        public static IEnumerable <CorrResult> GetCorrelation(
            IEnumerable <Quote> historyA, IEnumerable <Quote> historyB, int lookbackPeriod)
            // clean quotes
            historyA = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyA);
            historyB = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyB);

            // check exceptions
            int qtyHistory = historyA.Count();
            int minHistory = lookbackPeriod;

            if (qtyHistory < minHistory)
                throw new BadHistoryException("Insufficient history provided for Correlation.  " +
                                              string.Format("You provided {0} periods of history when {1} is required.", qtyHistory, minHistory));

            // initialize
            List <CorrResult> results = new List <CorrResult>();

            // roll through history for interim data
            foreach (Quote a in historyA)
                Quote b = historyB.Where(x => x.Date == a.Date).FirstOrDefault();
                if (b == null)
                    throw new BadHistoryException("Correlation requires matching dates in provided histories.  {0} not found in historyB.");

                CorrResult result = new CorrResult
                    Index  = (int)a.Index,
                    Date   = a.Date,
                    PriceA = a.Close,
                    PriceB = b.Close
                             // other values calculated in class properties

            // compute correlation
            foreach (CorrResult r in results.Where(x => x.Index >= lookbackPeriod))
                IEnumerable <CorrResult> period = results.Where(x => x.Index > (r.Index - lookbackPeriod) && x.Index <= r.Index);

                decimal avgA  = period.Select(x => x.PriceA).Average();
                decimal avgB  = period.Select(x => x.PriceB).Average();
                decimal avgA2 = period.Select(x => x.PriceA2).Average();
                decimal avgB2 = period.Select(x => x.PriceB2).Average();
                decimal avgAB = period.Select(x => x.PriceAB).Average();

                r.VarianceA   = avgA2 - avgA * avgA;
                r.VarianceB   = avgB2 - avgB * avgB;
                r.Covariance  = avgAB - avgA * avgB;
                r.Correlation = r.Covariance / (decimal)Math.Sqrt((double)(r.VarianceA * r.VarianceB));

        public static IEnumerable <BetaResult> GetBeta(
            IEnumerable <Quote> historyMarket, IEnumerable <Quote> historyEval, int lookbackPeriod)
            // clean quotes
            historyMarket = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyMarket);
            historyEval   = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyEval);

            // initialize results
            List <BetaResult> results = new List <BetaResult>();

            // get prerequisite data
            IEnumerable <CorrResult> correlation = GetCorrelation(historyMarket, historyEval, lookbackPeriod);

            // roll through history for interim data
            foreach (Quote e in historyEval)
                BetaResult result = new BetaResult
                    Index = (int)e.Index,
                    Date  = e.Date

                // calculate beta, if available
                CorrResult c = correlation.Where(x => x.Date == e.Date).FirstOrDefault();

                if (c.Covariance != null && c.VarianceA != null && c.VarianceA != 0)
                    result.Beta = c.Covariance / c.VarianceA;


        public static IEnumerable <BetaResult> GetBeta(
            IEnumerable <Quote> historyMarket, IEnumerable <Quote> historyEval, int lookbackPeriod)
            // clean quotes
            historyMarket = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyMarket);
            historyEval   = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyEval);

            // check exceptions
            int qtyHistory = historyEval.Count();
            int minHistory = lookbackPeriod;

            if (qtyHistory < minHistory)
                throw new BadHistoryException("Insufficient history provided for Beta.  " +
                                              string.Format("You provided {0} periods of history when {1} is required."
                                                            , qtyHistory, minHistory));

            // initialize results
            List <BetaResult> results = new List <BetaResult>();

            // get prerequisite data
            IEnumerable <CorrResult> correlation = GetCorrelation(historyMarket, historyEval, lookbackPeriod);

            // roll through history for interim data
            foreach (Quote e in historyEval)
                BetaResult result = new BetaResult
                    Index = (int)e.Index,
                    Date  = e.Date

                // calculate beta, if available
                CorrResult c = correlation.Where(x => x.Date == e.Date).FirstOrDefault();

                if (c.Covariance != null && c.VarianceA != null && c.VarianceA != 0)
                    result.Beta = c.Covariance / c.VarianceA;


        public static IEnumerable <BetaResult> GetBeta <TQuote>(
            IEnumerable <TQuote> historyMarket,
            IEnumerable <TQuote> historyEval,
            int lookbackPeriod)
            where TQuote : IQuote
            // clean quotes
            List <TQuote> historyEvalList = historyEval.Sort();

            // validate parameters
            ValidateBeta(historyMarket, historyEval, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize results
            List <BetaResult> results = new List <BetaResult>();

            // get prerequisite data
            List <CorrResult> correlation = GetCorrelation(historyMarket, historyEval, lookbackPeriod).ToList();

            // roll through history for interim data
            for (int i = 0; i < historyEvalList.Count; i++)
                TQuote e = historyEvalList[i];

                BetaResult result = new BetaResult
                    Date = e.Date

                // calculate beta, if available
                CorrResult c = correlation[i];

                if (c.Covariance != null && c.VarianceA != null && c.VarianceA != 0)
                    result.Beta = c.Covariance / c.VarianceA;


        public static IEnumerable <CorrResult> GetCorrelation <TQuote>(
            IEnumerable <TQuote> historyA,
            IEnumerable <TQuote> historyB,
            int lookbackPeriod)
            where TQuote : IQuote
            // clean quotes
            List <TQuote> historyListA = historyA.Sort();
            List <TQuote> historyListB = historyB.Sort();

            // validate parameters
            ValidateCorrelation(historyA, historyB, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            List <CorrResult> results = new List <CorrResult>();

            // roll through history for interim data
            for (int i = 0; i < historyListA.Count; i++)
                TQuote a     = historyListA[i];
                TQuote b     = historyListB[i];
                int    index = i + 1;

                if (a.Date != b.Date)
                    throw new BadHistoryException(nameof(historyA), a.Date,
                                                  "Date sequence does not match.  Correlation requires matching dates in provided histories.");

                CorrResult r = new CorrResult
                    Date = a.Date

                // compute correlation
                if (index >= lookbackPeriod)
                    decimal sumPriceA  = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceB  = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceA2 = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceB2 = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceAB = 0m;

                    for (int p = index - lookbackPeriod; p < index; p++)
                        TQuote qa = historyListA[p];
                        TQuote qb = historyListB[p];

                        sumPriceA  += qa.Close;
                        sumPriceB  += qb.Close;
                        sumPriceA2 += qa.Close * qa.Close;
                        sumPriceB2 += qb.Close * qb.Close;
                        sumPriceAB += qa.Close * qb.Close;

                    decimal avgA  = sumPriceA / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgB  = sumPriceB / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgA2 = sumPriceA2 / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgB2 = sumPriceB2 / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgAB = sumPriceAB / lookbackPeriod;

                    r.VarianceA  = avgA2 - avgA * avgA;
                    r.VarianceB  = avgB2 - avgB * avgB;
                    r.Covariance = avgAB - avgA * avgB;

                    r.Correlation = (r.VarianceA == 0 || r.VarianceB == 0) ? null
                       : r.Covariance / (decimal)Math.Sqrt((double)(r.VarianceA * r.VarianceB));

                    r.RSquared = r.Correlation * r.Correlation;


        public static IEnumerable <CorrResult> GetCorrelation(
            IEnumerable <Quote> historyA, IEnumerable <Quote> historyB, int lookbackPeriod)
            // clean quotes
            List <Quote> historyListA = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyA).ToList();
            List <Quote> historyListB = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyB).ToList();

            // validate parameters
            ValidateCorrelation(historyListA, historyListB, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            List <CorrResult> results = new List <CorrResult>();

            // roll through history for interim data
            for (int i = 0; i < historyListA.Count; i++)
                Quote a = historyListA[i];
                Quote b = historyListB[i];

                if (a.Date != b.Date)
                    throw new BadHistoryException(
                              "Date sequence does not match.  Correlation requires matching dates in provided histories.");

                CorrResult result = new CorrResult
                    Index  = (int)a.Index,
                    Date   = a.Date,
                    PriceA = a.Close,
                    PriceB = b.Close
                             // other values calculated in class properties

            // compute correlation
            for (int i = lookbackPeriod - 1; i < results.Count; i++)
                CorrResult r = results[i];

                List <CorrResult> period = results
                                           .Where(x => x.Index > (r.Index - lookbackPeriod) && x.Index <= r.Index)

                decimal avgA  = period.Select(x => x.PriceA).Average();
                decimal avgB  = period.Select(x => x.PriceB).Average();
                decimal avgA2 = period.Select(x => x.PriceA2).Average();
                decimal avgB2 = period.Select(x => x.PriceB2).Average();
                decimal avgAB = period.Select(x => x.PriceAB).Average();

                r.VarianceA   = avgA2 - avgA * avgA;
                r.VarianceB   = avgB2 - avgB * avgB;
                r.Covariance  = avgAB - avgA * avgB;
                r.Correlation = r.Covariance / (decimal)Math.Sqrt((double)(r.VarianceA * r.VarianceB));
                r.RSquared    = r.Correlation * r.Correlation;

        public static IEnumerable <CorrResult> GetCorrelation(
            IEnumerable <Quote> historyA, IEnumerable <Quote> historyB, int lookbackPeriod)
            // clean quotes
            List <Quote> historyListA = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyA).ToList();
            List <Quote> historyListB = Cleaners.PrepareHistory(historyB).ToList();

            // validate parameters
            ValidateCorrelation(historyA, historyB, lookbackPeriod);

            // initialize
            List <CorrResult> results = new List <CorrResult>();

            // roll through history for interim data
            for (int i = 0; i < historyListA.Count; i++)
                Quote a = historyListA[i];
                Quote b = historyListB[i];

                if (a.Date != b.Date)
                    throw new BadHistoryException(
                              "Date sequence does not match.  Correlation requires matching dates in provided histories.");

                CorrResult r = new CorrResult
                    Index   = (int)a.Index,
                    Date    = a.Date,
                    PriceA  = a.Close,
                    PriceB  = b.Close,
                    PriceA2 = a.Close * a.Close,
                    PriceB2 = b.Close * b.Close,
                    PriceAB = a.Close * b.Close


                // compute correlation
                if (i + 1 >= lookbackPeriod)
                    decimal sumPriceA  = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceB  = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceA2 = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceB2 = 0m;
                    decimal sumPriceAB = 0m;

                    for (int p = r.Index - lookbackPeriod; p < r.Index; p++)
                        CorrResult d = results[p];

                        sumPriceA  += d.PriceA;
                        sumPriceB  += d.PriceB;
                        sumPriceA2 += d.PriceA2;
                        sumPriceB2 += d.PriceB2;
                        sumPriceAB += d.PriceAB;

                    decimal avgA  = sumPriceA / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgB  = sumPriceB / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgA2 = sumPriceA2 / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgB2 = sumPriceB2 / lookbackPeriod;
                    decimal avgAB = sumPriceAB / lookbackPeriod;

                    r.VarianceA   = avgA2 - avgA * avgA;
                    r.VarianceB   = avgB2 - avgB * avgB;
                    r.Covariance  = avgAB - avgA * avgB;
                    r.Correlation = r.Covariance / (decimal)Math.Sqrt((double)(r.VarianceA * r.VarianceB));
                    r.RSquared    = r.Correlation * r.Correlation;
