public void PicksUpOrdersLinkFromCustomers() { var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new CustomerHandler(), new[] {new Customer {Id = 42}}); var target = new DataContractXmlMediaTypeHandler(); string actual; using (var stream = new StringBuilderStream()) { target.Write<IEnumerable<Customer>>(content, stream).Wait(); actual = stream.StringValue; } Assert.NotNull(actual); const string expected = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" + "<Customers>" + " <Customer xmlns=''" + " xmlns:i=''>" + " <Id>42</Id>" + " <Orders i:nil='true' />" + " <link href='/customer/42/contacts' rel='customer.contacts' type='application/' xmlns='' />" + " <link href='/customer/42/orders' rel='customer.orders' type='application/vnd.list.order+xml' xmlns='' />" + " <link href='/customer/42' rel='self' type='application/vnd.customer+xml' xmlns='' />" + " </Customer>" + "</Customers>"; XElement.Parse(actual).ShouldEqual(expected); }
public void WritesCollectionWithLinks() { JObject actual; var people = new List<Person> { new Person {Name = "Marvin", Location = "Car Park"}, new Person {Name = "Zaphod", Location = "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"} }; var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new PeopleHandler(), people); var target = new HalJsonMediaTypeHandler(); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { target.Write<IEnumerable<Person>>(content, stream).Wait(); stream.Position = 0; string text = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); actual = JObject.Parse(text); } var array = (JArray) actual["collection"]; Assert.Equal(2, array.Count); JToken marvin = array.First; Assert.Equal("Marvin", marvin["name"]); Assert.Equal("Car Park", marvin["location"]); var marvinLinks = (JObject) marvin["_links"]; Assert.Equal("/person/Marvin", marvinLinks["self"]["href"]); var links = (JObject) actual["_links"]; Assert.Equal("/people", links["self"]["href"]); }
public void SerializesOrder() { var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new OrderHandler(), new Order {Id = 54, CustomerId = 42}); var target = new ExplicitXmlMediaTypeHandler(); string actual; using (var stream = new StringBuilderStream()) { target.Write<Order>(content, stream).Wait(); actual = stream.StringValue; } Assert.NotNull(actual); const string expected = "<Order Id='54' CustomerId='42'>" + " <link href='/order/54' rel='self' type='application/vnd.order+xml' />" + "</Order>"; XElement.Parse(actual).ShouldEqual(expected); }
public void WritesObjectWithLinks() { JObject actual; var person = new Person {Name = "Marvin", Location = "Car Park"}; var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new PersonHandler(), person); var target = new HalJsonMediaTypeHandler(); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { target.Write<Person>(content, stream).Wait(); stream.Position = 0; string text = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd(); actual = JObject.Parse(text); } Assert.Equal("Marvin", actual["name"]); Assert.Equal("Car Park", actual["location"]); var links = (JObject) actual["_links"]; Assert.Equal("/person/Marvin", links["self"]["href"]); }
public void PicksUpOrdersLinkFromCustomer() { var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new CustomerHandler(), new Customer {Id = 42}); var target = new ExplicitXmlMediaTypeHandler(); string actual; using (var stream = new StringBuilderStream()) { target.Write<Customer>(content, stream).Wait(); actual = stream.StringValue; } Assert.NotNull(actual); const string expected = "<Customer Id='42'>" + " <link href='/customer/42/contacts' rel='customer.contacts' type='application/' />" + " <link href='/customer/42/orders' rel='customer.orders' type='application/vnd.list.order+xml' />" + " <link href='/customer/42' rel='self' type='application/vnd.customer+xml' />" + "</Customer>"; XElement.Parse(actual).ShouldEqual(expected); }
public void SerializesOrder() { var content = new Content(new Uri(""), new OrderHandler(), new Order {Id = 54, CustomerId = 42}); var target = new DataContractXmlMediaTypeHandler(); string actual; using (var stream = new StringBuilderStream()) { target.Write<Order>(content, stream).Wait(); actual = stream.StringValue; } Assert.NotNull(actual); const string expected = "<Order xmlns=''" + " xmlns:i=''>" + " <CustomerId>42</CustomerId>" + " <Id>54</Id>" + " <link href='/order/54' rel='self' type='application/vnd.order+xml' xmlns='' />" + "</Order>"; XElement.Parse(actual).ShouldEqual(expected); }