public void Start() { if( HelpService.Status.IsStartingOrStarted ) HelpService.Service.RegisterHelpContent( PluginId, typeof( SimpleSkin ).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( "" ) ); if( KeyboardContext.Status == InternalRunningStatus.Started && KeyboardContext.Service.Keyboards.Count > 0 ) { _noFocusWindowManager = new CKNoFocusWindowManager(); _skinDispatcher = _noFocusWindowManager.NoFocusWindowThreadDispatcher; _ctxVm = new VMContextSimple( Context, KeyboardContext.Service.Keyboards.Context, Config, _skinDispatcher ); _isStarted = true; _skinWindow = _noFocusWindowManager.CreateNoFocusWindow<SkinWindow>( (Func<SkinWindow>)( () => { return new SkinWindow() { DataContext = _ctxVm }; } ) ); WINDOWPLACEMENT defaultPlacement = new WINDOWPLACEMENT(); _skinDispatcher.Invoke( (System.Action)( () => { InitializeWindowLayout(); _skinWindow.Show(); defaultPlacement = CKWindowTools.GetPlacement( _skinWindow.Hwnd ); } ), null ); //Sets on the Config must always be done on the main UI thread WINDOWPLACEMENT actualPlacement = (WINDOWPLACEMENT)Config.User.GetOrSet<WINDOWPLACEMENT>( PlacementString, defaultPlacement ); //Placing the skin at the same location as the last launch. _skinDispatcher.Invoke( (System.Action)( () => { CKWindowTools.SetPlacement( _skinWindow.Hwnd, actualPlacement ); } ), null ); SendStringService.Service.SendKeyboardKey( NativeMethods.KeyboardKeys.S ); InitializeHighligther(); UpdateAutoHideConfig(); RegisterEvents(); } else { _isStarted = false; Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( (Action)( () => { Notification.ShowNotification( PluginId.UniqueId, "Aucun clavier n'est disponible", "Aucun clavier n'est disponible dans le contexte actuel, veuillez choisir un contexte contenant au moins un clavier.", 1000, NotificationTypes.Error ); } ), null ); } }