private ThreeAddressValueType GenVariable(LogicExprNode expr)
            if (expr is BooleanNode)
                return(new ThreeAddressLogicValue((expr as BooleanNode).Val));
            if (expr is LogicIdNode)
                return(new ThreeAddressStringValue((expr as LogicIdNode).Name.Name));

            if (expr is LogicOpNode)
                LogicOpNode           op   = expr as LogicOpNode;
                string                res  = GenTempVariable();
                ThreeAddressValueType arg1 = GenVariable(op.Left);
                ThreeAddressValueType arg2 = GenVariable(op.Right);
                ThreeOperator         p    = ThreeCode.ParseOperator(op.Operation);
                AddCode(new ThreeCode(res, p, arg1, arg2));
                return(new ThreeAddressStringValue(res));

            if (expr is LogicNotNode)
                LogicNotNode          lnot = expr as LogicNotNode;
                string                res  = GenTempVariable();
                ThreeAddressValueType arg1 = GenVariable(lnot.LogExpr);
                AddCode(new ThreeCode(res, ThreeOperator.Logic_not, arg1));
                return(new ThreeAddressStringValue(res));

            throw new Exception("UNKNOW VALUE. Send autors of ThreeAddressCode");
        private ThreeAddressValueType GenVariable(ExprNode expr)
            if (expr is IdNode)
                return(new ThreeAddressStringValue((expr as IdNode).Name));

            if (expr is DoubleNumNode)
                return(new ThreeAddressDoubleValue((expr as DoubleNumNode).Num));
            if (expr is IntNumNode)
                return(new ThreeAddressIntValue((expr as IntNumNode).Num));

            if (expr is BinOpNode)
                BinOpNode             op   = expr as BinOpNode;
                string                res  = GenTempVariable();
                ThreeAddressValueType arg1 = GenVariable(op.Left);
                ThreeAddressValueType arg2 = GenVariable(op.Right);
                ThreeOperator         p    = ThreeCode.ParseOperator(op.Op);
                AddCode(new ThreeCode(res, p, arg1, arg2));
                return(new ThreeAddressStringValue(res));

            throw new Exception("UNKNOW VALUE. Send autors of ThreeAddressCode");
 public ThreeCode(string res, ThreeAddressValueType a1)
     label     = "";
     result    = res;
     arg1      = a1;
     arg2      = null;
     operation = ThreeOperator.Assign;
 public ThreeCode(string res, ThreeOperator op, ThreeAddressValueType a1, ThreeAddressValueType a2 = null)
     label     = "";
     result    = res;
     arg1      = a1;
     arg2      = a2;
     operation = op;
 public override void VisitAssignNode(AssignNode a)
     if (a.Expr is BinOpNode binOp && (binOp.Left is IdNode || binOp.Left is DoubleNumNode || binOp.Left is IntNumNode) &&
         (binOp.Right is IdNode || binOp.Right is DoubleNumNode || binOp.Right is IntNumNode))
         ThreeAddressValueType arg1 = GenVariable(binOp.Left);
         ThreeAddressValueType arg2 = GenVariable(binOp.Right);
         AddCode(new ThreeCode(a.Id.ToString(), ThreeCode.ParseOperator(binOp.Op), arg1, arg2));
        public override void VisitIfNode(IfNode ifn)
            string label_true          = GenLabel();
            string label_end           = GenLabel();
            ThreeAddressValueType expr = GenVariable(ifn.Cond);

            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.IfGoto, expr, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_true)));
            if (ifn.Else != null)

            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.Goto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_end), null));

            currentLabel = label_true;

            currentLabel = label_end;
        public override void VisitWhileNode(WhileNode w)
            string expr        = GenTempVariable();
            string label_start = currentLabel.Length > 0 ? currentLabel : GenLabel();

            currentLabel = label_start;
            ThreeAddressValueType val = GenVariable(w.Expr);

            AddCode(new ThreeCode(expr, ThreeOperator.Assign, val, null));
            string label_middle = GenLabel();
            string label_end    = GenLabel();

            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.IfGoto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(expr), new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_middle)));
            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.Goto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_end), null));

            currentLabel = label_middle;

            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.Goto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_start), null));
            currentLabel = label_end;
        public override void VisitForNode(ForNode f)
            ThreeAddressValueType expr = GenVariable(f.Start);

            AddCode(new ThreeCode(f.Id.Name, expr));
            string label_start  = GenLabel();
            string label_middle = GenLabel();
            string label_end    = GenLabel();
            string b            = GenTempVariable();

            currentLabel = label_start;
            ThreeAddressValueType val = GenVariable(f.End);

            AddCode(new ThreeCode(b, ThreeOperator.Logic_less, new ThreeAddressStringValue(f.Id.Name), val));
            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.IfGoto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(b), new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_middle)));
            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.Goto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_end), null));

            currentLabel = label_middle;

            AddCode(new ThreeCode(f.Id.Name, ThreeOperator.Plus, new ThreeAddressStringValue(f.Id.Name), new ThreeAddressIntValue(1)));
            AddCode(new ThreeCode("", ThreeOperator.Goto, new ThreeAddressStringValue(label_start), null));
            currentLabel = label_end;