/// <summary> /// Create a new Flows object. /// </summary> /// <param name="flowId">Initial value of the FlowId property.</param> /// <param name="flowName">Initial value of the FlowName property.</param> public static Flows CreateFlows(global::System.Int32 flowId, global::System.String flowName) { Flows flows = new Flows(); flows.FlowId = flowId; flows.FlowName = flowName; return flows; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Flows EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToFlows(Flows flows) { base.AddObject("Flows", flows); }
private Flows SaveFlow() { if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return null; } dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); bool isUpdate = true; FlowActionOptions fao; FlowActionInputs faIn; FlowActionOutputs faOut; FlowMultiOptions fmo; ActionOptions actOpt; ActionInputs actInput; ActionOutputs actOutput; Users flowUser = helper.GetUserbyName(_user.UserName); Flows myflow = helper.GetFlowByName(TextBox1.Text, flowUser); if (myflow == null) { myflow = new Flows(); myflow.FlowName = TextBox1.Text; myflow.Users = flowUser; myflow.FlowUseCaseNumber = _useCaseNumber; myflow.FlowStartTime = _useCaseStartTime; myflow.FlowEndTime = DateTime.Now; isUpdate = false; } else { myflow.FlowEndTime = DateTime.Now; helper.DeleteFlowDetailsById(myflow.FlowId); } int rowCount = 0; FlowActions flowAction; Actions curAction; foreach (DataRow gridRow in dt.Rows) { rowCount++; curAction = helper.GetActionById(gridRow["Id"].ToString()); flowAction = new FlowActions(); flowAction.Actions = curAction; flowAction.Position = rowCount; myflow.FlowActions.Add(flowAction); } SaveActionOptions(dt.Rows.Count); foreach (FlowActionOptions itemFlowActOpt in _listFlowActOpt) { fao = new FlowActionOptions(); actOpt = helper.GetActionOptionById(itemFlowActOpt.ActionOptions.ActionOptionId); fao.ActionOptions = actOpt; fao.FlowPosition = itemFlowActOpt.FlowPosition; fao.Value = itemFlowActOpt.Value; myflow.FlowActionOptions.Add(fao); } foreach (FlowActionInputs itemFlowActIn in _listFlowActInput) { faIn = new FlowActionInputs(); actInput = helper.GetActionInputById(itemFlowActIn.ActionInputs.InputId); faIn.ActionInputs = actInput; faIn.FlowPosition = itemFlowActIn.FlowPosition; faIn.Value = itemFlowActIn.Value; myflow.FlowActionInputs.Add(faIn); } foreach (FlowActionOutputs itemFlowActOut in _listFlowActOutput) { faOut = new FlowActionOutputs(); actOutput = helper.GetActionOutputById(itemFlowActOut.ActionOutputs.OutputId); faOut.ActionOutputs = actOutput; faOut.FlowPosition = itemFlowActOut.FlowPosition; faOut.Value = itemFlowActOut.Value; myflow.FlowActionOutputs.Add(faOut); } foreach (FlowMultiOptions itemFlowMultiOpt in _listFlowMultiOpt) { fmo = new FlowMultiOptions(); fmo.FlowPosition = itemFlowMultiOpt.FlowPosition; fmo.OptionValue = itemFlowMultiOpt.OptionValue; myflow.FlowMultiOptions.Add(fmo); } if (isUpdate) { helper.UpdateChanges(); } else { helper.AddToModel(myflow); } return myflow; }