public void TestToxEncryptionLoad() { var tox1 = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); tox1.Name = "Test"; tox1.StatusMessage = "Hey"; var key = new ToxEncryptionKey("heythisisatest"); var data = tox1.GetData(key); Assert.IsNotNull(data, "Failed to encrypt the Tox data"); Assert.IsTrue(data.IsEncrypted, "We encrypted the data, but toxencryptsave thinks we didn't"); var tox2 = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default, ToxData.FromBytes(data.Bytes), key); if (tox2.Id != tox1.Id) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, tox id's don't match"); if (tox2.Name != tox1.Name) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, names don't match"); if (tox2.StatusMessage != tox1.StatusMessage) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, status messages don't match"); tox1.Dispose(); tox2.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxDataParsing() { var tox = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); tox.Name = "Test"; tox.StatusMessage = "Status"; tox.Status = ToxUserStatus.Away; var data = tox.GetData(); ToxDataInfo info = null; if (data == null || !data.TryParse(out info)) Assert.Fail("Parsing the data file failed"); if (info.Id != tox.Id || info.Name != tox.Name || info.SecretKey != tox.GetPrivateKey() || info.Status != tox.Status || info.StatusMessage != tox.StatusMessage) Assert.Fail("Parsing the data file failed"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxBootstrapAndConnectTcp() { var tox = new Tox(new ToxOptions(true, false)); var error = ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok; foreach (var node in Globals.TcpRelays) { bool result = tox.AddTcpRelay(node, out error); if (!result || error != ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok) Assert.Fail("Failed to bootstrap error: {0}, result: {1}", error, result); } tox.Start(); while (!tox.IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Console.WriteLine("Tox connected!"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxFriendRequest() { var options = new ToxOptions(true, true); var tox1 = new Tox(options); var tox2 = new Tox(options); var error = ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok; string message = "Hey, this is a test friend request."; bool testFinished = false; tox1.AddFriend(tox2.Id, message, out error); if (error != ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok) Assert.Fail("Failed to add friend: {0}", error); tox2.OnFriendRequestReceived += (sender, args) => { if (args.Message != message) Assert.Fail("Message received in the friend request is not the same as the one that was sent"); tox2.AddFriendNoRequest(args.PublicKey, out error); if (error != ToxErrorFriendAdd.Ok) Assert.Fail("Failed to add friend (no request): {0}", error); if (!tox2.FriendExists(0)) Assert.Fail("Friend doesn't exist according to core"); testFinished = true; }; while (!testFinished && tox1.GetFriendConnectionStatus(0) == ToxConnectionStatus.None) { int time1 = tox1.Iterate(); int time2 = tox2.Iterate(); Thread.Sleep(Math.Min(time1, time2)); } tox1.Dispose(); tox2.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxSelfStatusMessage() { var tox = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); string statusMessage = "Test status message"; tox.StatusMessage = statusMessage; if (tox.StatusMessage != statusMessage) Assert.Fail("Failed to set/retrieve status message"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxSelfStatus() { var tox = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); var status = ToxUserStatus.Away; tox.Status = status; if (tox.Status != status) Assert.Fail("Failed to set/retrieve status"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxSelfName() { var tox = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); string name = "Test name"; tox.Name = name; if (tox.Name != name) Assert.Fail("Failed to set/retrieve name"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxProxySocks5() { var options = new ToxOptions(true, ToxProxyType.Socks5, "", 9050); var tox = new Tox(options); var error = ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok; foreach (var node in Globals.TcpRelays) { bool result = tox.AddTcpRelay(node, out error); if (!result || error != ToxErrorBootstrap.Ok) Assert.Fail("Failed to bootstrap, error: {0}, result: {1}", error, result); } tox.Start(); while (!tox.IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Console.WriteLine("Tox connected!"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxPortBind() { var tox1 = new Tox(new ToxOptions(true, false)); var tox2 = new Tox(new ToxOptions(true, true)); var error = ToxErrorGetPort.Ok; int port = tox1.GetUdpPort(out error); if (error != ToxErrorGetPort.NotBound) Assert.Fail("Tox bound to an udp port while it's not supposed to, port: {0}", port); port = tox2.GetUdpPort(out error); if (error != ToxErrorGetPort.Ok) Assert.Fail("Failed to bind to an udp port"); tox1.Dispose(); tox2.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxNospam() { var tox = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); byte[] randomBytes = new byte[sizeof(uint)]; new Random().NextBytes(randomBytes); uint nospam = BitConverter.ToUInt32(randomBytes, 0); tox.SetNospam(nospam); if (nospam != tox.GetNospam()) Assert.Fail("Failed to set/get nospam correctly, values don't match"); tox.Dispose(); }
public void TestToxLoadData() { var tox1 = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); tox1.Name = "Test"; tox1.StatusMessage = "Hey"; var data = tox1.GetData(); var tox2 = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default, ToxData.FromBytes(data.Bytes)); if (tox2.Id != tox1.Id) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, tox id's don't match"); if (tox2.Name != tox1.Name) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, names don't match"); if (tox2.StatusMessage != tox1.StatusMessage) Assert.Fail("Failed to load tox data correctly, status messages don't match"); tox1.Dispose(); tox2.Dispose(); }
private bool CreateNewProfile(string profileName) { string path = Path.Combine(toxDataDir, profileName + ".tox"); if (File.Exists(path)) return false; Tox t = new Tox(ToxOptions.Default); t.Name = profileName; if (!t.GetData().Save(path)) { t.Dispose(); return false; } t.Dispose(); return LoadProfile(profileName, false); }