private void OnNewPointButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CurrentPointNumber++; SharpKml.Base.Vector coord = new SharpKml.Base.Vector(0, 0); CoordsList.Add(coord); EditPointControl pointControl = new EditPointControl(coord, CurrentPointNumber); this.Stack.Children.Add(pointControl); }
public EditPointControl(SharpKml.Base.Vector coordinates, int pointNumber) { InitializeComponent(); Coordinates = coordinates; CurrLat.Text = Coordinates.Latitude.ToString(); CurrLong.Text = Coordinates.Longitude.ToString(); Point.Text = pointNumber.ToString(); PreviewTextInput += NumberValidation; }
/// <summary> /// Creates track point object from SharpKml Vector object /// </summary> /// <param name="vector">vector object</param> /// <returns>track point object</returns> private static TrackPoint GetTrackPointFromVector(SharpKml.Base.Vector vector) { double?altitude = null; if (vector.Altitude.HasValue) { altitude = vector.Altitude; } return(new TrackPoint(vector.Latitude, vector.Longitude, altitude, heading: null)); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates azimuth of a line between 2 points /// </summary> /// <param name="position1"></param> /// <param name="position2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static double CalculateBearing(Coord.Vector position1, Coord.Vector position2) { var lat1 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(position1.Latitude); var lat2 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(position2.Latitude); var long1 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(position2.Longitude); var long2 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(position1.Longitude); var dLon = long1 - long2; var y = Math.Sin(dLon) * Math.Cos(lat2); var x = Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2) - Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(dLon); var brng = Math.Atan2(y, x); return((AngleConverter.ConvertRadiansToDegrees(brng) + 360) % 360); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates a point with a starting point, distance and azimuth /// </summary> /// <param name="start">Starting point in latitude and longitude</param> /// <param name="distance">Distance in kilometers</param> /// <param name="bearing">Azimuth in degrees</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Coord.Vector CalculatePoint(Coord.Vector start, double distance, double bearing) { double dista = distance / EarthsRadius; double tc = -AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(bearing); double lat1 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(start.Latitude); double lon1 = AngleConverter.ConvertDegreesToRadians(start.Longitude); double lat = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(dista) + Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(dista) * Math.Cos(tc)); double dlon = Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(tc) * Math.Sin(dista) * Math.Cos(lat1), Math.Cos(dista) - Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat)); double lon = ((lon1 - dlon + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI; lat = AngleConverter.ConvertRadiansToDegrees(lat); lon = AngleConverter.ConvertRadiansToDegrees(lon); return(new Coord.Vector(lat, lon)); }
public void AddMarkerToContainer(Coord.Vector place, Container container, int number) { SharpKml.Dom.Style style = new SharpKml.Dom.Style(); style.Id = "MarkerStyle" + number.ToString(); style.Icon = new IconStyle(); style.Icon.Icon = new IconStyle.IconLink(new Uri("")); Placemark placemark = new Placemark(); placemark.StyleUrl = new Uri("MarkerStyle" + number.ToString(), UriKind.Relative); placemark.Geometry = new SharpKml.Dom.Point() { Coordinate = place }; container.AddFeature(placemark); container.AddStyle(style); }
public void AddSingleLineToContainer(Coord.Vector start, Coord.Vector end, byte color, Container container, int number) { SharpKml.Dom.Style style = new SharpKml.Dom.Style(); style.Id = "LineStyle" + number.ToString(); style.Line = new LineStyle(); style.Line.Color = new Coord.Color32(255, 0, (byte)(255 - color), color); style.Line.Width = 3; Placemark placemark = new Placemark(); placemark.StyleUrl = new Uri("LineStyle" + number.ToString(), UriKind.Relative); LineString lineString = new LineString(); lineString.Coordinates = new CoordinateCollection(); lineString.Coordinates.Add(start); lineString.Coordinates.Add(end); placemark.Geometry = lineString; container.AddFeature(placemark); container.AddStyle(style); }
private void DoAnalize(FileButton <Profile> butt) { SectionReadWindow sectionReadWindow = new SectionReadWindow(butt.File.ProfSection, false); sectionReadWindow.ShowDialog(); Kml file = (Kml)butt.File.ProfKmlFile.Root; List <Placemark> lineList = new List <Placemark>(); ExtractPlacemarks(file.Feature, lineList); LineString line = new LineString(); try { line = lineList.Single().Geometry as LineString; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Kml nie spełnia wymogów profilu. Należy wczytać plik zawierający jedną linię."); } List <Coord.Vector> points = new List <Coord.Vector>(); foreach (Coord.Vector j in line.Coordinates) { points.Add(j); } Coord.Vector startCoord = points[0]; Coord.Vector endCoord = points[points.Count - 1]; List <System.Windows.Point> secPoints = sectionReadWindow.Points; List <Coord.Vector> vectors = new List <Coord.Vector>(); int pointsAmount = sectionReadWindow.Points.Count; double profLength = CoordinatesCalculator.CalculateDistance(startCoord.Latitude, startCoord.Longitude, endCoord.Latitude, endCoord.Longitude); double sectionLength = sectionReadWindow.LastPoint.X - sectionReadWindow.ZeroPoint.X; double scale = profLength / sectionLength; double maxDepth = sectionReadWindow.LastPoint.Y - sectionReadWindow.ZeroPoint.Y; double azimuth = CoordinatesCalculator.CalculateBearing(startCoord, endCoord); var pp = from t in secPoints orderby t.X ascending select t; secPoints = pp.ToList <System.Windows.Point>(); List <byte> depths = new List <byte>(); byte depth = new byte(); for (int i = 0; i < pointsAmount; i++) { depth = (byte)(secPoints[i].Y / maxDepth * 255); double dist; if (i == 0) { dist = secPoints[i].X * scale; vectors.Add(startCoord); depths.Add((byte)(sectionReadWindow.ZeroPoint.Y / maxDepth * 255)); } else { dist = (secPoints[i].X - secPoints[i - 1].X) * scale; } Coord.Vector vector = CoordinatesCalculator.CalculatePoint(vectors[vectors.Count - 1], dist, azimuth); vectors.Add(vector); depths.Add(depth); } vectors.RemoveAt(vectors.Count - 1); depths.RemoveAt(depths.Count - 1); vectors.RemoveAt(vectors.Count - 1); depths.RemoveAt(depths.Count - 1); vectors.Add(endCoord); depths.Add(depths[depths.Count - 1]); Document document = new Document(); document.Name = butt.File.Name + ".kml"; for (int i = 1; i < vectors.Count; i++) { AddSingleLineToContainer(vectors[i - 1], vectors[i], (byte)((depths[i] + depths[i - 1]) / 2), document, i); } List <Coord.Vector> markers = new List <Coord.Vector>(); foreach (var point in sectionReadWindow.Markers) { double dist = point.X * scale; Coord.Vector vector = CoordinatesCalculator.CalculatePoint(startCoord, dist, azimuth); markers.Add(vector); } int n = 1; foreach (var coord in markers) { AddMarkerToContainer(coord, document, n); n++; } Kml kml = new Kml(); kml.Feature = document; KmlFile kmlFile = KmlFile.Create(kml, true); AddToList(kmlFile); SaveKmls(kmlFile); FileButton <KmlFile> button = new FileButton <KmlFile>(kmlFile) { Height = 40, Margin = new Thickness(10, 5, 5, 10), Content = document.Name }; button.Click += OnOutFileButtonClick; OutStack.Children.Add(button); }