        public ChannelProtocol(IProtocolCommand parent, int channelNumber) : base(parent)
            ChannelNumber = channelNumber;
            PathParameter = channelNumber;

            BWLimit = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Bandwidth Limit", "BWL")
                Options = StringOptions.BWLimit,

            Coupling = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Coupling", "COUP")
                Options = StringOptions.Coupling,

            Display = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Display", "DISP")
                Options = BooleanOptions.Boolean,

            Invert = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Invert", "INV")
                Options = BooleanOptions.Boolean,

            Offset = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Offset", "OFFS")
                Options = RealOptions.ChannelOffset_ScaleGreaterThan500m,

            Range = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Range", "RANG")
                Options = RealOptions.ChannelRange,

            TCal = new ProtocolCommand(this, "TCal", "TCAL")
                Options = RealOptions.ChannelTCal,

            Scale = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Scale", "SCAL")
                Options = RealOptions.ChannelScale,

            Probe = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Probe", "PROB")
                Options = StringOptions.ProbeRatio,

            Units = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Units", "UNIT")
                Options = StringOptions.Units,

            Vernier = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Vernier", "VERN")
                Options = BooleanOptions.Boolean,
 public TriggerNEdgeCommands(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
     Source = new TriggerSourceCommand(this);
     Slope  = new TriggerSlopeCommand(this)
         Options = new StringOptions {
             new StringOption("POSitive", "POS"),
             new StringOption("NEGative", "NEG"),
     Idle = new TriggerTimeCommand(this)
         Name    = "IDLE",
         Term    = "IDLE",
         Options = new RealOptions
             new RealOption(16 * SI.n, 10)
     Edge = new ProtocolCommand(this)
         Name    = "EDGE",
         Term    = "EDGE",
         Options = new IntegerOptions {
             new IntegerOption(1, 65535)
     Level = new TriggerLevelCommand(this);
        public TriggerWindowsCommands(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
            Source = new TriggerSourceChannelCommand(this);

            Slope = new TriggerSlopeCommand(this);

            Time = new TriggerTimeCommand(this)
                Options = new RealOptions(8 * SI.n, 10)

            Position = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "POSition",
                Term    = "POS",
                Options = new StringOptions()
                    new StringOption("EXIT", "EXIT"),
                    new StringOption("ENTER", "ENTER"),
                    new StringOption("TIMe", "TIM"),

            ALevel = new TriggerLevelCommand(this);

            BLevel = new TriggerLevelCommand(this);
        public RootProtocol() : base(null)
            /// <summary>
            /// Query the current status (this duplicates the Trigger Status command).
            /// </summary>
            Status = new ProtocolCommand(this, nameof(Status), "STAT")
                Path    = ":TRIG:STAT",
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("TD", "TD"),
                    new StringOption("WAIT", "WAIT"),
                    new StringOption("RUN", "RUN"),
                    new StringOption("AUTO", "AUTO"),
                    new StringOption("STOP", "STOP")

            AutoScale = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(AutoScale), "AUT");
            Clear     = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(Clear), "CLE");
            Run       = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(Run), "RUN");
            Stop      = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(Stop), "STOP");
            Single    = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(Single), "SING");
            Force     = new ProtocolSimpleCommand(this, nameof(Force), "TFOR");
        public TimebaseProtocol(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
            Delay = new TimebaseDelayCommands(this);

            Offset = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Offset", "OFFS")
                Path = ":MAIN:OFFS",
                // depends on whether scope is in slow sweep mode
                // Normal    : (-0.5 x MemDepth / SampleRate) to 1s
                // Slow sweep: (-MemDepth/SampleRate) to (1s + 0.5 x MemDepth/SampleRate)
                // Highest memdepth is 24000000
                // MemDepth = SampleRate x WaveformLength
                // WaveformLength = Scale x number of scales
                // number of scales for DS1000Z is 12
                Options = new RealOptions(-12, 12)

            Scale = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Scale", "SCAL")
                Path = ":MAIN:SCAL",
                // YT mode  : 5ns/div to 50s/div in 1,2,5 steps
                // Roll mode: 200ms/div to 50s/div in 1,2,5 steps
                Options = TimebaseScaleOptions.YT,

            Mode = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Mode", "MODE")
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("Main", "MAIN"),
                    new StringOption("XY", "XY"),
                    new StringOption("Roll", "ROLL"),
        public TriggerSHoldCommands(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
            DataSource = new TriggerSourceChannelCommand(this);

            ClockSource = new TriggerSourceChannelCommand(this);

            Slope = new TriggerSlopeCommand(this)
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("POSitive", "POS"),
                    new StringOption("NEGative", "NEG"),

            Pattern = new TriggerPatternCommands(this)
                Options = new StringOptions()
                    new StringOption("H", "H"),
                    new StringOption("L", "L"),

            Type = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "TYP",
                Term    = "TYP",
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("SETup", "SET"),
                    new StringOption("HOLd", "HOL"),
                    new StringOption("SETHOLd", "SETHOL"),

            SetupTime = new TriggerTimeCommand(this)
                Name    = "SHOLd",
                Term    = "SHOL",
                Options = new RealOptions(8 * SI.n, 1),

            HoldTime = new TriggerTimeCommand(this)
                Name    = "HTIMe",
                Term    = "HTIM",
                Options = new RealOptions(8 * SI.n, 1),
 public TriggerPatternCommands(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
     Pattern = new ProtocolCommand(this)
         Name    = "PATTern",
         Term    = "PATT",
         Options = new StringOptions
             new StringOption("H", "H"),
             new StringOption("L", "L"),
             new StringOption("X", "X"),
             new StringOption("R", "R"),
             new StringOption("F", "F"),
     Level = new TriggerLevelCommand(this);
        public TimebaseDelayCommands(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
            Enable = new TimebaseEnableCommand(this);

            Offset = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Offset", "OFFS")
                // LeftTime = 6x MainScale - MainOffset
                // RightTime = 6x MainScale - MainOffset
                // DelayRange = 12x DelayScale
                Options = new RealOptions(-12, 12)

            Scale = new ProtocolCommand(this, "Scale", "SCAL")
                // max scale: MainScale
                // min scale: 50 / (SampleRate x AmplificationFactor)
                // Amplification factor is (10 x the sum of):
                //    Number of enabled analog channels
                //    Number of analog channels set as trigger sources
                //    Number of enabled digital channel groups (D0 to D7 is one, D8 to D15 is the other)
                // TODO: This needs more work, I'm just guessing here
                Options = new RealOptions(10 * SI.n, 50)
        public TriggerProtocol(IProtocolCommand parent) : base(parent)
            Mode = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "Mode",
                Term    = "MODE",
                Options = new ModeStringOptions(),

            Coupling = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "Coupling",
                Term    = "COUP",
                Options = new StringOptions()
                    new StringOption("AC", "AC"),
                    new StringOption("DC", "DC"),
                    new StringOption("LFReject", "LFR"),
                    new StringOption("HFReject", "HFR")

            /// <summary>
            /// Query the current status
            /// </summary>
            Status = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "Status",
                Term    = "STAT",
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("TD", "TD"),
                    new StringOption("WAIT", "WAIT"),
                    new StringOption("RUN", "RUN"),
                    new StringOption("AUTO", "AUTO"),
                    new StringOption("STOP", "STOP")

            /// <summary>
            /// Set or query the trigger mode.
            /// Auto  : No matter whether the trigger condition is met, there is always waveform display.
            /// Normal: Display waveform when the trigger condition is met. Otherwise, the scope
            ///         holds the original waveform and waits for the next trigger.
            /// Single: The scope waits for a trigger and displays the waveform when the trigger
            ///         condition is met and then stops.
            /// </summary>
            Sweep = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "Sweep",
                Term    = "SWEep",
                Options = new StringOptions
                    new StringOption("Auto", "AUTO"),
                    new StringOption("Normal", "NORM"),
                    new StringOption("Single", "SING"),

            /// <summary>
            /// Amount of time that is waited before the scope re-arms the trigger circuitry.
            /// This setting is not available when the trigger type is video, timeout, setup/hold,
            /// nth edge, RS232, I2c or SPI.
            /// </summary>
            Holdoff = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "Holdoff",
                Term    = "HOLDoff",
                Options = new RealOptions
                    new RealOption(16 * SI.n, 10)

            /// <summary>
            /// Enable or disable noise rejection.
            /// </summary>
            NoiseReject = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name    = "NoiseReject",
                Term    = "NREJect",
                Options = StringOptions.Boolean

            /// <summary>
            /// Query the position in the internal memory that corresponds to the waveform
            /// trigger position.
            /// -2 : not triggered, no position
            /// -1 : triggered outside the internal memory
            /// >0 : the position inthe internal memory
            /// </summary>
            Position = new ProtocolCommand(this)
                Name = "Position",
                Term = "POSition",

            Edge = new TriggerEdgeCommands(this);

            Pulse = new TriggerPulseCommands(this);

            Slope = new TriggerSlopeCommands(this);

            Video = new TriggerVideoCommands(this);

            Pattern = new TriggerPatternCommands(this);

            Duration = new TriggerDurationCommands(this);

            Timeout = new TriggerTimeoutCommands(this);

            Runt = new TriggerRuntCommands(this);

            Windows = new TriggerWindowsCommands(this);

            Delay = new TriggerDelayCommands(this);

            SHold = new TriggerSHoldCommands(this);

            NEdge = new TriggerNEdgeCommands(this);