public IActionResult CheckTask(int taskId, float latitude, float longitude) { var userId = AuthController.GetUserIdFromPrincipal(Request, config["JWT:Secret"]); var user = userRepository.GetUserById(userId); if (user == null) { return(BadRequest()); } var dbTask = taskRepository.GetTask(taskId); if (dbTask == null) { return(BadRequest()); } if (dbTask.Assigned < DateTime.Today) { return(Ok(dbTask)); } // If within 50 meters (roughly) if (MathF.Abs(dbTask.Latitude.Value - latitude) <= 0.0005f && MathF.Abs(dbTask.Longitude.Value - longitude) <= 0.0005f) { // Mark task as completed by adding completion date dbTask.Completed = DateTime.Now; taskRepository.UpdateTask(dbTask); switch (dbTask.TaskType) { case TaskType.NATURE: user.Nature += dbTask.Points; break; case TaskType.KNOWLEDGE: user.Knowledge += dbTask.Points; break; case TaskType.FITNESS: user.Fitness += dbTask.Points; break; case TaskType.COMMUNITY: user.Community += dbTask.Points; break; } userRepository.UpdateUser(user); } taskRepository.Save(); userRepository.Save(); return(Ok(mapper.Map <TaskResponse>(dbTask))); }
public IActionResult EditProfile(string username) { if (authUnit.Users.GetUserByUsername(username) == null) { return(NotFound()); } var userId = AuthController.GetUserIdFromPrincipal(Request, config.Secret); var user = authUnit.Users.GetUserById(userId); // Validate user if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (user.Username != username) { return(Unauthorized()); } return(Ok(mapper.Map <UserPersonalResponse>(user))); }
public IActionResult EditEmail(string username, [FromForm] UserEditEmailRequest editEmailRequest) { var userId = AuthController.GetUserIdFromPrincipal(Request, config.Secret); var user = authUnit.Users.GetUserById(userId); // Validate user if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (user.Username != username) { return(Unauthorized()); } // Apply mapping and update user mapper.Map(editEmailRequest, user); authUnit.Users.UpdateUser(user); authUnit.Complete(); return(NoContent()); }
public IActionResult EditPassword(string username, [FromForm] UserEditPasswordRequest editRequest) { var userId = AuthController.GetUserIdFromPrincipal(Request, config.Secret); var user = authUnit.Users.GetUserById(userId); // Validate user if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (user.Username != username) { return(Unauthorized()); } // Compare existing password var oldHash = cryptoService.Compute(editRequest.OldPassword, user.PasswordSalt); if (!cryptoService.Compare(user.Password, oldHash)) { return(BadRequest()); } // Set new password var newHash = cryptoService.Compute(editRequest.NewPassword); user.Password = newHash; user.PasswordSalt = cryptoService.Salt; authUnit.Users.UpdateUser(user); authUnit.Complete(); return(NoContent()); }
public IActionResult GenerateTasks(float latitude, float longitude) { var client = new HttpClient(); var userId = AuthController.GetUserIdFromPrincipal(Request, config["JWT:Secret"]); // Get user var user = userRepository.GetUserById(userId); // If user claims to be nonexistent user if (user == null) { return(BadRequest()); } // Generate 5 new tasks var tasks = new List <TaskModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { string description = ""; string title = ""; string text = ""; string address = ""; int type = -1; var taskLoc = RandomPoint(latitude, longitude, MilesToMeters(5)); // Make mapbox request with random keyword try { var response = client.GetFromJsonAsync <GeocodingResponse>("" + $"/v5/mapbox.places/{taskLoc.Y},{taskLoc.X}.json" + $"?access_token={config["mapbox"]}" + "&types=poi" + "&language=en").Result; // If there was no address associated with the point, fallback to this information if (response.Features.Length == 0) { type = (int)TaskType.FITNESS; title = "Go on a run"; description = "Get out there, get moving! Increasing your Fitness is a great way to stay in shape."; text = "Point of Interest"; } else { // TODO: Fix possible duplicate points // There was a valid address associated with this point var categories = response.Features[0].Properties.Category.Split(", "); address = response.Features[0].Properties.Address ?? ""; text = response.Features[0].Text; foreach (var category in categories) { if (!Categories.ContainsKey(category)) { continue; } type = (int)Categories[category]; break; } // Default to Fitness category if (type == -1) { type = (int)TaskType.FITNESS; } switch (type) { case (int)TaskType.NATURE: title = "Take a walk"; description = "Go out and see the sunshine! Take a break from your devices and enjoy what nature has to offer."; break; case (int)TaskType.FITNESS: title = "Go on a run"; description = "Get out there, get moving! Increasing your Fitness is a great way to stay in shape."; break; case (int)TaskType.COMMUNITY: title = "Meet new people"; description = "It's time to meet new friends! Go out and expand your circle."; break; case (int)TaskType.KNOWLEDGE: title = "Visit this institution"; description = "Knowledge is power! Visit this location to increase your Knowledge."; break; } } var task = new TaskModel { Assigned = DateTime.Now, Completed = null, Title = title, Description = description, TaskType = (TaskType)type, Points = Math.Min(25 + (int)(75 * MathF.Sqrt(MathF.Pow(latitude - taskLoc.X, 2) + MathF.Pow(longitude - taskLoc.Y, 2)) / 5) * 5, 50), Latitude = taskLoc.X, Longitude = taskLoc.Y, Address = address, Text = text, User = user }; taskRepository.AddTask(task); tasks.Add(task); } catch (HttpRequestException e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to MapBox."); } } taskRepository.Save(); return(Ok(mapper.Map <IEnumerable <TaskResponse> >(tasks))); }