        private void DecodeFieldList()
            SPFieldDefinitionCollection oTemplateFields = SPFieldListTemplates.GetTemplateFieldList(this.ServerTemplate);

            _Fields = new SPFieldDefinitionCollection();
            _Fields.AddRange(SPFieldListTemplates.GetBasicFieldList(this.ListType));              // add the default definitions available no matter the list template.

            if (_ListData.IsNull("Fields"))
                // the field definition is NULL, that means no customization has been applied to the server template for this list.
                // We get the default field definitions for the list template.
                // the field definitions are specified, that means the default server template has been override with custom metadata.

                // there 2 main node types for field definitions.
                // FieldRef and Field.  I understood that FieldRef maps to a server template default definition and
                // Field is a custom definition.

                // For each fieldref, we try to get its definition from the template field definitions.
                // for each field, we are going to create a new instance of field definition based on the element attributes.

                System.Xml.XmlDocument oDoc = null;
                string sXML = "<Fields>" + _ListData["Fields"].ToString() + "</Fields>";

                //note: for an unknown reason, oDoc.LoadXml fails in debug (within the VS IDE)
                //      I get rid of the error by freeing memory (closing other opened application).
                //		That piss me off and I discovered that when using an XmlReader it does not generate this error...
                oDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                System.IO.StringReader oXmlReader = new System.IO.StringReader(sXML);

                System.Xml.XmlNodeList oNodes = oDoc.SelectNodes("Fields/*");

                if (oNodes != null)
                    foreach (System.Xml.XmlElement oFieldXmlNode in oNodes)
                        SPFieldDefinition oDefinition     = null;
                        string            sAttributeValue = null;

                        switch (oFieldXmlNode.Name)
                        case "Field":
                            if (oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("Type") == "URL")
                                oDefinition = new SPUrlFieldDefinition(
                                    new string[] { oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName"), oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName2") });
                            else if (oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName").Length != 0)
                                oDefinition = new SPFieldDefinition(

                        case "FieldRef":
                            sAttributeValue = oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName");
                            string sName = oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("Name");

                            if (sAttributeValue != null && sAttributeValue.Length > 0)
                                // we have a ColName value, we use it.
                                string sDisplayName = sName.Replace("_x0020_", " ");
                                oDefinition = new SPFieldDefinition(sDisplayName, sName, sAttributeValue);
                                // we do not have a ColName value.
                                // we search the server template definition to get the default column mapping
                                oDefinition = oTemplateFields.FindByInternalName(sName);

                        if (oDefinition != null && _Fields.FindByInternalName(oDefinition.InternalName) == null)
		private void DecodeFieldList()
			SPFieldDefinitionCollection oTemplateFields = SPFieldListTemplates.GetTemplateFieldList(this.ServerTemplate);

			_Fields = new SPFieldDefinitionCollection();
			_Fields.AddRange(SPFieldListTemplates.GetBasicFieldList(this.ListType));  // add the default definitions available no matter the list template.

			if (_ListData.IsNull("Fields"))
				// the field definition is NULL, that means no customization has been applied to the server template for this list.
				// We get the default field definitions for the list template.
				// the field definitions are specified, that means the default server template has been override with custom metadata.

				// there 2 main node types for field definitions.
				// FieldRef and Field.  I understood that FieldRef maps to a server template default definition and 
				// Field is a custom definition.

				// For each fieldref, we try to get its definition from the template field definitions.
				// for each field, we are going to create a new instance of field definition based on the element attributes.

				System.Xml.XmlDocument oDoc = null;
				string sXML = "<Fields>" + _ListData["Fields"].ToString() + "</Fields>";

				//note: for an unknown reason, oDoc.LoadXml fails in debug (within the VS IDE)
				//      I get rid of the error by freeing memory (closing other opened application).
				//		That piss me off and I discovered that when using an XmlReader it does not generate this error...
				oDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
				System.IO.StringReader oXmlReader = new System.IO.StringReader(sXML);

				System.Xml.XmlNodeList oNodes = oDoc.SelectNodes("Fields/*");

				if (oNodes != null)
					foreach (System.Xml.XmlElement oFieldXmlNode in oNodes)
						SPFieldDefinition oDefinition = null;
						string sAttributeValue = null;
						switch (oFieldXmlNode.Name)
							case "Field":
								if (oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("Type") == "URL")
									oDefinition = new SPUrlFieldDefinition(
										new string[] { oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName"), oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName2") });
								else if (oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName").Length != 0)
									oDefinition = new SPFieldDefinition(

							case "FieldRef":
								sAttributeValue = oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("ColName");
								string sName = oFieldXmlNode.GetAttribute("Name");

								if (sAttributeValue != null && sAttributeValue.Length > 0)
									// we have a ColName value, we use it.
									string sDisplayName = sName.Replace("_x0020_", " ");
									oDefinition = new SPFieldDefinition(sDisplayName, sName, sAttributeValue);
									// we do not have a ColName value.
									// we search the server template definition to get the default column mapping
									oDefinition = oTemplateFields.FindByInternalName(sName);

						if (oDefinition != null && _Fields.FindByInternalName(oDefinition.InternalName) == null)

        private string GetListItemsQuery(SPListDefinition list, bool includeDocumentContent, bool countQuery)
            StringBuilder sbSQL  = new StringBuilder();
            bool          bFirst = true;

            sbSQL.Append("SELECT ");

            if (countQuery)
                SPFieldDefinitionCollection oFields = list.Fields;

                //Note: Beware, the includeDocumentContent works ONLY on document libraries.
                //	    for custom lists we must use GetListItemAttachmentsList method.
                if (includeDocumentContent)
                    oFields = new SPFieldDefinitionCollection();
                    oFields.Add(new SPFieldDefinition("DocContent", "DocContent", "Docs.Content"));

                foreach (SPFieldDefinition oField in oFields)
                    if (bFirst)
                        bFirst = false;
                        sbSQL.Append(", ");

                    sbSQL.AppendFormat("{0} AS [{1}]", oField.GetCompletePhysicalName(), oField.DisplayName);

            // Join between UserData and Docs occurs only for Document Libraries
            // Docs.Type = 0 = File
            // Docs.Type = 1 = Folder

            sbSQL.Append(" FROM UserData ");

            if (list.ListType == SharepointListType.DocumenLibrary)
                // 2007/05/01: Bug Fix - Thanks to Merijn Boom
                //  This query was returning some invalid records (one per folder found in document libraries)
                //  that caused the exporter to crash.
                //  The fix is to perform an INNER JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN to keep only records of type "File"
                //  (exluding entries of type "Folder") when processing a document library.
                // 2009/01/29:	Bug Fix - Thanks to Finn Olesen for discovering the issue.
                //				I have removed a condition in the INNER JOIN (on Doc.Version = UserData.tp_version)
                //				that have nothing to do here.  The unique value of a document in a document library
                //				can be obtain with only the 2 following fields: ListId, DocLibRowId
                sbSQL.Append("INNER JOIN Docs ON (Docs.ListId = UserData.tp_ListId AND Docs.DocLibRowId = UserData.tp_ID AND Docs.Type = 0) ");

            sbSQL.Append("LEFT JOIN UserInfo Author ON (Author.tp_ID = UserData.tp_Author AND Author.tp_SiteID = UserData.tp_SiteID) ");
            sbSQL.Append("LEFT JOIN UserInfo Editor ON (Editor.tp_ID = UserData.tp_Editor AND Editor.tp_SiteID = UserData.tp_SiteID) ");
            sbSQL.AppendFormat("WHERE UserData.tp_ListId = '{0}' ", list.ID);
            sbSQL.AppendFormat("AND UserData.tp_IsCurrent = CONVERT(bit, 1) ");

		private string GetListItemsQuery(SPListDefinition list, bool includeDocumentContent, bool countQuery)
			StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();
			bool bFirst = true;

			sbSQL.Append("SELECT ");

			if (countQuery)
				SPFieldDefinitionCollection oFields = list.Fields;

				//Note: Beware, the includeDocumentContent works ONLY on document libraries.
				//	    for custom lists we must use GetListItemAttachmentsList method.
				if (includeDocumentContent)
					oFields = new SPFieldDefinitionCollection();
					oFields.Add(new SPFieldDefinition("DocContent", "DocContent", "Docs.Content"));

				foreach (SPFieldDefinition oField in oFields)
					if (bFirst)
						bFirst = false;
						sbSQL.Append(", ");

					sbSQL.AppendFormat("{0} AS [{1}]", oField.GetCompletePhysicalName(), oField.DisplayName);

			// Join between UserData and Docs occurs only for Document Libraries
			// Docs.Type = 0 = File
			// Docs.Type = 1 = Folder

			sbSQL.Append(" FROM UserData ");

			if (list.ListType == SharepointListType.DocumenLibrary)
				// 2007/05/01: Bug Fix - Thanks to Merijn Boom
				//  This query was returning some invalid records (one per folder found in document libraries)
				//  that caused the exporter to crash.
				//  The fix is to perform an INNER JOIN instead of a LEFT JOIN to keep only records of type "File" 
				//  (exluding entries of type "Folder") when processing a document library.
				// 2009/01/29:	Bug Fix - Thanks to Finn Olesen for discovering the issue.
				//				I have removed a condition in the INNER JOIN (on Doc.Version = UserData.tp_version)
				//				that have nothing to do here.  The unique value of a document in a document library
				//				can be obtain with only the 2 following fields: ListId, DocLibRowId
				sbSQL.Append("INNER JOIN Docs ON (Docs.ListId = UserData.tp_ListId AND Docs.DocLibRowId = UserData.tp_ID AND Docs.Type = 0) ");

			sbSQL.Append("LEFT JOIN UserInfo Author ON (Author.tp_ID = UserData.tp_Author AND Author.tp_SiteID = UserData.tp_SiteID) ");
			sbSQL.Append("LEFT JOIN UserInfo Editor ON (Editor.tp_ID = UserData.tp_Editor AND Editor.tp_SiteID = UserData.tp_SiteID) ");
			sbSQL.AppendFormat("WHERE UserData.tp_ListId = '{0}' ", list.ID);
			sbSQL.AppendFormat("AND UserData.tp_IsCurrent = CONVERT(bit, 1) ");

			return (sbSQL.ToString());