/// <summary> Creates a new instance of the drawer or returns a reusable instance from the pool. </summary> /// <param name="selectedIndex"> The selected index in items. </param> /// <param name="items"> The item options to display in the popup menu when the field is clicked. </param> /// <param name="memberInfo"> LinkedMemberInfo for the field, property or parameter that the drawer represents. Can be null. </param> /// <param name="parent"> The parent drawer of the created drawer. Can be null. </param> /// <param name="label"> The prefix label. </param> /// <param name="readOnly"> True if control should be read only. </param> /// <returns> The instance, ready to be used. </returns> public static PopupMenuDrawer Create(int selectedIndex, string[] items, LinkedMemberInfo memberInfo, IParentDrawer parent, GUIContent label, bool readOnly) { PopupMenuDrawer result; if (!DrawerPool.TryGet(out result)) { result = new PopupMenuDrawer(); } result.Setup(selectedIndex, items, memberInfo, parent, label, readOnly); result.LateSetup(); return(result); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override void DoBuildMembers() { var value = Value; if (value == null) { DrawerArrayPool.Resize(ref members, 2); members[0] = NullToggleDrawer.Create(OnNullToggleButtonClicked, this, ReadOnly); members[1] = ObjectReferenceDrawer.Create(null, Types.UnityObject, this, GUIContent.none, true, false, ReadOnly); } else { var target = value.Target; bool hasTarget = target != null; Object unityObject; bool isUnityObject; bool isAnonymous; string methodName; Type targetType; int methodIndex; var method = value.Method; if (hasTarget) { targetType = target.GetType(); UpdateMethodOptions(targetType, true); unityObject = target as Object; isUnityObject = unityObject != null; methodName = method.Name; isAnonymous = methodName[0] == '<'; if (isAnonymous) { string methodOrigin = methodName.Substring(1, methodName.IndexOf('>') - 1); methodName = string.Concat("Anonymous Method (", methodOrigin, ")"); } methodIndex = Array.IndexOf(methodOptionNames, methodName); if (methodIndex == -1) { methodOptions = methodOptions.InsertAt(0, method); methodOptionNames = methodOptionNames.InsertAt(0, methodName); methodIndex = 0; } } else { methodIndex = 0; if (method == null) { targetType = null; methodName = "{ }"; unityObject = null; isUnityObject = false; isAnonymous = false; ArrayPool <MethodInfo> .Resize(ref methodOptions, 1); methodOptions[0] = method; ArrayPool <string> .Resize(ref methodOptionNames, 1); methodOptionNames[0] = methodName; } else { targetType = method.ReflectedType; UpdateMethodOptions(targetType, false); methodName = method.Name; unityObject = null; isUnityObject = false; isAnonymous = methodName[0] == '<'; if (isAnonymous) { string methodOrigin = methodName.Substring(1, methodName.IndexOf('>') - 1); methodName = string.Concat("Anonymous Method (", methodOrigin, ")"); } methodIndex = Array.IndexOf(methodOptionNames, methodName); if (methodIndex == -1) { methodOptions = methodOptions.InsertAt(0, method); methodOptionNames = methodOptionNames.InsertAt(0, methodName); methodIndex = 0; } } } #if DEV_MODE && PI_ASSERTATIONS Debug.Assert(methodOptions.Length == methodOptionNames.Length); #endif #if DEV_MODE Debug.Log(Msg(ToString() + ".DoBuildMembers with target=", target, ", type=", targetType, ", isUnityObject=", isUnityObject, ", methodName=", methodName, ", isAnonymous=", isAnonymous + ", methodNames=", StringUtils.ToString(methodOptionNames))); #endif if (isUnityObject) { DrawerArrayPool.Resize(ref members, 2); members[0] = ObjectReferenceDrawer.Create(unityObject, Types.UnityObject, this, GUIContentPool.Empty(), true, false, ReadOnly); members[1] = PopupMenuDrawer.Create(methodIndex, methodOptionNames, null, this, GUIContentPool.Empty(), ReadOnly); } else { DrawerArrayPool.Resize(ref members, 3); members[0] = NullToggleDrawer.Create(OnNullToggleButtonClicked, this, ReadOnly); members[1] = TypeDrawer.Create(targetType, null, this, GUIContentPool.Empty(), ReadOnly); members[2] = PopupMenuDrawer.Create(methodIndex, methodOptionNames, null, this, GUIContentPool.Empty(), ReadOnly); } } }