        public override void Run(MethodDefinition methodEntry)

            var existingTextures = new HashSet<Variable>(samplerMapping.Select(x => x.Key.Texture));
            foreach (var texture in textureAccesses)
                if (!existingTextures.Contains(texture))
                    GenerateGLSampler(null, texture);

            for (int i = this.textureSamplerMethods.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var textureSamplerMethodKey = this.textureSamplerMethods[i];
                var entryIndex = shader.Declarations.IndexOf(textureSamplerMethodKey.Method);
                this.shader.Declarations.Insert(entryIndex, textureSamplerMethodKey.NewMethod);
 protected virtual void ProcessMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationExpression invoke, MethodDefinition method)
 public virtual void Run(MethodDefinition methodEntry)
        protected override void ProcessMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationExpression invoke, MethodDefinition method)

            // Handle the case where a parameter can be out
            // If this is the case, we need to check that 
            for (int i = 0; i < invoke.Arguments.Count; i++)
                var arg = invoke.Arguments[i];
                var variable = this.GetUniform(arg);
                var parameter = method.Parameters[i];
                if (variable != null && parameter.Qualifiers.Contains(Ast.Hlsl.ParameterQualifier.Out))
                    bool isUniformWasAlreadyUsedAsRead = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < countReadBeforeInvoke; j++)
                        if (ReferenceEquals(uniformReadList[i], variable))
                            isUniformWasAlreadyUsedAsRead = true;

                    // If this is a out parameter, and the variable was not already used as a read, then
                    // we can remove it from the uniform read list
                    if (!isUniformWasAlreadyUsedAsRead)
                        if (!UniformUsedWriteFirstList.Contains(variable))

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a stream structure and add them to the Ast
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint function</param>
        /// <param name="streamStageUsage">the stream usage in this stage</param>
        /// <param name="stageName">the name of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="prevOuputStructure">the output structutre from the previous stage</param>
        /// <returns>the new output structure</returns>
        private StructType GenerateStreams(MethodDefinition entryPoint, StreamStageUsage streamStageUsage, string stageName, StructType prevOuputStructure, bool autoGenSem = true)
            if (entryPoint != null)
                // create the stream structures
                var inStreamStruct = prevOuputStructure ?? CreateStreamStructure(streamStageUsage.InStreamList, stageName + "_INPUT");
                var outStreamStruct = CreateStreamStructure(streamStageUsage.OutStreamList, stageName + "_OUTPUT", true, autoGenSem);

                var intermediateStreamStruct = CreateIntermediateStructType(streamStageUsage, stageName);

                // modify the entrypoint
                if (inStreamStruct.Fields.Count != 0)
                    entryPoint.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(new TypeName(inStreamStruct.Name), "__input__"));

                // add the declaration statements to the entrypoint and fill with the values
                entryPoint.Body.InsertRange(0, CreateStreamFromInput(intermediateStreamStruct, "streams", inStreamStruct, new VariableReferenceExpression("__input__")));
                if (outStreamStruct.Fields.Count != 0)
                    entryPoint.Body.AddRange(CreateOutputFromStream(outStreamStruct, "__output__", intermediateStreamStruct, "streams"));
                    entryPoint.Body.Add(new ReturnStatement { Value = new VariableReferenceExpression("__output__") });
                    entryPoint.ReturnType = new TypeName(outStreamStruct.Name);

                // explore all the called functions
                var visitedMethods = new HashSet<MethodDeclaration>();
                var methodsWithStreams = new List<MethodDeclaration>();
                PropagateStreamsParameter(entryPoint, inStreamStruct, intermediateStreamStruct, outStreamStruct, visitedMethods, methodsWithStreams);
                CheckCrossStageMethodCall(streamStageUsage.ShaderStage, methodsWithStreams);

                if (prevOuputStructure == null)
                    shader.Members.Insert(0, inStreamStruct);
                if (outStreamStruct.Fields.Count != 0)
                    shader.Members.Insert(0, outStreamStruct);
                shader.Members.Insert(0, intermediateStreamStruct);

                return outStreamStruct;

            return prevOuputStructure;
 public virtual void Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)
     foreach (var statement in methodDefinition.Body) 
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a function needs to have a stream strucutre added in its declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodDefinition">the method definition</param>
        /// <param name="inputStream">The stage input structure stream.</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateStream">the stream structure</param>
        /// <param name="outputStream">The stage output stream structure.</param>
        /// <param name="visitedMethods">the list of already visited methods</param>
        /// <param name="methodsWithStreams">The list of methods that have a streams argument.</param>
        /// <returns>true if needed, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool PropagateStreamsParameter(MethodDefinition methodDefinition, StructType inputStream, StructType intermediateStream, StructType outputStream, HashSet<MethodDeclaration> visitedMethods, List<MethodDeclaration> methodsWithStreams)
            var needStream = false;

            if (methodDefinition != null)
                if (visitedMethods.Contains(methodDefinition))
                    return methodDefinition.Parameters.Count > 0 && methodDefinition.Parameters[0].Type == intermediateStream;

                List<StreamUsageInfo> streamUsageInfos;
                if (streamsUsages.TryGetValue(methodDefinition, out streamUsageInfos))
                    needStream = streamUsageInfos.Any(x => x.CallType == StreamCallType.Member || x.CallType == StreamCallType.Direct);

                    List<MethodDeclaration> calls;
                    if (TryGetMethodCalls(methodDefinition, out calls))
                        needStream = calls.Aggregate(needStream, (res, calledmethod) => res | PropagateStreamsParameter(calledmethod as MethodDefinition, inputStream, intermediateStream, outputStream, visitedMethods, methodsWithStreams));

                    if (needStream && !entryPointMethods.Contains(methodDefinition))
                        var param = new Parameter(new TypeName(intermediateStream.Name), "streams");

                        foreach (var methodRef in mainModuleMixin.ClassReferences.MethodsReferences[methodDefinition])
                            var vre = new VariableReferenceExpression(param.Name) { TypeInference = { Declaration = param, TargetType = param.Type } };
                            methodRef.Arguments.Insert(0, vre);

                        param.Qualifiers |= ParameterQualifier.InOut;
                        methodDefinition.Parameters.Insert(0, param);

                        // If any parameters in the method are streams, then replace by using the intermediate stream
                        foreach (var parameter in methodDefinition.Parameters)
                            if (parameter.Type == StreamsType.Streams)
                                parameter.Type = new TypeName(intermediateStream.Name);


                TransformStreamsAssignments(methodDefinition, inputStream, intermediateStream, outputStream);
            return needStream;
        protected void Visit(MethodDefinition method)
            // Parse stream output declarations (if any)
            // TODO: Currently done twice, one time in ShaderMixer, one time in ShaderLinker
            var streamOutputAttribute = method.Attributes.OfType<AttributeDeclaration>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "StreamOutput");
            if (streamOutputAttribute != null)
                var rasterizedStream = streamOutputAttribute.Parameters.LastOrDefault();

                // Ignore last parameter if it's not an integer (it means there is no rasterized stream info)
                // We should make a new StreamOutputRasterizedStream attribute instead maybe?
                if (rasterizedStream != null && !(rasterizedStream.Value is int))
                    rasterizedStream = null;

                int[] streamOutputStrides;

                // Parse declarations
                // Everything should be registered in GS_OUTPUT (previous pass in ShaderMixer).
                StreamOutputParser.Parse(effectReflection.ShaderStreamOutputDeclarations, out streamOutputStrides, streamOutputAttribute, ((StructType)FindDeclaration("GS_OUTPUT")).Fields);

                effectReflection.StreamOutputStrides = streamOutputStrides;
                effectReflection.StreamOutputRasterizedStream = rasterizedStream != null ? (int)rasterizedStream.Value : -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Modify the Hull shader constant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint method</param>
        /// <param name="inStreamStructTypeName">the input structure of the Hull shader</param>
        /// <param name="outStreamStructTypeName">the output structure of the Hull shader</param>
        private void GenerateStreamsForHullShaderConstant(MethodDefinition entryPoint, TypeName inStreamStructTypeName, TypeName outStreamStructTypeName)
            if (entryPoint != null)
                var constStreamStruct = CreateStreamStructure(mainModuleMixin.VirtualTable.Variables.Select(x => x.Variable).Where(x => x.Qualifiers.Contains(ParadoxStorageQualifier.PatchStream)).Distinct().ToList<IDeclaration>(), "HS_CONSTANTS");
                var typeConst = new TypeName(constStreamStruct.Name);

                var visitedMethods = new Stack<MethodDeclaration>();
                RecursiveRename(entryPoint, inStreamStructTypeName, outStreamStructTypeName, outStreamStructTypeName, typeConst, visitedMethods);

                // get the Constants parameter, its name and remove it
                var constParamName = "constants";
                var constParam = entryPoint.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Name.Text == constStreamStruct.Name.Text);
                if (constParam != null)
                    constParamName = constParam.Name.Text;
                    entryPoint.Parameters.Remove(constParam); // remove the parameter

                var constDecl = new DeclarationStatement(
                    new Variable(typeConst, constParamName)
                            InitialValue = new CastExpression { From = new LiteralExpression(0), Target = new TypeName(constStreamStruct.Name) }

                entryPoint.Body.Insert(0, constDecl); // insert structure instance declaration
                entryPoint.Body.Add(new ReturnStatement(new VariableReferenceExpression(constParamName))); // add a return statement

                entryPoint.ReturnType = typeConst; // change the return type

                shader.Members.Insert(0, constStreamStruct);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a stream structure and add them to the Ast - for the domain shader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint function</param>
        /// <param name="streamStageUsage">the stream usage in this stage</param>
        /// <param name="stageName">the name of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="prevOuputStructure">the output structutre from the previous stage</param>
        /// <returns>the new output structure</returns>
        private StructType GenerateStreamsForDomainShader(MethodDefinition entryPoint, StreamStageUsage streamStageUsage, string stageName, StructType prevOuputStructure)
            if (entryPoint != null)
                var outStreamStruct = GenerateStreamsForHullShader(entryPoint, null, streamStageUsage, stageName, prevOuputStructure);

                var visitedMethods = new Stack<MethodDeclaration>();
                RecursiveRename(entryPoint, null, null, null, new TypeName("HS_CONSTANTS"), visitedMethods);

                return outStreamStruct;

            return prevOuputStructure;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a stream structure and add them to the Ast - for the hull shader and hull shader constant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint function</param>
        /// <param name="entryPointHSConstant">entrypoint for the hull shader constant</param>
        /// <param name="streamStageUsage">the stream usage in this stage</param>
        /// <param name="stageName">the name of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="prevOuputStructure">the output structutre from the previous stage</param>
        /// <returns>the new output structure</returns>
        private StructType GenerateStreamsForHullShader(MethodDefinition entryPoint, MethodDefinition entryPointHSConstant, StreamStageUsage streamStageUsage, string stageName, StructType prevOuputStructure)
            if (entryPoint != null)
                // same behavior as geometry shader
                var outStreamStruct = GenerateStreamsWithSpecialDataInput(entryPoint, streamStageUsage, stageName, prevOuputStructure);
                var inStreamStruct = prevOuputStructure ?? shader.Members.OfType<StructType>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Text == stageName + "_INPUT");
                var intermediateStreamStruct = shader.Members.OfType<StructType>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Text == stageName + "_STREAMS");

                if (inStreamStruct == null)
                    throw new Exception("inStreamStruct cannot be null");

                var inStructType = new TypeName(inStreamStruct.Name);
                var outStructType = new TypeName(outStreamStruct.Name);

                // get the Output parameter, its name and remove it
                var outputName = "output";
                var outputParam = entryPoint.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Name.Text == outStreamStruct.Name.Text);
                if (outputParam != null)
                    outputName = outputParam.Name.Text; // get the name of the parameter
                    entryPoint.Parameters.Remove(outputParam); // remove the parameter

                entryPoint.Body.Add(new ReturnStatement { Value = new VariableReferenceExpression(outputName) });
                entryPoint.Body.Insert(0, CreateStructInit(outStreamStruct, outputName));
                entryPoint.ReturnType = outStructType;

                if (entryPointHSConstant != null)
                    GenerateStreamsForHullShaderConstant(entryPointHSConstant, inStructType, outStructType);

                return outStreamStruct;

            return prevOuputStructure;
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace the append methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint method</param>
        /// <param name="replacor">the visitor</param>
        private void ReplaceAppendMethod(MethodDefinition entryPoint, ParadoxReplaceAppend replacor)

            List<StreamUsageInfo> nextMethods;
            if (streamsUsages.TryGetValue(entryPoint, out nextMethods))
                nextMethods.Where(x => x.CallType == StreamCallType.Method).Select(x => x.MethodDeclaration as MethodDefinition).Where(x => x != null).ToList().ForEach(x => ReplaceAppendMethod(x, replacor));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a stream structure and add them to the Ast - for the geometry shader
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">the entrypoint function</param>
        /// <param name="streamStageUsage">the stream usage in this stage</param>
        /// <param name="stageName">the name of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="prevOuputStructure">the output structutre from the previous stage</param>
        /// <returns>the new output structure</returns>
        private StructType GenerateStreamsWithSpecialDataInput(MethodDefinition entryPoint, StreamStageUsage streamStageUsage, string stageName, StructType prevOuputStructure)
            if (entryPoint != null)
                var inStreamStruct = prevOuputStructure ?? CreateStreamStructure(streamStageUsage.InStreamList, stageName + "_INPUT");
                var outStreamStruct = CreateStreamStructure(streamStageUsage.OutStreamList, stageName + "_OUTPUT");

                var mixin = entryPoint.GetTag(ParadoxTags.ShaderScope) as ModuleMixin;

                var intermediateStreamStruct = CreateIntermediateStructType(streamStageUsage, stageName);

                // put the streams declaration at the beginning of the method body
                var streamsDeclaration = new DeclarationStatement(new Variable(new TypeName(intermediateStreamStruct.Name), "streams") { InitialValue = new CastExpression { From = new LiteralExpression(0), Target = new TypeName(intermediateStreamStruct.Name) } });
                entryPoint.Body.Insert(0, streamsDeclaration);

                // add the declaration statements to the entrypoint and fill with the values
                var outputStatements = CreateOutputFromStream(outStreamStruct, "output", intermediateStreamStruct, "streams").ToList();
                var outputVre = new VariableReferenceExpression(((outputStatements.First() as DeclarationStatement).Content as Variable).Name);

                var replacor = new ParadoxReplaceAppend(streamAnalyzer.AppendMethodCalls, outputStatements, outputVre);
                ReplaceAppendMethod(entryPoint, replacor);
                var visitedMethods = new Stack<MethodDeclaration>();
                var inStructType = new TypeName(inStreamStruct.Name);
                var outStructType = new TypeName(outStreamStruct.Name);
                RecursiveRename(entryPoint, inStructType, null, outStructType, null, visitedMethods);

                // explore all the called functions
                var streamsVisitedMethods = new HashSet<MethodDeclaration>();
                var methodsWithStreams = new List<MethodDeclaration>();
                PropagateStreamsParameter(entryPoint, inStreamStruct, intermediateStreamStruct, outStreamStruct, streamsVisitedMethods, methodsWithStreams);

                CheckCrossStageMethodCall(streamStageUsage.ShaderStage, methodsWithStreams);

                if (prevOuputStructure == null)
                    shader.Members.Insert(0, inStreamStruct);
                shader.Members.Insert(0, outStreamStruct);
                shader.Members.Insert(0, intermediateStreamStruct);

                return outStreamStruct;

            return prevOuputStructure;
        protected void Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)
            currentStreamUsageList = new List<StreamUsageInfo>();
            alreadyAddedMethodsList = new List<MethodDeclaration>();

            if (currentStreamUsageList.Count > 0)
                StreamsUsageByMethodDefinition.Add(methodDefinition, currentStreamUsageList);
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform stream assignments with correct input/ouput structures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodDefinition">the current method</param>
        /// <param name="inputStreamStruct">the input structure of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="intermediateStreamStruct">the intermediate structure of the stage</param>
        /// <param name="outputStreamStruct">the output structure of the stage</param>
        private void TransformStreamsAssignments(MethodDefinition methodDefinition, StructType inputStreamStruct, StructType intermediateStreamStruct, StructType outputStreamStruct)
            var statementLists = new List<StatementList>();
                node =>
                    if (node is StatementList)
                    return node;

            // replace stream assignement with field values assignements
            foreach (var assignmentKeyBlock in streamAnalyzer.AssignationsToStream)
                var assignment = assignmentKeyBlock.Key;
                var parent = assignmentKeyBlock.Value;
                if (!statementLists.Contains(parent))
                var index = SearchExpressionStatement(parent, assignment);

                // TODO: check that it is "output = streams"
                var statementList = CreateOutputFromStream(outputStreamStruct, (assignment.Target as VariableReferenceExpression).Name.Text, intermediateStreamStruct, "streams").ToList();
                statementList.RemoveAt(0); // do not keep the variable declaration
                methodDefinition.Body.InsertRange(index, statementList);

            // replace stream assignement with field values assignements
            foreach (var assignmentKeyBlock in streamAnalyzer.StreamAssignations)
                var assignment = assignmentKeyBlock.Key;
                var parent = assignmentKeyBlock.Value;
                if (!statementLists.Contains(parent))
                var index = SearchExpressionStatement(parent, assignment);

                var statementList = CreateStreamFromInput(intermediateStreamStruct, "streams", inputStreamStruct, assignment.Value, false).ToList();
                statementList.RemoveAt(0); // do not keep the variable declaration
                parent.InsertRange(index, statementList);

            foreach (var variableAndParent in streamAnalyzer.VariableStreamsAssignment)
                var variable = variableAndParent.Key;
                var parent = variableAndParent.Value;

                if (!statementLists.Contains(parent))

                variable.Type = new TypeName(intermediateStreamStruct.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyse the method definition and store it in the correct lists (based on storage and stream usage)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodDefinition">the MethodDefinition</param>
        public override void Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)
            currentStreamUsageList = new List<StreamUsageInfo>();
            alreadyAddedMethodsList = new List<MethodDeclaration>();

            if (currentStreamUsageList.Count > 0)
                StreamsUsageByMethodDefinition.Add(methodDefinition, currentStreamUsageList);
        protected virtual MethodDefinition Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)

            // Check that this method definition doesn't have a method declaration before
            foreach (var declaration in FindDeclarations(methodDefinition.Name))
                var methodDeclaration = declaration as MethodDeclaration;
                if (methodDeclaration != null && !ReferenceEquals(declaration, methodDefinition))
                    if (methodDeclaration.IsSameSignature(methodDefinition))
                        methodDefinition.Declaration = methodDeclaration;
                        // Remove the definition if the declaration is tagged as builtin special (user defined)
                        if (methodDeclaration.GetTag(TagBuiltinUserDefined) != null)
                            return null;
            return methodDefinition;
        protected override void  ProcessMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationExpression invoke, MethodDefinition method)
            var textureParameters = new List<Parameter>();
            var parameterValues = new List<Expression>();
            var parameterGlobalValues = new List<Variable>();

            var samplerTypes = new List<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < method.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var parameter = method.Parameters[i];
                if (parameter.Type is TextureType || parameter.Type is StateType)

                    // Find global variable
                    var parameterValue = this.FindGlobalVariable(invoke.Arguments[i]);

                    // Set the tag ScopeValue for the current parameter
                    parameter.SetTag(ScopeValueKey, parameterValue);

                    // Add only new variable
                    if (!parameterGlobalValues.Contains(parameterValue))
                else if ( i < invoke.Arguments.Count)
                    if (parameter.Type is SamplerType)

            // We have texture/sampler parameters. We need to generate a new specialized method
            if (textureParameters.Count > 0)
                // Order parameter values by name
                parameterGlobalValues.Sort((left, right) => left.Name.Text.CompareTo(right.Name.Text));

                var methodKey = new TextureSamplerMethodKey(method);

                int indexOf = textureSamplerMethods.IndexOf(methodKey);

                if (indexOf < 0)
                    // If a key is found again, add it as it was reused in order to keep usage in order
                    methodKey = textureSamplerMethods[indexOf];


                var newTarget = new VariableReferenceExpression(methodKey.NewMethod.Name) { TypeInference = { Declaration = methodKey.NewMethod, TargetType = invoke.TypeInference.TargetType } };
                invoke.Target = newTarget;
                invoke.Arguments = parameterValues;
                invoke.TypeInference.Declaration = methodKey.NewMethod;
                invoke.TypeInference.TargetType = invoke.TypeInference.TargetType;

                // Visit the method callstack

                // There is an anonymous sampler type
                // We need to resolve its types after the method definition was processed
                if (samplerTypes.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var samplerTypeIndex in samplerTypes)
                        var samplerRef = invoke.Arguments[samplerTypeIndex] as VariableReferenceExpression;
                        if (samplerRef != null)
                            var samplerDecl = samplerRef.TypeInference.Declaration as Variable;
                            ChangeVariableType(samplerDecl, method.Parameters[samplerTypeIndex].Type);

            // Remove temporary parameters
            if (textureParameters.Count > 0)
                foreach (var textureParameter in textureParameters)
        public override void Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)

            // If a method definition has a method declaration, we must link them together
            if (!ReferenceEquals(methodDefinition.Declaration, methodDefinition))
                AddReference(methodDefinition.Declaration, methodDefinition);
            public TextureSamplerMethodKey(MethodDefinition method)
                Invokers = new List<MethodInvocationExpression>();
                this.Method = method;

                Variables = new List<Variable>();
                foreach (var parameter in Method.Parameters)
                    var variableValue = (Variable)parameter.GetTag(ScopeValueKey);
                    if (variableValue != null)
        public void Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)

            // If a method definition has a method declaration, we must link them together
            if (!ReferenceEquals(methodDefinition.Declaration, methodDefinition))
                AddReference(methodDefinition.Declaration, methodDefinition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyse the method definition and store it in the correct lists (based on storage and stream usage)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodDefinition">the MethodDefinition</param>
        /// <returns>the input method definition</returns>
        public override Node Visit(MethodDefinition methodDefinition)
            currentVisitedMethod = methodDefinition;
            if (methodDefinition.Qualifiers.Contains(XenkoStorageQualifier.Abstract))
                Error(XenkoMessageCode.ErrorUnnecessaryAbstract, methodDefinition.Span, methodDefinition, analyzedModuleMixin.MixinName);

            var ret = base.Visit(methodDefinition);


            return ret;
 public virtual void Run(MethodDefinition methodEntry)