        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the CoreWindow object is created (or re-created).
        /// </summary>
        public void SetWindow(CoreWindow window)
            // Register for keypress notifications.
            window.KeyDown += this.OnKeyPressed;

            // Register for notification that the app window is being closed.
            window.Closed += this.OnWindowClosed;

            // Register for notifications that the app window is losing focus.
            window.VisibilityChanged += this.OnVisibilityChanged;

            // Create a holographic space for the core window for the current view.
            // Presenting holographic frames that are created by this holographic space will put
            // the app into exclusive mode.
            holographicSpace = HolographicSpace.CreateForCoreWindow(window);

            // The DeviceResources class uses the preferred DXGI adapter ID from the holographic
            // space (when available) to create a Direct3D device. The HolographicSpace
            // uses this ID3D11Device to create and manage device-based resources such as
            // swap chains.

            // The main class uses the holographic space for updates and rendering.