        /// <summary>
        /// Helper for Organism.CollisionTest(). Looks for a collision between two cells,
        /// starting at the cell level then descending to the mesh level if required
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="our"></param>
        /// <param name="his"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CollisionTest(Cell our, Cell his)
            // Do our spheres overlap? If not, we can't possibly collide
            if (Vector3.LengthSq(his.Location - our.Location) >
                (his.AbsSphere.Radius + our.AbsSphere.Radius) *
                (his.AbsSphere.Radius + our.AbsSphere.Radius))
                return false;

            // Our spheres WILL intersect. So, for each mesh in both cells, test to see if they will actually collide

            foreach (JointFrame ourMesh in our.collisionFrames)
                foreach (JointFrame hisMesh in his.collisionFrames)
                    bool result = Cytoplasm.CollisionTest(ourMesh, hisMesh);
                    if (result == true)
                        return true;

            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a clone of this Cell from the library, loading it first if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A modifiable clone of the named Cell</returns>
        /// <param name="gene">The gene containing the cell's properties, orientation and wiring</param>
        /// <param name="owner">The organism that owns me</param>
        public static Cell Get(Gene gene, Organism owner)
            Cell cell = null;

            // Get name of the cell from the gene
            string fullname = gene.XFile();

            // if the library already contains a Cell of that name, that's what we'll clone from
            if (library.ContainsKey(fullname))
                cell = (Cell)library[fullname];
            //				Debug.WriteLine("	Cell: Created new Cell instance: "+name+":"+cell.instance);
            // otherwise, create a new entry in the library by loading a whole X file
                cell = new Cell(fullname);
            //				Debug.WriteLine("	Cell: Created new Cell archetype: "+name+":"+cell.instance);

            // Return a cloned instance of this Cell
            Cell newCell = cell.Clone(gene, owner);

            newCell.CreateBoundMarker();								// temp: create marker to show bounding sphere

            return newCell;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return stats about the creature being edited, for display on the VDU
        /// </summary>
        public void Stats(out float radius, out float mass, out float bouyancy, out float resistance, 
            out Vector3 balance, out string name)
            // Ensure the data is accurate after recent edits
            Refresh();															// Make sure that the trees and lists are up-to-date
            CalculateCG();														// Temporarily recalculate the CofG cell
            RecursiveUpdateFrames(rootCell);									// calculate cell positions
            ComputeBoundingSphere();											// update radius and centre

            radius = this.AbsSphere.Radius;										// org radius
            name = genome.Name;													// current name

            mass = 0;
            bouyancy = 0;
            resistance = 0;
            foreach (Cell c in partList)										// sum physical properties
                mass += c.Physiology.Mass * scale;
                bouyancy += c.Physiology.Buoyancy * scale;
                resistance += c.Physiology.Resistance * scale;

            balance = CGCell.AbsSphere.Centre - AbsSphere.Centre;				// distance of CG from geometric centre (on each WORLD axis)
            balance.Scale(1.0f / radius);										// as a fraction of creature's size

            // Clean up
            CGCell = rootCell;													// Set the CofG back to the root cell
        /// <summary>
        /// Be magnetically attracted to the clamp (tractor beam).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clamp">The location of the clamp</param>
        /// <returns>True if the organism is close enough to the clamp to become attached to it</returns>
        public bool Tractor(Vector3 clamp, Quaternion clampOrientation)
            // If we're close to the clamp, return true and we'll get attached
            Vector3 targetVector = clamp - location;
            if (targetVector.LengthSq() < 1f)
                return true;

            // Switch off physics (it will get switched on again when re-released from clamp)
            Dynamic = false;
            CGCell = rootCell;

            // If we're a long way from underneath lab, aim for a point below lab first, so we don't pass through ship's wall
            if ((Math.Abs(targetVector.X) > 10f) || (Math.Abs(targetVector.Z) > 10f))
                targetVector.Add(new Vector3(0, -8, 0));

            // Apply a movement to bring the creature into alignment with the clamp or lower target
            MoveBy(Vector3.Scale(targetVector,Scene.ElapsedTime * 5f));

            // Rotate by a fraction of the difference between current rotation and that of clamp
            RotateTo(Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rootCell.GetPlugMatrix()), clampOrientation, Scene.ElapsedTime * 1f));

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// PREVIEW button pressed - temporarily add a new cell or delete it again when btn released
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public void btnPreviewChanged(Widget sender, Object value)
     if (((bool)value == true) && (Lab.SelectedCell != null) && (Lab.SelectedSocket != null))
         previewed = Lab.SelectedCell;
     else if (((bool)value == false) && (Lab.SelectedCell != null) && (Lab.SelectedCell == previewed))
         Organism.DeleteCell();												// delete the selected cell
         DrawCellData();														// update the LCD
         previewed = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Recursively create a new flat list of cells from the hierarchical one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cell"></param>
 private void BuildPartList(List<Cell> list, Cell cell)
     if (cell.Sibling != null)
         BuildPartList(list, cell.Sibling);
     if (cell.FirstChild != null)
         BuildPartList(list, cell.FirstChild);
 /// <summary>
 /// We've been asked to carry the camera. See if any cell in this organism will accept the role of camera mount.
 /// If so, store a reference to that cell and its hotspot for use by the camera.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>true if the camera was successfully assigned</returns>
 public bool AssignCamera()
     foreach (Cell cell in partList)
         int spot = cell.AssignCamera(cameraMount, cameraHotspot);
         if (spot!=-1)
             cameraMount = cell;
             cameraHotspot = spot;
             return true;
     return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the socket number to which this other cell is connected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">the cell we're looking for</param>
        /// <returns>-2 if not found; -1 if the cell is on our plug; 0-n if the cell is on one of our sockets</returns>
        public int FindSocketNumberOf(Cell other)
            // Are we the other's parent? If so, return the skt# to which it is attached
            if (this == other.parent)
                return other.parentSocket.Index;

            // Is other our parent? If so, return -1 because it is attached to our plug
            if (this.parent == other)
                return -1;

            // other isn't connected to us at all
            return -2;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update all the cells' Combined transformation matrices (e.g. after relocating the cell).
        /// This ensures that the cells don't think they've been pushed with extreme force when being
        /// moved artificially!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell"></param>
        private void RecursiveUpdateFrames(Cell cell)

            // Now propagate the new combined matrices through to my siblings and children
            if (cell.Sibling != null)											// recurse through siblings

            if (cell.FirstChild != null)										// recurse through children
        private float totalMass = 0; // sum of all cell masses

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Creature instance from a genome
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genotype">The name of the xml file defining this creature, or "" if the creature is being created in the editor</param>
        /// <param name="location">world location of creature (Y should be zero)</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">world orientation of creature</param>
        public Organism(string genotype, Vector3 location, Orientation orientation)
            Debug.WriteLine("Creating new Creature from genome: "+genotype);

            // Set relevant Renderable.FlagBits
            Dynamic = true;									// (Most) creatures respond to forces

            // Set basic members
            this.location = location;
            this.orientation = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(orientation.Yaw,orientation.Pitch,orientation.Roll);
            instance = instanceCount++;						// get a unique instance number
            name = genotype+instance.ToString("000");	    // give the creature a unique name (valid filename)

            // Set up other members
            if (genotype == "")
                this.genome = new Genome();                 // if no genotype supplied, create a default genome (Core cell only, for putting on the clamp)
                this.genome = new Genome(genotype);	    	// otherwise, create our unique Genome object and store its ref

            // Load all the Cells from disk or the Cell Library, using the recipe in the Creature's genome
            // and establish their connection points
            partList = new Cell[1024];						// Create an initial partlist (will scrunch later)
            rootCell = GetCells(genome.Root, null);			// read the parts from the genome to create both the tree and partlist
            Cell[] shorter = new Cell[numParts];			// scrunch the partlist to the right size
            partList = shorter;

            // Now that the whole cell tree exists, allow the cells to connect up their channels

            // Give the cells an absolute position in space so that we can calculate CG, bounds, etc.
            rootCell.Locate(Matrix.Translation(location));					// locate root cell temporarily at 0,0,0
            RecursiveUpdateFrames(rootCell);								// update the combined frames

            // Find out which cell is to act as the centre of gravity for the system

            // Register the creature with the map and position it properly in space

            // Calculate the initial center and radius of the Creature's bounding sphere now it is located
            CheckMaps();													// And check maps again, because this requires sphere!

            // Calculate any aggregate properties required for sensor requests etc.

            // Set the SlowUpdate() timer to a random value, so that organisms do their slow updates
            // at different times
            SlowUpdateTimer = Rnd.Float(SLOWUPDATERATE);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update this organism's cells
        /// To be called for ALL objects, whether visible or not, before rendering
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">The cell to update</param>
        private void RecursiveUpdate(Cell cell)
            // Update this cell

            if (cell.Sibling != null)											// recurse through siblings

            if (cell.FirstChild != null)										// recurse through children
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively walk the gene tree, extract the Cell filenames, clone the Cell from the library and
        /// record their interconnections (root->joint)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gene">the gene being expressed</param>
        /// <param name="parent">the Cell that is the parent of this new one</param>
        /// <returns>the Cell created by this gene</returns>
        private Cell GetCells(Gene gene, Cell parent)
            // Get the X filename from the gene and either load or fetch that Cell from the library,
            Cell s = Cell.Get(gene, this);

            // Add it to the flat partlist
            partList[numParts++] = s;

            // Locate this cell's SOCKET by locating the frame with the correct name in the
            // parent (if any)
            if (parent!=null)
                s.Attach(parent, gene.Socket);

            // if the gene has any siblings, recursively attach their structures as siblings of this one
            if (gene.Sibling!=null)
                s.Sibling = GetCells(gene.Sibling, parent);					// we share a parent

            // if the gene has a child, recursively attach this as the child of this one
            if (gene.FirstChild!=null)
                s.FirstChild = GetCells(gene.FirstChild, s);				// I am the parent

            return s;														// return the new Cell to the parent/sibling
        /// <summary>
        /// Find out which cell is closest to the organism's centre of gravity.
        /// All future rotations and force calculations occur around CG cell rather than the root.
        /// NOTE: Don't call this until the cells have been given absolute locations
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateCG()
            Vector3 centre = new Vector3();
            Vector3 xyz = new Vector3();
            int n = partList.Length;

            // First, find the geographical centre of the creature (mean of all cells' locations)
            foreach (Cell c in partList)
                centre += c.Location;
            centre.X /= n;
            centre.Y /= n;
            centre.Z /= n;

            // find the distribution of mass around the centre
            foreach (Cell c in partList)
                xyz += (c.Location - centre) * c.Physiology.Mass;
            xyz.X /= n;
            xyz.Y /= n;
            xyz.Z /= n;

            // Adjust the CG to the centre of mass
            centre += xyz;

            // Find the cell nearest to this point
            Cell best = rootCell;
            float bestdist = float.PositiveInfinity;
            foreach (Cell c in partList)
                float dist = Vector3.LengthSq(c.Location - centre);
                if (dist<bestdist)
                    bestdist = dist;
                    best = c;

            // This is our CG cell. All rotations & forces will act around this cell
            CGCell = best;
 /// <summary>
 /// The absolute location/orientation of this Cell is determined by its SOCKET on the parent Cell.
 /// This method locates the frame in the parent with the given (genetically defined) name
 /// and stores a reference to it in .socket
 /// Also stores a reference to the parent cell, to make it easier to walk up the tree
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">the Cell to which I'm connected</param>
 /// <param name="skt">the name of the socket to which I'm attached</param>
 public void Attach(Cell parent, string sktname)
         parentSocket = JointFrame.FindBaseName(parent.RootFrame, sktname);
         this.parent = parent;
     catch { }
     if (parentSocket == null)
         throw new SDKException("Cell.FindSocket() was unable to connect cell [" + this.name + "] to parent socket [" + parent.name + "-" + sktname + "]");
     //			Debug.WriteLine("	Connected cell ["+this.name+"] to parent socket ["+parent.name+"-"+sktname+"]");
        /// <summary>
        /// Virtual method implemented by all Renderable objects.
        /// The given cell is in collision with our bounding sphere. Test to see if it actually collides with
        /// one of my parts. If so, return a Vector describing the force we exert on the offending cell
        /// (since we're an organism we'll receive a share of the force too, unlike scenery)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">The cell that may have collided with us</param>
        /// <returns> Any force vector acting on the cell </returns>
        public override Vector3 CollisionTest(Cell otherCell)
            Vector3 bounce = new Vector3();

            // Run through our own cells looking for a collision
            foreach (Cell ourCell in partList)
                // Test more deeply by looking at the cell spheres then the
                // bounding boxes of each mesh in the cells
                if (Cell.CollisionTest(ourCell, otherCell) == true)
                    // The bounce direction is a vector in the direction of our centre towards theirs
                    // (in other words, the two cells are treated as spheres and therefore bounce back away from
                    // their centres).
                    bounce = otherCell.AbsSphere.Centre - ourCell.AbsSphere.Centre;

                    // The length of the force vector is proportional to the objects' closing speed
                    Vector3 ourMvt = ourCell.Location - ourCell.OldLocation;			// how much we will move next frame
                    Vector3 hisMvt = otherCell.Location - otherCell.OldLocation;		// how much he will move next frame
                    float speed = Vector3.Length(ourMvt + hisMvt);					// combine to get closing movement
                    bounce.Scale(2.0f + speed * 10.0f);											// arbitrary scaling factor

                    // Also, a force acts on OUR cell, in the reverse direction.
                    // Distribute the two forces inversely proportional to mass
                    Vector3 ourBounce = -bounce;										// effect on us is the inverse of our effect on him
                    float mass = otherCell.Owner.TotalMass;								// get the masses of the two ORGANISMS (not cells)
                    float ourMass = ourCell.Owner.TotalMass;
                    bounce.Scale(ourMass / (ourMass + mass));							// distribute the forces proportionately
                    ourBounce.Scale(mass / (ourMass + mass));
                    ourCell.propulsionForce += ourBounce;								// apply our share as propulsion

                    // Once we've found a collision, we needn't look at any more of our cells
                    return bounce;

            return bounce;
 /// <summary>
 /// Overload of Attach() to attach a cell to its parent given the actual attachment socket, rather than its name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">the Cell to which I'm connected</param>
 /// <param name="skt">the actual socket to which I'm attached</param>
 public void Attach(Cell parent, JointFrame skt)
     parentSocket = skt;
     this.parent = parent;
        /// <summary>
        /// This organism has been selected for editing. Prepare it
        /// </summary>
        public void EditOn()
            // Temporarily stop responding to physical forces
            Dynamic = false;

            // Force the CofG to the root cell, so that the organism sits properly atop the clamp
            CGCell = rootCell;

            // Select this organism, its root cell and first socket (if any)
            Lab.SelectedOrg = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// The given cell is in collision with our bounding sphere. Test to see if it actually collides with
 /// one of my parts. If so, return a Vector describing the force we exert on the offending cell.
 /// The default is to return nothing, but Scenery classes that are .Collidable will need to implement this.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cell">The cell that may have collided with us</param>
 /// <returns> Any force vector acting on the cell </returns>
 public override Vector3 CollisionTest(Cell otherCell)
     /// TODO: behaviour should depend on type
     return Vector3.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually render this organism's cells (recursively)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell"></param>
        public void RecursiveRender(Cell cell)
            // Compute combined matrices and render this cell
            cell.Render((float)Math.Sqrt(DistSq));								// absolute dist from camera to obj sets LOD

            // Now propagate the new combined matrices through to my siblings and children
            if (cell.Sibling != null)											// recurse through siblings

            if (cell.FirstChild != null)										// recurse through children
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a bounding sphere (e.g. of a cell), calculate accurately whether this sphere intersects my surface.
        /// The tile being checked lies in the same quad as the cell, but the cell may not be over it.
        /// </summary>
        /// IF there's a collision, return the bounce vector.
        /// This determines the force acting on the cell that hit me.
        /// <param name="cell">The cell that may have collided with me</param>
        /// <returns>The bounce vector (0,0,0 if there's no collision)</returns>
        public override Vector3 CollisionTest(Cell cell)
            Vector3 bounce = new Vector3();
            Vector3 cellCentre = cell.AbsSphere.Centre;
            float cellRadius = cell.AbsSphere.Radius * 1.1f;		// scale up because sphere lags behind reality

            // 1. Reject if the sphere lies horizontally outside this tile's bounding BOX
            //    i.e. is beyond the opposite or adjacent sides of the two triangles
            if ((cellCentre.X + cellRadius) < mesh[0].Position.X)			// too far west
                return bounce;
            if ((cellCentre.X - cellRadius) > mesh[1].Position.X)			// too far east
                return bounce;
            if ((cellCentre.Z + cellRadius) < mesh[2].Position.Z)			// too far south
                return bounce;
            if ((cellCentre.Z - cellRadius) > mesh[0].Position.Z)			// too far north
                return bounce;

            // 2. Reject if the cell is more than one radius above the highest point on the tile
            float max = mesh[0].Position.Y;
            if (mesh[1].Position.Y > max)
                max = mesh[1].Position.Y;
            if (mesh[2].Position.Y > max)
                max = mesh[2].Position.Y;
            if (mesh[3].Position.Y > max)
                max = mesh[3].Position.Y;
            if (cellCentre.Y > max + cellRadius)
                return bounce;

            //// 3. Reject if the sphere lies outside the plane of both triangles
            float dist0 = plane[0].Dot(cellCentre);
            float dist1 = plane[1].Dot(cellCentre);
            if ((dist0 > cellRadius) && (dist1 > cellRadius))
                return bounce;

            // 4. We're close enough to justify bounding-box checks for each mesh in the cell
            if (cell.CollisionTest(this.mesh) == false)
                return bounce;

            // If we get here, at least one point is in contact with the tile
            // Construct a bounce vector - the movement required to return us to the surface...
            //float dist0 = plane[0].Dot(cellCentre);
            //float dist1 = plane[1].Dot(cellCentre);

            // First, find which facet we've collided with. This will (presumably) be the one we're NEAREST
            // the surface of
            int facet = 0;
            if (dist1 < dist0)
                facet = 1;

            // Our closing speed with the surface will be the difference between out present distance and
            // our previous one
            float movement = (plane[facet].Dot(cell.OldLocation) - plane[facet].Dot(cell.Location))*10.0f;
            if (movement < 0) movement = 0;

            // The bounce vector will be the surface normal scaled by our closing speed
            movement = (movement * movement + 1.0f);
            bounce = Vector3.Scale(faceNormal[facet], movement);
            return bounce;
 /// <summary>
 /// The given cell is in collision with our bounding sphere. Test to see if it actually collides with
 /// one of my parts. If so, return a Vector describing the force we exert on the offending cell
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cell">The cell that may have collided with us</param>
 /// <returns> Any force vector acting on the cell </returns>
 public virtual Vector3 CollisionTest(Cell otherCell)
     // default is no force
     return Vector3.Empty;