public static SolarSystem GenerateSystemFromData(SolarSystemData data, Empire Owner) { SolarSystem newSys = new SolarSystem() { SunPath = data.SunPath, Name = data.Name }; int numberOfRings = data.RingList.Count; int StarRadius = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(50f, 500f); for (int i = 1; i < numberOfRings + 1; i++) { int ringtype = 0; { int x = (int)(RandomMath.RandomBetween(1, 29)); ringtype = x; } float ringRadius = (float)((i * ((float)StarRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(10500f, 12000f))) + 10000f); if (data.RingList[i - 1].Asteroids == null ) { int WhichPlanet = data.RingList[i - 1].WhichPlanet > 0 ? data.RingList[i - 1].WhichPlanet : ringtype; float scale = 1f; if (data.RingList[i - 1].planetScale > 0) { scale = data.RingList[i - 1].planetScale; } else { scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.9f, 1.8f); if (WhichPlanet == 2 || WhichPlanet == 6 || WhichPlanet == 10 || WhichPlanet == 12 || WhichPlanet == 15 || WhichPlanet == 20 || WhichPlanet == 26) { scale += 2.5f; } } float planetRadius = 100f * scale; float RandomAngle = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 360f); Vector2 planetCenter = newSys.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(Vector2.Zero, RandomAngle, ringRadius); Planet newOrbital = new Planet() { Name = data.RingList[i - 1].Planet, OrbitalAngle = RandomAngle, ParentSystem = newSys, SpecialDescription = data.RingList[i - 1].SpecialDescription, planetType = WhichPlanet, Position = planetCenter, scale = scale, ObjectRadius = planetRadius, OrbitalRadius = ringRadius, planetTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(45f, 135f) }; newOrbital.InitializeUpdate(); if (!data.RingList[i - 1].HomePlanet || Owner == null) { if (data.RingList[i - 1].UniqueHabitat) { newOrbital.UniqueHab = true; newOrbital.uniqueHabPercent = data.RingList[i - 1].UniqueHabPC; } newOrbital.SetPlanetAttributes(); if (data.RingList[i - 1].MaxPopDefined > 0) newOrbital.MaxPopulation = data.RingList[i - 1].MaxPopDefined * 1000f; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.RingList[i - 1].Owner) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.RingList[i - 1].Owner)) { newOrbital.Owner = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(data.RingList[i - 1].Owner); EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(data.RingList[i - 1].Owner).AddPlanet(newOrbital); newOrbital.Population = newOrbital.MaxPopulation; newOrbital.MineralRichness = 1f; newOrbital.Fertility = 2f; newOrbital.InitializeSliders(newOrbital.Owner); newOrbital.colonyType = Planet.ColonyType.Core; newOrbital.GovernorOn = true; } } else { newOrbital.Owner = Owner; Owner.Capital = newOrbital; newOrbital.InitializeSliders(Owner); Owner.AddPlanet(newOrbital); newOrbital.SetPlanetAttributes(26f); newOrbital.MineralRichness = 1f +; newOrbital.Special = "None"; newOrbital.Fertility = 2f +; if (data.RingList[i - 1].MaxPopDefined > 0) { newOrbital.MaxPopulation = (data.RingList[i - 1].MaxPopDefined * 1000f) + ((data.RingList[i - 1].MaxPopDefined * 1000f) *; } else { newOrbital.MaxPopulation = 14000f + 14000f *; } newOrbital.Population = 14000f; newOrbital.FoodHere = 100f; newOrbital.ProductionHere = 100f; if (!newSys.OwnerList.Contains(newOrbital.Owner)) { newSys.OwnerList.Add(newOrbital.Owner); } newOrbital.HasShipyard = true; newOrbital.AddGood("ReactorFuel", 1000); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Capital City").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Space Port").SetPlanet(newOrbital); if (GlobalStats.HardcoreRuleset) { ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Mine Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fuel Refinery").SetPlanet(newOrbital); } } if (data.RingList[i - 1].HasRings != null) { newOrbital.hasRings = true; newOrbital.ringTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(-80f, -45f); } //Add buildings to planet if (data.RingList[i - 1].BuildingList.Count > 0) foreach (string building in data.RingList[i - 1].BuildingList) ResourceManager.GetBuilding(building).SetPlanet(newOrbital); //Add ships to orbit if (data.RingList[i - 1].Guardians.Count > 0) foreach (string ship in data.RingList[i - 1].Guardians) newOrbital.Guardians.Add(ship); //Add moons to planets if (data.RingList[i - 1].Moons.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < data.RingList[i - 1].Moons.Count; j++) { float radius = newOrbital.ObjectRadius * 5 + (RandomMath.RandomBetween(1000f, 1500f) * (j + 1)); Moon moon = new Moon() { orbitTarget = newOrbital.guid, moonType = data.RingList[i - 1].Moons[j].WhichMoon, scale = data.RingList[i - 1].Moons[j].MoonScale, OrbitRadius = radius, OrbitalAngle = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 360f), Position = newSys.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(radius, newOrbital.Position) }; newSys.MoonList.Add(moon); } } newSys.PlanetList.Add(newOrbital); SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = false, planet = newOrbital }; newSys.RingList.Add(ring); } else { float numberOfAsteroids = RandomMath.RandomBetween(150f, 250f); for (int k = 0; (float)k < numberOfAsteroids; k++) { Vector3 asteroidCenter = new Vector3(newSys.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3000f, 3000f), Vector2.Zero), 0f); while (!newSys.RoidPosOK(asteroidCenter)) { asteroidCenter = new Vector3(newSys.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3000f, 3000f), Vector2.Zero), 0f); } Asteroid newRoid = new Asteroid() { scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(1.2f, 4.6f), Position3D = asteroidCenter }; int whichRoid = 0; while (whichRoid == 0 || whichRoid == 3) { whichRoid = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 9f); } newRoid.whichRoid = whichRoid; newRoid.Radius = RandomMath.RandomBetween(30f, 90f); newSys.AsteroidsList.Add(newRoid); } SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = true }; newSys.RingList.Add(ring); } } return newSys; }
public void GenerateStartingSystem(string name, Empire Owner, float systemScale) { this.isStartingSystem = true; int WhichSun = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 6f); if (WhichSun > 5) { WhichSun = 5; } if (WhichSun == 1) { this.SunPath = "star_red"; } else if (WhichSun == 2) { this.SunPath = "star_yellow"; } else if (WhichSun == 3) { this.SunPath = "star_green"; } else if (WhichSun == 4) { this.SunPath = "star_blue"; } else if (WhichSun == 5) { this.SunPath = "star_yellow2"; } else if (WhichSun == 6) { this.SunPath = "star_binary"; } this.Name = name; this.numberOfRings = GlobalStats.ExtraPlanets > 3?GlobalStats.ExtraPlanets: 3; this.numberOfRings += (int)(RandomMath.RandomBetween(0, 1) + RandomMath.RandomBetween(0, 1) + RandomMath.RandomBetween(0, 1)); if (this.numberOfRings > 6) this.numberOfRings = 6; this.RingsCount = this.numberOfRings; this.StarRadius = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(250f, 500f); for (int i = 1; i < this.numberOfRings + 1; i++) { float ringRadius = (float)i * ((float)this.StarRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(500f, 3500f) + 10000f); ringRadius = ringRadius * systemScale; if (i ==1 || i>3) { float RandomAngle = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 360f); Vector2 planetCenter = this.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(Vector2.Zero, RandomAngle, ringRadius); Planet newOrbital = new Planet() { Name = string.Concat(this.Name, " ", NumberToRomanConvertor.NumberToRoman(i)), OrbitalAngle = RandomAngle, ParentSystem = this, planetType = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 24f) }; float scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.9f, 1.8f); if (newOrbital.planetType == 2 || newOrbital.planetType == 6 || newOrbital.planetType == 10 || newOrbital.planetType == 12 || newOrbital.planetType == 15 || newOrbital.planetType == 20 || newOrbital.planetType == 26) { scale += 2.5f; } float planetRadius = 100f * scale; newOrbital.SetPlanetAttributes(); newOrbital.Position = planetCenter; newOrbital.scale = scale; newOrbital.ObjectRadius = planetRadius; newOrbital.OrbitalRadius = ringRadius; newOrbital.planetTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(45f, 135f); if (RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 100f) < 15f) { newOrbital.hasRings = true; newOrbital.ringTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(-80f, -45f); } this.PlanetList.Add(newOrbital); RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 3f); SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = false, planet = newOrbital }; this.RingList.Add(ring); } else if (i == 2) { float numberOfAsteroids = RandomMath.RandomBetween(150f, 250f); for (int k = 0; (float)k < numberOfAsteroids; k++) { Vector3 asteroidCenter = new Vector3(this.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3500f * systemScale, 3500f * systemScale), Vector2.Zero), 0f); while (!this.RoidPosOK(asteroidCenter)) { asteroidCenter = new Vector3(this.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3500f * systemScale, 3500f * systemScale), Vector2.Zero), 0f); } Asteroid newRoid = new Asteroid() { scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.75f, 1.6f), Position3D = asteroidCenter }; int whichRoid = 0; while (whichRoid == 0 || whichRoid == 3) { whichRoid = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 9f); } newRoid.whichRoid = whichRoid; newRoid.Radius = RandomMath.RandomBetween(30f, 90f); } SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = true }; this.RingList.Add(ring); } else if (i == 3) { float scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 2f); float planetRadius = 100f * scale; float RandomAngle = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 360f); Vector2 planetCenter = this.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(Vector2.Zero, RandomAngle, ringRadius); Planet newOrbital = new Planet() { Name = string.Concat(this.Name, " ", NumberToRomanConvertor.NumberToRoman(i)), OrbitalAngle = RandomAngle, ParentSystem = this }; int random = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 3f); if (random == 1) { newOrbital.planetType = 27; } else if (random == 2) { newOrbital.planetType = 29; } newOrbital.Owner = Owner; Owner.Capital = newOrbital; newOrbital.InitializeSliders(Owner); Owner.AddPlanet(newOrbital); newOrbital.SetPlanetAttributes(26f); newOrbital.MineralRichness = 1f +; newOrbital.Special = "None"; newOrbital.Fertility = 2f +; newOrbital.MaxPopulation = 14000f + 14000f *; newOrbital.Population = 14000f; newOrbital.FoodHere = 100f; newOrbital.ProductionHere = 100f; newOrbital.HasShipyard = true; newOrbital.AddGood("ReactorFuel", 1000); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Capital City").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Space Port").SetPlanet(newOrbital); if (GlobalStats.HardcoreRuleset) { ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Mine Fissionables").SetPlanet(newOrbital); ResourceManager.GetBuilding("Fuel Refinery").SetPlanet(newOrbital); } newOrbital.Position = planetCenter; newOrbital.scale = scale; newOrbital.ObjectRadius = planetRadius; newOrbital.OrbitalRadius = ringRadius; newOrbital.planetTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(45f, 135f); if (RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 100f) < 15f) { newOrbital.hasRings = true; newOrbital.ringTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(-80f, -45f); } this.PlanetList.Add(newOrbital); RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 3f); SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = false, planet = newOrbital }; this.RingList.Add(ring); } } }