_division_id) + Environment.NewLine); // RECEIPT_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.collect_cycle_id + Environment.NewLine); // COLLECT_CYCLE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.collect_day + Environment.NewLine); // COLLECT_DAY sb.Append(" ," + entity.bill_site + Environment.NewLine); // BILL_SITE sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group1_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP1_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group2_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP2_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group3_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP3_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO sb.Append(" ," + entity.display_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // DISPLAY_FLG sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_CUSTOMER", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Sales Credit Balance Insert try { if (ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id) == ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM SYS_M_COMPANY_GROUP AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Insert SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_CREDIT_INIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_CREDIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_CREDIT_INIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_CREDIT_PRICE sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Sales Credit Balance Insert)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Sales Credit Balance Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Insert)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Update if (type == 0) { try { #region SQL string _invoice_id = entity.invoice_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(_invoice_id)) _invoice_id = ExCast.zCDbl(_invoice_id).ToString(); sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_CUSTOMER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 0)); sb.Append(" ,NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,KANA = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.kana) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ABOUT_NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.about_name) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ZIP_CODE = " + ExCast.zNullToZero(entity.zip_code_from + entity.zip_code_to) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PREFECTURE_ID = " + entity.prefecture_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CITY_ID = " + entity.city_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TOWN_ID = " + entity.town_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ADRESS_CITY = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress_city) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ADRESS_TOWN = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress_town) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ADRESS1 = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress1) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ADRESS2 = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.adress2) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,STATION_NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.station_name) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,POST_NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.post_name) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PERSON_NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.person_name) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TITLE_ID = " + entity.title_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TITLE_NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.title_name) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TEL = " + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,FAX = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.fax) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MAIL_ADRESS = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mail_adress) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MOBILE_TEL = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mobile_tel) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MOBILE_ADRESS = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.mobile_adress) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,URL = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.url) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,INVOICE_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(_invoice_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID = " + entity.business_division_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UNIT_KIND_ID = " + entity.unit_kind_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREDIT_RATE = " + entity.credit_rate + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TAX_CHANGE_ID = " + entity.tax_change_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.summing_up_group_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_ID = " + entity.price_fraction_proc_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TAX_FRACTION_PROC_ID = " + entity.tax_fraction_proc_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CREDIT_LIMIT_PRICE = " + entity.credit_limit_price + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SALES_CREDIT_PRICE = " + entity.sales_credit_price + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RECEIPT_DIVISION_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.receipt_division_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,COLLECT_CYCLE_ID = " + entity.collect_cycle_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,COLLECT_DAY = " + entity.collect_day + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,BILL_SITE = " + entity.bill_site + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP1_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group1_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP2_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group2_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP3_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group3_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MEMO = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.memo) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,DISPLAY_FLG = " + entity.display_division_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Sales Credit Balance Insert try { if (ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id) == ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) { #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM SYS_M_COMPANY_GROUP AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { bool flg = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]), "M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE", "ID", ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (flg == false) { #region Insert SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_CREDIT_INIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_CREDIT_PRICE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_CREDIT_INIT_PRICE sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_CREDIT_PRICE sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Sales Credit Balance Insert)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Sales Credit Balance Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Update)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region Delete if (type == 2) { #region Exist Data try { bool _ret = false; // 得意先チェック _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_ESTIMATE_H", "CUSTOMER_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は見積データの得意先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_ORDER_H", "CUSTOMER_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は受注データの得意先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_SALES_H", "CUSTOMER_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は売上データの得意先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } if (ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id) != ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity.invoice_id)) { _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "M_CUSTOMER", "INVOICE_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は得意先マスタの請求IDに使用されている為、削除できません。"; } } // 請求先チェック if (ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id) == ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity.invoice_id)) { _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_SALES_H", "INVOICE_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は売上データの請求先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_INVOICE", "INVOICE_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は請求データの請求先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "T_RECEIPT_H", "INVOICE_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return "ID : " + Id + " は入金データの請求先に使用されている為、削除できません。"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Exist Data)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Exist Data) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Delete Sales Credit Balance try { if (ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id) == ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity.invoice_id)) { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(entity.invoice_id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Delete Sales Credit Balance)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Delete Sales Credit Balance) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Update try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_CUSTOMER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Delete)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Delete) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion } #endregion #region PG排他制御 if (type == 0 || type == 2) { try { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, "", ipAdress, false, db); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DelLockPg)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DelLockPg) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } } #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(CommitTransaction)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DbClose)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { switch (type) { case 0: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Update, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); break; case 1: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Insert, "ID:" + _Id.ToString()); break; case 2: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Delete, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Add Evidence)", ex); return CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCustomer(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; } #endregion #region Return if (type == 1 && (Id == "0" || Id == "")) { return "Auto Insert success : " + "ID : " + _Id.ToString() + "で登録しました。"; } else { return ""; } #endregion }
public EntityCustomer GetCustomer(string random, string Id) { EntityCustomer entity; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityCustomer(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return entity; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCustomer(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityCustomer(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCustomer : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); ; return entity; } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CM.NAME AS INVOICE_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM1.DESCRIPTION AS BUSINESS_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM2.DESCRIPTION AS UNIT_KIND_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM3.DESCRIPTION AS TAX_CHANGE_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CN.NAME AS SUMMING_UP_GROUP_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM4.DESCRIPTION AS PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM5.DESCRIPTION AS TAX_FRACTION_PROC_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RD.DESCRIPTION AS RECEIPT_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM6.DESCRIPTION AS COLLECT_CYCLE_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL1.NAME AS GROUP1_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL2.NAME AS GROUP2_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL3.NAME AS GROUP3_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM.DESCRIPTION AS DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_CUSTOMER AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // 請求先 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CUSTOMER AS CM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.ID = MT.INVOICE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 取引区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.ID = MT.BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 単価種類 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM2.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.UNIT_PRICE_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.ID = MT.UNIT_KIND_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 税転換(課税区分) sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM3" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM3.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.TAX_CHANGE_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.ID = MT.TAX_CHANGE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 締グループ sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CONDITION AS CN" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CN.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CN.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CN.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CN.CONDITION_DIVISION_ID = 1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CN.ID = MT.SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 金額端数処理 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM4" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM4.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.FRACTION_PROC_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.ID = MT.PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 税端数処理 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM5" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM5.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM5.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM5.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.FRACTION_PROC_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM5.ID = MT.TAX_FRACTION_PROC_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 回収(入金)区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_RECEIPT_DIVISION AS RD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON RD.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND RD.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND RD.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND RD.ID = MT.RECEIPT_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 回収サイクル sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM6" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM6.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM6.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM6.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.COLLECT_CYCLE_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM6.ID = MT.COLLECT_CYCLE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 得意先分類1 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CustomerGrouop1 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.ID = MT.GROUP1_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 得意先分類2 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL2.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CustomerGrouop2 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.ID = MT.GROUP2_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 得意先分類3 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL3" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL3.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CustomerGrouop3 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.ID = MT.GROUP3_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 表示区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.ID = MT.DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) +Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { entity = new EntityCustomer(); // 排他制御 DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, Id.ToString(), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); if (strErr != "") { entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCustomer : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; } #region Set Entity = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["NAME"]); entity.kana = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["KANA"]); entity.about_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ABOUT_NAME"]); string _zip = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ZIP_CODE"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_zip) && ExCast.zCStr(_zip) != "0") { _zip = string.Format("{0:0000000}", ExCast.zCDbl(_zip)); entity.zip_code_from = _zip.Substring(0, 3); entity.zip_code_to = _zip.Substring(3, 4); } else { entity.zip_code_from = ""; entity.zip_code_to = ""; } entity.prefecture_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["PREFECTURE_ID"]); entity.city_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["CITY_ID"]); entity.town_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TOWN_ID"]); entity.adress_city = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_CITY"]); entity.adress_town = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_TOWN"]); entity.adress1 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS1"]); entity.adress2 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS2"]); entity.station_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["STATION_NAME"]); entity.post_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["POST_NAME"]); entity.person_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["PERSON_NAME"]); entity.title_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TITLE_ID"]); entity.title_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TITLE_NAME"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TEL"]); entity.fax = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["FAX"]); entity.mail_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MAIL_ADRESS"]); entity.mobile_tel = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_TEL"]); entity.mobile_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_ADRESS"]); entity.url = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["URL"]); entity.invoice_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVOICE_ID"]); entity.invoice_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVOICE_NAME"]); entity.business_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID"]); entity.business_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["BUSINESS_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.unit_kind_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["UNIT_KIND_ID"]); entity.unit_kind_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["UNIT_KIND_NAME"]); entity.credit_rate = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["CREDIT_RATE"]); entity.tax_change_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAX_CHANGE_ID"]); entity.tax_change_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAX_CHANGE_NAME"]); entity.summing_up_group_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID"]); entity.summing_up_group_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["SUMMING_UP_GROUP_NAME"]); entity.price_fraction_proc_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_ID"]); entity.price_fraction_proc_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["PRICE_FRACTION_PROC_NAME"]); entity.tax_fraction_proc_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAX_FRACTION_PROC_ID"]); entity.tax_fraction_proc_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAX_FRACTION_PROC_NAME"]); entity.credit_limit_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["CREDIT_LIMIT_PRICE"]); entity.sales_credit_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["SALES_CREDIT_PRICE"]); entity.receipt_division_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["RECEIPT_DIVISION_ID"]); entity.receipt_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["RECEIPT_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.collect_cycle_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["COLLECT_CYCLE_ID"]); entity.collect_cycle_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["COLLECT_CYCLE_NAME"]); entity.collect_day = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["COLLECT_DAY"]); entity.bill_site = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["BILL_SITE"]); entity.group1_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP1_ID"]); entity.group1_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP1_NAME"]); entity.group2_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP2_ID"]); entity.group2_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP2_NAME"]); entity.group3_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP3_ID"]); entity.group3_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP3_NAME"]); entity.display_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_FLG"]); entity.display_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.lock_flg = (int)lockFlg; entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MEMO"]); #endregion } else { entity = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCustomer", ex); entity = new EntityCustomer(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCustomer : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); return entity; }