static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Simon for Pi & Bash_"); Connectors.GpioConnectionSettings.BoardConnectorRevision = 1; // initialise Pi and Bash PiAndBash.Driver driver = new PiAndBash.Driver(); // initialise Sound Engine NotePlayer notePlayer = new NotePlayer(); // load game engine GameEngine gameEngine = new GameEngine(driver, notePlayer); gameEngine.Start(); }
public static void WaitForAllButtonsAsync() { // PiAndBash.Display disp = new PiAndBash.Display(); disp.TopLine = "Simon"; disp.BottomLine = "< EXIT"; notePlayer = new NotePlayer(); notePlayer.CreateSamples(new double[] { 440, 523 }); PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher bc = new PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher(); bc.ButtonEvent += bc_ButtonEvent2; bc.Start(); }
internal static void WindowsInterruptTest() { Console.WriteLine("press any key to play sound"); bool isPlaying = false; var ad = Mono.Audio.AudioDevice.CreateDevice("sss"); var np = new NotePlayer(); short[] buffer = new short[480]; while (true) { if (!isPlaying) { Console.ReadKey(false); isPlaying = true; } if (isPlaying && !Console.KeyAvailable) { // ad.PlaySample(buffer, 480); //Thread.Sleep(100); //Task.Factory.StartNew(() => np.PlayNote(440, 1)); //Thread t = new Thread(() => np.PlayNote(440,1)); //t.Start(); //while (!t.IsAlive) ; np.PlayNote(440, 1); Console.Write("."); } else { Console.Write("£"); np.Silence(); isPlaying = false; Console.ReadKey(true); } } }
public GameEngine(PiAndBash.Driver PiAndBashDriver, NotePlayer NotePlayer) { pnbDriver = PiAndBashDriver; pnbDisplay = new PiAndBash.Display(pnbDriver); leds = new PiAndBash.LedController(pnbDriver); buttonCatcher = new PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher(pnbDriver); notePlayer = NotePlayer; // set up the Notes and associations notes = new Dictionary <int, Note>(); notes.Add(1, new Note() { Color = PiAndBash.LedController.LightColor.Green, Button = PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher.ButtonType.Down, Frequency = 349 }); notes.Add(2, new Note() { Color = PiAndBash.LedController.LightColor.Yellow, Button = PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher.ButtonType.Enter, Frequency = 440 }); notes.Add(3, new Note() { Color = PiAndBash.LedController.LightColor.Red, Button = PiAndBash.ButtonCatcher.ButtonType.Up, Frequency = 523 }); }