public ContentResult DeleteHoursWorkedData(HoursWorked hoursWorked) { var hoursWorkedsData = db.HoursWorkeds.Include(h => h.Employee).Include(h => h.ItemNumber).Include(h => h.Job); HoursWorked removeHrsWorked = db.HoursWorkeds.Find(hoursWorked.HoursWorkedID); ModelState.Clear(); TryValidateModel(hoursWorked); //Hack to ignore empty employee and job fields var isValid = true; //Work around to resolve error if (isValid) { db.HoursWorkeds.Remove(removeHrsWorked); db.SaveChanges(); } else { string error = ""; foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values) { foreach (ModelError err in modelState.Errors) { error = error + " \n" + err.ErrorMessage; } } return Content("", "application/json"); } JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string output = jsonSerializer.Serialize(hoursWorked); return Content(output, "application/json"); }
public ContentResult HoursWorkedsData(HoursWorked filter) { var hoursWorkeds = db.HoursWorkeds.Include(h => h.Employee).Include(h => h.Job); var hoursWorkedsData = (from hrs in hoursWorkeds where (hrs.Employee.EmployeeID == filter.EmployeeID || filter.EmployeeID == 0) && (hrs.Job.JobID == filter.JobID || filter.JobID == 0) && (hrs.ItemNumber == filter.ItemNumber || filter.ItemNumber == null) && (hrs.HoursWorkedRT == filter.HoursWorkedRT || filter.HoursWorkedRT == null) && (hrs.HoursWorkedOT == filter.HoursWorkedOT || filter.HoursWorkedOT == null) && (hrs.JobDescription == filter.JobDescription || filter.JobDescription == null) select new { hrs.HoursWorkedID, EmployeeID = hrs.Employee.EmployeeID, JobID = hrs.Job.JobID, hrs.ItemNumber, Date = SqlFunctions.DateName("mm", hrs.Date) + " " + SqlFunctions.DateName("day", hrs.Date) + ", " + SqlFunctions.DateName("year", hrs.Date), hrs.HoursWorkedRT, hrs.HoursWorkedOT, hrs.JobDescription }).ToList(); JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string output = jsonSerializer.Serialize(hoursWorkedsData); return Content(output, "application/json"); }
public ContentResult UpdateHoursWorkedsData(HoursWorked hoursWorked) { var wageHistoryID = db.WageHistories.Where(x => x.EmployeeID == hoursWorked.EmployeeID && x.IsCurrent == true).Select(x => x.WageHistoryID).FirstOrDefault(); hoursWorked.WageHistoryID = wageHistoryID; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { db.Entry(hoursWorked).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { return Content("", "application/json"); } } else { string error = ""; foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values) { foreach (ModelError err in modelState.Errors) { error = error + " \n" + err.ErrorMessage; } } ViewBag.error = true; ViewBag.errorMessage = error; return Content("", "application/json"); } //Form the hours worked data again for a single row and include the data conversions var hoursWorkeds = db.HoursWorkeds.Include(h => h.Employee).Include(h => h.ItemNumber).Include(h => h.Job); var hoursWorkedsData = (from hrs in hoursWorkeds where hrs.HoursWorkedID == hoursWorked.HoursWorkedID select new { hrs.HoursWorkedID, EmployeeID = hrs.Employee.EmployeeID, JobID = hrs.Job.JobID, hrs.ItemNumber, Date = SqlFunctions.DateName("mm", hrs.Date) + " " + SqlFunctions.DateName("day", hrs.Date) + ", " + SqlFunctions.DateName("year", hrs.Date), hrs.HoursWorkedRT, hrs.HoursWorkedOT, hrs.JobDescription }).SingleOrDefault(); JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string output = jsonSerializer.Serialize(hoursWorkedsData); return Content(output, "application/json"); }