        public SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix GetCurrentTransform(object clientDrawingContext)
            Matrix3x2 d2Dmatrix = _renderTarget.Transform;
            var       dwMatrix  = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix()
                M11 = d2Dmatrix.M11,
                M12 = d2Dmatrix.M12,
                M21 = d2Dmatrix.M22,
                M22 = d2Dmatrix.M22,
                Dx  = d2Dmatrix.M31,
                Dy  = d2Dmatrix.M32

        private static void GetKerningInfo(CCRawList <char> charset)

            var fontFace = new FontFace(_currentFont);

            var value = new ABCFloat[1];

            var glyphRun = new GlyphRun();

            glyphRun.FontFace = fontFace;
            glyphRun.FontSize = _currentDIP;

            var BrushColor = SharpDX.Color.White;

            SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix mtrx = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix();
            mtrx.M11 = 1F;
            mtrx.M12 = 0;
            mtrx.M21 = 0;
            mtrx.M22 = 1F;
            mtrx.Dx  = 0;
            mtrx.Dy  = 0;

            //GlyphMetrics[] metrics = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(23, 1, mtrx, false, glyphIndices, false);

            //FontMetrics metr = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleMetrics(23, 1, new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix());
            //_pRenderTarget.DrawGlyphRun(new SharpDX.DrawingPointF(left, top), glyphRun, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(_pRenderTarget, BrushColor), MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
            int[] codePoints = new int[1];
            var   unitsPerEm = fontFace.Metrics.DesignUnitsPerEm;
            var   familyName = _currentFont.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < charset.Count; i++)
                var ch = charset[i];
                if (!_abcValues.ContainsKey(ch))
                    var textLayout = new TextLayout(FactoryDWrite, ch.ToString(), textFormat, unitsPerEm, unitsPerEm);

                    var tlMetrics = textLayout.Metrics;
                    var tlmWidth  = tlMetrics.Width;
                    var tllWidth  = tlMetrics.LayoutWidth;

                    codePoints[0] = (int)ch;
                    short[] glyphIndices = fontFace.GetGlyphIndices(codePoints);
                    glyphRun.Indices = glyphIndices;

                    var metrics = fontFace.GetDesignGlyphMetrics(glyphIndices, false);

                    //var width = metrics[0].AdvanceWidth + metrics[0].LeftSideBearing + metrics[0].RightSideBearing;
                    //var glyphWidth = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //var abcWidth = _currentDIP * (float)width / unitsPerEm;

                    //value[0].abcfA = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfB = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfC = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm;

                    // The A and C values are throwing the spacing off
                    //value[0].abcfA = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm;
                    value[0].abcfB = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfC = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm;

                        new KerningInfo()
                        A = value[0].abcfA,
                        B = value[0].abcfB,
                        C = value[0].abcfC
        private static void GetKerningInfo(CCRawList<char> charset)

            var fontFace = new FontFace(_currentFont);
            var value = new ABCFloat[1];

            var glyphRun = new GlyphRun();
            glyphRun.FontFace = fontFace;
            glyphRun.FontSize = _currentDIP;

            var BrushColor = SharpDX.Color.White;

            SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix mtrx = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix();
            mtrx.M11 = 1F;
            mtrx.M12 = 0;
            mtrx.M21 = 0;
            mtrx.M22 = 1F;
            mtrx.Dx = 0;
            mtrx.Dy = 0;

            //GlyphMetrics[] metrics = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleGlyphMetrics(23, 1, mtrx, false, glyphIndices, false);

            //FontMetrics metr = fontFace.GetGdiCompatibleMetrics(23, 1, new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix());
            //_pRenderTarget.DrawGlyphRun(new SharpDX.DrawingPointF(left, top), glyphRun, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.SolidColorBrush(_pRenderTarget, BrushColor), MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
            int[] codePoints = new int[1];
            var unitsPerEm = fontFace.Metrics.DesignUnitsPerEm;
            var familyName = _currentFont.ToString();

            for (int i = 0; i < charset.Count; i++)
                var ch = charset[i];
                if (!_abcValues.ContainsKey(ch))
                    var textLayout = new TextLayout(FactoryDWrite, ch.ToString(), textFormat, unitsPerEm, unitsPerEm);

                    var tlMetrics = textLayout.Metrics;
                    var tlmWidth = tlMetrics.Width;
                    var tllWidth = tlMetrics.LayoutWidth;

                    codePoints[0] = (int)ch;
                    short[] glyphIndices = fontFace.GetGlyphIndices(codePoints);
                    glyphRun.Indices = glyphIndices;

                    var metrics = fontFace.GetDesignGlyphMetrics(glyphIndices, false);
                    //var width = metrics[0].AdvanceWidth + metrics[0].LeftSideBearing + metrics[0].RightSideBearing;
                    //var glyphWidth = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //var abcWidth = _currentDIP * (float)width / unitsPerEm;

                    //value[0].abcfA = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfB = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfC = _currentFontSizeEm * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm;

                    // The A and C values are throwing the spacing off
                    //value[0].abcfA = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].LeftSideBearing / unitsPerEm;
                    value[0].abcfB = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].AdvanceWidth / unitsPerEm;
                    //value[0].abcfC = _currentDIP * (float)metrics[0].RightSideBearing / unitsPerEm;

                        new KerningInfo()
                            A = value[0].abcfA,
                            B = value[0].abcfB,
                            C = value[0].abcfC

 public SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix GetCurrentTransform(object clientDrawingContext)
     Matrix3x2 d2Dmatrix = _renderTarget.Transform;
     var dwMatrix = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Matrix()
         M11 = d2Dmatrix.M11,
         M12 = d2Dmatrix.M12,
         M21 = d2Dmatrix.M22,
         M22 = d2Dmatrix.M22,
         Dx = d2Dmatrix.M31,
         Dy = d2Dmatrix.M32
     return dwMatrix;