public void addGlob(NSObject sender) { var getter = new GetString{Title = "New Glob", Label = "Glob:"}; string glob = getter.Run(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(glob)) { if (!m_globs.Exists(g => g.Item1 == glob)) { m_globs.Add(Tuple.Create(glob, 0)); reloadData(); int row = m_globs.Count - 1; var index = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex((uint) row); selectRowIndexes_byExtendingSelection(index, false); scrollRowToVisible(row); DoSyncPref(); } else Functions.NSBeep(); } }
public void findLine(NSObject sender) { NSRange range = m_textView.Value.selectedRange(); int line = m_metrics.GetLine(range.location); var getter = new GetString{Title = "Find Line", Label = "Line:", Text = line.ToString(), ValidText = @"\d+"}; string text = getter.Run(); if (text != null) { line = int.Parse(text); int firstOffset = m_metrics.GetLineOffset(line); int lastOffset = m_metrics.GetLineOffset(line + 1); range = new NSRange(firstOffset, lastOffset - firstOffset); m_textView.Value.setSelectedRange(range); m_textView.Value.scrollRangeToVisible(range); m_textView.Value.showFindIndicatorForRange(range); } }
public void Open() { string text = new GetString{Title = "Open Selection", ValidRegex = m_validator}.Run(); if (text != null) text = text.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) if (!Open(text)) Functions.NSBeep(); }
private object DoAsk(Script script, string prompt, object dvalue) { object result; if (dvalue is string) { var dialog = new GetString{Title = prompt, Label = "Value:"}; dialog.Text = (string) dvalue; result = dialog.Run(); if (result == null) throw new OperationCanceledException(); } else if (Equals(dvalue, true)) { int button = Functions.NSRunInformationalAlertPanel( NSString.Create(prompt), // title NSString.Empty, // message, NSString.Create("Yes"), // defaultButton NSString.Create("No"), // alternateButton null); // otherButton result = button == Enums.NSOKButton; } else if (Equals(dvalue, false)) { int button = Functions.NSRunInformationalAlertPanel( NSString.Create(prompt), // title NSString.Empty, // message, NSString.Create("No"), // defaultButton NSString.Create("Yes"), // alternateButton null); // otherButton result = button != Enums.NSOKButton; } else throw new InvalidOperationException("Default value must be a Boolean or String."); return result; }
public void showLiveObjects(NSObject sender) { var getter = new GetString{Title = "Show Live Objects", Label = "Type:", Text = "[\\w.]+"}; string pattern = getter.Run(); if (pattern != null) { try { var re = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); Func<string, object, bool> filter = (type, obj) => re.IsMatch(type); DoShowRoots(string.Format("({0}) Objects", pattern), filter); // add parens so GetFileExtension doesn't get confused } catch (ArgumentException e) { Boss boss = ObjectModel.Create("Application"); var transcript = boss.Get<ITranscript>(); transcript.Show(); transcript.WriteLine(Output.Error, "{0}", e.Message); } } }
public void renameItem(NSObject sender) { NSIndexSet selections = m_table.selectedRowIndexes(); if (selections.count() == 1) { uint row = selections.firstIndex(); TableItem item = (TableItem) (m_table.itemAtRow((int) row)); string oldName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item.Path); var get = new GetString{Title = "New Name", Label = "Name:", Text = oldName}; string newName = get.Run(); if (newName != null) DoRename(item, newName); } }
private void DoRename(string path) { string oldName = Path.GetFileName(path); var get = new GetString{Title = "New Name", Label = "Name:", Text = oldName}; string newName = get.Run(); if (newName != null && newName != oldName) { string oldDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); Rename(path, Path.Combine(oldDir, newName)); } }
private void DoCreateFile(string path) { var get = new GetString{Title = "File Name", Label = "Name:"}; string name = get.Run(); if (name != null) { string oldDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); using (FileStream stream = File.Create(Path.Combine(oldDir, name))) { // We just want to create it so there's nothing to do here. } } }
private void DoCreateDir(string path) { var get = new GetString{Title = "Directory Name", Label = "Name:"}; string name = get.Run(); if (name != null) { string oldDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); Unused.Value = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(oldDir, name)); } }
private void DoRename(string path) { string oldName = Path.GetFileName(path); var get = new GetString{Title = "New Name", Label = "Name:", Text = oldName}; string newName = get.Run(); if (newName != null && newName != oldName) { string oldDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); string newPath = Path.Combine(oldDir, newName); var result = DoCommand("move '{0}' '{1}'", path, newPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Item2)) throw new InvalidOperationException(result.Item2); } }
private void DoCommit(string path) { string name = Path.GetFileName(path); var get = new GetString{Title = "Commit Message", Label = "Message:", Text = name + ": "}; string message = get.Run(); if (message != null) { var result = DoCommand("commit -m '{0}' '{1}'", message, path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Item2)) throw new InvalidOperationException(result.Item2); } }