		/// <summary> Creates a new instance of the drawer or returns a reusable instance from the pool. </summary>
		/// <param name="attribute"> The PropertyAttribute that these drawer represent and whose DectoratorDrawer is used when drawing the control. </param>
		/// <param name="parent"> The parent drawer of the created drawer. Can be null. </param>
		/// <param name="drawerType"> Type of the DecoratorDrawer that is used for drawing the control. </param>
		/// <returns> The instance, ready to be used. </returns>
		public static DecoratorDrawerDrawer Create([NotNull]PropertyAttribute attribute, [NotNull]Type drawerType, [CanBeNull]IParentDrawer parent)
			DecoratorDrawerDrawer result;
			if(!DrawerPool.TryGet(out result))
				result = new DecoratorDrawerDrawer();
			result.Setup(attribute, drawerType, null, parent);
			return result;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual bool ShowInInspector([NotNull] Type containingClassType, [CanBeNull] object containingClassInstance, [CanBeNull] MemberInfo classMember)
            var targetedDrawer = DecoratorDrawerDrawer.GetTargetClassMemberDrawer(this);

            return(targetedDrawer == null ? true : targetedDrawer.ShouldShowInInspector);