        private INet <double> BuildModel(GameModelConfig cfg)
            _logger.LogInformation("Building the model.");
            var model = FluentNet <double> .Create(cfg.InputWidth, cfg.InputHeight, cfg.ImageChannels)
                        .Conv(8, 8, 32).Stride(4).Pad(2)
                        .Pool(2, 2)
                        .Conv(4, 4, 64).Stride(2).Pad(2)
                        .Pool(2, 2)
                        .Conv(3, 3, 64).Stride(1).Pad(2)
                        .Pool(2, 2)

            //create model file if not present
            if (!File.Exists(modelPath))
                File.WriteAllText(modelPath, model.ToJson());
            _logger.LogInformation("Finished bilding the model.");
        /// <summary>
        /// main training module
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfg">Model configurations</param>
        /// <param name="gameState">Game State module with access to game environment and dino</param>
        /// <param name="observe">Flag to indicate wherther the model is to be trained(weight updates), else just play</param>
        public void TrainModel(GameModelConfig cfg, GameState gameState, bool justPlay = false)
                ("epsilon", cfg.InitialEpsilon),
                ("time", 0),
                ("D", new Queue <(Volume <double>, int, double, Volume <double>, bool)>())); //initial variable caching, done only once

            var model    = BuildModel(cfg);
            var lastTime = DateTime.Now;
            //store the previous observations in replay memory
            var D = CacheUtils.LoadObj <Queue <(Volume <double>, int, double, Volume <double>, bool)> >("D"); //load from file system
            // get the first state by doing nothing
            var do_nothing = new double[cfg.Actions];

            do_nothing[0] = 1;                                                                         //0 => do nothing,
                                                                                                       //1 => jump
            var(x_t, r_0, terminal) = gameState.GetState(do_nothing, cfg.InputWidth, cfg.InputHeight); //get next step after performing the action
            var s_t = BuilderInstance.Volume.From(x_t.Repeat(4), new Shape(cfg.InputWidth, cfg.InputHeight, cfg.ImageChannels));
            //s_t.ReShape(1, cfg.ImageRows, cfg.ImageCols, cfg.ImageChannels);
            var    initial_state = x_t;
            double observe;
            double epsilon;

            model = SerializationExtensions.FromJson <double>(File.ReadAllText(modelPath));

            var trainer = new AdamTrainer(model)
                LearningRate = cfg.LearningRate

            if (justPlay)
                observe = 999999999; //We keep observe, never train
                epsilon = cfg.FinalEpsilon;
            else //We go to training mode
                observe = cfg.Observation;
                epsilon = CacheUtils.LoadObj <double>("epsilon");

            int t = CacheUtils.LoadObj <int>("time"); // resume from the previous time step stored in file system

            while (true)                              //endless running
                double loss         = 0;
                double Q_sa         = 0;
                int    action_index = 0;
                double r_t          = 0;                       //reward at 4
                var    a_t          = new double[cfg.Actions]; //action at t

                //choose an action epsilon greedy
                if (t % cfg.FramePerAction == 0)         //parameter to skip frames for actions
                    if (_random.NextDouble() <= epsilon) //randomly explore an action
                        _logger.LogInformation("----------Random Action----------");
                        action_index      = _random.Next(cfg.Actions);
                        a_t[action_index] = 1;
                    else //predict the output
                        model.Forward(s_t); //input a stack of 4 images, get the prediction
                        var q = model.GetPrediction();
                        action_index      = q[0]; //chosing index with maximum q value
                        a_t[action_index] = 1;    //o=> do nothing, 1=> jump

                //We reduced the epsilon (exploration parameter) gradually
                if (epsilon > cfg.FinalEpsilon && t > observe)
                    epsilon -= (cfg.InitialEpsilon - cfg.FinalEpsilon) / cfg.Explore;

                //run the selected action and observed next state and reward
                double[] x_t1;
                (x_t1, r_t, terminal) = gameState.GetState(a_t, cfg.InputWidth, cfg.InputHeight);
                _logger.LogInformation($"fps: { 1 / (DateTime.Now - lastTime).TotalSeconds }");       //helpful for measuring frame rate
                lastTime = DateTime.Now;
                var s_t1 = BuilderInstance.Volume.From(s_t.ToArray().StackAndShift(x_t1), s_t.Shape); //append the new image to input stack and remove the first one

                //store the transition in D
                D.Enqueue((s_t, action_index, r_t, s_t1, terminal));
                if (D.Count > cfg.ReplayMemory)

                //only train if done observing
                if (t > observe)
                    //var minibatch