        public bool UserSessionIsInList(int sessionID)
            SecurityIdentifier sid = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetSidForSessionId(sessionID);

            if (sid != null)
                EncryptedSettings encryptedSettings = new EncryptedSettings(EncryptedSettings.SettingsFilePath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value indicating whether a user is in the
        /// list of added users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if the given user is already in the list of added
        /// users. Otherwise, false is returned.
        /// </returns>
        public bool UserIsInList()
            WindowsIdentity userIdentity = null;

            if (ServiceSecurityContext.Current != null)
                userIdentity = ServiceSecurityContext.Current.WindowsIdentity;

            if (userIdentity != null)
                EncryptedSettings encryptedSettings = new EncryptedSettings(EncryptedSettings.SettingsFilePath);
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes when a change event is received from a Terminal Server session.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changeDescription">
        /// Identifies the type of session change and the session to which it applies.
        /// </param>
        protected override void OnSessionChange(SessionChangeDescription changeDescription)
            switch (changeDescription.Reason)
            // The user has logged off from a session, either locally or remotely.
            case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogoff:

                EncryptedSettings encryptedSettings = new EncryptedSettings(EncryptedSettings.SettingsFilePath);
                System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityIdentifier> sidsToRemove = new System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityIdentifier>(encryptedSettings.AddedUserSIDs);

                int[] sessionIds = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetLoggedOnUserSessionIds();

                // For any user that is still logged on, remove their SID from the list of
                // SIDs to be removed from Administrators. That is, let the users who are still
                // logged on stay in the Administrators group.
                foreach (int id in sessionIds)
                    SecurityIdentifier sid = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetSidForSessionId(id);
                    if (sid != null)
                        if (sidsToRemove.Contains(sid))

                // Process the list of SIDs to be removed from Administrators.
                for (int i = 0; i < sidsToRemove.Count; i++)
                    if (
                        // If the user is not remote.
                        (!(encryptedSettings.ContainsSID(sidsToRemove[i]) && encryptedSettings.IsRemote(sidsToRemove[i])))
                        // If admin rights are to be removed on logoff, or the user's rights do not expire.
                        (Settings.RemoveAdminRightsOnLogout || !encryptedSettings.GetExpirationTime(sidsToRemove[i]).HasValue)
                        LocalAdministratorGroup.RemoveUser(sidsToRemove[i], RemovalReason.UserLogoff);

                 * In theory, this code should remove the user associated with the logoff, but it doesn't work.
                 * SecurityIdentifier sid = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetSidForSessionId(changeDescription.SessionId);
                 * if (!(UserList.ContainsSID(sid) && UserList.IsRemote(sid)))
                 * {
                 *  LocalAdministratorGroup.RemoveUser(sid, RemovalReason.UserLogoff);
                 * }


            // The user has logged on to a session, either locally or remotely.
            case SessionChangeReason.SessionLogon:

                WindowsIdentity userIdentity = LsaLogonSessions.LogonSessions.GetWindowsIdentityForSessionId(changeDescription.SessionId);

                if (userIdentity != null)
                    NetNamedPipeBinding          binding          = new NetNamedPipeBinding(NetNamedPipeSecurityMode.Transport);
                    ChannelFactory <IAdminGroup> namedPipeFactory = new ChannelFactory <IAdminGroup>(binding, Settings.NamedPipeServiceBaseAddress);
                    IAdminGroup channel = namedPipeFactory.CreateChannel();
                    bool        userIsAuthorizedForAutoAdd = channel.UserIsAuthorized(Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed, Settings.AutomaticAddDenied);

                    // If the user is in the automatic add list, then add them to the Administrators group.
                    if (
                        (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed != null) &&
                        (Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed.Length > 0) &&
                        (userIsAuthorizedForAutoAdd /*UserIsAuthorized(userIdentity, Settings.AutomaticAddAllowed, Settings.AutomaticAddDenied)*/)
                        LocalAdministratorGroup.AddUser(userIdentity, null, null);
                    ApplicationLog.WriteEvent(Properties.Resources.UserIdentifyIsNull, EventID.DebugMessage, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);


                 * // The user has reconnected or logged on to a remote session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.RemoteConnect:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Remote connect. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has disconnected or logged off from a remote session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.RemoteDisconnect:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Remote disconnect. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has locked their session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.SessionLock:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session lock. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;

                 * // The user has unlocked their session.
                 * case SessionChangeReason.SessionUnlock:
                 *  ApplicationLog.WriteInformationEvent(string.Format("Session unlock. Session ID: {0}", changeDescription.SessionId), EventID.SessionChangeEvent);
                 *  break;
