        protected static void viewProjFromLightAlignedBB(ref SSAABB bb,
                                                         ref Matrix4 lightTransform,
                                                         ref Vector3 lightY,
                                                         out Matrix4 viewMatrix,
                                                         out Matrix4 projMatrix)
            // Use center of AABB in regular coordinates to get the view matrix
            Vector3 targetLightSpace = bb.Center();
            Vector3 eyeLightSpace    = new Vector3(targetLightSpace.X,
            Vector3 viewTarget = Vector3.Transform(targetLightSpace, lightTransform.Inverted());
            Vector3 viewEye    = Vector3.Transform(eyeLightSpace, lightTransform.Inverted());
            Vector3 viewUp     = lightY;

            viewMatrix = Matrix4.LookAt(viewEye, viewTarget, viewUp);

            // Finish the projection matrix
            Vector3 diff = bb.Diff();
            float   width, height, nearZ, farZ;

            width      = diff.X;
            height     = diff.Y;
            nearZ      = 1f;
            farZ       = 1f + diff.Z;
            projMatrix = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(width, height, nearZ, farZ);