        private static Asset LoadAsset(ILogger log, string assetFullPath, string assetPath, UFile fileUPath)
            AssetMigration.MigrateAssetIfNeeded(log, assetFullPath);

            var asset = AssetSerializer.Load <Asset>(assetFullPath);

            // Set location on source code asset
            var sourceCodeAsset = asset as SourceCodeAsset;

            if (sourceCodeAsset != null)
                // Use an id generated from the location instead of the default id
                sourceCodeAsset.Id = SourceCodeAsset.GenerateGuidFromLocation(assetPath);
                sourceCodeAsset.AbsoluteSourceLocation = fileUPath;

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs first part of the loading sequence, by deserializing the package but without processing anything yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// log
        /// or
        /// filePath
        /// </exception>
        internal static Package LoadRaw(ILogger log, string filePath)
            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");
            if (filePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");

            filePath = FileUtility.GetAbsolutePath(filePath);

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                log.Error("Package file [{0}] was not found", filePath);

                bool aliasOccurred;
                var  packageFile = new PackageLoadingAssetFile(filePath, Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath));
                AssetMigration.MigrateAssetIfNeeded(log, packageFile);

                var package = packageFile.AssetContent != null
                    ? (Package)AssetSerializer.Load(new MemoryStream(packageFile.AssetContent), Path.GetExtension(filePath), log, out aliasOccurred)
                    : AssetSerializer.Load <Package>(filePath, log, out aliasOccurred);

                package.FullPath = filePath;
                package.IsDirty  = packageFile.AssetContent != null || aliasOccurred;

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("Error while pre-loading package [{0}]", ex, filePath);

        private void LoadAsset(ILogger log, PackageLoadingAssetFile assetFile, LoggerResult loggerResult)
            var fileUPath    = assetFile.FilePath;
            var sourceFolder = assetFile.SourceFolder;

            // Check if asset has been deleted by an upgrader
            if (assetFile.Deleted)
                IsDirty = true;

            // An exception can occur here, so we make sure that loading a single asset is not going to break
            // the loop
                AssetMigration.MigrateAssetIfNeeded(log, assetFile);

                // Try to load only if asset is not already in the package or assetRef.Asset is null
                var assetPath = fileUPath.MakeRelative(sourceFolder).GetDirectoryAndFileName();

                var assetFullPath = fileUPath.FullPath;
                var assetContent  = assetFile.AssetContent;

                var asset = LoadAsset(log, assetFullPath, assetPath, fileUPath, assetContent);

                // Create asset item
                var assetItem = new AssetItem(assetPath, asset, this)
                    IsDirty      = assetContent != null,
                    SourceFolder = sourceFolder.MakeRelative(RootDirectory)
                // Set the modified time to the time loaded from disk
                if (!assetItem.IsDirty)
                    assetItem.ModifiedTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(assetFullPath);

                // TODO: Let's review that when we rework import process
                // Not fixing asset import anymore, as it was only meant for upgrade
                // However, it started to make asset dirty, for ex. when we create a new texture, choose a file and reload the scene later
                // since there was no importer id and base.

                // Add to temporary assets
                lock (TemporaryAssets)
            catch (Exception ex)
                int row           = 1;
                int column        = 1;
                var yamlException = ex as YamlException;
                if (yamlException != null)
                    row    = yamlException.Start.Line + 1;
                    column = yamlException.Start.Column;

                var module = log.Module;

                var assetReference = new AssetReference <Asset>(Guid.Empty, fileUPath.FullPath);

                // TODO: Change this instead of patching LoggerResult.Module, use a proper log message
                if (loggerResult != null)
                    loggerResult.Module = "{0}({1},{2})".ToFormat(Path.GetFullPath(fileUPath.FullPath), row, column);

                log.Error(this, assetReference, AssetMessageCode.AssetLoadingFailed, ex, fileUPath, ex.Message);

                if (loggerResult != null)
                    loggerResult.Module = module;