//Rellena un espacio en la pantalla static void Relleno(int width = 72, int height = 17) { //Posiciones libres //Eje x: desde 51,72 //Eje y: desde 11,17 string txt = ""; int verify = 0; Random num = new Random(); for (int alto = 11; alto < height; alto++) { for (int ancho = 51; ancho < width; ancho++) { verify = num.Next(1, 3); switch (verify) { case 1: txt = " "; break; case 2: txt = "°"; break; } Locate.Print(ancho, alto, txt); } } Locate.PrintTextColor(num.Next(51, 72), num.Next(11, 17), "ó", ConsoleColor.Green); Locate.PrintTextColor(num.Next(51, 72), num.Next(11, 17), "■", ConsoleColor.Cyan); }
//Muestra una Barra de Carga en pantalla public static void BarraCarga(int tiempo_s = 2) { Console.Clear(); //Limpiando la consola tiempo_s *= 1000; //Conviertiendo segundos a milisegundos int cantidad = tiempo_s / 100; int x = 50; for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { Locate.PrintCenter("Loading " + i + " %.", ConsoleColor.Blue, row: 19); if (i % 5 == 0) { Locate.PrintTextColor(x++, 20, "█", ConsoleColor.Green); } Thread.Sleep(cantidad); } Thread.Sleep(500); }
//Dibuja un Cuadrado en Pantalla con colores public static void Cuadrado(int psx = 2, int psy = 2, int width = 120, int height = 40, ConsoleColor foreground = ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor background = ConsoleColor.Black) { int max = 1; height -= 4; width -= 4; Console.SetCursorPosition(psx, psy); for (int alto = 0; alto < height; alto++) { for (int ancho = 0; ancho < width; ancho++) { if (alto == 0) { if (ancho == 0) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "╔", foreground, background); } else if (ancho == width - max) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "╗", foreground, background); } else { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "═", foreground, background); } } else if (alto == height - max) { if (ancho == 0) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "╚", foreground, background); } else if (ancho == width - max) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "╝", foreground, background); } else { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "═", foreground, background); } } else { if (ancho == 0) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "║", foreground, background); } else if (ancho == width - max) { Locate.PrintTextColor(psx + ancho, psy + alto, "║", foreground, background); } else { continue; } } } } }
//Menú mostrado al usuario el cual, retorna un objeto del tipo //enumerado SelectOption que será validado en la clase Init.cs public static SelectOption Menu() { Console.Clear(); y = 20; Interfaz.Cuadrado(4, 3, 116, 38, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Interfaz.Cuadrado(2, 2, 120, 40, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Locate.PrintCenter(" THE ADVENTURE OF THE", ConsoleColor.Green, row: 6); Locate.PrintCenter("LITTLE SQUARE", ConsoleColor.Green, row: 8); Locate.PrintTextColor(55, 20, "1.", ConsoleColor.Red); Locate.PrintTextColor(55, 22, "2.", ConsoleColor.Red); Locate.PrintTextColor(55, 24, "3.", ConsoleColor.Red); Locate.PrintTextColor(55, 26, "4.", ConsoleColor.Red); Locate.PrintTextColor(57, 20, " Jugar", ConsoleColor.Blue); Locate.PrintTextColor(57, 22, " Personalizar", ConsoleColor.Blue); Locate.PrintTextColor(57, 24, " Ayuda", ConsoleColor.Blue); Locate.PrintTextColor(57, 26, " Salir", ConsoleColor.Blue); Locate.Print(52, 20, "-->"); Interfaz.Cuadrado(49, 10, 28, 12, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Relleno(); while (true) { keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true); if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { option++; option = ((int)option > 4) ? SelectOption.Salir : option; Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write(" "); y += 2; if (y > 26) { y = 20; option = SelectOption.Jugar; } Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write("-->"); Console.SetCursorPosition(51, y); } else if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { option--; option = ((int)option < 1) ? SelectOption.Jugar : option; Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write(" "); y -= 2; if (y < 20) { y = 26; option = SelectOption.Salir; } Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write("-->"); Console.SetCursorPosition(51, y); } else if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { return(option); } else { Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write(" "); y = 20; Console.SetCursorPosition(52, y); Console.Write("-->"); Console.SetCursorPosition(51, y); } } }