/// <summary>
        /// Clones an item prefab and returns the clone to you. Caches the original prefab for other mods or other custom items to reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cloneTargetID">The Item ID of the Item you want to clone from</param>
        /// <param name="newID">The new Item ID for your cloned item. Can be the same as the target, will overwrite.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Only used for the gameObject name, not the actual Item Name. This is the name thats used in Debug Menus.</param>
        /// <param name="template">[Optional] If provided, the item component may be changed to match the type of the template if necessary.</param>
        /// <returns>Your cloned Item prefab</returns>
        public static Item CreateCustomItem(int cloneTargetID, int newID, string name, SL_Item template = null)
            Item original = GetOriginalItemPrefab(cloneTargetID);

            if (!original)
                SL.LogError("CustomItems.CreateCustomItem - Error! Could not find the clone target Item ID: " + cloneTargetID);

            Item item;


            // modifying an existing item
            if (newID == cloneTargetID)
                // Modifying the original prefab for the first time. Cache it in case someone else wants the true original.
                if (!OrigItemPrefabs.ContainsKey(newID))
                    var cached = GameObject.Instantiate(original.gameObject).GetComponent <Item>();
                    cached.transform.parent = SL.CloneHolder;
                    OrigItemPrefabs.Add(cached.ItemID, cached);

                // apply to the original item prefab. this ensures direct prefab references to this item reflect the changes.
                item = original;
            else // making a new item
                item = GameObject.Instantiate(original.gameObject).GetComponent <Item>();
                item.gameObject.name = newID + "_" + name;

                // fix for name and description localization
                SetNameAndDescription(item, original.Name, original.Description);

            if (template != null)
                var gameType = Serializer.GetGameType(template.GetType());
                if (gameType != item.GetType())
                    item = UnityHelpers.FixComponentType(gameType, item) as Item;

            item.ItemID = newID;
            SetItemID(newID, item);

            // Do this so that any changes we make are not destroyed on scene changes.
            // This is needed whether this is a clone or a new item.

            item.transform.parent = SL.CloneHolder;

        /// <summary>
        /// Searches the provided AssetBundle for folders in the expected format, and applies textures to the corresponding Item.
        /// Each item must have its own sub-folder, where the name of this folder starts with the Item's ItemID.
        /// The folder name can have anything else after the ID, but it must start with the ID.
        /// Eg., '2000010_IronSword\' would be valid to set the textures on the Iron Sword.
        /// The textures should be placed inside this folder and should match the Shader Layer names of the texture (the same way you set Item textures from a folder).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bundle">The AssetBundle to apply Textures from.</param>
        public static void ApplyTexturesFromAssetBundle(AssetBundle bundle)
            // Keys: Item IDs
            // Values: List of Textures/Sprites to apply to the item
            // The ItemTextures Value Key is the Material name, and the List<Texture2D> are the actual textures.
            var itemTextures = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, List <Texture2D> > >();
            var icons        = new Dictionary <int, List <Sprite> >();

            string[] names = bundle.GetAllAssetNames();
            foreach (var name in names)
                    SL.Log("Loading texture from AssetBundle, path: " + name);

                    Texture2D tex = bundle.LoadAsset <Texture2D>(name);

                    // cleanup the name (remove ".png")
                    tex.name = tex.name.Replace(".png", "");

                    // Split the assetbundle path by forward slashes
                    string[] splitPath = name.Split('/');

                    // Get the ID from the first 7 characters of the path
                    int id = int.Parse(splitPath[1].Substring(0, 7));

                    // Identify icons by name
                    if (tex.name.Contains("icon"))
                        if (!icons.ContainsKey(id))
                            icons.Add(id, new List <Sprite>());

                        Sprite sprite;
                        if (tex.name.Contains("skill"))
                            sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.SkillTreeIcon);
                            sprite = CustomTextures.CreateSprite(tex, CustomTextures.SpriteBorderTypes.ItemIcon);

                    else // is not an icon
                        var mat = "";
                        if (splitPath[2] == "textures")
                            mat = splitPath[3];
                            mat = splitPath[2];

                        if (!itemTextures.ContainsKey(id))
                            itemTextures.Add(id, new Dictionary <string, List <Texture2D> >());

                        if (!itemTextures[id].ContainsKey(mat))
                            itemTextures[id].Add(mat, new List <Texture2D>());

                catch (InvalidCastException)
                    // suppress
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SL.Log("Exception loading textures from asset bundle!");

            // Apply material textures
            foreach (var entry in itemTextures)
                if (ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(entry.Key) is Item item)
                    SL_Item.ApplyTexAndMats(entry.Value, null, item);

            // Apply icons
            foreach (var entry in icons)
                if (ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(entry.Key) is Item item)
                    ApplyIconsByName(entry.Value.ToArray(), item);
 /// <summary>
 /// Simple method to apply a SL_Item template.
 /// If defining a custom item after SL.OnPacksLoaded it will be applied instantly, otherwise it uses a callback to be applied later.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="template"></param>
 /// <returns>Your new custom item (or the original item, if modifying an existing one)</returns>
 public static Item CreateCustomItem(SL_Item template)
     return(CreateCustomItem(template.Target_ItemID, template.New_ItemID, template.Name, template));