        public NotifyMessages InvokeBlockchainMethod(UInt160 contractHash, string methodToInvoke, InvokeOptions options, params ContractParameter[] userSpecifiedParameters)
            //TODO: refactor this as it is copy/paste from Invoking locally now.
            var parameters      = new List <ContractParameter>();
            var methodParameter = new ContractParameter(ContractParameterType.ByteArray);

            methodParameter.Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(methodToInvoke);

            if (userSpecifiedParameters.Length > 0)
                var args = new ContractParameter();
                args.Type  = ContractParameterType.Array;
                args.Value = userSpecifiedParameters.ToList();
                parameters.Add(new ContractParameter(ContractParameterType.Array));

            using (var sb = new ScriptBuilder())
                for (var i = 0; i < options.NumberOfTimesToRunInTransaction; i++)
                    PushParameters(sb, parameters);
                    sb.EmitAppCall(contractHash, false);

                //useful for debugging to compare to what neo GUI does
                var customScriptText = sb.ToArray().ToHexString();

                //UI: 00c1013151c1086765744f776e6572677917c149bf660121556a4bc88b6adcb0b12b04f9
                var tx = new InvocationTransaction();
                tx.Version = 1;
                tx.Script  = sb.ToArray();
                if (tx.Attributes == null)
                    tx.Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0];
                if (tx.Inputs == null)
                    tx.Inputs = new CoinReference[0];
                if (tx.Outputs == null)
                    tx.Outputs = new TransactionOutput[0];
                if (tx.Scripts == null)
                    tx.Scripts = new Witness[0];
                var l = tx.Scripts.ToList();

                var messages = new NotifyMessages();
                EventHandler <NotifyEventArgs> handleNotify = (sender, args) => { messages.AddMessage(args); };
                StateReader.Notify += handleNotify; //listen to the blockchain and associate any messages you get to this transaction
                InvokeTransactionOnBlockchain(tx, contractHash, options);
                StateReader.Notify -= handleNotify; //stop listening.
        public bool InvokeTransactionOnBlockchain(InvocationTransaction tx, UInt160 contractHash, InvokeOptions options)
            Blockchain.PersistCompleted += Blockchain_PersistCompleted;
            if (options.AttachedNeo > Fixed8.Zero)
                var neoOutput = new TransactionOutput();
                neoOutput.AssetId    = Blockchain.GoverningToken.Hash;
                neoOutput.Value      = options.AttachedNeo;
                neoOutput.ScriptHash = contractHash;
                var transactionOutputs = tx.Outputs.ToList();
                tx.Outputs = transactionOutputs.ToArray();

            if (options.AttachedGas > Fixed8.Zero)
                var neoOutput = new TransactionOutput();
                neoOutput.AssetId    = Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash;
                neoOutput.Value      = options.AttachedGas;
                neoOutput.ScriptHash = contractHash;
                var transactionOutputs = tx.Outputs.ToList();
                tx.Outputs = transactionOutputs.ToArray();

//            if (Client.CurrentWallet.WalletHeight > Blockchain.Default.HeaderHeight)
//            {
//                throw new ApplicationException("Wallet height is ahead of the blockchain height! It may need a rebuild");
//            }

            var walletSyncAttempts = 0;

            while (Client.CurrentWallet.NeoWallet.WalletHeight < Blockchain.Default.HeaderHeight)
                Thread.Sleep(1000); //get the wallet in sync or else MakeTransaction will fail
                if (walletSyncAttempts >= 30)
                    throw new WalletException("could not get the wallet in sync after 30 attempts");

            var walletTx = Client.CurrentWallet.NeoWallet.MakeTransaction(new InvocationTransaction
                Version    = tx.Version,
                Script     = tx.Script,
                Gas        = tx.Gas,
                Attributes = tx.Attributes,
                Inputs     = tx.Inputs,
                Outputs    = tx.Outputs
            }, fee: options.Fee); //include a small fee

            if (walletTx == null)
                throw new NeoTransactionBuildException("Wallet TX was null. Possibly insufficient funds. If not wallet may need a rebuild");

            var context = new ContractParametersContext(walletTx);
            var sign    = Client.CurrentWallet.NeoWallet.Sign(context); //fail here with index out of bounds

            if (context.Completed)
                context.Verifiable.Scripts = context.GetScripts();
                Client.CurrentWallet.NeoWallet.ApplyTransaction(walletTx); //changes with different versions of NEO

                var relay = _node.Relay(walletTx);

                //var originalHeight = Blockchain.Default.Height; //store the height we sent at then wait for the next block
                //possibly check if sign/relay/save has actually worked?

                //while (Blockchain.Default.Height <= originalHeight + 2) Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for next block
                //while (this._wallet.WalletHeight <= originalHeight + 2) Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait for wallet to sync too!

                TxFound    = false;
                WatchForTx = walletTx.Hash;


                var count = 0;
                while (TxFound == false) //wait until the transaction is confirmed
                    if (count > 30)
                        Blockchain.PersistCompleted -= Blockchain_PersistCompleted;

//                while(Client.CurrentWallet.WalletHeight < TxFoundInBlock && WalletIndexer.IndexHeight < TxFoundInBlock) //make sure the wallet gets this block
//                {
//                    Thread.Sleep(1000);
//                }

                //ensure we have an unspent coin back to use?
                //seems like the WalletIndexer is running on a background thread so the block may not be fully processed
                //e.g. the unconfirmed array in the wallet may not be updated in real time. The only event we have is that BlockChain.PersistCompleted was done which means we have the block stored to disk locally, this does not mean
                //that the wallet has completed updating based on the new block!
                while (Client.CurrentWallet.NeoWallet.FindUnspentCoins(Blockchain.UtilityToken.Hash, walletTx.NetworkFee, new UInt160[] { Client.CurrentWallet.GetAddresses().First() }) == null)
                Blockchain.PersistCompleted -= Blockchain_PersistCompleted;
                throw new ApplicationException("Incompleted Signature");

            Blockchain.PersistCompleted -= Blockchain_PersistCompleted;