        public static IEnumerable <StochRsiResult> GetStochRsi <TQuote>(
            IEnumerable <TQuote> history,
            int rsiPeriod,
            int stochPeriod,
            int signalPeriod,
            int smoothPeriod = 1)
            where TQuote : IQuote
            // validate parameters
            ValidateStochRsi(history, rsiPeriod, stochPeriod, signalPeriod, smoothPeriod);

            // initialize
            List <StochRsiResult> results = new List <StochRsiResult>();

            // get RSI
            List <RsiResult> rsiResults = GetRsi(history, rsiPeriod).ToList();

            // convert rsi to quote format
            List <Quote> rsiQuotes = rsiResults
                                     .Where(x => x.Rsi != null)
                                     .Select(x => new Quote
                Date  = x.Date,
                High  = (decimal)x.Rsi,
                Low   = (decimal)x.Rsi,
                Close = (decimal)x.Rsi

            // get Stochastic of RSI
            List <StochResult> stoResults = GetStoch(rsiQuotes, stochPeriod, signalPeriod, smoothPeriod).ToList();

            // compose
            for (int i = 0; i < rsiResults.Count; i++)
                RsiResult r     = rsiResults[i];
                int       index = i + 1;

                StochRsiResult result = new StochRsiResult
                    Date = r.Date

                if (index >= rsiPeriod + stochPeriod)
                    StochResult sto = stoResults[index - rsiPeriod - 1];

                    result.StochRsi = sto.Oscillator;
                    result.Signal   = sto.Signal;


        public static IEnumerable <RsiResult> GetRsi(IEnumerable <Quote> history, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // clean quotes
            history = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(history);

            // initialize
            decimal          lastClose = history.First().Close;
            List <RsiResult> results   = new List <RsiResult>();

            // load gain data
            foreach (Quote h in history)
                RsiResult result = new RsiResult
                    Index = (int)h.Index,
                    Date  = h.Date,
                    Gain  = (lastClose < h.Close) ? (float)(h.Close - lastClose) : 0,
                    Loss  = (lastClose > h.Close) ? (float)(lastClose - h.Close) : 0

                lastClose = h.Close;

            // initialize average gain
            float avgGain = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Gain).Average();
            float avgLoss = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Loss).Average();

            // initial RSI for trend analysis
            float lastRSI = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;

            // calculate RSI
            foreach (RsiResult r in results.Where(x => x.Index >= lookbackPeriod).OrderBy(d => d.Index))
                avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Gain) / lookbackPeriod;
                avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Loss) / lookbackPeriod;

                if (avgLoss > 0)
                    float rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                    r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                    r.Rsi = 100;

                r.IsIncreasing = (r.Rsi >= lastRSI) ? true : false;
                lastRSI        = (float)r.Rsi;

        // CONNORS RSI
        /// <include file='./info.xml' path='indicator/*' />
        public static IEnumerable <ConnorsRsiResult> GetConnorsRsi <TQuote>(
            IEnumerable <TQuote> history,
            int rsiPeriod    = 3,
            int streakPeriod = 2,
            int rankPeriod   = 100)
            where TQuote : IQuote
            // convert history to basic format
            List <BasicData> bdList = history.ConvertToBasic("C");

            // check parameter arguments
            ValidateConnorsRsi(bdList, rsiPeriod, streakPeriod, rankPeriod);

            // initialize
            List <ConnorsRsiResult> results = CalcConnorsRsiBaseline(bdList, rsiPeriod, rankPeriod);
            int startPeriod = Math.Max(rsiPeriod, Math.Max(streakPeriod, rankPeriod)) + 2;

            // RSI of streak
            List <BasicData> bdStreak = results
                                        .Where(x => x.Streak != null)
                                        .Select(x => new BasicData {
                Date = x.Date, Value = (decimal)x.Streak

            List <RsiResult> rsiStreakResults = CalcRsi(bdStreak, streakPeriod).ToList();

            // compose final results
            for (int p = streakPeriod + 2; p < results.Count; p++)
                ConnorsRsiResult r = results[p];
                RsiResult        k = rsiStreakResults[p - 1];

                r.RsiStreak = k.Rsi;

                if (p + 1 >= startPeriod)
                    r.ConnorsRsi = (r.RsiClose + r.RsiStreak + r.PercentRank) / 3;

        private static IEnumerable <RsiResult> CalcRsi(List <BasicData> bdList, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // check parameter arguments
            ValidateRsi(bdList, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            decimal lastValue = bdList[0].Value;
            decimal avgGain   = 0m;
            decimal avgLoss   = 0m;

            int size = bdList.Count;
            List <RsiResult> results = new List <RsiResult>(size);

            decimal[] gain = new decimal[size]; // gain
            decimal[] loss = new decimal[size]; // loss

            // roll through history
            for (int i = 0; i < bdList.Count; i++)
                BasicData h     = bdList[i];
                int       index = i + 1;

                RsiResult r = new RsiResult
                    Date = h.Date

                gain[i]   = (h.Value > lastValue) ? h.Value - lastValue : 0;
                loss[i]   = (h.Value < lastValue) ? lastValue - h.Value : 0;
                lastValue = h.Value;

                // calculate RSI
                if (index > lookbackPeriod + 1)
                    avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + gain[i]) / lookbackPeriod;
                    avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + loss[i]) / lookbackPeriod;

                    if (avgLoss > 0)
                        decimal rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                        r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                        r.Rsi = 100;

                // initialize average gain
                else if (index == lookbackPeriod + 1)
                    decimal sumGain = 0;
                    decimal sumLoss = 0;

                    for (int p = 1; p <= lookbackPeriod; p++)
                        sumGain += gain[p];
                        sumLoss += loss[p];
                    avgGain = sumGain / lookbackPeriod;
                    avgLoss = sumLoss / lookbackPeriod;

                    r.Rsi = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;

        public static IEnumerable <RsiResult> GetRsi(IEnumerable <Quote> history, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // clean quotes
            history = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(history);

            // check exceptions
            int qtyHistory = history.Count();
            int minHistory = lookbackPeriod;

            if (qtyHistory < minHistory)
                throw new BadHistoryException("Insufficient history provided for RSI.  " +
                                              string.Format("You provided {0} periods of history when {1} is required.  "
                                                            + "Since this uses a smoothing technique, "
                                                            + "we recommend you use at least 250 data points prior to the intended "
                                                            + "usage date for maximum precision.", qtyHistory, minHistory));

            // initialize
            decimal          lastClose = history.First().Close;
            List <RsiResult> results   = new List <RsiResult>();

            // load gain data
            foreach (Quote h in history)
                RsiResult result = new RsiResult
                    Index = (int)h.Index,
                    Date  = h.Date,
                    Gain  = (lastClose < h.Close) ? (float)(h.Close - lastClose) : 0,
                    Loss  = (lastClose > h.Close) ? (float)(lastClose - h.Close) : 0

                lastClose = h.Close;

            // initialize average gain
            float avgGain = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Gain).Average();
            float avgLoss = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Loss).Average();

            // initial RSI for trend analysis
            float lastRSI = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;

            // calculate RSI
            foreach (RsiResult r in results.Where(x => x.Index >= lookbackPeriod).OrderBy(d => d.Index))
                avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Gain) / lookbackPeriod;
                avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Loss) / lookbackPeriod;

                if (avgLoss > 0)
                    float rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                    r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                    r.Rsi = 100;

                r.IsIncreasing = (r.Rsi > lastRSI);
                lastRSI        = (float)r.Rsi;

        private static IEnumerable <RsiResult> CalcRsi(IEnumerable <BasicData> basicData, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // clean data
            List <BasicData> bdList = Cleaners.PrepareBasicData(basicData).ToList();

            // check parameters
            ValidateRsi(basicData, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            decimal          lastValue = bdList[0].Value;
            decimal          avgGain   = 0m;
            decimal          avgLoss   = 0m;
            List <RsiResult> results   = new List <RsiResult>();

            // roll through history
            for (int i = 0; i < bdList.Count; i++)
                BasicData h = bdList[i];

                RsiResult r = new RsiResult
                    Index = (int)h.Index,
                    Date  = h.Date,
                    Gain  = (h.Value > lastValue) ? h.Value - lastValue : 0,
                    Loss  = (h.Value < lastValue) ? lastValue - h.Value : 0
                lastValue = h.Value;

                // calculate RSI
                if (h.Index > lookbackPeriod + 1)
                    avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Gain) / lookbackPeriod;
                    avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Loss) / lookbackPeriod;

                    if (avgLoss > 0)
                        decimal rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                        r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                        r.Rsi = 100;

                // initialize average gain
                else if (h.Index == lookbackPeriod + 1)
                    decimal sumGain = 0;
                    decimal sumLoss = 0;

                    for (int p = 0; p < lookbackPeriod; p++)
                        RsiResult d = results[p];
                        sumGain += d.Gain;
                        sumLoss += d.Loss;
                    avgGain = sumGain / lookbackPeriod;
                    avgLoss = sumLoss / lookbackPeriod;

                    r.Rsi = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;

        private static IEnumerable <RsiResult> CalcRsi(IEnumerable <BasicData> basicData, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // clean data
            List <BasicData> bdList = Cleaners.PrepareBasicData(basicData).ToList();

            // check parameters
            ValidateRsi(basicData, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            decimal          lastValue = bdList[0].Value;
            List <RsiResult> results   = new List <RsiResult>();

            // load gain data
            for (int i = 0; i < bdList.Count; i++)
                BasicData h = bdList[i];

                RsiResult result = new RsiResult
                    Index = (int)h.Index,
                    Date  = h.Date,
                    Gain  = (h.Value > lastValue) ? h.Value - lastValue : 0,
                    Loss  = (h.Value < lastValue) ? lastValue - h.Value : 0

                lastValue = h.Value;

            // initialize average gain
            decimal avgGain = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Gain).Average();
            decimal avgLoss = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Loss).Average();

            // initial first record
            decimal lastRSI = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;

            RsiResult first = results.Where(x => x.Index == lookbackPeriod + 1).FirstOrDefault();

            first.Rsi = lastRSI;

            // calculate RSI
            foreach (RsiResult r in results.Where(x => x.Index > (lookbackPeriod + 1)))
                avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Gain) / lookbackPeriod;
                avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Loss) / lookbackPeriod;

                if (avgLoss > 0)
                    decimal rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                    r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                    r.Rsi = 100;

                lastRSI = (decimal)r.Rsi;

        private static IEnumerable <RsiResult> CalcRsi(IEnumerable <BasicData> basicData, int lookbackPeriod = 14)
            // clean data
            basicData = Cleaners.PrepareBasicData(basicData);

            // check parameters
            ValidateRsi(basicData, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            decimal          lastValue = basicData.First().Value;
            List <RsiResult> results   = new List <RsiResult>();

            // load gain data
            foreach (BasicData h in basicData)
                RsiResult result = new RsiResult
                    Index = (int)h.Index,
                    Date  = h.Date,
                    Gain  = (h.Value > lastValue) ? h.Value - lastValue : 0,
                    Loss  = (h.Value < lastValue) ? lastValue - h.Value : 0

                lastValue = h.Value;

            // initialize average gain
            decimal avgGain = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Gain).Average();
            decimal avgLoss = results.Where(x => x.Index <= lookbackPeriod).Select(g => g.Loss).Average();

            // initial first record
            decimal lastRSI          = (avgLoss > 0) ? 100 - (100 / (1 + (avgGain / avgLoss))) : 100;
            bool?   lastIsIncreasing = null;

            RsiResult first = results.Where(x => x.Index == lookbackPeriod + 1).FirstOrDefault();

            first.Rsi = lastRSI;

            // calculate RSI
            foreach (RsiResult r in results.Where(x => x.Index > (lookbackPeriod + 1)).OrderBy(d => d.Index))
                avgGain = (avgGain * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Gain) / lookbackPeriod;
                avgLoss = (avgLoss * (lookbackPeriod - 1) + r.Loss) / lookbackPeriod;

                if (avgLoss > 0)
                    decimal rs = avgGain / avgLoss;
                    r.Rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs));
                    r.Rsi = 100;

                if (r.Rsi > lastRSI)
                    r.IsIncreasing = true;
                else if (r.Rsi < lastRSI)
                    r.IsIncreasing = false;
                    // no change, keep trend
                    r.IsIncreasing = lastIsIncreasing;

                lastRSI          = (decimal)r.Rsi;
                lastIsIncreasing = r.IsIncreasing;
