private void generateStar(IEntityManager entityStore, Game game, Texture2D bigStarTex, Texture2D littleStarTex, Frustum generationVolume, double speedAtUnitDepth, double screenDepth, double screenWidth, double screenHeight)
            //sample a 3d location for the star
            Vector3 starLoc = generationVolume.samplePoint(rand);

            //determine the speed as a function of the depth
            double speed = speedAtUnitDepth / starLoc.Z * screenDepth * screenDepth;

            //determine the depth/speed of the star

            Entity star = new Entity();

            //Component: Has a position, determined by starLoc
            PositionComponent pos = new PositionComponent();
            Vector3 starLoc2 = generationVolume.TransformFromEuclideanSpaceToPseudoSphericalSpace(starLoc);
            pos.Position = new Vector2(starLoc2.X * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, starLoc2.Y * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

            //Component: Moves at a constant speed
            LinearMovementComponent movementStrat = new LinearMovementComponent();

            //Component: Has a move speed
            MoveSpeedComponent speedComponent = new MoveSpeedComponent();
            speedComponent.MoveSpeed = (float)speed;

            //Component: Wraps around the screen
            ScreenWrappingComponent wrapper = new ScreenWrappingComponent();

            //Component: Has a texture.  This should be little star for far away/slow stars, big otherwise
            TextureComponent tex = new TextureComponent();
            tex.Texture = (speed > -2.5) ? littleStarTex : bigStarTex;
            tex.SourceRect = tex.Texture.Bounds;

            //Component: Has a bounding box
            AABBComponent aabb = new AABBComponent();
            aabb.Width = tex.Texture.Width;
            aabb.Height = tex.Texture.Height;

            //Component: Is rendered at a specific layer (just above the background)
            RenderLayerComponent layer = new RenderLayerComponent();
            layer.LayerID = 1;

        private void initializeBackgroundStars(IEntityManager entityStore, Game game)
            Texture2D bigStarTex = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/Background/starBig");
            Texture2D littleStarTex = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("spaceArt/png/Background/starSmall");

            //shoot for 1 star per 100000 square pixels
            double targetDensity = 0.00007;
            int numStars = 0;
            double area = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width * game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height;

            double screenWidth = 14; //inches width of my laptop screen
            double screenHeight = screenWidth * 9 / 16; //screen height, in same units as above, for a widescreen display
            double screenDepth = 20; //approx distance in inches to laptop screen
            double maxDepth = 12 * 8; //eight feet away in inches

            double speedAtUnitDepth = -4 / screenDepth; //in pixels per frame

            Frustum generationVolume = new Frustum(screenWidth, screenHeight, screenDepth, maxDepth);

            while (numStars / area < targetDensity)
                generateStar(entityStore, game, bigStarTex, littleStarTex, generationVolume, speedAtUnitDepth, screenDepth, screenWidth, screenHeight);