        protected override byte[] OnBeforeSendPacket(byte[] body, bool encrypt, bool compress, Pointer bodyPointer)
            if (encrypt && m_ConnectionKey.Length > 0)
                // Log.LogMsg("Pre Encryption packet size " + body.Length.ToString());
                body = CryptoManager.RijEncrypt(body, 0, bodyPointer.Position, m_ConnectionKey);
                // Log.LogMsg("Encrypted packet size " + body.Length.ToString());
                bodyPointer.Position = body.Length;

            if (compress)
                body = Compression.CompressData(body, bodyPointer);

        /// <summary>
        /// Encryption helper method.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnRijndaelExchange(INetworkConnection con, Packet pck)
            PacketRijndaelExchange msg = pck as PacketRijndaelExchange;

                m_ConnectionKey = CryptoManager.DecryptRijndaelKey(msg.RijndaelExchangeData);
                PacketLineSecured p = (PacketLineSecured)CreatePacket((int)PacketType.LineSecured, 0, false, true);
                p.Key           = CryptoManager.RijEncrypt(m_ConnectionKey, 0, m_ConnectionKey.Length, m_ConnectionKey);
                p.ReplyCode     = ReplyType.OK;
                msg.ReplyPacket = p;
                RemoteRsaKey    = msg.PublicRSAKey;
            catch (Exception e)
                KillConnection("Encryption key exchange error. Disconnecting client connection. " + e.Message);
        private void OnRijndaelExchangeRequest(INetworkConnection con, Packet msg)
            PacketRijndaelExchangeRequest p = msg as PacketRijndaelExchangeRequest;

            // Server said hello.  Generate, encrypt with public RSA key and finally send the key.  this will be our
            // connection key for as long as this connection is valid

            // Generate & Store new key
            m_ConnectionKey = CryptoManager.GetRandomRijndaelKey();
            RemoteRsaKey    = p.PublicRSAKey;
            // Encrypt it with the public RSA key from the server
            byte[] encryptedKey = CryptoManager.EncryptRijndaelKey(p.PublicRSAKey, m_ConnectionKey);

            // Send it
            PacketRijndaelExchange re = (PacketRijndaelExchange)CreatePacket((int)PacketType.RijndaelExchange, 0, false, false);

            re.RijndaelExchangeData = encryptedKey;
            re.PublicRSAKey         = CryptoManager.PublicRSAKey;
            re.ReplyCode            = m_ConnectionKey != null && m_ConnectionKey.Length > 0 ? ReplyType.OK : ReplyType.Failure;
            re.ReplyPacketType      = msg.PacketTypeID;
            re.ReplyPacketID        = msg.PacketID;

            msg.ReplyPacket = re;