private void DoExplorePlanet(MilitaryTask Task) { bool flag1 = true; foreach (Building building in Task.GetTargetPlanet().BuildingList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(building.EventTriggerUID)) { flag1 = false; break; } } bool flag2 = false; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.TroopList.Count > 0) flag2 = true; } foreach (PlanetGridSquare planetGridSquare in Task.GetTargetPlanet().TilesList) { if (planetGridSquare.TroopsHere.Count > 0 && planetGridSquare.TroopsHere[0].GetOwner() == this.Owner) { flag2 = true; break; } } if (flag1 || !flag2 || Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != null) { Task.EndTask(); } else { switch (this.TaskStep) { case 0: List<Planet> list1 = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list1.Add(planet); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable1 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list1, (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => Vector2.Distance(Task.AO, planet.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1) <= 0) break; Vector2 fVec = Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position); Vector2 vector2 = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position; this.MoveToNow(vector2, Math.Abs(MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(vector2, Task.AO))), fVec); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; this.TaskStep = 1; break; case 1: bool flag3 = true; bool flag4 = false; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 5000.0) flag3 = false; if (ship.InCombat) flag4 = true; if (!flag3) break; } } if (!flag3 && !flag4) break; this.TaskStep = 2; Vector2 MovePosition = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position + Vector2.Normalize(this.findAveragePosition() - Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position) * 50000f; this.Position = MovePosition; this.FormationWarpTo(MovePosition, MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO)), Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.findAveragePosition())); break; case 2: bool flag5 = true; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 5000.0) flag5 = false; if (!flag5) break; } } if (!flag5) break; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().State = AIState.HoldPosition; if (ship.Role == "troop") ship.GetAI().HoldPosition(); } this.InterceptorDict.Clear(); this.TaskStep = 3; break; case 3: this.EnemyClumpsDict.Clear(); List<Ship> list2 = new List<Ship>(); List<GameplayObject> nearby1 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < nearby1.Count; ++index1) { Ship ship1 = nearby1[index1] as Ship; if (ship1 != null) { ship1.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; if (ship1.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship1.loyalty.isFaction || this.Owner.GetRelations()[ship1.loyalty].AtWar) && (!list2.Contains(ship1) && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, Task.AO) < (double)Task.AORadius && !this.EnemyClumpsDict.ContainsKey(ship1.Center))) { this.EnemyClumpsDict.Add(ship1.Center, new List<Ship>()); this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship1); list2.Add(ship1); List<GameplayObject> nearby2 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < nearby2.Count; ++index2) { Ship ship2 = nearby2[index2] as Ship; if (ship2 != null && ship2.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship2.loyalty == ship1.loyalty && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, ship2.Center) < 10000.0) && !list2.Contains(ship2)) this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship2); } } } } if (this.EnemyClumpsDict.Count == 0) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { List<Vector2> list3 = new List<Vector2>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, List<Ship>> keyValuePair in this.EnemyClumpsDict) list3.Add(keyValuePair.Key); IOrderedEnumerable<Vector2> orderedEnumerable2 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Vector2, float>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)list3, (Func<Vector2, float>)(clumpPos => Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), clumpPos))); List<Ship> list4 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship toAttack in this.EnemyClumpsDict[Enumerable.First<Vector2>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)orderedEnumerable2)]) { float num = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!list4.Contains(ship) && ((double)num == 0.0 || (double)num < (double)toAttack.GetStrength())) { ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(toAttack); list4.Add(ship); num += ship.GetStrength(); } } } List<Ship> list5 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!list4.Contains(ship)) list5.Add(ship); } foreach (Ship ship in list5) ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(list4[0].GetAI().Target as Ship); this.TaskStep = 4; if (this.InterceptorDict.Count != 0) break; this.TaskStep = 4; break; } case 4: float num1 = 0.0f; float num2 = 0.0f; float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num1 += ship.Ordinance; num2 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num3 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num4 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } float num5 = num3 + num4; if ((double)num3 >= 0.5 * (double)num5 && (double)num1 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num2) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { bool flag6 = false; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.InCombat) { flag6 = true; break; } } if (!flag6) break; this.TaskStep = 3; break; } case 5: foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; ship.GetAI().OrderLandAllTroops(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); } this.Position = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position; this.AssembleFleet(this.facing, Vector2.Normalize(this.Position - this.findAveragePosition())); break; } } }
private void DoGlassPlanet(MilitaryTask Task) { if (Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == this.Owner || Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null) Task.EndTask(); else if (Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != null & Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != this.Owner && !Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner.GetRelations()[this.Owner].AtWar) { Task.EndTask(); } else { switch (this.TaskStep) { case 0: List<Planet> list1 = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list1.Add(planet); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable1 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list1, (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => Vector2.Distance(Task.AO, planet.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1) <= 0) break; Vector2 fVec = Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position); Vector2 vector2 = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position; this.MoveToNow(vector2, Math.Abs(MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(vector2, Task.AO))), fVec); this.TaskStep = 1; break; case 1: bool flag = true; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 15000.0) flag = false; int num = ship.InCombat ? 1 : 0; if (!flag) break; } } if (!flag) break; Vector2 MovePosition = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position + Vector2.Normalize(this.findAveragePosition() - Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position) * 150000f; this.Position = MovePosition; this.FormationWarpTo(MovePosition, MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO)), Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.findAveragePosition())); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; this.TaskStep = 2; break; case 2: if (Task.WaitForCommand && (double)this.Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.PingRadarStr(Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position, 30000f, this.Owner) > 250.0) break; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); this.TaskStep = 4; break; case 4: float num1 = 0.0f; float num2 = 0.0f; float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num1 += ship.Ordinance; num2 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num3 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num4 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } float num5 = num3 + num4; if ((double)num3 >= 0.5 * (double)num5 && (double)num1 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num2) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { this.TaskStep = 2; break; } case 5: List<Planet> list2 = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list2.Add(planet); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable2 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list2, (Func<Planet, float>)(p => Vector2.Distance(this.Position, p.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable2) <= 0) break; this.Position = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable2).Position; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().OrderResupply(Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable2), true); this.TaskStep = 6; break; case 6: float num6 = 0.0f; float num7 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.GetAI().State != AIState.Resupply) { this.TaskStep = 5; return; } else { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; num6 += ship.Ordinance; num7 += ship.OrdinanceMax; } } if ((double)num6 != (double)num7) break; this.TaskStep = 0; break; } } }
private void DoAssaultPlanet(MilitaryTask Task) { if (Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == this.Owner || Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != null && !this.Owner.GetRelations()[Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner].AtWar) { if (Task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == this.Owner) { MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(); militaryTask.AO = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position; militaryTask.AORadius = 50000f; militaryTask.WhichFleet = Task.WhichFleet; militaryTask.SetEmpire(this.Owner); militaryTask.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendPostInvasion; this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.QueuePendingRemoval(Task); this.Task = militaryTask; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(Task); } else Task.EndTask(); } else { float num1 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) num1 += ship.GetStrength(); if ((double)num1 == 0.0) Task.EndTask(); int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if ((double)ship.GetStrength() > 0.0) ++num3; num2 += ship.TroopList.Count; } if (num2 == 0) { foreach (Troop troop in Task.GetTargetPlanet().TroopsHere) { if (troop.GetOwner() == this.Owner) ++num2; } } if (num2 == 0 || num3 == 0) { if (num3 == 0) Task.IsCoreFleetTask = false; Task.EndTask(); this.Task = (MilitaryTask)null; this.TaskStep = 0; } else { switch (this.TaskStep) { case 0: List<Planet> list1 = new List<Planet>(); this.Owner.GetPlanets().thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets().OrderBy(combat=> combat.ParentSystem.DangerTimer)) { if (planet.HasShipyard ) list1.Add(planet); } this.Owner.GetPlanets().thisLock.ExitReadLock(); IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable1 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list1, (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => Vector2.Distance(Task.AO, planet.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1) > 0) { Vector2 fVec = Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position); Vector2 vector2 = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position; this.MoveToNow(vector2, Math.Abs(MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(vector2, Task.AO))), fVec); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; this.TaskStep = 1; break; } else { Task.EndTask(); break; } case 1: bool flag1 = true; this.Ships.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 5000.0) { flag1 = false; this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); } else if (ship.GetAI().BadGuysNear) { this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); Task.EndTask(); flag1 = false; } int num4 = ship.InCombat ? 1 : 0; if (!flag1) break; } } if (!flag1) break; this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); this.TaskStep = 2; Vector2 MovePosition = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position + Vector2.Normalize(this.findAveragePosition() - Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position) * 125000f; this.Position = MovePosition; this.FormationWarpTo(MovePosition, MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO)), Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.findAveragePosition())); break; case 2: bool flag2 = true; this.Ships.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 25000.0) flag2 = false; if (!flag2) break; } } this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); if (!flag2) break; this.Ships.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; ship.GetAI().State = AIState.HoldPosition; if (ship.BombBays.Count > 0) ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); else if (ship.Role == "troop") ship.GetAI().HoldPosition(); } this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); this.InterceptorDict.Clear(); this.TaskStep = 3; break; case 3: float num5 = 0.0f; float num6 = 0.0f; float num7 = 0.0f; float num8 = 0.0f; this.Ships.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num5 += ship.Ordinance; num6 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num7 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num8 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); float num9 = num7 + num8; if ((double)num7 >= 0.5 * (double)num9 && (double)num5 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num6) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { foreach (Ship key in (List<Ship>)Task.GetTargetPlanet().system.ShipList) { if (key.loyalty != this.Owner && (key.loyalty.isFaction || this.Owner.GetRelations()[key.loyalty].AtWar) && ((double)Vector2.Distance(key.Center, Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position) < 15000.0 && !this.InterceptorDict.ContainsKey(key))) this.InterceptorDict.Add(key, new List<Ship>()); } List<Ship> list2 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Ship, List<Ship>> keyValuePair in this.InterceptorDict) { List<Ship> list3 = new List<Ship>(); if ((double)Vector2.Distance(keyValuePair.Key.Center, Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position) > 20000.0 || !keyValuePair.Key.Active) { list2.Add(keyValuePair.Key); foreach (Ship ship in keyValuePair.Value) { lock (ship) { ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().Intercepting = false; ship.GetAI().OrderOrbitPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ship.GetAI().Intercepting = false; } } } foreach (Ship ship in keyValuePair.Value) { if (!ship.Active) list3.Add(ship); } foreach (Ship ship in list3) keyValuePair.Value.Remove(ship); } foreach (Ship key in list2) this.InterceptorDict.Remove(key); foreach (KeyValuePair<Ship, List<Ship>> keyValuePair1 in this.InterceptorDict) { List<Ship> list3 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.Role != "troop") list3.Add(ship); } List<Ship> list4 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Ship, List<Ship>> keyValuePair2 in this.InterceptorDict) { list4.Add(keyValuePair2.Key); foreach (Ship ship in keyValuePair2.Value) list3.Remove(ship); } foreach (Ship toAttack in (IEnumerable<Ship>)Enumerable.OrderByDescending<Ship, float>((IEnumerable<Ship>)list4, (Func<Ship, float>)(ship => ship.GetStrength()))) { IOrderedEnumerable<Ship> orderedEnumerable2 = Enumerable.OrderByDescending<Ship, float>((IEnumerable<Ship>)list3, (Func<Ship, float>)(ship => ship.GetStrength())); float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (IEnumerable<Ship>)orderedEnumerable2) { if ((double)num4 != 0.0) { if ((double)num4 >= (double)toAttack.GetStrength() * 1.5) break; } ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; list3.Remove(ship); ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(toAttack); this.InterceptorDict[toAttack].Add(ship); num4 += ship.GetStrength(); } } } if (this.InterceptorDict.Count == 0 || (double)this.Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.PingRadarStr(Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position, 25000f, this.Owner) < 500.0) this.TaskStep = 4; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); using (List<MilitaryTask>.Enumerator resource_0 = this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.GetEnumerator()) { while (resource_0.MoveNext()) { MilitaryTask local_43 = resource_0.Current; if (local_43.WaitForCommand && local_43.GetTargetPlanet() != null && local_43.GetTargetPlanet() == Task.GetTargetPlanet()) local_43.WaitForCommand = false; } this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); break; } this.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); } } case 4: int num10 = 0; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.BombBays.Count > 0 && (double)ship.Ordinance / (double)ship.OrdinanceMax > 0.200000002980232) { num10 += ship.BombBays.Count; ship.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); } } float num11 = 0.0f; float num12 = 0.0f; float num13 = 0.0f; float num14 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num11 += ship.Ordinance; num12 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num13 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num14 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } float num15 = num13 + num14; if ((double)num13 >= 0.5 * (double)num15 && (double)num11 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num12) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { bool flag3 = true; float groundStrOfPlanet = this.GetGroundStrOfPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { foreach (Troop troop in ship.TroopList) num4 += (float)troop.Strength; } if ((double)num4 > (double)groundStrOfPlanet || num10 < 6) { flag3 = true; } else { int num16 = 0; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.BombBays.Count > 0) { ++num16; if ((double)ship.Ordinance / (double)ship.OrdinanceMax > 0.200000002980232) { flag3 = false; break; } } } if (num16 == 0) flag3 = true; } if (flag3) { foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.BombBays.Count > 0) { ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); } } this.Position = Task.GetTargetPlanet().Position; this.AssembleFleet(this.facing, Vector2.Normalize(this.Position - this.findAveragePosition())); using (List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = this.Ships.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.GetAI().OrderLandAllTroops(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); break; } } else { this.Ships.thisLock.EnterReadLock(); using (List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = this.Ships.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Ship current = enumerator.Current; if (current.BombBays.Count > 0) current.GetAI().OrderBombardPlanet(Task.GetTargetPlanet()); } this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); break; } this.Ships.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); } } case 5: List<Planet> list5 = new List<Planet>(); this.Owner.GetPlanets().thisLock.EnterReadLock(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list5.Add(planet); } this.Owner.GetPlanets().thisLock.ExitReadLock(); IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable3 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list5, (Func<Planet, float>)(p => Vector2.Distance(this.Position, p.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3) > 0) { this.Position = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3).Position; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().OrderResupply(Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3), true); this.TaskStep = 6; break; } else { Task.EndTask(); break; } case 6: float num17 = 0.0f; float num18 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; num17 += ship.Ordinance; num18 += ship.OrdinanceMax; } if ((double)num17 < (double)num18 * 0.899999976158142) break; this.TaskStep = 0; break; } } } }
private void DoCohesiveClearAreaOfEnemies(MilitaryTask Task) { switch (this.TaskStep) { case 0: this.TaskStep = 1; this.DoCohesiveClearAreaOfEnemies(Task); break; case 1: List<ThreatMatrix.Pin> list1 = new List<ThreatMatrix.Pin>(); Dictionary<ThreatMatrix.Pin, float> dictionary1 = new Dictionary<ThreatMatrix.Pin, float>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> keyValuePair1 in this.Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.Pins) { if (!(keyValuePair1.Value.EmpireName == && (EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(keyValuePair1.Value.EmpireName).isFaction || this.Owner.GetRelations()[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(keyValuePair1.Value.EmpireName)].AtWar) && (!list1.Contains(keyValuePair1.Value) && (double)Vector2.Distance(keyValuePair1.Value.Position, Task.AO) < (double)Task.AORadius)) { dictionary1.Add(keyValuePair1.Value, keyValuePair1.Value.Strength); list1.Add(keyValuePair1.Value); foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> keyValuePair2 in this.Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.Pins) { if (!(keyValuePair2.Value.EmpireName == && keyValuePair2.Value.EmpireName == keyValuePair1.Value.EmpireName && ((double)Vector2.Distance(keyValuePair1.Value.Position, keyValuePair2.Value.Position) < 150000.0 && !list1.Contains(keyValuePair2.Value))) { Dictionary<ThreatMatrix.Pin, float> dictionary2; ThreatMatrix.Pin index; (dictionary2 = dictionary1)[index = keyValuePair1.Value] = dictionary2[index] + keyValuePair2.Value.Strength; } } } } float strength = this.GetStrength(); this.targetPosition = Vector2.Zero; foreach (KeyValuePair<ThreatMatrix.Pin, float> keyValuePair in dictionary1) { if ((double)strength > (double)keyValuePair.Value * 1.35000002384186 && (double)keyValuePair.Value > 750.0) this.targetPosition = keyValuePair.Key.Position; } if (this.targetPosition != Vector2.Zero) { Vector2 fvec = Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.targetPosition); this.FormationWarpTo(this.targetPosition, Math.Abs(MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.targetPosition, Task.AO))), fvec); this.TaskStep = 2; break; } else { this.Task.EndTask(); break; } case 2: if ((double)this.Owner.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.PingRadarStr(this.targetPosition, 20000f, this.Owner) == 0.0) { this.TaskStep = 1; break; } else { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(this.targetPosition, this.findAveragePosition()) >= 25000.0) break; this.TaskStep = 3; break; } case 3: this.EnemyClumpsDict.Clear(); List<Ship> list2 = new List<Ship>(); Vector2 averagePosition = this.findAveragePosition(); List<GameplayObject> nearby1 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < nearby1.Count; ++index1) { Ship ship1 = nearby1[index1] as Ship; if (ship1 != null && ship1.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship1.loyalty.isFaction || this.Owner.GetRelations()[ship1.loyalty].AtWar) && (!list2.Contains(ship1) && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, averagePosition) < 50000.0 && !this.EnemyClumpsDict.ContainsKey(ship1.Center))) { this.EnemyClumpsDict.Add(ship1.Center, new List<Ship>()); this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship1); list2.Add(ship1); List<GameplayObject> nearby2 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < nearby2.Count; ++index2) { Ship ship2 = nearby2[index2] as Ship; if (ship2 != null && ship2.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship2.loyalty == ship1.loyalty && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, ship2.Center) < 10000.0) && !list2.Contains(ship2)) this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship2); } } } if (this.EnemyClumpsDict.Count == 0) { Task.EndTask(); break; } else { List<Vector2> list3 = new List<Vector2>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, List<Ship>> keyValuePair in this.EnemyClumpsDict) list3.Add(keyValuePair.Key); IOrderedEnumerable<Vector2> orderedEnumerable = Enumerable.OrderBy<Vector2, float>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)list3, (Func<Vector2, float>)(clumpPos => Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), clumpPos))); List<Ship> list4 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship toAttack in this.EnemyClumpsDict[Enumerable.First<Vector2>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)orderedEnumerable)]) { float num = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!list4.Contains(ship) && ((double)num == 0.0 || (double)num < (double)toAttack.GetStrength())) { ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(toAttack); list4.Add(ship); num += ship.GetStrength(); } } } List<Ship> list5 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!list4.Contains(ship)) list5.Add(ship); } foreach (Ship ship in list5) { ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(list4[0].GetAI().Target as Ship); } this.TaskStep = 4; break; } case 4: float num1 = 0.0f; float num2 = 0.0f; float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num1 += ship.Ordinance; num2 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num3 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num4 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } float num5 = num3 + num4; if ((double)num3 >= 0.5 * (double)num5 && (double)num1 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num2) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { bool flag = false; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.GetAI().BadGuysNear || ship.isInDeepSpace) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) break; this.TaskStep = 3; break; } case 5: foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().OrderResupplyNearest(); this.TaskStep = 6; break; case 6: float num6 = 0.0f; float num7 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (ship.GetAI().State != AIState.Resupply) { Task.EndTask(); return; } else { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; num6 += ship.Ordinance; num7 += ship.OrdinanceMax; } } if ((double)num6 != (double)num7) break; this.TaskStep = 1; break; } }
//added by gremlin deveksmod military planner private void RunMilitaryPlanner() { float SizeLimiter = GlobalStats.MemoryLimiter; int ShipCountLimit = GlobalStats.ShipCountLimit; List<AO>.Enumerator enumerator; if(!this.empire.MinorRace) this.RunGroundPlanner(); this.numberOfShipGoals = 0; foreach (Planet p in this.empire.GetPlanets()) { // if (!p.HasShipyard || (p.GetMaxProductionPotential() <2f if ((p.GetMaxProductionPotential() < 2f //||( !=0 && p.GetMaxProductionPotential()-p.consumption <2f) || == Planet.GoodState.IMPORT )) //p.GetNetProductionPerTurn() < .5f)) { continue; } this.numberOfShipGoals = this.numberOfShipGoals + (int)((p.ProductionHere)/50); //(int)(p.ProductionHere /(1+ p.ConstructionQueue.Sum(q => q.Cost))); } float numgoals = 0f; float offenseUnderConstruction = 0f; float UnderConstruction = 0f; float TroopStrengthUnderConstruction = 0f; foreach (Goal g in this.Goals) //Parallel.ForEach(this.Goals, g => { if (g.GoalName == "BuildOffensiveShips") { if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useProportionalUpkeep) { UnderConstruction = UnderConstruction + ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCostRealism(); } else { UnderConstruction = UnderConstruction + ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCost(this.empire); } offenseUnderConstruction += ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].BaseStrength; foreach (Troop t in ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].TroopList) { TroopStrengthUnderConstruction = TroopStrengthUnderConstruction + (float)t.Strength; } numgoals = numgoals + 1f; } if (g.GoalName != "BuildConstructionShip") { continue; } if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useProportionalUpkeep) { UnderConstruction = UnderConstruction + ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCostRealism(); } else { UnderConstruction = UnderConstruction + ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCost(this.empire); } } //this.GetAShip(0); //float offensiveStrength = offenseUnderConstruction + this.empire.GetForcePoolStrength(); bool atWar = this.empire.GetRelations().Where(war => war.Value.AtWar).Count() > 0; //int prepareWar = this.empire.GetRelations().Where(angry => angry.Value.TotalAnger > angry.Value.Trust).Count(); //prepareWar += this.empire.GetRelations().Where(angry => angry.Value.PreparingForWar).Count(); float noIncome = this.FindTaxRateToReturnAmount(UnderConstruction); //float tax = atWar ? .40f + (prepareWar * .05f) : .25f + (prepareWar * .05f); //.45f - (tasks); //float offenseNeeded = this.empire.GetRelations().Where(war => war.Value.AtWar || war.Value.PreparingForWar || war.Value.Trust < war.Value.TotalAnger).Sum(power => power.Key.currentMilitaryStrength); float offenseNeeded = this.empire.GetRelations().Where(war => !war.Key.isFaction && war.Value.AtWar || war.Value.PreparingForWar).Sum(power => power.Key.currentMilitaryStrength); float offenseNeededThreat = this.ThreatMatrix.Pins.Values.Sum(power => power.Strength); //.Where(faction=> EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(faction.EmpireName).isFaction).Sum(power => power.Strength); //if (offenseNeededThreat > 0) // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("threat: " + offenseNeededThreat); float offenseNeededRatio = ((offenseNeeded + offenseNeededThreat)+1) / (this.empire.currentMilitaryStrength +1); //float prepareWar2 = this.empire.GetRelations().Where(angry => angry.Value.TotalAnger > angry.Value.Trust).Sum(power => power.Key.currentMilitaryStrength / (power.Value.Trust /power.Value.TotalAnger) ); //float tax = offenseNeededRatio > 0.0 ? offenseNeededRatio * (.6f - ( :; float tax = offenseNeededRatio*.1f;// > 0.0 ? offenseNeededRatio * (.6f - ( :; if (tax > .25f) tax = .25f; else if (tax < .05f) tax = .05f; //float Capacity = this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(tax) + this.empire.Money * -.1f -UnderConstruction + this.empire.GetAverageNetIncome(); float Capacity = this.empire.Money * .1f - UnderConstruction -this.empire.GetTotalShipMaintenance();// +this.empire.GetAverageNetIncome(); float allowable_deficit = this.empire.Money * -.1f; //>0?(1 - (this.empire.Money * 10 / this.empire.Money)):0); //-Capacity;// +(this.empire.Money * -.1f); //-Capacity; //if ((allowable_deficit >= 0f || noIncome >.5f) && atWar) //{ // allowable_deficit = -(this.empire.Money*.5f );//- this.empire.GrossTaxes );// 0f; //} this.buildCapacity = Capacity - allowable_deficit;// +this.empire.GetTotalShipMaintenance(); ; //this.empire.GetTotalShipMaintenance(); this.GetAShip(0); if (Capacity <= allowable_deficit )//|| ( >=.5f && this.empire.GetAverageNetIncome()<0)) //(Capacity <= 0f) { float HowMuchWeAreScrapping = 0f; foreach (Ship ship1 in this.empire.GetShips()) { if (ship1.GetAI().State != AIState.Scrap) { continue; } if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useProportionalUpkeep) { HowMuchWeAreScrapping = HowMuchWeAreScrapping + ship1.GetMaintCostRealism(); } else { HowMuchWeAreScrapping = HowMuchWeAreScrapping + ship1.GetMaintCost(this.empire); } } if (HowMuchWeAreScrapping < Math.Abs(Capacity)) { float Added = 0f; //added by gremlin clear out building ships before active ships. if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useProportionalUpkeep) { foreach (Goal g in this.Goals.Where(goal => goal.GoalName == "BuildOffensiveShips").OrderByDescending(goal => ResourceManager.ShipsDict[goal.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCostRealism())) { bool flag = false; if (g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding() == null) continue; foreach (QueueItem shipToRemove in g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue) { if (shipToRemove.Goal != g) { continue; } g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ProductionHere += shipToRemove.productionTowards; g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue.QueuePendingRemoval(shipToRemove); this.Goals.QueuePendingRemoval(g); Added += ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCostRealism(); flag = true; break; } if (flag) g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue.ApplyPendingRemovals(); } } else { foreach (Goal g in this.Goals.Where(goal => goal.GoalName == "BuildOffensiveShips").OrderByDescending(goal => ResourceManager.ShipsDict[goal.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCost(this.empire))) { bool flag = false; if (g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding() == null) continue; foreach (QueueItem shipToRemove in g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue) { if (shipToRemove.Goal != g) { continue; } g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ProductionHere += shipToRemove.productionTowards; g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue.QueuePendingRemoval(shipToRemove); this.Goals.QueuePendingRemoval(g); Added += ResourceManager.ShipsDict[g.ToBuildUID].GetMaintCost(this.empire); flag = true; break; } if (flag) g.GetPlanetWhereBuilding().ConstructionQueue.ApplyPendingRemovals(); } } this.Goals.ApplyPendingRemovals(); } } //Capacity = this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(tax) - UnderConstruction; //if (allowable_deficit > 0f || noIncome > tax) //{ // allowable_deficit = Math.Abs(allowable_deficit); //} while (Capacity > 0 //this.buildCapacity > 0 //Capacity > allowable_deficit && numgoals < this.numberOfShipGoals && (Empire.universeScreen.globalshipCount < ShipCountLimit+ recyclepool || this.empire.empireShipTotal <this.empire.EmpireShipCountReserve)) //shipsize < SizeLimiter) { string s = this.GetAShip(this.buildCapacity-allowable_deficit);//Capacity - allowable_deficit); if (s == null) { break; } if(this.recyclepool>0) { this.recyclepool--; } Goal g = new Goal(s, "BuildOffensiveShips", this.empire) { type = GoalType.BuildShips }; this.Goals.Add(g); if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useProportionalUpkeep) { Capacity = Capacity - ResourceManager.ShipsDict[s].GetMaintCostRealism(); } else { Capacity = Capacity - ResourceManager.ShipsDict[s].GetMaintCost(this.empire); } numgoals = numgoals + 1f; } //this.GetAShip(0); int numWars = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship> Relationship in this.empire.GetRelations()) { if (!Relationship.Value.AtWar || Relationship.Key.isFaction) { continue; } numWars++; } foreach (Goal g in this.Goals) //Parallel.ForEach(this.Goals, g => { if (g.type != GoalType.Colonize || g.Held) { if (g.type != GoalType.Colonize || !g.Held || g.GetMarkedPlanet().Owner == null) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Relationship> Relationship in this.empire.GetRelations()) { this.empire.GetGSAI().CheckClaim(Relationship, g.GetMarkedPlanet()); } this.Goals.QueuePendingRemoval(g); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { foreach (Guid held in task.HeldGoals) { if (held != g.guid) { continue; } this.TaskList.QueuePendingRemoval(task); break; } } } } else { if (g.GetMarkedPlanet() != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, ThreatMatrix.Pin> pin in this.ThreatMatrix.Pins.Where(pin => !((Vector2.Distance(g.GetMarkedPlanet().Position, pin.Value.Position) >= 75000f) || EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName) == this.empire || pin.Value.Strength <= 0f || !this.empire.GetRelations()[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName)].AtWar))) { if (Vector2.Distance(g.GetMarkedPlanet().Position, pin.Value.Position) >= 75000f || EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName) == this.empire || pin.Value.Strength <= 0f || !this.empire.GetRelations()[EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName)].AtWar && !EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(pin.Value.EmpireName).isFaction) { continue; } List<Goal> tohold = new List<Goal>() { g }; MilitaryTask task = new MilitaryTask(g.GetMarkedPlanet().Position, 125000f, tohold, this.empire); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.TaskList.Add(task); break; } } } } } if ( == "Aggressive" || == "Ruthless" || == "Expansionist") { foreach (Goal g in this.Goals) { if (g.type != GoalType.Colonize || g.Held) { continue; } bool OK = true; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask mt in this.TaskList) //Parallel.ForEach(this.TaskList, (mt,state) => { if ((mt.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendClaim && mt.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.ClearAreaOfEnemies ) || g.GetMarkedPlanet() != null && !(mt.TargetPlanetGuid == g.GetMarkedPlanet().guid)) { continue; } OK = false; break; } } if (!OK) { continue; } if (g.GetMarkedPlanet() == null) continue; MilitaryTask task = new MilitaryTask() { AO = g.GetMarkedPlanet().Position }; task.SetEmpire(this.empire); task.AORadius = 75000f; task.SetTargetPlanet(g.GetMarkedPlanet()); task.TargetPlanetGuid = g.GetMarkedPlanet().guid; task.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendClaim; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.TaskList.Add(task); } } } this.Goals.ApplyPendingRemovals(); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { List<MilitaryTask> ToughNuts = new List<MilitaryTask>(); List<MilitaryTask> InOurSystems = new List<MilitaryTask>(); List<MilitaryTask> InOurAOs = new List<MilitaryTask>(); List<MilitaryTask> Remainder = new List<MilitaryTask>(); foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList.OrderBy(target=> target.GetTargetPlanet()!=null ? Vector2.Distance(target.GetTargetPlanet().Position,this.empire.GetWeightedCenter()):0f)) { if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet) { continue; } if (task.IsToughNut) { ToughNuts.Add(task); } else if (!this.empire.GetOwnedSystems().Contains(task.GetTargetPlanet().system)) { bool dobreak = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Planet> entry in Ship.universeScreen.PlanetsDict) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet() != entry.Value) { continue; } enumerator = this.AreasOfOperations.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { AO area = enumerator.Current; if (Vector2.Distance(entry.Value.Position, area.Position) >= area.Radius) { continue; } InOurAOs.Add(task); dobreak = true; break; } break; } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } } if (dobreak) { continue; } Remainder.Add(task); } else { InOurSystems.Add(task); } } List<MilitaryTask> TNInOurSystems = new List<MilitaryTask>(); List<MilitaryTask> TNInOurAOs = new List<MilitaryTask>(); List<MilitaryTask> TNRemainder = new List<MilitaryTask>(); foreach (MilitaryTask task in ToughNuts) { if (!this.empire.GetOwnedSystems().Contains(task.GetTargetPlanet().system)) { bool dobreak = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Planet> entry in Ship.universeScreen.PlanetsDict) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet() != entry.Value) { continue; } enumerator = this.AreasOfOperations.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { AO area = enumerator.Current; if (Vector2.Distance(entry.Value.Position, area.Position) >= area.Radius) { continue; } TNInOurAOs.Add(task); dobreak = true; break; } break; } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } } if (dobreak) { continue; } TNRemainder.Add(task); } else { TNInOurSystems.Add(task); } } foreach (MilitaryTask task in TNInOurAOs.OrderBy(target=> Vector2.Distance(target.GetTargetPlanet().Position,this.empire.GetWeightedCenter()))) //Parallel.ForEach(TNInOurAOs, task => { if (task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == this.empire || this.empire.GetRelations()[task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner].ActiveWar == null || (float)this.empire.TotalScore <= (float)task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner.TotalScore * 1.5f) { continue; //return; } task.Evaluate(this.empire); }//); foreach (MilitaryTask task in TNInOurSystems) //Parallel.ForEach(TNInOurSystems, task => { task.Evaluate(this.empire); }//); foreach (MilitaryTask task in TNRemainder) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == this.empire || this.empire.GetRelations()[task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner].ActiveWar == null || (float)this.empire.TotalScore <= (float)task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner.TotalScore * 1.5f) { continue; } task.Evaluate(this.empire); } foreach (MilitaryTask task in InOurAOs) { task.Evaluate(this.empire); } foreach (MilitaryTask task in InOurSystems) { task.Evaluate(this.empire); } foreach (MilitaryTask task in Remainder) { task.Evaluate(this.empire); } foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet) { task.Evaluate(this.empire); } if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet && task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.GlassPlanet || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != null && task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != this.empire) { continue; } task.EndTask(); } this.TaskList.AddRange(this.TasksToAdd); this.TasksToAdd.Clear(); this.TaskList.ApplyPendingRemovals(); } }
private void RunWarPlanner() { foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Relationship> r in this.empire.GetRelations()) { if (r.Key.isFaction) { r.Value.AtWar = false; } else { if (r.Value.PreparingForWar) { switch (r.Value.PreparingForWarType) { case WarType.BorderConflict: List<Planet> list1 = new List<Planet>(); IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable1 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)r.Key.GetPlanets(), (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => this.GetDistanceFromOurAO(planet))); for (int index = 0; index < Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1); ++index) { list1.Add(Enumerable.ElementAt<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1, index)); if (index == 2) break; } using (List<Planet>.Enumerator enumerator = list1.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Planet current = enumerator.Current; bool flag = true; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask item_0 in (List<MilitaryTask>)this.TaskList) { if (item_0.GetTargetPlanet() == current && item_0.type == MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet) { flag = false; break; } } } if (flag) { MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(current, this.empire); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) this.TaskList.Add(militaryTask); } } break; } case WarType.ImperialistWar: List<Planet> list2 = new List<Planet>(); IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable2 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)r.Key.GetPlanets(), (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => this.GetDistanceFromOurAO(planet))); for (int index = 0; index < Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable2); ++index) { list2.Add(Enumerable.ElementAt<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable2, index)); if (index == 2) break; } using (List<Planet>.Enumerator enumerator = list2.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Planet current = enumerator.Current; bool flag = true; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask item_1 in (List<MilitaryTask>)this.TaskList) { if (item_1.GetTargetPlanet() == current && item_1.type == MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet) { flag = false; break; } } } if (flag) { MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(current, this.empire); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) this.TaskList.Add(militaryTask); } } break; } } } if (r.Value.AtWar) { int num = (int); this.FightDefaultWar(r); } } } }
public void FactionUpdate() { string name =; if (name != null && name == "Corsairs") { bool AttackingSomeone = false; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.CorsairRaid) { continue; } AttackingSomeone = true; } } if (!AttackingSomeone) { foreach (KeyValuePair<Empire, Relationship> r in this.empire.GetRelations()) { if (!r.Value.AtWar || r.Key.GetPlanets().Count <= 0 || this.empire.GetShips().Count <= 0) { continue; } Vector2 center = new Vector2(); foreach (Ship ship in this.empire.GetShips()) { center = center + ship.Center; } center = center / (float)this.empire.GetShips().Count; IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in r.Key.GetPlanets() orderby Vector2.Distance(planet.Position, center) select planet; MilitaryTask task = new MilitaryTask(this.empire); task.SetTargetPlanet(sortedList.First<Planet>()); task.TaskTimer = 300f; task.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.CorsairRaid; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.TaskList.Add(task); } } } } lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.Exploration) { task.Evaluate(this.empire); } else { task.EndTask(); } } } }
//added by gremlin assaultrequistion forces private void RequisitionAssaultForcesDevek() { List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator; if (this.IsToughNut) { this.DoToughNutRequisition(); return; } IOrderedEnumerable<AO> sorted = from ao in this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations orderby Vector2.Distance(this.AO, ao.Position) select ao; if (sorted.Count<AO>() == 0) { return; } AO ClosestAO = sorted.First<AO>(); if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].Treaty_Peace) { this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar = false; this.EndTask(); return; } float EnemyTroopStrength = this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundStrengthOther(this.empire); //this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundStrengthOther(this.empire); //foreach (PlanetGridSquare pgs in this.TargetPlanet.TilesList) //{ // if (pgs.TroopsHere.Count <= 0) // { // if (pgs.building == null || pgs.building.CombatStrength <= 0) // { // continue; // } // EnemyTroopStrength = EnemyTroopStrength + (float)(pgs.building.CombatStrength + 5); // } // else if(pgs.TroopsHere[0].GetOwner() != this.empire) // { // EnemyTroopStrength = EnemyTroopStrength + (float)pgs.TroopsHere[0].Strength; // } //} if (EnemyTroopStrength < 20f) { EnemyTroopStrength = 25f; } List<Ship> PotentialAssaultShips = new List<Ship>(); List<Troop> PotentialTroops = new List<Troop>(); List<Ship> PotentialBombers = new List<Ship>(); //added by gremlin trying to get AI to use ships with assault bays. foreach (Ship ship in ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool()) { if ((!ship.HasTroopBay || ship.TroopList.Count <= 0) && !(ship.Role == "troop") || ship.fleet != null) { if (!ship.HasTroopBay && !ship.hasTransporter || ship.TroopList.Count == 0 || ship.fleet == null) { continue; } } PotentialAssaultShips.Add(ship); } List<Planet> shipyards = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet1 in ClosestAO.GetPlanets()) { if (!planet1.HasShipyard) { continue; } shipyards.Add(planet1); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> planets = from p in shipyards orderby Vector2.Distance(p.Position, this.TargetPlanet.Position) select p; if (planets.Count<Planet>() == 0) { return; } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in ClosestAO.GetPlanets() orderby Vector2.Distance(planet.Position, planets.First<Planet>().Position) select planet; foreach (Planet planet2 in sortedList) { foreach (Troop t in planet2.TroopsHere) { if (t.GetOwner() != this.empire || planet2.ParentSystem.combatTimer >0) { continue; } t.SetPlanet(planet2); PotentialTroops.Add(t); } } float ourAvailableStrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in PotentialAssaultShips) { foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ourAvailableStrength = ourAvailableStrength + (float)t.Strength; } } bool GoodToGo = false; foreach (Troop t in PotentialTroops) { ourAvailableStrength = ourAvailableStrength + (float)t.Strength; } float MinimumEscortStrength = 0f; int count = 0; float OurPresentStrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in this.TargetPlanet.system.ShipList) { if (ship.loyalty == this.TargetPlanet.Owner) { MinimumEscortStrength = MinimumEscortStrength + ship.GetStrength(); count++; } if (ship.loyalty != this.empire) { continue; } OurPresentStrength = OurPresentStrength + ship.GetStrength(); } MinimumEscortStrength = MinimumEscortStrength + 0.4f * MinimumEscortStrength +EnemyTroopStrength ; this.MinimumTaskForceStrength = MinimumEscortStrength; BatchRemovalCollection<Ship> elTaskForce = new BatchRemovalCollection<Ship>(); float tfstrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool()) { if (ship.InCombat || ship.fleet != null || (ship.Role == "station" || ship.Role == "platform") || tfstrength >= MinimumEscortStrength || ship.GetStrength() <= 0f) { continue; } tfstrength = tfstrength + ship.GetStrength(); elTaskForce.Add(ship); } //&& this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundLandingSpots() <this.TargetPlanet.GetPotentialGroundTroops(this.empire) *.5 ) if (ourAvailableStrength > EnemyTroopStrength * 1.65f && this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundLandingSpots() >5 && tfstrength >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } GoodToGo = true; Fleet newFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire, Name = "Invasion Fleet" }; int i = 1; while (i < 10) { if (this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Contains(i)) { i++; } else { float ForceStrength = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator1 = PotentialAssaultShips.GetEnumerator(); try { do { if (!enumerator1.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator1.Current; newFleet.AddShip(ship); foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength * 2f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator1).Dispose(); } List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator2 = PotentialTroops.GetEnumerator(); try { do { Label1: if (!enumerator2.MoveNext()) { break; } Troop t = enumerator2.Current; if (t.GetPlanet() != null) { (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); if (t.GetOwner() != null) { newFleet.AddShip(t.Launch()); ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } else { goto Label1; } } else { goto Label1; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength + EnemyTroopStrength * 0.3f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator2).Dispose(); } this.empire.GetFleetsDict()[i] = newFleet; this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Add(i); this.WhichFleet = i; newFleet.Task = this; foreach (Ship ship in elTaskForce) { newFleet.AddShip(ship); ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool().Remove(ship); ClosestAO.GetWaitingShips().Remove(ship); } newFleet.AutoArrange(); break; } } this.Step = 1; } else if (ourAvailableStrength >= EnemyTroopStrength && tfstrength >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { foreach (Ship ship in ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool()) { if ((ship.Role == "station" || ship.Role == "platform") || ship.BombBays.Count <= 0) { continue; } PotentialBombers.Add(ship); if (elTaskForce.Contains(ship)) { continue; } elTaskForce.Add(ship); } if (PotentialBombers.Count > 0) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } GoodToGo = true; Fleet newFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire, Name = "Invasion Fleet" }; int i = 1; while (i < 10) { if (this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Contains(i)) { i++; } else { float ForceStrength = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator3 = PotentialAssaultShips.GetEnumerator(); try { do { if (!enumerator3.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator3.Current; newFleet.AddShip(ship); foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength * 2f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator3).Dispose(); } enumerator = PotentialTroops.GetEnumerator(); try { do { Label0: if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { break; } Troop t = enumerator.Current; if (t.GetPlanet() != null && t != null) { (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); Ship launched = t.Launch(); ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; newFleet.AddShip(launched); } else { goto Label0; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength + EnemyTroopStrength * 0.3f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } this.empire.GetFleetsDict()[i] = newFleet; this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Add(i); this.WhichFleet = i; newFleet.Task = this; foreach (Ship ship in elTaskForce) { newFleet.AddShip(ship); ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool().Remove(ship); ClosestAO.GetWaitingShips().Remove(ship); } newFleet.AutoArrange(); break; } } this.Step = 1; } } else if (ourAvailableStrength > EnemyTroopStrength * 1.5f) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task == null && ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().GetStrength() > this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { MilitaryTask clearArea = new MilitaryTask(ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner) { AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position, AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.ClearAreaOfEnemies }; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(clearArea); clearArea.WhichFleet = ClosestAO.WhichFleet; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task = clearArea; clearArea.IsCoreFleetTask = true; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().TaskStep = 1; clearArea.Step = 1; if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } } } else if (EnemyTroopStrength > 100f) { this.IsToughNut = true; } if (!GoodToGo) { this.NeededTroopStrength = (int)(EnemyTroopStrength + EnemyTroopStrength * 0.3f - ourAvailableStrength); } }
public void Update() { foreach (Ship ship in this.OffensiveForcePool) { if (ship.Active && ship.fleet == null && ship.Role != "troop") { continue; } //this.OffensiveForcePool.Remove(ship); this.OffensiveForcePool.QueuePendingRemoval(ship); } this.OffensiveForcePool.ApplyPendingRemovals(); if (this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet.Count > 0 && this.CoreFleet.Ships.Count < this.ThreatLevel +1 && (this.CoreFleet.Ships.Count == 0 || this.CoreFleet.Task == null)) { foreach (Ship waiting in this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet) { if (waiting.fleet == null) { this.CoreFleet.AddShip(waiting); waiting.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); waiting.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = false; } this.OffensiveForcePool.Remove(waiting); } this.ShipsWaitingForCoreFleet.Clear(); this.CoreFleet.Position = this.CoreWorld.Position; this.CoreFleet.AutoArrange(); this.CoreFleet.MoveToNow(this.Position, 0f, new Vector2(0f, -1f)); } if (this.CoreFleet.Task == null) { AO turnsToRelax = this; turnsToRelax.TurnsToRelax = turnsToRelax.TurnsToRelax + 1; } if (this.ThreatLevel * ( 1-( this.TurnsToRelax /10)) < this.CoreFleet.GetStrength()) { if (this.CoreFleet.Task == null && this.CoreWorld.Owner != Ship.universeScreen.player) { MilitaryTask clearArea = new MilitaryTask(this.CoreFleet.Owner) { AO = this.Position, AORadius = this.Radius, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.CohesiveClearAreaOfEnemies, WhichFleet = this.WhichFleet, IsCoreFleetTask = true }; this.CoreFleet.Task = clearArea; this.CoreFleet.TaskStep = 1; if (this.CoreFleet.Owner == null) { this.CoreFleet.Owner = this.CoreWorld.Owner; //lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.CoreFleet.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(clearArea); } } else { //lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.CoreFleet.Owner.GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(clearArea); } } } this.TurnsToRelax = 1; } }
public override void LoadContent() { GlobalStats.ResearchRootUIDToDisplay = "Colonization"; SystemInfoUIElement.SysFont = Fonts.Arial12Bold; SystemInfoUIElement.DataFont = Fonts.Arial10; this.NotificationManager = new NotificationManager(this.ScreenManager, this); = new AutomationWindow(this.ScreenManager, this); for (int index = 0; (double)index < (double)this.Size.X / 5000.0; ++index) { NebulousOverlay nebulousOverlay = new NebulousOverlay(); float z = RandomMath.RandomBetween(-200000f, -2E+07f); nebulousOverlay.Path = "Textures/smoke"; nebulousOverlay.Position = new Vector3(RandomMath.RandomBetween(-0.5f * this.Size.X, this.Size.X + 0.5f * this.Size.X), RandomMath.RandomBetween(-0.5f * this.Size.X, this.Size.X + 0.5f * this.Size.X), z); float radians = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.0f, 6.283185f); nebulousOverlay.Scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(10f, 100f); nebulousOverlay.WorldMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(50f) * Matrix.CreateScale(nebulousOverlay.Scale) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(radians) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(nebulousOverlay.Position); this.Stars.Add(nebulousOverlay); } this.LoadGraphics(); UniverseScreen.DeepSpaceManager.Setup((int)this.Size.X, (int)this.Size.Y, (int)(500000.0 * (double)this.GameScale), new Vector2(this.Size.X / 2f, this.Size.Y / 2f)); UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.Setup((int)this.Size.X, (int)this.Size.Y, (int)(500000.0 * (double)this.GameScale), new Vector2(this.Size.X / 2f, this.Size.Y / 2f)); this.DoParticleLoad(); this.bg3d = new Background3D(this); this.starfield = new Starfield(Vector2.Zero, this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, this.ScreenManager.Content); this.starfield.LoadContent(); GameplayObject.audioListener = this.listener; Weapon.audioListener = this.listener; GameplayObject.audioListener = this.listener; this.projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(0.7853982f, (float)this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float)this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 1000f, 3E+07f); this.SetLighting(this.UseRealLights); foreach (SolarSystem solarSystem in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList) { foreach (string FleetUID in solarSystem.DefensiveFleets) { Fleet defensiveFleetAt = HelperFunctions.CreateDefensiveFleetAt(FleetUID, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant"), solarSystem.PlanetList[0].Position); MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(); militaryTask.AO = solarSystem.PlanetList[0].Position; militaryTask.AORadius = 120000f; militaryTask.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendSystem; defensiveFleetAt.Task = militaryTask; defensiveFleetAt.TaskStep = 3; militaryTask.WhichFleet = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10; EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10, defensiveFleetAt); EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(militaryTask); militaryTask.Step = 2; } if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.customRemnantElements) { foreach (Planet p in solarSystem.PlanetList) { foreach (string FleetUID in p.PlanetFleets) { Fleet planetFleetAt = HelperFunctions.CreateDefensiveFleetAt(FleetUID, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant"), p.Position); MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(); militaryTask.AO = solarSystem.PlanetList[0].Position; militaryTask.AORadius = 120000f; militaryTask.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendSystem; planetFleetAt.Task = militaryTask; planetFleetAt.TaskStep = 3; militaryTask.WhichFleet = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10; EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10, planetFleetAt); EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(militaryTask); militaryTask.Step = 2; } } } foreach (SolarSystem.FleetAndPos fleetAndPos in solarSystem.FleetsToSpawn) { Fleet defensiveFleetAt = HelperFunctions.CreateDefensiveFleetAt(fleetAndPos.fleetname, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant"), solarSystem.Position + fleetAndPos.Pos); MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(); militaryTask.AO = solarSystem.Position + fleetAndPos.Pos; militaryTask.AORadius = 75000f; militaryTask.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.DefendSystem; defensiveFleetAt.Task = militaryTask; defensiveFleetAt.TaskStep = 3; militaryTask.WhichFleet = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10; EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetFleetsDict().Count + 10, defensiveFleetAt); EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant").GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(militaryTask); militaryTask.Step = 2; } foreach (string key in solarSystem.ShipsToSpawn) ResourceManager.CreateShipAt(key, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant"), solarSystem.PlanetList[0], true); foreach (Planet p in solarSystem.PlanetList) { if (p.Owner != null) { foreach (string key in p.Guardians) ResourceManager.CreateShipAt(key, p.Owner, p, true); } else { //Added by McShooterz: alternate hostile fleets populate universe if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && ResourceManager.HostileFleets.Fleets.Count > 0) { if (p.Guardians.Count > 0) { int randomFleet = HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(ResourceManager.HostileFleets.Fleets.Count); foreach (string ship in ResourceManager.HostileFleets.Fleets[randomFleet].Ships) { ResourceManager.CreateShipAt(ship, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(ResourceManager.HostileFleets.Fleets[randomFleet].Empire), p, true); } } } else { foreach (string key in p.Guardians) ResourceManager.CreateShipAt(key, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("The Remnant"), p, true); if (p.CorsairPresence) { ResourceManager.CreateShipAt("Corsair Asteroid Base", EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("Corsairs"), p, true).TetherToPlanet(p); ResourceManager.CreateShipAt("Corsair", EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("Corsairs"), p, true); ResourceManager.CreateShipAt("Captured Gunship", EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("Corsairs"), p, true); ResourceManager.CreateShipAt("Captured Gunship", EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName("Corsairs"), p, true); } } } } foreach (Anomaly anomaly in solarSystem.AnomaliesList) { if (anomaly.type == "DP") this.anomalyManager.AnomaliesList.Add((Anomaly)new DimensionalPrison(solarSystem.Position + anomaly.Position)); } } float num = 10f; Matrix matrix = this.view; this.MaxCamHeight = 4E+07f; while ((double)num < (double)(this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth + 50)) { Vector2 vector2_1 = new Vector2(this.Size.X / 2f, this.Size.Y / 2f); Matrix view = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) * Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(180f)) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(0.0f)) * Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(-vector2_1.X, vector2_1.Y, this.MaxCamHeight), new Vector3(-vector2_1.X, vector2_1.Y, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, -1f, 0.0f)); Vector3 vector3_1 = this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Project(Vector3.Zero, this.projection, view, Matrix.Identity); Vector2 vector2_2 = new Vector2(vector3_1.X, vector3_1.Y); Vector3 vector3_2 = this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Project(new Vector3(this.Size, 0.0f), this.projection, view, Matrix.Identity); num = new Vector2(vector3_2.X, vector3_2.Y).X - vector2_2.X; if ((double)num < (double)(this.ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth + 50)) this.MaxCamHeight -= 0.1f * this.MaxCamHeight; } if (MaxCamHeight > 23000000) MaxCamHeight = 23000000; if (!this.loading) { this.camPos.X = this.playerShip.Center.X; this.camPos.Y = this.playerShip.Center.Y; this.camHeight = 2750f; } this.transitionDestination = new Vector3(this.camPos.X, this.camPos.Y, this.camHeight); foreach (NebulousOverlay nebulousOverlay in this.Stars) this.star_particles.AddParticleThreadA(nebulousOverlay.Position, Vector3.Zero); if (this.MultiThread) { this.WorkerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Worker)); this.WorkerThread.IsBackground = true; this.WorkerThread.Start(); //this.ShipUpdateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ShipUpdater)); //this.ShipUpdateThread.IsBackground = true; #if !ALTERTHREAD this.SystemResetEvents = new ManualResetEvent[4]; this.SystemGateKeeper = new AutoResetEvent[4]; List<SolarSystem> list1 = new List<SolarSystem>(); List<SolarSystem> list2 = new List<SolarSystem>(); List<SolarSystem> list3 = new List<SolarSystem>(); List<SolarSystem> list4 = new List<SolarSystem>(); Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)this.Size.X / 2, (int)this.Size.Y / 2); Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle((int)this.Size.X / 2, 0, (int)this.Size.X / 2, (int)this.Size.Y / 2); Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle(0, (int)this.Size.Y / 2, (int)this.Size.X / 2, (int)this.Size.Y / 2); Rectangle rect4 = new Rectangle((int)this.Size.X / 2, (int)this.Size.Y / 2, (int)this.Size.X / 2, (int)this.Size.Y / 2); this.SystemResetEvents[0] = new ManualResetEvent(false); this.SystemGateKeeper[0] = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.SystemResetEvents[1] = new ManualResetEvent(false); this.SystemGateKeeper[1] = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.SystemResetEvents[2] = new ManualResetEvent(false); this.SystemGateKeeper[2] = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.SystemResetEvents[3] = new ManualResetEvent(false); this.SystemGateKeeper[3] = new AutoResetEvent(false); for (int index = 0; index < UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList.Count; ++index) { if (HelperFunctions.CheckIntersection(rect1, UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].Position)) { UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].IndexOfResetEvent = 0; list1.Add(UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index]); } if (HelperFunctions.CheckIntersection(rect2, UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].Position)) { UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].IndexOfResetEvent = 1; list2.Add(UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index]); } if (HelperFunctions.CheckIntersection(rect3, UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].Position)) { UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].IndexOfResetEvent = 2; list3.Add(UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index]); } if (HelperFunctions.CheckIntersection(rect4, UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].Position)) { UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index].IndexOfResetEvent = 3; list4.Add(UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList[index]); } } Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.SystemUpdater)); this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread1); thread1.Start((object)list1); thread1.IsBackground = true; Thread thread2 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.SystemUpdater)); this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread2); thread2.Start((object)list2); thread2.IsBackground = true; Thread thread3 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.SystemUpdater)); this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread3); thread3.Start((object)list3); thread3.IsBackground = true; Thread thread4 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.SystemUpdater)); this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread4); thread4.Start((object)list4); thread4.IsBackground = true; #endif //Thread thread5 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.DeepSpaceThread)); // this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread5); // thread5.Start(); // thread5.IsBackground = true; //Thread thread6 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.EmpireThread)); //this.SystemUpdateThreadList.Add(thread6); //thread6.Start(); //thread6.IsBackground = true; } this.PlanetsDict.Clear(); this.SolarSystemDict.Clear(); foreach (SolarSystem solarSystem in UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList) { this.SolarSystemDict.Add(solarSystem.guid, solarSystem); foreach (Planet planet in solarSystem.PlanetList) this.PlanetsDict.Add(planet.guid, planet); } foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.MasterShipList) { if (ship.TetherGuid != Guid.Empty) ship.TetherToPlanet(this.PlanetsDict[ship.TetherGuid]); } }
public override void Update(float elapsedTime) { if (!this.Active) return; //if (!GlobalStats.WarpInSystem && this.system != null) // this.InhibitedTimer = 1f; //else if (this.FTLmodifier < 1.0 && this.system != null && (this.engineState == Ship.MoveState.Warp && this.velocityMaximum < this.GetSTLSpeed())) this.HyperspaceReturn(); if (this.ScuttleTimer > -1.0 || this.ScuttleTimer <-1.0) { this.ScuttleTimer -= elapsedTime; if (this.ScuttleTimer <= 0.0) this.Die((GameplayObject)null, true); } if ((this.system != null && this.system.isVisible) || this.system == null) { BoundingSphere sphere = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(this.Position, 0.0f), 2000f); if (Ship.universeScreen.Frustum.Contains(sphere) != ContainmentType.Disjoint && Ship.universeScreen.viewState <= UniverseScreen.UnivScreenState.SystemView) { this.InFrustum = true; this.ShipSO.Visibility = ObjectVisibility.Rendered; } else { this.InFrustum = false; this.ShipSO.Visibility = ObjectVisibility.None; } } else { this.InFrustum = false; this.ShipSO.Visibility = ObjectVisibility.None; } foreach (ProjectileTracker projectileTracker in (List<ProjectileTracker>)this.ProjectilesFired) { projectileTracker.Timer -= elapsedTime; if ((double)projectileTracker.Timer <= 0.0) this.ProjectilesFired.QueuePendingRemoval(projectileTracker); } this.ProjectilesFired.ApplyPendingRemovals(); this.ShieldRechargeTimer += elapsedTime; this.InhibitedTimer -= elapsedTime; this.Inhibited = this.InhibitedTimer > 0.0; if (this.Inhibited && this.engineState == Ship.MoveState.Warp) { this.HyperspaceReturn(); } if (this.TetheredTo != null) { this.Position = this.TetheredTo.Position + this.TetherOffset; this.Center = this.TetheredTo.Position + this.TetherOffset; } if (this.Mothership != null && !this.Mothership.Active) this.Mothership = (Ship)null; if (this.dying) { this.ThrusterList.Clear(); this.dietimer -= elapsedTime; if ((double)this.dietimer <= 1.89999997615814 && this.dieCue == null && this.InFrustum) { if (this.Size < 80) { this.dieCue = AudioManager.GetCue("sd_explosion_ship_warpdet_small"); this.dieCue.Apply3D(Ship.universeScreen.listener, this.emitter); this.dieCue.Play(); } else if (this.Size >= 80 && this.Size < 250) { this.dieCue = AudioManager.GetCue("sd_explosion_ship_warpdet_medium"); this.dieCue.Apply3D(Ship.universeScreen.listener, this.emitter); this.dieCue.Play(); } else { this.dieCue = AudioManager.GetCue("sd_explosion_ship_warpdet_large"); this.dieCue.Apply3D(Ship.universeScreen.listener, this.emitter); this.dieCue.Play(); } } if ((double)this.dietimer <= 0.0) { this.reallyDie = true; this.Die(this.LastDamagedBy, true); return; } else { if ((double)this.Velocity.Length() > (double)this.velocityMaximum) this.Velocity = Vector2.Normalize(this.Velocity) * this.velocityMaximum; Ship ship1 = this; Vector2 vector2_1 = ship1.Position + this.Velocity * elapsedTime; ship1.Position = vector2_1; Ship ship2 = this; Vector2 vector2_2 = ship2.Center + this.Velocity * elapsedTime; ship2.Center = vector2_2; int num1 = (int)(this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, 60f); if (num1 >= 57 && this.InFrustum) { float radius = this.ShipSO.WorldBoundingSphere.Radius; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3((this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius), (this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius), (this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius)); ExplosionManager.AddExplosion(vector3, radius, 2.5f, 0.2f); Ship.universeScreen.flash.AddParticleThreadA(vector3, Vector3.Zero); } if (num1 >= 40) { Vector3 position = new Vector3((this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius), (this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius), (this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween(0.0f, this.Radius)); Ship.universeScreen.sparks.AddParticleThreadA(position, Vector3.Zero); } this.yRotation += this.xdie * elapsedTime; this.xRotation += this.ydie * elapsedTime; Ship ship3 = this; double num2 = (double)ship3.Rotation + (double)this.zdie * (double)elapsedTime; ship3.Rotation = (float)num2; if (this.ShipSO == null) return; if (Ship.universeScreen.viewState == UniverseScreen.UnivScreenState.ShipView && this.inSensorRange) { this.ShipSO.World = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateRotationY(this.yRotation) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(this.xRotation) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(this.Rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(this.Center, 0.0f)); if (this.shipData.Animated) { this.ShipSO.SkinBones = this.animationController.SkinnedBoneTransforms; this.animationController.Update(Game1.Instance.TargetElapsedTime, Matrix.Identity); } } for (int index = 0; index < this.Projectiles.Count; ++index) { Projectile projectile = this.Projectiles[index]; if (projectile != null) { if (projectile.Active) projectile.Update(elapsedTime); else this.Projectiles.QueuePendingRemoval(projectile); } } this.emitter.Position = new Vector3( this.Center, 0);//GlobalStats.Config.EffectsVolume * -5000); foreach (ModuleSlot moduleSlot in this.ModuleSlotList) //Parallel.ForEach<ModuleSlot>(this.ModuleSlotList, moduleSlot => { moduleSlot.module.UpdateWhileDying(elapsedTime); }//); } } else if (!this.dying) { if (this.system != null && (double)elapsedTime > 0.0) { foreach (Planet p in this.system.PlanetList) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(p.Position, this.Center) < 3000.0) { if (this.loyalty == Ship.universeScreen.player && !p.ExploredDict[this.loyalty]) { foreach (Building building in p.BuildingList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(building.EventTriggerUID)) Ship.universeScreen.NotificationManager.AddFoundSomethingInteresting(p); } } if (!p.ExploredDict[this.loyalty]) { p.ExploredDict[this.loyalty] = true; foreach (Building building in p.BuildingList) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(building.EventTriggerUID) && this.loyalty != Ship.universeScreen.player && p.Owner == null) { MilitaryTask militaryTask = new MilitaryTask(); militaryTask.AO = p.Position; militaryTask.AORadius = 50000f; militaryTask.SetTargetPlanet(p); militaryTask.type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.Exploration; militaryTask.SetEmpire(this.loyalty); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) this.loyalty.GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(militaryTask); } } //added by gremlin put shahmatts exploration notifications here } } } if (this.InCombat && this.GetAI().Target != null && this.GetAI().Target.GetSystem() != null && this.GetAI().Target.GetSystem() == this.GetSystem()) { this.system.CombatInSystem = true; this.system.combatTimer = 15f; } } if (this.disabled) { for (int index = 0; index < 5; ++index) { Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3((this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween((float)(-(double)this.radius / 3.0), this.radius / 3f), (this.system != null ? this.system.RNG : Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG).RandomBetween((float)(-(double)this.radius / 3.0), this.radius / 3f), 0.0f); Ship.universeScreen.lightning.AddParticleThreadA(new Vector3(this.Center, 0.0f) + vector3, Vector3.Zero); } } Ship ship1 = this; double num1 = (double)ship1.Rotation + (double)this.RotationalVelocity * (double)elapsedTime; ship1.Rotation = (float)num1; if ((double)Math.Abs(this.RotationalVelocity) > 0.0) this.isTurning = true; if (!this.isSpooling && this.Afterburner != null && this.Afterburner.IsPlaying) this.Afterburner.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); this.ClickTimer -= elapsedTime; if ((double)this.ClickTimer < 0.0) this.ClickTimer = 10f; if (this.Active) { this.InCombatTimer -= elapsedTime; if (this.InCombatTimer > 0.0) { this.InCombat = true; } else { if (this.InCombat) this.InCombat = false; try { if (this.AI.State == AIState.Combat) { if (this.loyalty != Ship.universeScreen.player) { this.AI.State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; this.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); } } } catch { } } this.Velocity.Length(); Ship ship2 = this; Vector2 vector2_1 = ship2.Position + this.Velocity * elapsedTime; ship2.Position = vector2_1; Ship ship3 = this; Vector2 vector2_2 = ship3.Center + this.Velocity * elapsedTime; ship3.Center = vector2_2; this.UpdateShipStatus(elapsedTime); if (!this.Active) return; if (!this.disabled && !Ship.universeScreen.Paused) //this.hasCommand && this.AI.Update(elapsedTime); if (this.InFrustum) { if (this.ShipSO == null) return; this.ShipSO.World = Matrix.Identity * Matrix.CreateRotationY(this.yRotation) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(this.Rotation) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(this.Center, 0.0f)); if (this.shipData.Animated && this.animationController != null) { this.ShipSO.SkinBones = this.animationController.SkinnedBoneTransforms; this.animationController.Update(Game1.Instance.TargetElapsedTime, Matrix.Identity); } else if (this.shipData != null && this.animationController != null && this.shipData.Animated) { this.ShipSO.SkinBones = this.animationController.SkinnedBoneTransforms; this.animationController.Update(Game1.Instance.TargetElapsedTime, Matrix.Identity); } foreach (Thruster thruster in this.ThrusterList) { thruster.SetPosition(); Vector2 vector2_3 = new Vector2((float)Math.Sin((double)this.Rotation), -(float)Math.Cos((double)this.Rotation)); vector2_3 = Vector2.Normalize(vector2_3); float num2 = this.Velocity.Length() / this.velocityMaximum; if (this.isThrusting) { if (this.engineState == Ship.MoveState.Warp) { if ((double)thruster.heat < (double)num2) thruster.heat += 0.06f; this.pointat = new Vector3(vector2_3.X, vector2_3.Y, 0.0f); this.scalefactors = new Vector3(thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale); thruster.update(thruster.WorldPos, this.pointat, this.scalefactors, thruster.heat, 0.004f, Color.OrangeRed, Color.LightBlue, Ship.universeScreen.camPos); } else { if ((double)thruster.heat < (double)num2) thruster.heat += 0.06f; if ((double)thruster.heat > 0.600000023841858) thruster.heat = 0.6f; this.pointat = new Vector3(vector2_3.X, vector2_3.Y, 0.0f); this.scalefactors = new Vector3(thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale); thruster.update(thruster.WorldPos, this.pointat, this.scalefactors, thruster.heat, 1.0f / 500.0f, Color.OrangeRed, Color.LightBlue, Ship.universeScreen.camPos); } } else { this.pointat = new Vector3(vector2_3.X, vector2_3.Y, 0.0f); this.scalefactors = new Vector3(thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale, thruster.tscale); thruster.heat = 0.01f; thruster.update(thruster.WorldPos, this.pointat, this.scalefactors, 0.1f, 1.0f / 500.0f, Color.OrangeRed, Color.LightBlue, Ship.universeScreen.camPos); } } } if (this.isSpooling) this.fightersOut = false; if (this.isSpooling && !this.Inhibited) { this.JumpTimer -= elapsedTime; //task gremlin move fighter recall here. if (this.JumpTimer <= 4.0) // let's see if we can sync audio to behaviour with new timers { if (Vector2.Distance(this.Center, new Vector2(Ship.universeScreen.camPos.X, Ship.universeScreen.camPos.Y)) < 100000.0 && (this.Jump == null || this.Jump != null && !this.Jump.IsPlaying) && Ship.universeScreen.camHeight < 250000) { this.Jump = AudioManager.GetCue(this.GetStartWarpCue()); this.Jump.Apply3D(GameplayObject.audioListener, this.emitter); this.Jump.Play(); } } if (this.JumpTimer <= 0.1) { if (this.engineState == Ship.MoveState.Sublight )//&& (!this.Inhibited && this.GetFTLSpeed() > this.velocityMaximum)) { FTL ftl = new FTL(); ftl.Center = new Vector2(this.Center.X, this.Center.Y); //lock (FTLManager.FTLLock) FTLManager.FTLList.thisLock.EnterWriteLock(); FTLManager.FTLList.Add(ftl); FTLManager.FTLList.thisLock.ExitWriteLock(); this.engineState = Ship.MoveState.Warp; } else this.engineState = Ship.MoveState.Sublight; this.isSpooling = false; this.ResetJumpTimer(); } } if (this.isPlayerShip()) { if ((!this.isSpooling || !this.Active) && this.Afterburner != null) { if (this.Afterburner.IsPlaying) this.Afterburner.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); this.Afterburner = (Cue)null; } if (this.isThrusting && this.drone == null && this.AI.State == AIState.ManualControl) { this.drone = AudioManager.GetCue("starcruiser_drone01"); this.drone.Play(); } else if ((!this.isThrusting || !this.Active) && this.drone != null) { if (this.drone.IsPlaying) this.drone.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); this.drone = (Cue)null; } } this.emitter.Position = new Vector3(this.Center, 0); } if (elapsedTime > 0.0f) { //if (this.GetAI().fireTask != null && !this.GetAI().fireTask.IsCompleted) //{ // this.GetAI().fireTask.Wait(); //} //task gremlin look at parallel here for weapons foreach (Projectile projectile in (List<Projectile>)this.Projectiles) //Parallel.ForEach<Projectile>(this.projectiles, projectile => { if (projectile != null && projectile.Active) projectile.Update(elapsedTime); else { // projectile.Die(null, true); this.Projectiles.QueuePendingRemoval(projectile); } }//); foreach (Beam beam in (List<Beam>)this.beams) { Vector2 origin = new Vector2(); if (beam.moduleAttachedTo != null) { ShipModule shipModule = beam.moduleAttachedTo; origin = (int)shipModule.XSIZE != 1 || (int)shipModule.YSIZE != 3 ? ((int)shipModule.XSIZE != 2 || (int)shipModule.YSIZE != 5 ? new Vector2(shipModule.Center.X - 8f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.XSIZE / 2), shipModule.Center.Y - 8f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.YSIZE / 2)) : new Vector2(shipModule.Center.X - 80f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.XSIZE / 2), shipModule.Center.Y - 8f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.YSIZE / 2))) : new Vector2(shipModule.Center.X - 50f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.XSIZE / 2), shipModule.Center.Y - 8f + (float)(16 * (int)shipModule.YSIZE / 2)); Vector2 target = new Vector2(shipModule.Center.X - 8f, shipModule.Center.Y - 8f); float angleToTarget = HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(origin, target); Vector2 angleAndDistance = HelperFunctions.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(shipModule.Center, MathHelper.ToDegrees(shipModule.Rotation) - angleToTarget, 8f * (float)Math.Sqrt(2.0)); float num2 = (float)((int)shipModule.XSIZE * 16 / 2); float num3 = (float)((int)shipModule.YSIZE * 16 / 2); float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)((float)Math.Pow((double)num2, 2.0) + (float)Math.Pow((double)num3, 2.0))); float radians = 3.141593f - (float)Math.Asin((double)num2 / (double)distance) + shipModule.GetParent().Rotation; origin = HelperFunctions.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(angleAndDistance, MathHelper.ToDegrees(radians), distance); int Thickness = this.system != null ? (int)this.system.RNG.RandomBetween((float)beam.thickness - 0.25f * (float)beam.thickness, (float)beam.thickness + 0.1f * (float)beam.thickness) : (int)Ship.universeScreen.DeepSpaceRNG.RandomBetween((float)beam.thickness - 0.25f * (float)beam.thickness, (float)beam.thickness + 0.1f * (float)beam.thickness); beam.Update(beam.moduleAttachedTo != null ? origin : beam.owner.Center, beam.followMouse ? Ship.universeScreen.mouseWorldPos : beam.Destination, Thickness, Ship.universeScreen.view, Ship.universeScreen.projection, elapsedTime); if ((double)beam.duration < 0.0 && !beam.infinite) { beam.Die(null, false); this.beams.QueuePendingRemoval(beam); } } else { beam.Die(null, false); this.beams.QueuePendingRemoval(beam); } }//); //this.beams.thisLock.ExitReadLock(); this.beams.ApplyPendingRemovals(); //foreach (Projectile projectile in this.projectiles.pendingRemovals) // projectile.Die(null,false); this.Projectiles.ApplyPendingRemovals(); } } }
/** This method allocates any available manpower into a TaskForce for offensive measures; and de-allocates the TaskForce from other fleet contingents. Deprecated? --> DOToughtNutRequisition? */ private void DoToughNutRequisitionORIG() { float EnemyTroopStr = this.GetEnemyTroopStr(); float EnemyShipStr = this.GetEnemyStrAtTarget(); //create collection of sorted AOs IOrderedEnumerable<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO> sorted = from ao in this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations //foreach AO, order by enemy & distance, then "select" for addition into collection orderby Vector2.Distance(this.AO, ao.Position) select ao; //if target is empty, AO's absent, exit method call if (sorted.Count<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO>() == 0) { return; } //else, there are targets List<Ship> Bombers = new List<Ship>(); List<Ship> EverythingElse = new List<Ship>(); List<Troop> Troops = new List<Troop>(); //calculate this faction's strength foreach (Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO area in sorted) { //claculate opposition fleet strength foreach (Ship ship in this.empire.GetShips()) { //if ship in ships in AO are null, or outside area of operation, or in combat , or in defensive DefensiveForcePool, increment to next ship //(unavilable to be requisitioned for offense) if (ship.GetStrength() == 0f || Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, area.Position) >= area.Radius || ship.InCombat || ship.fleet != null || this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefensiveForcePool.Contains(ship))// ship.GetAI().SystemToDefend !=null) //&& ship.fleet != null & ship.fleet.Task == null) //ships managed by the DefensiveCoordinator or unable to be re-allocated for offense { continue; } //for valid ships in this faction's empire if (ship.BombBays.Count <= 0) { EverythingElse.Add(ship); } else { Bombers.Add(ship); } } //claculate ground troops that may be allocated for offensive foreach (Planet p in area.GetPlanets()) { if (p.RecentCombat) { continue; } foreach (Troop t in p.TroopsHere) { if (t.GetOwner() != this.empire) { continue; } Troops.Add(t); } } } //determine TaskForce to match calculated opposition strength List<Ship> TaskForce = new List<Ship>(); float strAdded = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = EverythingElse.GetEnumerator(); //enumerator returns position information try { do { // Returns: // true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if // the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator.Current; TaskForce.Add(ship); //add ships that are idle (without destination ~ MoveNext) strAdded = strAdded + ship.GetStrength(); //sum the strength of the task force } while (strAdded <= EnemyShipStr );//* 1.65f); //continue requisitoining ships until TaskForceStrength is greater than EnemyShipStr } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); //de-allocate object } List<Ship> BombTaskForce = new List<Ship>(); int numBombs = 0; foreach (Ship ship in Bombers) { if (numBombs >= 20) { continue; //bomber fleet should consist of at max twenth bombers } BombTaskForce.Add(ship); numBombs = numBombs + ship.BombBays.Count; } List<Troop> PotentialTroops = new List<Troop>(); float troopStr = 0f; List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator1 = Troops.GetEnumerator(); int numOfTroops=0; try { do { if (!enumerator1.MoveNext()) { break; } numOfTroops++; Troop t = enumerator1.Current; PotentialTroops.Add(t); troopStr = troopStr + t.Strength; } while (troopStr <= EnemyTroopStr * 1.25f || numOfTroops <15 ); //create sufficient ground force for offensive action } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator1).Dispose(); } //if this faction ship strength is greater than opposition 160% of opposition //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr. //07/25/15 //"* 1.65f" --> "* 3f" if (strAdded > EnemyShipStr * 3f)//1.65f) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } //retrieve closest area of operations target Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO ClosestAO = sorted.First<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO>(); //create assault MilitaryTask MilitaryTask assault = new MilitaryTask(this.empire) //declarative property instantiation, constructor supplement { AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position, AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet }; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(assault); assault.WhichFleet = ClosestAO.WhichFleet; //assault fleet, WhichFleet, is assigned the fleet closest to target AO ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task = assault; assault.IsCoreFleetTask = true; assault.Step = 1; //Step, used for? assault.TargetPlanet = this.TargetPlanet; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().TaskStep = 0; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Name = "Doom Fleet"; foreach (Ship ship in TaskForce) { if (ship.fleet != null) { ship.fleet.Ships.Remove(ship); //remove ship from global empire fleet pool } ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); //ship, rescind previous orders this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); //remove ship from defensive coordinator pool //foreach (KeyValuePair<SolarSystem, SystemCommander> entry in this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefenseDict) //{ // List<Ship> toRemove = new List<Ship>(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Ship> defender in entry.Value.ShipsDict) // { // if (defender.Key != ship.guid) // { // continue; // } // toRemove.Add(defender.Value); // } // foreach (Ship s in toRemove) // { // entry.Value.ShipsDict.Remove(s.guid); // } //} ship.fleet = null; //ship is unassigned to any fleet } //ASSIGN SHIPS foreach (Ship ship in TaskForce) { ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AddShip(ship); //TaskForce ship is added into the core fleet } //ASSIGN GROUND TROOPS foreach (Troop t in PotentialTroops) { if (t.GetPlanet() == null) { continue; } (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); Ship launched = t.Launch(); //launch troop from ground ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AddShip(launched); //add troop transport into core fleet } ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AutoArrange(); //ASSIGN BOMBERS if (Bombers.Count > 0 && numBombs > 6) { MilitaryTask GlassPlanet = new MilitaryTask(this.empire) //task this empire to glass opposition planet { //multiple properties assignment declaration AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position,//the target planet AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.GlassPlanet, TargetPlanet = this.TargetPlanet, WaitForCommand = true }; Fleet bomberFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire }; bomberFleet.Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(GlassPlanet); GlassPlanet.WhichFleet = this.empire.GetUnusedKeyForFleet(); this.empire.GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(GlassPlanet.WhichFleet, bomberFleet); bomberFleet.Task = GlassPlanet; bomberFleet.Name = "Bomber Fleet"; foreach (Ship ship in BombTaskForce) { if (ship.fleet != null) { ship.fleet.Ships.Remove(ship); } ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); ship.fleet = null; } foreach (Ship ship in BombTaskForce) { bomberFleet.AddShip(ship); } bomberFleet.AutoArrange(); } this.Step = 1; //What is step for? this.empire.GetGSAI().TaskList.QueuePendingRemoval(this); //remove this MilitaryTask from queue } }
/** Variant of DoToughNutRequisitionORGI */ private void DoToughNutRequisition() { float EnemyTroopStr = this.GetEnemyTroopStr(); float EnemyShipStr = this.GetEnemyStrAtTarget(); //sorted area of operations by this.empire strength > opposition strength at target // & sorted by nearest distance AO IOrderedEnumerable<AO> sorted = from ao in this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations //orderby ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Sum(bombs => bombs.BombBays.Count) > 0 descending orderby ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Where(combat => !combat.InCombat).Sum(strength => strength.BaseStrength) >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength descending orderby Vector2.Distance(this.AO, ao.Position) select ao; if (sorted.Count<AO>() == 0) { return;//a target is unavailable } //a target is available List<Ship> Bombers = new List<Ship>(); List<Ship> EverythingElse = new List<Ship>(); List<Troop> Troops = new List<Troop>(); foreach (AO area in sorted) { foreach (Ship ship in this.empire.GetShips().OrderBy(str=> str.BaseStrength)) { if ((ship.Role == "station" || ship.Role == "platform") || ship.BaseStrength == 0f || Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, area.Position) >= area.Radius || ship.InCombat || ship.fleet != null || this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefensiveForcePool.Contains(ship))//&& ship.fleet.Task == null) //&& ship.fleet != null && ship.fleet.Task == null) { continue; } if (ship.BombBays.Count <= 0) { EverythingElse.Add(ship); } else { Bombers.Add(ship); } } foreach (Planet p in area.GetPlanets()) { if (p.RecentCombat || p.ParentSystem.combatTimer>0) { continue; } foreach (Troop t in p.TroopsHere) { if (t.GetOwner() != this.empire) { continue; } Troops.Add(t); } } } List<Ship> TaskForce = new List<Ship>(); float strAdded = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = EverythingElse.GetEnumerator(); try { do { if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator.Current; TaskForce.Add(ship); strAdded = strAdded + ship.GetStrength(); } while (strAdded <= EnemyShipStr * 3f);//1.65f); //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr. 07/25/15 } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } List<Ship> BombTaskForce = new List<Ship>(); int numBombs = 0; foreach (Ship ship in Bombers) { if (numBombs >= 20) { continue; } BombTaskForce.Add(ship); numBombs = numBombs + ship.BombBays.Count; } List<Troop> PotentialTroops = new List<Troop>(); float troopStr = 0f; List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator1 = Troops.GetEnumerator(); int numOfTroops =0; try { do { if (numOfTroops > 15 || !enumerator1.MoveNext()) { break; } numOfTroops++; Troop t = enumerator1.Current; PotentialTroops.Add(t); troopStr = troopStr + (float)t.Strength; } while (troopStr <= EnemyTroopStr * 3f);//1.25f ); //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr. 07/25/15 } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator1).Dispose(); } if (strAdded > EnemyShipStr * 3f)//1.65f) //Ermenildo V. Castro, Jr. 07/25/15 { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } AO ClosestAO = sorted.First<AO>(); MilitaryTask assault = new MilitaryTask(this.empire) { AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position, AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet }; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(assault); assault.WhichFleet = ClosestAO.WhichFleet; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task = assault; assault.IsCoreFleetTask = true; assault.Step = 1; assault.TargetPlanet = this.TargetPlanet; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().TaskStep = 0; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Name = "Doom Fleet"; foreach (Ship ship in TaskForce) { if (ship.fleet != null) { ship.fleet.Ships.Remove(ship); } ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); //foreach (KeyValuePair<SolarSystem, SystemCommander> entry in this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefenseDict) //{ // List<Ship> toRemove = new List<Ship>(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Ship> defender in entry.Value.ShipsDict) // { // if (defender.Key != ship.guid) // { // continue; // } // toRemove.Add(defender.Value); // } // foreach (Ship s in toRemove) // { // entry.Value.ShipsDict.Remove(s.guid); // } //} ship.fleet = null; } foreach (Ship ship in TaskForce) { ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AddShip(ship); } foreach (Troop t in PotentialTroops) { if (t.GetPlanet() == null) { continue; } (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); Ship launched = t.Launch(); ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AddShip(launched); } ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().AutoArrange(); if (Bombers.Count > 0 && numBombs > 6) { MilitaryTask GlassPlanet = new MilitaryTask(this.empire) { AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position, AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.GlassPlanet, TargetPlanet = this.TargetPlanet, WaitForCommand = true }; Fleet bomberFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire }; bomberFleet.Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(GlassPlanet); GlassPlanet.WhichFleet = this.empire.GetUnusedKeyForFleet(); this.empire.GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(GlassPlanet.WhichFleet, bomberFleet); bomberFleet.Task = GlassPlanet; bomberFleet.Name = "Bomber Fleet"; foreach (Ship ship in BombTaskForce) { if (ship.fleet != null) { ship.fleet.Ships.Remove(ship); } ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); //foreach (KeyValuePair<SolarSystem, SystemCommander> entry in this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefenseDict) //{ // List<Ship> toRemove = new List<Ship>(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, Ship> defender in entry.Value.ShipsDict) // { // if (defender.Key != ship.guid) // { // continue; // } // toRemove.Add(defender.Value); // } // foreach (Ship s in toRemove) // { // entry.Value.ShipsDict.Remove(s.guid); // } //} ship.fleet = null; } foreach (Ship ship in BombTaskForce) { bomberFleet.AddShip(ship); } bomberFleet.AutoArrange(); } this.Step = 1; this.empire.GetGSAI().TaskList.QueuePendingRemoval(this); } }
private void DoPostInvasionDefense(MilitaryTask Task) { --this.defenseTurns; if (this.defenseTurns <= 0) { Task.EndTask(); } else { switch (this.TaskStep) { case -1: bool flag1 = true; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 5000.0) flag1 = false; int num = ship.InCombat ? 1 : 0; if (!flag1) break; } } if (!flag1) break; this.TaskStep = 2; this.FormationWarpTo(Task.AO, MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO)), Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.findAveragePosition())); using (List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = this.Ships.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; break; } case 0: List<Planet> list1 = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list1.Add(planet); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable1 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list1, (Func<Planet, float>)(planet => Vector2.Distance(Task.AO, planet.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1) <= 0) break; Vector2 fVec = Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position); Vector2 vector2 = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable1).Position; this.MoveToNow(vector2, Math.Abs(MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(vector2, Task.AO))), fVec); this.TaskStep = 1; break; case 1: bool flag2 = true; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.disabled && ship.hasCommand && ship.Active) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(ship.Center, this.Position + ship.FleetOffset) > 5000.0) flag2 = false; int num = ship.InCombat ? 1 : 0; if (!flag2) break; } } if (!flag2) break; this.TaskStep = 2; this.FormationWarpTo(Task.AO, MathHelper.ToRadians(HelperFunctions.findAngleToTarget(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO)), Vector2.Normalize(Task.AO - this.findAveragePosition())); using (List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator = this.Ships.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; break; } case 2: bool flag3 = false; if ((double)Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO) < 15000.0) { foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { lock (ship) { if (ship.InCombat) { flag3 = true; ship.HyperspaceReturn(); ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); break; } } } } if (!flag3 && (double)Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO) >= 5000.0) break; this.TaskStep = 3; break; case 3: this.EnemyClumpsDict.Clear(); List<Ship> list2 = new List<Ship>(); List<GameplayObject> nearby1 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < nearby1.Count; ++index1) { Ship ship1 = nearby1[index1] as Ship; if (ship1 != null && ship1.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship1.loyalty.isFaction || this.Owner.GetRelations()[ship1.loyalty].AtWar || this.Owner.isFaction) && (!list2.Contains(ship1) && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, Task.AO) < (double)Task.AORadius && !this.EnemyClumpsDict.ContainsKey(ship1.Center))) { this.EnemyClumpsDict.Add(ship1.Center, new List<Ship>()); this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship1); list2.Add(ship1); List<GameplayObject> nearby2 = UniverseScreen.ShipSpatialManager.GetNearby(this.Position); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < nearby2.Count; ++index2) { Ship ship2 = nearby2[index2] as Ship; if (ship2 != null && ship2.loyalty != this.Owner && (ship2.loyalty == ship1.loyalty && (double)Vector2.Distance(ship1.Center, ship2.Center) < 10000.0) && !list2.Contains(ship2)) this.EnemyClumpsDict[ship1.Center].Add(ship2); } } } if (this.EnemyClumpsDict.Count == 0) { if ((double)Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), Task.AO) <= 10000.0) break; this.FormationWarpTo(Task.AO, 0.0f, new Vector2(0.0f, -1f)); break; } else { List<Vector2> list3 = new List<Vector2>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector2, List<Ship>> keyValuePair in this.EnemyClumpsDict) list3.Add(keyValuePair.Key); IOrderedEnumerable<Vector2> orderedEnumerable2 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Vector2, float>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)list3, (Func<Vector2, float>)(clumpPos => Vector2.Distance(this.findAveragePosition(), clumpPos))); List<Ship> list4 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship toAttack in (IEnumerable<Ship>)Enumerable.OrderByDescending<Ship, int>((IEnumerable<Ship>)this.EnemyClumpsDict[Enumerable.First<Vector2>((IEnumerable<Vector2>)orderedEnumerable2)], (Func<Ship, int>)(ship => ship.Size))) { float num = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (IEnumerable<Ship>)Enumerable.OrderByDescending<Ship, int>((IEnumerable<Ship>)this.Ships, (Func<Ship, int>)(ship => ship.Size))) { if (!list4.Contains(ship) && ((double)num == 0.0 || (double)num < (double)toAttack.GetStrength())) { ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(toAttack); ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; list4.Add(ship); num += ship.GetStrength(); } } } List<Ship> list5 = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!list4.Contains(ship)) list5.Add(ship); } foreach (Ship ship in list5) { ship.GetAI().OrderAttackSpecificTarget(list4[0].GetAI().Target as Ship); ship.GetAI().Intercepting = true; } this.TaskStep = 4; break; } case 4: float num1 = 0.0f; float num2 = 0.0f; float num3 = 0.0f; float num4 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { num1 += ship.Ordinance; num2 += ship.OrdinanceMax; foreach (Weapon weapon in ship.Weapons) { if (weapon.BombTroopDamage_Max <= 0) { if ((double)weapon.OrdinanceRequiredToFire > 0.0) num3 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; if ((double)weapon.PowerRequiredToFire > 0.0) num4 = weapon.DamageAmount / weapon.fireDelay; } } } float num5 = num3 + num4; if ((double)num3 >= 0.649999976158142 * (double)num5 && (double)num1 <= 0.100000001490116 * (double)num2) { this.TaskStep = 5; break; } else { bool flag4 = false; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { if (!ship.InCombat) { flag4 = true; break; } } if (!flag4) break; this.TaskStep = 3; break; } case 5: List<Planet> list6 = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet in this.Owner.GetPlanets()) { if (planet.HasShipyard) list6.Add(planet); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> orderedEnumerable3 = Enumerable.OrderBy<Planet, float>((IEnumerable<Planet>)list6, (Func<Planet, float>)(p => Vector2.Distance(this.Position, p.Position))); if (Enumerable.Count<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3) <= 0) break; this.Position = Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3).Position; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.GetAI().OrderResupply(Enumerable.First<Planet>((IEnumerable<Planet>)orderedEnumerable3), true); this.TaskStep = 6; break; case 6: float num6 = 0.0f; float num7 = 0.0f; foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) { ship.GetAI().HasPriorityOrder = true; num6 += ship.Ordinance; num7 += ship.OrdinanceMax; } if ((double)num6 != (double)num7) break; this.TaskStep = 0; break; } } }
private void FightBrutalWar(KeyValuePair<Empire, Relationship> r) { List<Planet> InvasionTargets = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet p in this.empire.GetPlanets()) { foreach (Planet toCheck in p.system.PlanetList) { if (toCheck.Owner == null || toCheck.Owner == this.empire || !toCheck.Owner.isFaction && !this.empire.GetRelations()[toCheck.Owner].AtWar) { continue; } InvasionTargets.Add(toCheck); } } if (InvasionTargets.Count > 0) { Planet target = InvasionTargets[0]; bool OK = true; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.GetTargetPlanet() != target) { continue; } OK = false; break; } } if (OK) { MilitaryTask InvadeTask = new MilitaryTask(target, this.empire); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.TaskList.Add(InvadeTask); } } } List<Planet> PlanetsWeAreInvading = new List<Planet>(); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in this.TaskList) { if (task.type != MilitaryTask.TaskType.AssaultPlanet || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner == null || task.GetTargetPlanet().Owner != r.Key) { continue; } PlanetsWeAreInvading.Add(task.GetTargetPlanet()); } } if (PlanetsWeAreInvading.Count < 3 && this.empire.GetPlanets().Count > 0) { Vector2 vector2 = this.FindAveragePosition(this.empire); this.FindAveragePosition(r.Key); IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = from planet in r.Key.GetPlanets() orderby Vector2.Distance(vector2, planet.Position) select planet; foreach (Planet p in sortedList) { if (PlanetsWeAreInvading.Contains(p)) { continue; } if (PlanetsWeAreInvading.Count >= 3) { break; } PlanetsWeAreInvading.Add(p); MilitaryTask invade = new MilitaryTask(p, this.empire); lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { this.TaskList.Add(invade); } } } }
public void Reset() { this.Ships.thisLock.EnterWriteLock(); foreach (Ship ship in (List<Ship>)this.Ships) ship.fleet = (Fleet)null; this.Ships.thisLock.ExitWriteLock(); this.Ships.Clear(); this.TaskStep = 0; this.Task = (MilitaryTask)null; this.GoalStack.Clear(); }
private void RequisitionAssaultForces() { List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator; if (this.IsToughNut) { this.DoToughNutRequisition(); return; } IOrderedEnumerable<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO> sorted = from ao in this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations //orderby ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Sum(bombs => bombs.BombBays.Count) > 0 descending //orderby ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Sum(strength => strength.GetStrength()) >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength descending orderby Vector2.Distance(this.AO, ao.Position) select ao; //IOrderedEnumerable<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO> sorted = this.empire.GetGSAI().AreasOfOperations // .OrderByDescending(ao => ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Sum(bombs => bombs.BombBays.Count) > 0) // .ThenByDescending(ao => ao.GetOffensiveForcePool().Sum(strength => strength.GetStrength()) >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) // .ThenBy(ao => Vector2.Distance(this.AO, ao.Position)); if (sorted.Count<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO>() == 0) { return; } Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO ClosestAO = sorted.First<Ship_Game.Gameplay.AO>(); if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].Treaty_Peace) { this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar = false; this.EndTask(); return; } float EnemyTroopStrength = 0f; int troopCount = 0; foreach (PlanetGridSquare pgs in this.TargetPlanet.TilesList) { if (troopCount > 25) break; if (pgs.TroopsHere.Count <= 0) { if (pgs.building == null || pgs.building.CombatStrength <= 0) { continue; } EnemyTroopStrength = EnemyTroopStrength + (float)(pgs.building.Strength + (float)(pgs.building.CombatStrength)); troopCount++; } else { troopCount++; EnemyTroopStrength = EnemyTroopStrength + (float)pgs.TroopsHere[0].Strength; if (pgs.building == null || pgs.building.CombatStrength <= 0) { continue; } EnemyTroopStrength = EnemyTroopStrength + (float)(pgs.building.Strength + (float)(pgs.building.CombatStrength)); } } if (EnemyTroopStrength < 80f) { EnemyTroopStrength = 80f; } EnemyTroopStrength *= (1.2f + (int)Ship.universeScreen.GameDifficulty * .1f); List<Ship> PotentialAssaultShips = new List<Ship>(); List<Troop> PotentialTroops = new List<Troop>(); List<Ship> PotentialBombers = new List<Ship>(); foreach (Ship ship in this.empire.GetShips().OrderBy(troops => Vector2.Distance(this.AO, troops.Position))) { if ((ship.TroopList.Count <= 0 || ship.fleet != null) || (!ship.HasTroopBay && ship.Role != "troop" && !ship.hasTransporter)) { continue; } PotentialAssaultShips.Add(ship); } List<Planet> shipyards = new List<Planet>(); foreach (Planet planet1 in ClosestAO.GetPlanets()) { if (!planet1.HasShipyard) { continue; } shipyards.Add(planet1); } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> planets = from p in shipyards orderby Vector2.Distance(p.Position, this.TargetPlanet.Position) select p; if (planets.Count<Planet>() == 0) { return; } IOrderedEnumerable<Planet> sortedList = //from planet in ClosestAO.GetPlanets() from planet in empire.GetPlanets() //where planet.system.CombatInSystem ==false orderby empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefenseDict[planet.ParentSystem].ValueToUs *.1f orderby Vector2.Distance(planet.Position, planets.First<Planet>().Position) select planet; // IOrderedEnumerable<SolarSystem> sortedSystems = //from system in systems //orderby this.DefenseDict[system].ValueToUs descending //orderby Vector2.Distance(system.Position, ship4.Center) //select system; //foreach(SolarSystem system in this.empire.GetOwnedSystems()) //{ //} foreach (Planet planet2 in sortedList) { foreach (Troop t in planet2.TroopsHere) { if (t.GetOwner() != this.empire) { continue; } t.SetPlanet(planet2); PotentialTroops.Add(t); } } float ourAvailableStrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in PotentialAssaultShips) { foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ourAvailableStrength = ourAvailableStrength + (float)t.Strength; } } bool GoodToGo = false; foreach (Troop t in PotentialTroops) { ourAvailableStrength = ourAvailableStrength + (float)t.Strength; } float MinimumEscortStrength = 0f; int count = 0; float OurPresentStrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in this.TargetPlanet.system.ShipList) { if (ship.loyalty == this.TargetPlanet.Owner) { MinimumEscortStrength = MinimumEscortStrength + ship.GetStrength(); count++; } if (ship.loyalty != this.empire) { continue; } OurPresentStrength = OurPresentStrength + ship.GetStrength(); } MinimumEscortStrength *= (1.3f + (int)Ship.universeScreen.GameDifficulty * .1f); // I'm unsure on ball-park figures for ship strengths. Given it used to build up to 1500, sticking flat +300 on seems a good start //updated. Now it will use 1/10th of the current military strength escort strength needed is under 1000 if (MinimumEscortStrength < 1000) MinimumEscortStrength = this.empire.currentMilitaryStrength * .10f; //if (MinimumEscortStrength + OurPresentStrength < this.empire.MilitaryScore *.1f) //+1500 //{ // MinimumEscortStrength = this.empire.MilitaryScore * .15f - OurPresentStrength; //1500f - OurPresentStrength; //} //if (MinimumEscortStrength < this.empire.MilitaryScore * .15f) //{ // MinimumEscortStrength = this.empire.MilitaryScore * .15f; //} this.MinimumTaskForceStrength = MinimumEscortStrength; BatchRemovalCollection<Ship> elTaskForce = new BatchRemovalCollection<Ship>(); float tfstrength = 0f; foreach (Ship ship in ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool()) { if (ship.InCombat || ship.fleet != null || tfstrength >= MinimumEscortStrength || ship.GetAI().State == AIState.Explore || ship.GetStrength() <= 0f ||(ship.Role == "station" || ship.Role == "platform") ) { continue; } tfstrength = tfstrength + ship.GetStrength(); elTaskForce.Add(ship); } if (!this.empire.isFaction && == "Aggressive" //|| == "Xenophobic" //|| empire.GetRelations().Where(war => war.Value.ActiveWar !=null).Count() <2 ) { if(!this.IsCoreFleetTask) foreach (KeyValuePair<SolarSystem, SystemCommander> entry in this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.DefenseDict .OrderByDescending(system => system.Key.CombatInSystem) .ThenByDescending(ship => (ship.Value.GetOurStrength() - ship.Value.IdealShipStrength) < 1000) .ThenByDescending(system => Vector2.Distance(system.Key.Position, this.TargetPlanet.Position)) ) { foreach (Ship ship in entry.Value.GetShipList()) { if (ship.InCombat || ship.fleet != null || tfstrength >= MinimumEscortStrength || ship.GetStrength() <= 0f) { continue; } tfstrength = tfstrength + ship.GetStrength(); elTaskForce.Add(ship); } } } //if (ourAvailableStrength > EnemyTroopStrength * 1.65f && tfstrength >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) if (this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundLandingSpots() >5 && tfstrength >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } GoodToGo = true; Fleet newFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire, Name = "Invasion Fleet" }; int i = 1; while (i < 10) { if (this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Contains(i)) { i++; } else { float ForceStrength = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator1 = PotentialAssaultShips.GetEnumerator(); try { do { if (!enumerator1.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator1.Current; newFleet.AddShip(ship); foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength);//* 2f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator1).Dispose(); } List<Troop>.Enumerator enumerator2 = PotentialTroops.GetEnumerator(); try { do { Label1: if (!enumerator2.MoveNext()) { break; } Troop t = enumerator2.Current; if (t.GetPlanet() != null && t.GetPlanet().ParentSystem.combatTimer <= 0 && !t.GetPlanet().RecentCombat && t.GetPlanet().TroopsHere.Count > t.GetPlanet().developmentLevel) { (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); if (t.GetOwner() != null) { newFleet.AddShip(t.Launch()); ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } else { goto Label1; } } else { goto Label1; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength || ForceStrength <50);//+ EnemyTroopStrength * 0.3f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator2).Dispose(); } this.empire.GetFleetsDict()[i] = newFleet; this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Add(i); this.WhichFleet = i; newFleet.Task = this; foreach (Ship ship in elTaskForce) { newFleet.AddShip(ship); ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool().Remove(ship); ClosestAO.GetWaitingShips().Remove(ship); this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); } newFleet.AutoArrange(); break; } } this.Step = 1; } else if (ourAvailableStrength >= EnemyTroopStrength && tfstrength >= this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { foreach (Ship ship in ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool()) { if (ship.BombBays.Count <= 0) { continue; } PotentialBombers.Add(ship); if (elTaskForce.Contains(ship)) { continue; } elTaskForce.Add(ship); } if (PotentialBombers.Count > 0) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } GoodToGo = true; Fleet newFleet = new Fleet() { Owner = this.empire, Name = "Invasion Fleet" }; int i = 1; while (i < 10) { if (this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Contains(i)) { i++; } else { float ForceStrength = 0f; List<Ship>.Enumerator enumerator3 = PotentialAssaultShips.GetEnumerator(); try { do { if (!enumerator3.MoveNext()) { break; } Ship ship = enumerator3.Current; newFleet.AddShip(ship); foreach (Troop t in ship.TroopList) { ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength * 2f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator3).Dispose(); } enumerator = PotentialTroops.GetEnumerator(); try { do { Label0: if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { break; } Troop t = enumerator.Current; if (t.GetPlanet() != null && t != null) { (new List<Troop>()).Add(t); Ship launched = t.Launch(); ForceStrength = ForceStrength + (float)t.Strength; newFleet.AddShip(launched); } else { goto Label0; } } while (ForceStrength <= EnemyTroopStrength + EnemyTroopStrength * 0.3f); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } this.empire.GetFleetsDict()[i] = newFleet; this.empire.GetGSAI().UsedFleets.Add(i); this.WhichFleet = i; newFleet.Task = this; foreach (Ship ship in elTaskForce) { newFleet.AddShip(ship); ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.Clear(); ship.GetAI().State = AIState.AwaitingOrders; ClosestAO.GetOffensiveForcePool().Remove(ship); ClosestAO.GetWaitingShips().Remove(ship); this.empire.GetGSAI().DefensiveCoordinator.remove(ship); } newFleet.AutoArrange(); break; } } this.Step = 1; } } else if (ourAvailableStrength > EnemyTroopStrength ) { if (this.TargetPlanet.Owner == null || this.TargetPlanet.Owner != null && !this.empire.GetRelations().ContainsKey(this.TargetPlanet.Owner)) { this.EndTask(); return; } if (ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task == null && ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().GetStrength() > this.MinimumTaskForceStrength) { MilitaryTask clearArea = new MilitaryTask(ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner) { AO = this.TargetPlanet.Position, AORadius = 75000f, type = MilitaryTask.TaskType.ClearAreaOfEnemies }; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Owner.GetGSAI().TasksToAdd.Add(clearArea); clearArea.WhichFleet = ClosestAO.WhichFleet; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().Task = clearArea; clearArea.IsCoreFleetTask = true; ClosestAO.GetCoreFleet().TaskStep = 1; clearArea.Step = 1; if (this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWar) { this.empire.GetGSAI().DeclareWarOn(this.TargetPlanet.Owner, this.empire.GetRelations()[this.TargetPlanet.Owner].PreparingForWarType); } } } //else if (EnemyTroopStrength > 100f) else if (this.TargetPlanet.GetGroundLandingSpots()<10) { this.IsToughNut = true; } if (!GoodToGo) { this.NeededTroopStrength = (int)(EnemyTroopStrength - ourAvailableStrength); } }