public CentralContext(IServiceProvider services, BleConfiguration config) { if (!PlatformExtensions.HasPlistValue("NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription")) { Console.WriteLine("NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription needs to be set - you will likely experience a native crash after this log"); } if (!PlatformExtensions.HasPlistValue("NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription", 13)) { Console.WriteLine("NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription needs to be set - you will likely experience a native crash after this log"); } = services; var opts = new CBCentralInitOptions { ShowPowerAlert = config.iOSShowPowerAlert }; if (!config.iOSRestoreIdentifier.IsEmpty()) { opts.RestoreIdentifier = config.iOSRestoreIdentifier; } this.Manager = new CBCentralManager(this, null, opts); }
public BleShinyModule(BleConfiguration config) => this.config = config ?? new BleConfiguration();