        public static EffectDescriptorSetReflection New(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, EffectBytecode effectBytecode, List <string> effectDescriptorSetSlots, string defaultSetSlot)
            // Find resource groups
            // TODO: We should precompute most of that at compile time in BytecodeReflection
            // just waiting for format to be more stable
            var descriptorSetLayouts = new EffectDescriptorSetReflection();

            foreach (var effectDescriptorSetSlot in effectDescriptorSetSlots)
                // Find all resources related to this slot name
                var  descriptorSetLayoutBuilder = new DescriptorSetLayoutBuilder();
                bool hasBindings = false;
                foreach (var resourceBinding in effectBytecode.Reflection.ResourceBindings
                         .Where(x => x.Param.ResourceGroup == effectDescriptorSetSlot || (effectDescriptorSetSlot == defaultSetSlot && (x.Param.ResourceGroup == null || x.Param.ResourceGroup == "Globals")))
                         .GroupBy(x => new { Key = x.Param.Key, Class = x.Param.Class, SlotCount = x.SlotCount })
                         .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.ConstantBuffer ? 0 : 1)) // Note: Putting cbuffer first for now
                    SamplerState samplerState = null;
                    if (resourceBinding.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.Sampler)
                        var matchingSamplerState = effectBytecode.Reflection.SamplerStates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == resourceBinding.Key.Key);
                        if (matchingSamplerState != null)
                            samplerState = SamplerState.New(graphicsDevice, matchingSamplerState.Description);
                    hasBindings = true;
                    descriptorSetLayoutBuilder.AddBinding(resourceBinding.Key.Key, resourceBinding.Key.Class, resourceBinding.Key.SlotCount, samplerState);

                descriptorSetLayouts.AddLayout(effectDescriptorSetSlot, hasBindings ? descriptorSetLayoutBuilder : null);

        public static EffectDescriptorSetReflection New(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, EffectBytecode effectBytecode, List<string> effectDescriptorSetSlots, string defaultSetSlot)
            // Find resource groups
            // TODO: We should precompute most of that at compile time in BytecodeReflection
            // just waiting for format to be more stable
            var descriptorSetLayouts = new EffectDescriptorSetReflection { DefaultSetSlot = defaultSetSlot };
            foreach (var effectDescriptorSetSlot in effectDescriptorSetSlots)
                // Find all resources related to this slot name
                // NOTE: Ordering is mirrored by GLSL layout in Vulkan
                var descriptorSetLayoutBuilder = new DescriptorSetLayoutBuilder();
                bool hasBindings = false;
                foreach (var resourceBinding in effectBytecode.Reflection.ResourceBindings
                    .Where(x => x.ResourceGroup == effectDescriptorSetSlot || (effectDescriptorSetSlot == defaultSetSlot && (x.ResourceGroup == null || x.ResourceGroup == "Globals")))
                    .GroupBy(x => new { Key = x.KeyInfo.Key, Class = x.Class, Type = x.Type, SlotCount = x.SlotCount, LogicalGroup = x.LogicalGroup })
                    .OrderBy(x => x.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.ConstantBuffer ? 0 : 1)) // Note: Putting cbuffer first for now
                    SamplerState samplerState = null;
                    if (resourceBinding.Key.Class == EffectParameterClass.Sampler)
                        var matchingSamplerState = effectBytecode.Reflection.SamplerStates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == resourceBinding.Key.Key);
                        if (matchingSamplerState != null)
                            samplerState = SamplerState.New(graphicsDevice, matchingSamplerState.Description);
                    hasBindings = true;

                    descriptorSetLayoutBuilder.AddBinding(resourceBinding.Key.Key, resourceBinding.Key.LogicalGroup, resourceBinding.Key.Class, resourceBinding.Key.Type, resourceBinding.Key.SlotCount, samplerState);

                descriptorSetLayouts.AddLayout(effectDescriptorSetSlot, hasBindings ? descriptorSetLayoutBuilder : null);

            return descriptorSetLayouts;