private void tbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { rc.CityName = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbCityName.Text); rc.CityCode = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbCityCode.Text); rc.CountryRegionId = Conversions.ToInteger(cboRegionCode.SelectedValue); if (rcService.AddOrUpdate(rc, db)) { Close(); } } }
private void BunifuButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cpService = new CompanyAddressService(); cp.StreetAddress = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(address1TextBox2.Text); cp.AddressDescription = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(locationDescription1TextBox1.Text); cp.ZipCode = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(postal1TextBox1.Text); cp.Phone = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(phone1TextBox.Text); cp.Fax = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(fax1TextBox.Text); cp.RegionCityId = (int?)cboCity.SelectedValue; using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { if (cpService.AddOrUpdate(cp, db)) { My.MyProject.Forms.FrmAddOrganization.addrList.Add(cp); My.MyProject.Forms.FrmAddOrganization.CompanyAddressBindingSource.DataSource = null; My.MyProject.Forms.FrmAddOrganization.CompanyAddressBindingSource.DataSource = My.MyProject.Forms.FrmAddOrganization.addrList; Close(); } } }
private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int companyId; lblWarning.Text = ""; if ((isCustomer && Convert.ToInt32(cboRateTier.SelectedValue) != 0) || isCustomer == false) { using (var db = new WTCCeresEntities()) { if (Information.IsNothing(c)) { c = new Company(); } // c.CompanyCategoryId = Conversions.ToInteger(cboCompanyCategory.SelectedValue); c.CompanyCode = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbCode.Text); c.CompanyName = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbName.Text); c.Email = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbEmail.Text); c.Website = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbWebsite.Text); c.Attention = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbAttention.Text); c.Notes = MdlDataCleasing.TrimAll(tbNotes.Text); c.Rating = rating; c.IsActive = true; if (cService.AddOrUpdate(c, db)) { companyId = cService.GetLastCompanyIdInserted(); if (isCustomer) { ccrt.CustomerRateTypeId = Conversions.ToInteger(cboRateTier.SelectedValue); ccrt.CompanyId = companyId; ccrService.AddOrUpdate(ccrt, db); } int count = 0; foreach (var addr in addrList) { addr.CompanyId = companyId; if (count == 0) { addr.MainAddress = true; } else { addr.MainAddress = false; } caddrService.AddOrUpdate(addr, db); count += 1; } foreach (var cct in cctList) { cct.CompanyId = companyId; cct.CompanyTypeId = cct.CompanyTypeId; cctService.AddOrUpdate(cct, db); } Close(); } else { My.MyProject.Forms.MessageBoxCeresOK.ShowDialog("Error", "There was an error and the information was not saved", this); } } } else { lblWarning.Text = "Customer Rate needed."; } }