void System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector.Connect(int connectionId, object target) { switch (connectionId) { case 1: this.ShutDownDialog = ((Shiny.AlertShutDownDialog)(target)); return; case 2: this.shutDownTextLabel = ((System.Windows.Controls.Label)(target)); return; case 3: this.yesButton = ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)); #line 15 "..\..\AlertShutDownDialog.xaml" this.yesButton.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.yesButton_Click); #line default #line hidden return; case 4: this.noButton = ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(target)); #line 16 "..\..\AlertShutDownDialog.xaml" this.noButton.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.noButton_Click); #line default #line hidden return; case 5: this.commentBox = ((System.Windows.Controls.RichTextBox)(target)); #line 17 "..\..\AlertShutDownDialog.xaml" this.commentBox.GotFocus += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(this.RichTextBox_GotFocus); #line default #line hidden return; } this._contentLoaded = true; }
// Active alert table Status column click event private void ActiveAlertTable_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (sender != null) { DataGrid grid = sender as DataGrid; if (grid != null && grid.SelectedItems != null && grid.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { bool missionDone = false; // store ID & IP string ID = ((DataRowView)ActiveAlertTable.CurrentCell.Item).Row.ItemArray[0].ToString(); string IP = ((DataRowView)ActiveAlertTable.CurrentCell.Item).Row.ItemArray[4].ToString(); // dialog to shut down AlertShutDownDialog win2 = new AlertShutDownDialog(); Tuple <int, string> result = win2.ReturnResult(ID); if (result.Item1 == 1) { string connStr = "server=earthpwn.ddns.net;user=anan;database=anan;port=6969;password=anan;SslMode=none"; //global MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr); try { ConsoleAddItem("Alarm shut down mission has started for Alarm #" + ID); // Mission: Shut the Alarm Down! Part 1: Sending Signal to Client try { var client = new TcpClient(); var asyncresult = client.BeginConnect(IP, 5001, null, null); var success = asyncresult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); if (success) { ConsoleAddItem("Server exist"); using (NetworkStream nwStream = client.GetStream()) { // YAZ String textToSend = "1"; byte[] bytesToSend = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(textToSend); nwStream.Write(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length); ConsoleAddItem(">>>>>>>>>>>>> " + textToSend); // OKU, byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize]; int bytesRead = nwStream.Read(bytesToRead, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize); ConsoleAddItem("Received : " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesToRead, 0, bytesRead)); // Verify server understood the command if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesToRead, 0, bytesRead) == textToSend) { ConsoleAddItem("Initiating hibernation sequence" /* Tospaa, 10.11.2018 */); missionDone = true; } else { ConsoleAddItem("Handshake failed. Skipping the DB update."); } } } else { ConsoleAddItem("Server is unreachable. Skipping DB update."); } } catch (SocketException) { ConsoleAddItem(String.Format("Couldn't send the signal to Alarm #{0}. Target is not online. Skipping the DB update.", ID)); } catch (IOException) { ConsoleAddItem(String.Format("Couldn't send the signal to Alarm #{0}. Target is not online. Skipping the DB update.", ID)); } conn.Open(); ConsoleAddItem("DB Connection established!"); // Mission accomplished! Update DB if (missionDone) { // Mission: Shut the Alarm Down! Part 2: Database Conversation // Status Update StatusUpdate(Status.OFF, ID, result.Item2.Trim(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }), false, conn); // Activity Update ActivityUpdate(Activity.OFF_AdminShutDown, ID, false, conn); } // Houston, we may have a problem. else { //MessageBox.Show("Alarm deaktif hale getirelemedi.") ConsoleAddItem($"ID: {ID} IP: {IP} - Alarm deaktif hale getirelemedi."); SbarMessage($"#{ID} numaralı alarm deaktif hale getirelemedi."); } // Refresh Alerts RetrieveAlerts(false, conn); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleAddItem("Error while changing alarm status: " + ex.Message); } if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { try { conn.Close(); ConsoleAddItem("DB Connection Closed."); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleAddItem($"{ex.Message} You should've never seen this."); } } } } } }